/********************************************************************* * Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ #include "zincludes.h" #undef FILLONCLOSE /* Forward */ static int ncz_collect_dims(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NCjson** jdimsp); static int ncz_sync_var(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_VAR_INFO_T* var); static int ncz_jsonize_atts(NCindex* attlist, NCjson** jattrsp); static int load_jatts(NCZMAP* map, NC_OBJ* container, NCjson** jattrsp, NClist** atypes); static int zconvert(nc_type typeid, size_t typelen, void* dst, NCjson* src); static int computeattrinfo(const char* name, NClist* atypes, NCjson* values, nc_type* typeidp, size_t* lenp, void** datap); static int parse_group_content(NCjson* jcontent, NClist* dimdefs, NClist* varnames, NClist* subgrps); static int parse_group_content_pure(NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* varnames, NClist* subgrps); static int define_grp(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp); static int define_dims(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* diminfo); static int define_vars(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* varnames); static int define_subgrps(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* subgrpnames); static int searchvars(NCZ_FILE_INFO_T*, NC_GRP_INFO_T*, NClist*); static int searchsubgrps(NCZ_FILE_INFO_T*, NC_GRP_INFO_T*, NClist*); static int locategroup(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, size_t nsegs, NClist* segments, NC_GRP_INFO_T** grpp); static int parsedimrefs(NC_FILE_INFO_T*, NClist* dimrefs, NC_DIM_INFO_T** dims); static int simulatedimrefs(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, int rank, size64_t* shapes, NC_DIM_INFO_T** dims); static int decodeints(NCjson* jshape, size64_t* shapes); static int computeattrdata(nc_type* typeidp, NCjson* values, size_t* lenp, void** datap); static int inferattrtype(NCjson* values, nc_type* typeidp); static int mininttype(unsigned long long u64); /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ /* Synchronize functions to make map and memory be consistent. There are two sets of functions, 1) _sync_ - push memory to map (optionally create target) 2) _read_ - pull map data into memory These functions are generally non-recursive. It is assumed that the recursion occurs in the caller's code. */ /** * @internal Synchronize file metadata from memory to map. * * @param file Pointer to file info struct. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ int ncz_sync_file(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCjson* json = NULL; LOG((3, "%s: file: %s", __func__, file->controller->path)); /* Write out root group recursively */ if((stat = ncz_sync_grp(file, file->root_grp))) goto done; done: NCJreclaim(json); return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Synchronize dimension data from memory to map. * * @param grp Pointer to grp struct containing the dims. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int ncz_collect_dims(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NCjson** jdimsp) { int i, stat=NC_NOERR; NCjson* jdims = NULL; LOG((3, "%s: ", __func__)); NCJnew(NCJ_DICT,&jdims); for(i=0; idim); i++) { NC_DIM_INFO_T* dim = (NC_DIM_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->dim,i); char slen[128]; snprintf(slen,sizeof(slen),"%llu",(unsigned long long)dim->len); if((stat = NCJaddstring(jdims,NCJ_STRING,dim->hdr.name))) goto done; if((stat = NCJaddstring(jdims,NCJ_INT,slen))) goto done; } if(jdimsp) {*jdimsp = jdims; jdims = NULL;} done: NCJreclaim(jdims); return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Recursively synchronize group from memory to map. * * @param file Pointer to file struct * @param grp Pointer to grp struct * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ int ncz_sync_grp(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo = NULL; char version[1024]; NCZMAP* map = NULL; char* fullpath = NULL; char* key = NULL; NCjson* json = NULL; NCjson* jgroup = NULL; NCjson* jdims = NULL; NCjson* jvars = NULL; NCjson* jsubgrps = NULL; LOG((3, "%s: dims: %s", __func__, key)); zinfo = file->format_file_info; map = zinfo->map; /* Construct grp key */ if((stat = NCZ_grpkey(grp,&fullpath))) goto done; /* Create dimensions dict */ if((stat = ncz_collect_dims(file,grp,&jdims))) goto done; /* Create vars list */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_ARRAY,&jvars))) goto done; for(i=0; ivars); i++) { NC_VAR_INFO_T* var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->vars,i); if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvars,NCJ_STRING,var->hdr.name))) goto done; } /* Create subgroups list */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_ARRAY,&jsubgrps))) goto done; for(i=0; ichildren); i++) { NC_GRP_INFO_T* g = (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->children,i); if((stat = NCJaddstring(jsubgrps,NCJ_STRING,g->hdr.name))) goto done; } /* build ZGROUP path */ if((stat = nczm_concat(fullpath,ZGROUP,&key))) goto done; if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_DICT,&json))) goto done; snprintf(version,sizeof(version),"%d",zinfo->zarr.zarr_version); if((stat = NCJaddstring(json,NCJ_STRING,"zarr_format"))) goto done; if((stat = NCJaddstring(json,NCJ_INT,version))) goto done; /* Write to map */ if((stat=NCZ_uploadjson(map,key,json))) goto done; nullfree(key); key = NULL; if(!