#ifndef H5BZIP2_H
#define H5BZIP2_H

#include "bzlib.h"

#ifdef _MSC_VER
  #ifdef DLL_EXPORT /* define when building the library */
    #define DECLSPEC __declspec(dllexport)
    #define DECLSPEC __declspec(dllimport)
  #define DECLSPEC extern

/* use an integer greater than 256 to be id of the registered filter. */
#define H5Z_FILTER_BZIP2 307

/* declare the hdf5 interface */
DECLSPEC H5PL_type_t H5PLget_plugin_type(void);
DECLSPEC const void* H5PLget_plugin_info(void);
DECLSPEC const H5Z_class2_t H5Z_BZIP2[1]; 

/* Declare  filter specific functions */
DECLSPEC htri_t H5Z_bzip2_can_apply(hid_t dcpl_id, hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id);
DECLSPEC size_t H5Z_filter_bzip2(unsigned flags,size_t cd_nelmts,const unsigned cd_values[],
                    size_t nbytes,size_t *buf_size,void**buf);

#endif /*H5BZIP2_H*/