(zinfo->features.flags & FLAG_PUREZARR)) { /* Create the NCZGROUP json object */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_DICT,&jgroup))) goto done; /* Insert the various dicts and arrays */ if((stat = NCJinsert(jgroup,"dims",jdims))) goto done; jdims = NULL; /* avoid memory problems */ if((stat = NCJinsert(jgroup,"vars",jvars))) goto done; jvars = NULL; /* avoid memory problems */ if((stat = NCJinsert(jgroup,"groups",jsubgrps))) goto done; jsubgrps = NULL; /* avoid memory problems */ /* build NCZGROUP path */ if((stat = nczm_concat(fullpath,NCZGROUP,&key))) goto done; /* Write to map */ if((stat=NCZ_uploadjson(map,key,jgroup))) goto done; nullfree(key); key = NULL; } /* Build NCZATTR object and the .zattrs object */ assert(grp->att); if((stat = ncz_sync_atts(file,(NC_OBJ*)grp, grp->att))) goto done; /* Now synchronize all the variables */ for(i=0; ivars); i++) { NC_VAR_INFO_T* var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->vars,i); if((stat = ncz_sync_var(file,var))) goto done; } /* Now recurse to synchronize all the subgrps */ for(i=0; ichildren); i++) { NC_GRP_INFO_T* g = (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->children,i); if((stat = ncz_sync_grp(file,g))) goto done; } done: NCJreclaim(json); NCJreclaim(jgroup); NCJreclaim(jdims); NCJreclaim(jvars); NCJreclaim(jsubgrps); nullfree(fullpath); nullfree(key); return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Synchronize variable data from memory to map. * * @param var Pointer to var struct * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int ncz_sync_var(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_VAR_INFO_T* var) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo = NULL; char number[1024]; NCZMAP* map = NULL; char* fullpath = NULL; char* key = NULL; char* dimpath = NULL; NCjson* jvar = NULL; NCjson* jncvar = NULL; NCjson* jdimrefs = NULL; NCjson* jtmp = NULL; size64_t shape[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; NCZ_VAR_INFO_T* zvar = var->format_var_info; LOG((3, "%s: dims: %s", __func__, key)); zinfo = file->format_file_info; map = zinfo->map; /* Construct var path */ if((stat = NCZ_varkey(var,&fullpath))) goto done; /* Create the zarray json object */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_DICT,&jvar))) goto done; /* zarr_format key */ snprintf(number,sizeof(number),"%d",zinfo->zarr.zarr_version); if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvar,NCJ_STRING,"zarr_format"))) goto done; if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvar,NCJ_INT,number))) goto done; /* Collect the shape vector */ for(i=0;indims;i++) { NC_DIM_INFO_T* dim = var->dim[i]; shape[i] = dim->len; } /* shape key */ /* Integer list defining the length of each dimension of the array.*/ /* Create the list */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_ARRAY,&jtmp))) goto done; for(i=0;indims;i++) { snprintf(number,sizeof(number),"%llu",shape[i]); NCJaddstring(jtmp,NCJ_INT,number); } if((stat = NCJinsert(jvar,"shape",jtmp))) goto done; jtmp = NULL; /* dtype key */ /* A string or list defining a valid data type for the array. */ if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvar,NCJ_STRING,"dtype"))) goto done; { /* Add the type name */ const char* dtypename; int endianness = var->type_info->endianness; int islittle; switch (endianness) { case NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE: islittle = 1; break; case NC_ENDIAN_BIG: islittle = 0; break; case NC_ENDIAN_NATIVE: abort(); /* should never happen */ } int atomictype = var->type_info->hdr.id; assert(atomictype > 0 && atomictype <= NC_MAX_ATOMIC_TYPE && atomictype != NC_STRING); if((stat = ncz_zarr_type_name(atomictype,islittle,&dtypename))) goto done; if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvar,NCJ_STRING,dtypename))) goto done; } /* chunks key */ /* It is not clear if the zarr format supports the concept of contiguous, so we will simulate by: 1. setting a flag in _nczvar (below) 2. making the chunk sizes all be same as the max dim size (here) */ /* list of chunk sizes */ if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvar,NCJ_STRING,"chunks"))) goto done; /* Create the list */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_ARRAY,&jtmp))) goto done; for(i=0;indims;i++) { size64_t len = (var->storage == NC_CONTIGUOUS ? shape[i] : var->chunksizes[i]); snprintf(number,sizeof(number),"%lld",len); NCJaddstring(jtmp,NCJ_INT,number); } if((stat = NCJappend(jvar,jtmp))) goto done; jtmp = NULL; /* fill_value key */ if(!var->no_fill) { int fillsort; int atomictype = var->type_info->hdr.id; NCjson* jfill = NULL; /* A scalar value providing the default value to use for uninitialized portions of the array, or ``null`` if no fill_value is to be used. */ /* Use the defaults defined in netdf.h */ assert(atomictype > 0 && atomictype <= NC_MAX_ATOMIC_TYPE && atomictype != NC_STRING); if((stat = ncz_fill_value_sort(atomictype,&fillsort))) goto done; if(var->fill_value == NULL) { /* use default */ size_t typelen; if((stat = NC4_inq_atomic_type(atomictype, NULL, &typelen))) goto done; var->fill_value = (atomictype == NC_CHAR ? malloc(typelen+1) : malloc(typelen)); if(var->fill_value == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if((stat = nc4_get_default_fill_value(atomictype,var->fill_value))) goto done; } /* Convert var->fill_value to a string */ if((stat = NCZ_stringconvert(atomictype,1,var->fill_value,&jfill))) goto done; if((stat = NCJinsert(jvar,"fill_value",jfill))) goto done; } /* order key */ if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvar,NCJ_STRING,"order"))) goto done; /* "C" means row-major order, i.e., the last dimension varies fastest; "F" means column-major order, i.e., the first dimension varies fastest.*/ /* Default to C for now */ if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvar,NCJ_STRING,"C"))) goto done; /* compressor key */ /* A JSON object identifying the primary compression codec and providing configuration parameters, or ``null`` if no compressor is to be used. */ if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvar,NCJ_STRING,"compressor"))) goto done; /* Default to null for now */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_NULL,&jtmp))) goto done; if((stat = NCJappend(jvar,jtmp))) goto done; jtmp = NULL; /* filters key */ if((stat = NCJaddstring(jvar,NCJ_STRING,"filters"))) goto done; /* A list of JSON objects providing codec configurations, or ``null`` if no filters are to be applied. */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_NULL,&jtmp))) goto done; if((stat = NCJappend(jvar,jtmp))) goto done; jtmp = NULL; /* build .zarray path */ if((stat = nczm_concat(fullpath,ZARRAY,&key))) goto done; /* Write to map */ if((stat=NCZ_uploadjson(map,key,jvar))) goto done; nullfree(key); key = NULL; /* Build the NCZVAR object */ { /* Create the dimrefs json object */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_ARRAY,&jdimrefs))) goto done; /* Walk the dimensions and capture the fullpath names */ for(i=0;indims;i++) { NC_DIM_INFO_T* dim = var->dim[i]; if((stat = NCZ_dimkey(dim,&dimpath))) goto done; NCJaddstring(jdimrefs,NCJ_STRING,dimpath); nullfree(dimpath); dimpath = NULL; } /* Create the NCZVAR json object */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_DICT,&jncvar))) goto done; /* Insert dimrefs */ if((stat = NCJinsert(jncvar,"dimrefs",jdimrefs))) goto done; jdimrefs = NULL; /* Avoid memory problems */ /* Add the _Storage flag */ if(var->storage == NC_CONTIGUOUS) { if((stat = NCJnewstring(NCJ_STRING,"contiguous",&jtmp)))goto done; } else if(var->storage == NC_COMPACT) { if((stat = NCJnewstring(NCJ_STRING,"compact",&jtmp)))goto done; } else {/* chunked */ if((stat = NCJnewstring(NCJ_STRING,"chunked",&jtmp)))goto done; } if((stat = NCJinsert(jncvar,"storage",jtmp))) goto done; jtmp = NULL; if(!(zinfo->features.flags & FLAG_PUREZARR)) { /* Write out NCZVAR */ if((stat = nczm_concat(fullpath,NCZVAR,&key))) goto done; /* Write to map */ if((stat=NCZ_uploadjson(map,key,jncvar))) goto done; nullfree(key); key = NULL; } } /* Build .zattrs object including _nczattr object */ assert(var->att); if((stat = ncz_sync_atts(file,(NC_OBJ*)var, var->att))) goto done; /* flush only chunks that have been written */ if(zvar->cache) { if((stat = NCZ_flush_chunk_cache(zvar->cache))) goto done; } done: nullfree(fullpath); nullfree(key); nullfree(dimpath); NCJreclaim(jvar); NCJreclaim(jncvar); NCJreclaim(jtmp); return THROW(stat); } /* Flush all chunks to disk. Create any that are missing and fill as needed. */ int ncz_write_var(NC_VAR_INFO_T* var) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZ_VAR_INFO_T* zvar = (NCZ_VAR_INFO_T*)var->format_var_info; /* Flush the cache */ if(zvar->cache) { if((stat = NCZ_flush_chunk_cache(zvar->cache))) goto done; } #ifdef FILLONCLOSE /* If fill is enabled, then create missing chunks */ if(!var->no_fill) { int i; NCZOdometer* chunkodom = NULL; NC_FILE_INFO_T* file = var->container->nc4_info; NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zfile = (NCZ_FILE_INFO_T*)file->format_file_info; NCZMAP* map = zfile->map; size64_t start[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; size64_t stop[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; size64_t stride[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; char* key = NULL; for(i=0;indims;i++) { size64_t nchunks = ceildiv(var->dim[i]->len,var->chunksizes[i]); start[i] = 0; stop[i] = nchunks; stride[i] = 1; } /* Iterate over all the chunks to create missing ones */ if((chunkodom = nczodom_new(var->ndims,start,stop,stride,stop))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} for(;nczodom_more(chunkodom);nczodom_next(chunkodom)) { size64_t* indices = nczodom_indices(chunkodom); /* Convert to key */ if((stat = NCZ_buildchunkpath(zvar->cache,indices,&key))) goto done; switch (stat = nczmap_exists(map,key)) { case NC_NOERR: goto next; /* already exists */ case NC_EEMPTY: break; /* does not exist, create it with fill */ default: goto done; /* some other error */ } /* If we reach here, then chunk does not exist, create it with fill */ if((stat=nczmap_defineobj(map,key))) goto done; /* ensure fillchunk exists */ if(zvar->cache->fillchunk == NULL) { nc_type typecode; size_t typesize; void* fillvalue = NULL; typecode = var->type_info->hdr.id; if((stat = NC4_inq_atomic_type(typecode, NULL, &typesize))) goto done; if((stat = ncz_get_fill_value(file, var, &fillvalue))) goto done; if((stat = NCZ_create_fill_chunk(zvar->cache->chunksize, typesize, fillvalue, &zvar->cache->fillchunk))) goto done; } if((stat=nczmap_write(map,key,0,zvar->cache->chunksize,zvar->cache->fillchunk))) goto done; next: nullfree(key); key = NULL; } nczodom_free(chunkodom); nullfree(key); } #endif /*FILLONCLOSE*/ done: return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Synchronize attribute data from memory to map. * * @param container Pointer to grp|var struct containing the attributes * @param key the name of the map entry * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ int ncz_sync_atts(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_OBJ* container, NCindex* attlist) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo = NULL; NCjson* jatts = NULL; NCjson* jtypes = NULL; NCjson* jtype = NULL; NCjson* jnczarr = NULL; NCjson* jnczattr = NULL; NCZMAP* map = NULL; char* fullpath = NULL; char* key = NULL; char* content = NULL; char* dimpath = NULL; NCjson* jname = NULL; LOG((3, "%s", __func__)); zinfo = file->format_file_info; map = zinfo->map; if(ncindexsize(attlist) == 0) goto done; /* do nothing */ /* Create the jncattr object */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_DICT,&jnczattr))) goto done; /* Create the jncattr.types object */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_DICT,&jtypes))) goto done; /* Walk all the attributes and collect the types by attribute name */ for(i=0;inc_typeid >= NC_STRING) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} snprintf(tname,sizeof(tname),"%u",a->nc_typeid); if((stat = NCJnewstring(NCJ_STRING,tname,&jtype))) goto done; if((stat = NCJinsert(jtypes,a->hdr.name,jtype))) /* add {name: type} */ goto done; jtype = NULL; } /* Insert into the NCZATTR json */ if((stat = NCJinsert(jnczattr,"types",jtypes))) goto done; jtypes = NULL; /* Construct container path */ if(container->sort == NCGRP) stat = NCZ_grpkey((NC_GRP_INFO_T*)container,&fullpath); else stat = NCZ_varkey((NC_VAR_INFO_T*)container,&fullpath); if(stat) goto done; /* Upload the NCZATTR object */ if((stat = nczm_concat(fullpath,NCZATTR,&key))) goto done; if(!(zinfo->features.flags & FLAG_PUREZARR)) { /* Write to map */ if((stat=NCZ_uploadjson(map,key,jnczattr))) goto done; } nullfree(key); key = NULL; /* Jsonize the attribute list */ if((stat = ncz_jsonize_atts(attlist,&jatts))) goto done; /* write .zattrs path */ if((stat = nczm_concat(fullpath,ZATTRS,&key))) goto done; /* Write to map */ if((stat=NCZ_uploadjson(map,key,jatts))) goto done; nullfree(key); key = NULL; done: nullfree(fullpath); nullfree(key); nullfree(content); nullfree(dimpath); NCJreclaim(jatts); NCJreclaim(jtypes); NCJreclaim(jtype); NCJreclaim(jnczarr); NCJreclaim(jnczattr); NCJreclaim(jname); return THROW(stat); } /**************************************************/ /** @internal Convert a list of attributes to corresponding json. Note that this does not push to the file. @param attlist - [in] the attributes to dictify @param jattrsp - [out] the json'ized att list @return NC_NOERR @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int ncz_jsonize_atts(NCindex* attlist, NCjson** jattrsp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int i; NCjson* jattrs = NULL; NCjson* akey = NULL; NCjson* jdata = NULL; if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_DICT,&jattrs))) goto done; /* Iterate over the attribute list */ for(i=0;inc_typeid,att->len,att->data,&jdata))) goto done; if((stat = NCJinsert(jattrs,att->hdr.name,jdata))) goto done; jdata = NULL; } if(jattrsp) {*jattrsp = jattrs; jattrs = NULL;} done: NCJreclaim(akey); NCJreclaim(jdata); NCJreclaim(jattrs); NCJreclaim(jdata); return THROW(stat); } /** @internal Extract attributes from a group or var and return the corresponding NCjson dict. @param map - [in] the map object for storage @param container - [in] the containing object @param jattrsp - [out] the json for .zattrs @param jtypesp - [out] the json for .ztypes @return NC_NOERR @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int load_jatts(NCZMAP* map, NC_OBJ* container, NCjson** jattrsp, NClist** atypesp) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; char* fullpath = NULL; char* key = NULL; NCjson* jnczarr = NULL; NCjson* jattrs = NULL; NCjson* jncattr = NULL; NClist* atypes = NULL; /* envv list */ /* alway return (possibly empty) list of types */ atypes = nclistnew(); if(container->sort == NCGRP) { NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp = (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)container; /* Get grp's fullpath name */ if((stat = NCZ_grpkey(grp,&fullpath))) goto done; } else { NC_VAR_INFO_T* var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T*)container; /* Get var's fullpath name */ if((stat = NCZ_varkey(var,&fullpath))) goto done; } /* Construct the path to the .zattrs object */ if((stat = nczm_concat(fullpath,ZATTRS,&key))) goto done; /* Download the .zattrs object: may not exist */ switch ((stat=NCZ_downloadjson(map,key,&jattrs))) { case NC_NOERR: break; case NC_EEMPTY: stat = NC_NOERR; break; /* did not exist */ default: goto done; /* failure */ } nullfree(key); key = NULL; if(jattrs != NULL) { /* Construct the path to the NCZATTR object */ if((stat = nczm_concat(fullpath,NCZATTR,&key))) goto done; /* Download the NCZATTR object: may not exist if pure zarr */ switch((stat=NCZ_downloadjson(map,key,&jncattr))) { case NC_NOERR: break; case NC_EEMPTY: stat = NC_NOERR; jncattr = NULL; break; default: goto done; /* failure */ } nullfree(key); key = NULL; if(jncattr != NULL) { NCjson* jtypes = NULL; /* jncattr attribute should be a dict */ if(jncattr->sort != NCJ_DICT) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} /* Extract "types */ if((stat = NCJdictget(jncattr,"types",&jtypes))) goto done; if(jtypes->sort != NCJ_DICT) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} /* Convert to an envv list */ for(i=0;icontents);i+=2) { const NCjson* key = nclistget(jtypes->contents,i); const NCjson* value = nclistget(jtypes->contents,i+1); if(key->sort != NCJ_STRING) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} if(value->sort != NCJ_STRING) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} nclistpush(atypes,strdup(key->value)); nclistpush(atypes,strdup(value->value)); } } } if(jattrsp) {*jattrsp = jattrs; jattrs = NULL;} if(atypesp) {*atypesp = atypes; atypes = NULL;} done: NCJreclaim(jncattr); if(stat) { NCJreclaim(jnczarr); nclistfreeall(atypes); } nullfree(fullpath); nullfree(key); return THROW(stat); } /* Convert a json value to actual data values of an attribute. */ static int zconvert(nc_type typeid, size_t typelen, void* dst0, NCjson* src) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int i; size_t len; char* dst = dst0; /* Work in char* space so we can do pointer arithmetic */ switch (src->sort) { case NCJ_ARRAY: for(i=0;icontents);i++) { NCjson* value = nclistget(src->contents,i); assert(value->sort != NCJ_STRING); if((stat = NCZ_convert1(value, typeid, dst))) goto done; dst += typelen; } break; case NCJ_STRING: len = strlen(src->value); memcpy(dst,src->value,len); dst[len] = '\0'; /* nul terminate */ break; case NCJ_INT: case NCJ_DOUBLE: case NCJ_BOOLEAN: if((stat = NCZ_convert1(src, typeid, dst))) goto done; break; default: stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done; } done: return THROW(stat); } /* Extract type and data for an attribute */ static int computeattrinfo(const char* name, NClist* atypes, NCjson* values, nc_type* typeidp, size_t* lenp, void** datap) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int i; size_t len; void* data; nc_type typeid; /* Get type info for the given att */ typeid = NC_NAT; for(i=0;i= NC_STRING) {stat = NC_EINTERNAL; goto done;} if((stat = computeattrdata(&typeid, values, &len, &data))) goto done; if(typeidp) *typeidp = typeid; if(lenp) *lenp = len; if(datap) {*datap = data; data = NULL;} done: nullfree(data); return THROW(stat); } /* Extract data for an attribute */ static int computeattrdata(nc_type* typeidp, NCjson* values, size_t* lenp, void** datap) { int stat = NC_NOERR; size_t datalen; void* data = NULL; size_t typelen; nc_type typeid = NC_NAT; /* Get assumed type */ if(typeidp) typeid = *typeidp; if(typeid == NC_NAT) inferattrtype(values,&typeid); if(typeid == NC_NAT) {stat = NC_EBADTYPE; goto done;} /* Collect the length of the attribute */ switch (values->sort) { case NCJ_DICT: stat = NC_EINTERNAL; goto done; case NCJ_ARRAY: datalen = nclistlength(values->contents); break; case NCJ_STRING: /* requires special handling as an array of characters */ datalen = strlen(values->value); break; default: datalen = 1; break; } /* Allocate data space */ if((stat = NC4_inq_atomic_type(typeid, NULL, &typelen))) goto done; if(typeid == NC_CHAR) data = malloc(typelen*(datalen+1)); else data = malloc(typelen*datalen); if(data == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} /* convert to target type */ if((stat = zconvert(typeid, typelen, data, values))) goto done; if(lenp) *lenp = datalen; if(datap) {*datap = data; data = NULL;} done: nullfree(data); return THROW(stat); } static int inferattrtype(NCjson* values, nc_type* typeidp) { nc_type typeid; NCjson* j = NULL; unsigned long long u64; long long i64; if(NCJlength(values) == 0) return NC_EINVAL; switch (values->sort) { case NCJ_ARRAY: /* use the first value to decide */ if(NCJarrayith(values,0,&j)) return NC_EINVAL; switch(j->sort) { case NCJ_INT: if(j->value[0] == '-') { sscanf(j->value,"%lld",&i64); u64 = (unsigned long long)i64; } else sscanf(j->value,"%llu",&u64); typeid = mininttype(u64); break; case NCJ_DOUBLE: typeid = NC_DOUBLE; break; case NCJ_BOOLEAN: typeid = NC_UBYTE; break; default: return NC_EINVAL; } break; case NCJ_STRING: /* requires special handling as an array of characters */ typeid = NC_CHAR; break; default: return NC_EINTERNAL; } if(typeidp) *typeidp = typeid; return NC_NOERR; } static int mininttype(unsigned long long u64) { long long i64 = (long long)u64; /* keep bit pattern */ if(u64 >= NC_MAX_INT64) return NC_UINT64; if(i64 < 0) { if(i64 >= NC_MIN_BYTE) return NC_BYTE; if(i64 >= NC_MIN_SHORT) return NC_SHORT; if(i64 >= NC_MIN_INT) return NC_INT; return NC_INT64; } if(i64 <= NC_MAX_BYTE) return NC_BYTE; if(i64 <= NC_MAX_UBYTE) return NC_UBYTE; if(i64 <= NC_MAX_SHORT) return NC_SHORT; if(i64 <= NC_MAX_USHORT) return NC_USHORT; if(i64 <= NC_MAX_INT) return NC_INT; if(i64 <= NC_MAX_UINT) return NC_UINT; return NC_INT64; } /** * @internal Read file data from map to memory. * * @param file Pointer to file info struct. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ int ncz_read_file(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCjson* json = NULL; LOG((3, "%s: file: %s", __func__, file->controller->path)); /* _nczarr should already have been read in ncz_open_dataset */ /* Now load the groups starting with root */ if((stat = define_grp(file,file->root_grp))) goto done; done: NCJreclaim(json); return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Read group data from map to memory * * @param file Pointer to file struct * @param grp Pointer to grp struct * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int define_grp(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo = NULL; NCZMAP* map = NULL; char* fullpath = NULL; char* key = NULL; NCjson* json = NULL; NCjson* jncgroup = NULL; NClist* dimdefs = nclistnew(); NClist* varnames = nclistnew(); NClist* subgrps = nclistnew(); int nodimrefs = 0; LOG((3, "%s: dims: %s", __func__, key)); zinfo = file->format_file_info; map = zinfo->map; /* Construct grp path */ if((stat = NCZ_grpkey(grp,&fullpath))) goto done; if(zinfo->features.flags & FLAG_PUREZARR) { if((stat = parse_group_content_pure(zinfo,grp,varnames,subgrps))) goto done; nodimrefs = 1; } else { /*!(zinfo->features.flags & FLAG_PUREZARR) */ /* build NCZGROUP path */ if((stat = nczm_concat(fullpath,NCZGROUP,&key))) goto done; /* Read */ switch (stat=NCZ_downloadjson(map,key,&jncgroup)) { case NC_NOERR: /* we read it */ /* Pull out lists about group content */ if((stat = parse_group_content(jncgroup,dimdefs,varnames,subgrps))) goto done; break; case NC_EEMPTY: /* probably pure zarr, so does not exist, use search */ if((stat = parse_group_content_pure(zinfo,grp,varnames,subgrps))) goto done; nodimrefs = 1; break; default: goto done; } nullfree(key); key = NULL; } if(!nodimrefs) { /* Define dimensions */ if((stat = define_dims(file,grp,dimdefs))) goto done; } /* Define vars */ if((stat = define_vars(file,grp,varnames))) goto done; /* Define sub-groups */ if((stat = define_subgrps(file,grp,subgrps))) goto done; done: NCJreclaim(json); NCJreclaim(jncgroup); nclistfreeall(dimdefs); nclistfreeall(varnames); nclistfreeall(subgrps); nullfree(fullpath); nullfree(key); return THROW(stat); } /** @internal Read attributes from a group or var and create a list of annotated NC_ATT_INFO_T* objects. This will process _NCProperties attribute specially. @param zfile - [in] the containing file (annotation) @param container - [in] the containing object @return NC_NOERR @author Dennis Heimbigner */ int ncz_read_atts(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_OBJ* container) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int i; char* fullpath = NULL; char* key = NULL; NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo = NULL; NCZMAP* map = NULL; NC_ATT_INFO_T* att = NULL; NCindex* attlist = NULL; NCjson* jattrs = NULL; NClist* atypes = NULL; nc_type typeid; size_t len; void* data = NULL; NC_ATT_INFO_T* fillvalueatt = NULL; zinfo = file->format_file_info; map = zinfo->map; if(container->sort == NCGRP) attlist = ((NC_GRP_INFO_T*)container)->att; else attlist = ((NC_VAR_INFO_T*)container)->att; switch ((stat = load_jatts(map, container, &jattrs, &atypes))) { case NC_NOERR: break; case NC_EEMPTY: /* container has no attributes */ stat = NC_NOERR; break; default: goto done; /* true error */ } if(jattrs != NULL) { /* Iterate over the attributes to create the in-memory attributes */ /* Watch for reading _FillValue */ for(i=0;icontents);i+=2) { NCjson* key = nclistget(jattrs->contents,i); NCjson* value = nclistget(jattrs->contents,i+1); const NC_reservedatt* ra = NULL; /* See if this is reserved attribute */ ra = NC_findreserved(key->value); if(ra != NULL) { /* case 1: grp=root, varid==NC_GLOBAL, flags & READONLYFLAG */ if(container->sort == NCGRP && file->root_grp == (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)container) { /* This is the real thing */ if(strcmp(key->value,NCPROPS)==0) { /* Setup provenance */ if(value->sort != NCJ_STRING) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} /*malformed*/ if((stat = NCZ_read_provenance(file,key->value,value->value))) goto done; } /* Otherwise ignore the reserved attribute */ continue; } } /* Create the attribute */ /* Collect the attribute's type and value */ if((stat = computeattrinfo(key->value,atypes,value, &typeid,&len,&data))) goto done; if((stat = ncz_makeattr(container,attlist,key->value,typeid,len,data,&att))) goto done; /* Is this _FillValue ? */ if(strcmp(att->hdr.name,_FillValue)==0) fillvalueatt = att; } } /* If we have not read a _FillValue, then go ahead and create it */ if(fillvalueatt == NULL && container->sort == NCVAR) { if((stat = ncz_create_fillvalue((NC_VAR_INFO_T*)container))) goto done; } /* Remember that we have read the atts for this var or group. */ if(container->sort == NCVAR) ((NC_VAR_INFO_T*)container)->atts_read = 1; else ((NC_GRP_INFO_T*)container)->atts_read = 1; done: NCJreclaim(jattrs); nclistfreeall(atypes); nullfree(fullpath); nullfree(key); return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Materialize dimensions into memory * * @param file Pointer to file info struct. * @param grp Pointer to grp info struct. * @param diminfo List of (name,length) pairs * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int define_dims(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* diminfo) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; /* Reify each dim in turn */ for(i = 0; i < nclistlength(diminfo); i+=2) { NC_DIM_INFO_T* dim = NULL; size64_t len = 0; const char* name = nclistget(diminfo,i); const char* value = nclistget(diminfo,i+1); /* Create the NC_DIM_INFO_T object */ sscanf(value,"%lld",&len); /* Get length */ if(len < 0) {stat = NC_EDIMSIZE; goto done;} if((stat = nc4_dim_list_add(grp, name, (size_t)len, -1, &dim))) goto done; if((dim->format_dim_info = calloc(1,sizeof(NCZ_DIM_INFO_T))) == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} ((NCZ_DIM_INFO_T*)dim->format_dim_info)->common.file = file; } done: return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Materialize vars into memory * * @param file Pointer to file info struct. * @param grp Pointer to grp info struct. * @param varnames List of names of variables in this group * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int define_vars(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* varnames) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int i,j; char* varpath = NULL; char* key = NULL; NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo = NULL; NCZ_VAR_INFO_T* zvar = NULL; NCZMAP* map = NULL; NCjson* jvar = NULL; NCjson* jncvar = NULL; NCjson* jdimrefs = NULL; NCjson* jvalue = NULL; NClist* dimrefs = NULL; int hasdimrefs; nc_type typeid; zinfo = file->format_file_info; map = zinfo->map; /* Load each var in turn */ for(i = 0; i < nclistlength(varnames); i++) { NC_VAR_INFO_T* var; const char* varname = nclistget(varnames,i); /* Create the NC_VAR_INFO_T object */ if((stat = nc4_var_list_add2(grp, varname, &var))) goto done; /* And its annotation */ if((zvar = calloc(1,sizeof(NCZ_VAR_INFO_T)))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} var->format_var_info = zvar; zvar->common.file = file; /* Construct var path */ if((stat = NCZ_varkey(var,&varpath))) goto done; /* Construct the path to the zarray object */ if((stat = nczm_concat(varpath,ZARRAY,&key))) goto done; /* Download the zarray object */ if((stat=NCZ_readdict(map,key,&jvar))) goto done; nullfree(key); key = NULL; assert((jvar->sort == NCJ_DICT)); if(zinfo->features.flags & FLAG_PUREZARR) { var->storage = NC_CHUNKED; hasdimrefs = 0; } else { /*zinfo->features.flags & FLAG_PUREZARR*/ /* Download the NCZVAR object */ if((stat = nczm_concat(varpath,NCZVAR,&key))) goto done; if((stat=NCZ_readdict(map,key,&jncvar))) goto done; nullfree(key); key = NULL; assert((jncvar->sort == NCJ_DICT)); /* Extract storage flag */ if((stat = NCJdictget(jncvar,"storage",&jvalue))) goto done; if(jvalue != NULL) { if(strcmp(jvalue->value,"chunked") == 0) { var->storage = NC_CHUNKED; } else if(strcmp(jvalue->value,"compact") == 0) { var->storage = NC_COMPACT; } else { /*storage = NC_CONTIGUOUS;*/ var->storage = NC_CONTIGUOUS; } } /* Extract dimrefs list */ switch ((stat = NCJdictget(jncvar,"dimrefs",&jdimrefs))) { case NC_NOERR: /* Extract the dimref names */ assert((jdimrefs->sort == NCJ_ARRAY)); hasdimrefs = 0; /* until we have one */ dimrefs = nclistnew(); for(j=0;jcontents);j++) { const NCjson* dimpath = nclistget(jdimrefs->contents,j); assert(dimpath->sort == NCJ_STRING); nclistpush(dimrefs,strdup(dimpath->value)); hasdimrefs = 1; } break; case NC_EEMPTY: /* simulate it from the shape of the variable */ stat = NC_NOERR; hasdimrefs = 0; break; default: goto done; } jdimrefs = NULL; } /* Use jvar to set up the rest of the NC_VAR_INFO_T object */ /* Verify the format */ { int version; if((stat = NCJdictget(jvar,"zarr_format",&jvalue))) goto done; sscanf(jvalue->value,"%d",&version); if(version != zinfo->zarr.zarr_version) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} } /* Set the type and endianness of the variable */ { nc_type vtype; int endianness; if((stat = NCJdictget(jvar,"dtype",&jvalue))) goto done; /* Convert dtype to nc_type + endianness */ if((stat = ncz_dtype2typeinfo(jvalue->value,&vtype,&endianness))) goto done; if(vtype > NC_NAT && vtype < NC_STRING) { /* Locate the NC_TYPE_INFO_T object */ if((stat = ncz_gettype(file,grp,vtype,&var->type_info))) goto done; } else {stat = NC_EBADTYPE; goto done;} if(endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE || endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) { var->endianness = endianness; } else {stat = NC_EBADTYPE; goto done;} var->type_info->endianness = var->endianness; /* Propagate */ } /* shape */ { int rank; if((stat = NCJdictget(jvar,"shape",&jvalue))) goto done; if(jvalue->sort != NCJ_ARRAY) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} /* Verify the rank */ rank = nclistlength(jvalue->contents); if(hasdimrefs) { /* verify rank consistency */ if(nclistlength(dimrefs) != rank) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} } /* Set the rank of the variable */ if((stat = nc4_var_set_ndims(var, rank))) goto done; if(hasdimrefs) { if((stat = parsedimrefs(file, dimrefs, var->dim))) goto done; } else { /* simulate the dimrefs */ size64_t shapes[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; if((stat = decodeints(jvalue, shapes))) goto done; if((stat = simulatedimrefs(file, rank, shapes, var->dim))) goto done; } /* fill in the dimids */ for(j=0;jdimids[j] = var->dim[j]->hdr.id; } /* chunks */ { int rank; size64_t chunks[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; if((stat = NCJdictget(jvar,"chunks",&jvalue))) goto done; if(jvalue != NULL && jvalue->sort != NCJ_ARRAY) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} /* Verify the rank */ rank = nclistlength(jvalue->contents); if(rank > 0) { var->storage = NC_CHUNKED; if(var->ndims != rank) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} if((var->chunksizes = malloc(sizeof(size_t)*rank)) == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if((stat = decodeints(jvalue, chunks))) goto done; /* validate the chunk sizes */ zvar->chunkproduct = 1; for(j=0;jdim[j]; /* matching dim */ if(chunks[j] == 0 || chunks[j] > d->len) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} var->chunksizes[j] = (size_t)chunks[j]; zvar->chunkproduct *= chunks[j]; } /* Create the cache */ zvar->chunk_cache_nelems = var->chunk_cache_nelems; if((stat = NCZ_create_chunk_cache(var,var->type_info->size*zvar->chunkproduct,&zvar->cache))) goto done; } } /* fill_value */ { if((stat = NCJdictget(jvar,"fill_value",&jvalue))) goto done; if(jvalue == NULL) var->no_fill = 1; else { typeid = var->type_info->hdr.id; var->no_fill = 0; if((stat = computeattrdata(&typeid, jvalue, NULL, &var->fill_value))) goto done; assert(typeid == var->type_info->hdr.id); /* Note that we do not create the _FillValue attribute here to avoid having to read all the attributes and thus foiling lazy read.*/ } } /* Capture row vs column major; currently, column major not used*/ { if((stat = NCJdictget(jvar,"order",&jvalue))) goto done; if(strcmp(jvalue->value,"C")==1) ((NCZ_VAR_INFO_T*)var->format_var_info)->order = 1; else ((NCZ_VAR_INFO_T*)var->format_var_info)->order = 0; } /* compressor ignored */ { if((stat = NCJdictget(jvar,"compressor",&jvalue))) goto done; /* ignore */ } /* filters ignored */ { if((stat = NCJdictget(jvar,"filters",&jvalue))) goto done; /* ignore */ } /* Clean up from last cycle */ nclistfreeall(dimrefs); dimrefs = NULL; nullfree(varpath); varpath = NULL; NCJreclaim(jvar); jvar = NULL; NCJreclaim(jncvar); jncvar = NULL; } done: nullfree(varpath); nullfree(key); nclistfreeall(dimrefs); NCJreclaim(jvar); NCJreclaim(jncvar); return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Materialize subgroups into memory * * @param file Pointer to file info struct. * @param grp Pointer to grp info struct. * @param subgrpnames List of names of subgroups in this group * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int define_subgrps(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* subgrpnames) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; /* Load each subgroup name in turn */ for(i = 0; i < nclistlength(subgrpnames); i++) { NC_GRP_INFO_T* g = NULL; const char* gname = nclistget(subgrpnames,i); char norm_name[NC_MAX_NAME]; /* Check and normalize the name. */ if((stat = nc4_check_name(gname, norm_name))) goto done; if((stat = nc4_grp_list_add(file, grp, norm_name, &g))) goto done; if(!(g->format_grp_info = calloc(1, sizeof(NCZ_GRP_INFO_T)))) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} ((NCZ_GRP_INFO_T*)g->format_grp_info)->common.file = file; } /* Recurse to fill in subgroups */ for(i=0;ichildren);i++) { NC_GRP_INFO_T* g = (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->children,i); if((stat = define_grp(file,g))) goto done; } done: return THROW(stat); } /**************************************************/ /* Utilities */ static int parse_group_content(NCjson* jcontent, NClist* dimdefs, NClist* varnames, NClist* subgrps) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; NCjson* jvalue = NULL; if((stat=NCJdictget(jcontent,"dims",&jvalue))) goto done; if(jvalue != NULL) { if(jvalue->sort != NCJ_DICT) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} /* Extract the dimensions defined in this group */ for(i=0;icontents);i+=2) { NCjson* jname = nclistget(jvalue->contents,i); NCjson* jlen = nclistget(jvalue->contents,i+1); char norm_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1]; size64_t len; /* Verify name legality */ if((stat = nc4_check_name(jname->value, norm_name))) {stat = NC_EBADNAME; goto done;} /* check the length */ sscanf(jlen->value,"%lld",&len); if(len <= 0) {stat = NC_EDIMSIZE; goto done;} nclistpush(dimdefs,strdup(norm_name)); nclistpush(dimdefs,strdup(jlen->value)); } } if((stat=NCJdictget(jcontent,"vars",&jvalue))) goto done; if(jvalue != NULL) { /* Extract the variable names in this group */ for(i=0;icontents);i++) { NCjson* jname = nclistget(jvalue->contents,i); char norm_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1]; /* Verify name legality */ if((stat = nc4_check_name(jname->value, norm_name))) {stat = NC_EBADNAME; goto done;} nclistpush(varnames,strdup(norm_name)); } } if((stat=NCJdictget(jcontent,"groups",&jvalue))) goto done; if(jvalue != NULL) { /* Extract the subgroup names in this group */ for(i=0;icontents);i++) { NCjson* jname = nclistget(jvalue->contents,i); char norm_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1]; /* Verify name legality */ if((stat = nc4_check_name(jname->value, norm_name))) {stat = NC_EBADNAME; goto done;} nclistpush(subgrps,strdup(norm_name)); } } done: return THROW(stat); } static int parse_group_content_pure(NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* varnames, NClist* subgrps) { int stat = NC_NOERR; nclistclear(varnames); if((stat = searchvars(zinfo,grp,varnames))) goto done; nclistclear(subgrps); if((stat = searchsubgrps(zinfo,grp,subgrps))) goto done; done: return THROW(stat); } #if 0 static int parse_var_dims_pure(NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T* var, size64_t* shapes) { int stat = NC_NOERR; char* varkey = NULL; char* zakey = NULL; NCjson* jvar = NULL; NCjson* jvalue = NULL; /* Construct var path */ if((stat = NCZ_varkey(var,&varkey))) goto done; /* Construct .zarray path */ if((stat = nczm_concat(varkey,ZARRAY,&zakey))) goto done; /* Download the zarray object */ if((stat=NCZ_readdict(zinfo->map,zakey,&jvar))) goto done; assert((jvar->sort == NCJ_DICT)); nullfree(varkey); varkey = NULL; nullfree(zakey); zakey = NULL; /* Extract the shape */ if((stat=NCJdictget(jvar,"shape",&jvalue))) goto done; if((stat = decodeints(jvalue, shapes))) goto done; done: NCJreclaim(jvar); NCJreclaim(jvalue); nullfree(varkey); varkey = NULL; nullfree(zakey); zakey = NULL; return THROW(stat); } #endif static int searchvars(NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zfile, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* varnames) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; char* grpkey = NULL; char* varkey = NULL; char* zarray = NULL; NClist* matches = nclistnew(); /* Compute the key for the grp */ if((stat = NCZ_grpkey(grp,&grpkey))) goto done; /* Get the map and search group */ if((stat = nczmap_search(zfile->map,grpkey,matches))) goto done; for(i=0;imap,zarray)) == NC_NOERR) nclistpush(varnames,strdup(name)); stat = NC_NOERR; nullfree(varkey); varkey = NULL; nullfree(zarray); zarray = NULL; } done: nullfree(grpkey); nullfree(varkey); nullfree(zarray); nclistfreeall(matches); return stat; } static int searchsubgrps(NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zfile, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NClist* subgrpnames) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; char* grpkey = NULL; char* subkey = NULL; char* zgroup = NULL; NClist* matches = nclistnew(); /* Compute the key for the grp */ if((stat = NCZ_grpkey(grp,&grpkey))) goto done; /* Get the map and search group */ if((stat = nczmap_search(zfile->map,grpkey,matches))) goto done; for(i=0;imap,zgroup)) == NC_NOERR) nclistpush(subgrpnames,strdup(name)); stat = NC_NOERR; nullfree(subkey); subkey = NULL; nullfree(zgroup); zgroup = NULL; } done: nullfree(grpkey); nullfree(subkey); nullfree(zgroup); nclistfreeall(matches); return stat; } /* Convert a list of integer strings to integers */ static int decodeints(NCjson* jshape, size64_t* shapes) { int i, stat = NC_NOERR; for(i=0;icontents);i++) { long long v; NCjson* jv = nclistget(jshape->contents,i); if((stat = NCZ_convert1(jv,NC_INT64,(char*)&v))) goto done; if(v < 0) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} shapes[i] = (size64_t)v; } done: return THROW(stat); } static int simulatedimrefs(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, int rank, size64_t* shapes, NC_DIM_INFO_T** dims) { int i, j, stat = NC_NOERR; NC_GRP_INFO_T* root = file->root_grp; NC_DIM_INFO_T* thed = NULL; int match = 0; for(i=0;i", if not create */ snprintf(shapename,sizeof(shapename),".zdim%llu",dimlen); for(j=0;jdim);j++) { thed = (NC_DIM_INFO_T*)ncindexith(root->dim,j); if(strcmp(thed->hdr.name,shapename)==0) { if(dimlen != (size64_t)thed->len) {stat = THROW(NC_ENCZARR); goto done;} /* we have a problem */ match = 1; break; } } if(!match) { /* create the dimension */ /* This code is a subset of NCZ_def_dim */ thed = (NC_DIM_INFO_T*)ncindexlookup(root->dim,shapename); if(thed == NULL) { /*create the dim*/ if ((stat = nc4_dim_list_add(root, shapename, (size_t)dimlen, -1, &thed))) goto done; /* Create struct for NCZ-specific dim info. */ if (!(thed->format_dim_info = calloc(1, sizeof(NCZ_DIM_INFO_T)))) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} ((NCZ_DIM_INFO_T*)thed->format_dim_info)->common.file = file; } assert(thed != NULL); } /* Save the id */ dims[i] = thed; } done: return THROW(stat); } /* Given a list of segments, find corresponding group. */ static int locategroup(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, size_t nsegs, NClist* segments, NC_GRP_INFO_T** grpp) { int i, j, found, stat = NC_NOERR; NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp = NULL; grp = file->root_grp; for(i=0;ichildren);j++) { NC_GRP_INFO_T* subgrp = (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->children,j); if(strcmp(subgrp->hdr.name,norm_name)==0) { grp = subgrp; found = 1; break; } } if(!found) {stat = NC_ENOGRP; goto done;} } /* grp should be group of interest */ if(grpp) *grpp = grp; done: return THROW(stat); } static int parsedimrefs(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NClist* dimrefs, NC_DIM_INFO_T** dims) { int i, stat = NC_NOERR; NClist* segments = NULL; for(i=0;idim);j++) { d = (NC_DIM_INFO_T*)ncindexith(g->dim,j); if(strcmp(d->hdr.name,dimname)==0) { dims[i] = d;/* match */ break; } } } done: nclistfreeall(segments); return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Get the metadata for a variable. * * @param var Pointer to var info struct. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @return ::NC_EBADID Bad ncid. * @return ::NC_ENOMEM Out of memory. * @return ::NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned error. * @return ::NC_EVARMETA Error with var metadata. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int ncz_get_var_meta(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_VAR_INFO_T* var) { int retval = NC_NOERR; assert(file && var && var->format_var_info); LOG((3, "%s: var %s", __func__, var->hdr.name)); /* Have we already read the var metadata? */ if (var->meta_read) return NC_NOERR; #ifdef LOOK /* Get the current chunk cache settings. */ if ((access_pid = H5Dget_access_plist(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EVARMETA); /* Learn about current chunk cache settings. */ if ((H5Pget_chunk_cache(access_pid, &(var->chunk_cache_nelems), &(var->chunk_cache_size), &rdcc_w0)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); var->chunk_cache_preemption = rdcc_w0; /* Get the dataset creation properties. */ if ((propid = H5Dget_create_plist(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Get var chunking info. */ if ((retval = get_chunking_info(propid, var))) BAIL(retval); /* Get filter info for a var. */ if ((retval = get_filter_info(propid, var))) BAIL(retval); /* Get fill value, if defined. */ if ((retval = get_fill_info(propid, var))) BAIL(retval); /* Is this a deflated variable with a chunksize greater than the * current cache size? */ if ((retval = nc4_adjust_var_cache(var->container, var))) BAIL(retval); if (var->coords_read && !var->dimscale) if ((retval = get_attached_info(var, hdf5_var, var->ndims, hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid))) return retval; #endif /* Remember that we have read the metadata for this var. */ var->meta_read = NC_TRUE; return retval; } int ncz_create_superblock(NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCjson* json = NULL; NCZMAP* map = NULL; char version[1024]; map = zinfo->map; /* create superblock json */ if((stat = NCJnew(NCJ_DICT,&json))) goto done; /* fill */ snprintf(version,sizeof(version),"%d",zinfo->zarr.zarr_version); if((stat = NCJaddstring(json,NCJ_STRING,"zarr_format"))) goto done; if((stat = NCJaddstring(json,NCJ_INT,version))) goto done; if((stat = NCJaddstring(json,NCJ_STRING,"nczarr_version"))) goto done; { char ver[1024]; snprintf(ver,sizeof(ver),"%lu.%lu.%lu", zinfo->zarr.nczarr_version.major, zinfo->zarr.nczarr_version.minor, zinfo->zarr.nczarr_version.release); if((stat = NCJaddstring(json,NCJ_STRING,ver))) goto done; } if(!(zinfo->features.flags & FLAG_PUREZARR)) { /* Write back to map */ if((stat=NCZ_uploadjson(map,NCZMETAROOT,json))) goto done; } done: NCJreclaim(json); return THROW(stat); }