/* Copyright 2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric * Research. See the COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution * conditions. */ /** * @file * @internal This file is part of netcdf-4, a netCDF-like interface * for HDF5, or a HDF5 backend for netCDF, depending on your point of * view. * * This file contains functions internal to the netcdf4 library. None of * the functions in this file are exposed in the exetnal API. These * functions handle the HDF interface. * * @author Ed Hartnett, Dennis Heimbigner, Ward Fisher */ #include "config.h" #include "netcdf.h" #include "nc4internal.h" #include "ncdispatch.h" #include "ncfilter.h" #include "hdf5internal.h" #include "hdf5debug.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_INTTYPES_H #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include #endif #define NC_HDF5_MAX_NAME 1024 /**< @internal Max size of HDF5 name. */ /** * @internal Flag attributes in a linked list as dirty. * * @param attlist List of attributes, may be NULL. * * @return NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int flag_atts_dirty(NCindex *attlist) { NC_ATT_INFO_T *att = NULL; int i; if(attlist == NULL) { return NC_NOERR; } for(i=0;idirty = NC_TRUE; } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal This function is needed to handle one special case: what * if the user defines a dim, writes metadata, then goes back into * define mode and adds a coordinate var for the already existing * dim. In that case, I need to recreate the dim's dimension scale * dataset, and then I need to go to every var in the file which uses * that dimension, and attach the new dimension scale. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param dimid Dimension ID. * @param dimscaleid HDF5 dimension scale ID. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int rec_reattach_scales(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, int dimid, hid_t dimscaleid) { NC_VAR_INFO_T *var; NC_GRP_INFO_T *child_grp; int d, i; int retval; assert(grp && grp->hdr.name && dimid >= 0 && dimscaleid >= 0); LOG((3, "%s: grp->hdr.name %s", __func__, grp->hdr.name)); /* If there are any child groups, attach dimscale there, if needed. */ for (i = 0; i < ncindexsize(grp->children); i++) { child_grp = (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->children, i); assert(child_grp); if ((retval = rec_reattach_scales(child_grp, dimid, dimscaleid))) return retval; } /* Find any vars that use this dimension id. */ for (i = 0; i < ncindexsize(grp->vars); i++) { NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_var; var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->vars,i); assert(var && var->format_var_info); hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info; hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T*)var->format_var_info; assert(hdf5_var != NULL); for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) { if (var->dimids[d] == dimid && !hdf5_var->dimscale) { LOG((2, "%s: attaching scale for dimid %d to var %s", __func__, var->dimids[d], var->hdr.name)); if (var->created) { if (H5DSattach_scale(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid, dimscaleid, d) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; hdf5_var->dimscale_attached[d] = NC_TRUE; } } } } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal This function is needed to handle one special case: what * if the user defines a dim, writes metadata, then goes back into * define mode and adds a coordinate var for the already existing * dim. In that case, I need to recreate the dim's dimension scale * dataset, and then I need to go to every var in the file which uses * that dimension, and attach the new dimension scale. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param dimid Dimension ID. * @param dimscaleid HDF5 dimension scale ID. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int rec_detach_scales(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, int dimid, hid_t dimscaleid) { NC_VAR_INFO_T *var; NC_GRP_INFO_T *child_grp; int d, i; int retval; assert(grp && grp->hdr.name && dimid >= 0 && dimscaleid >= 0); LOG((3, "%s: grp->hdr.name %s", __func__, grp->hdr.name)); /* If there are any child groups, detach dimscale there, if needed. */ for(i=0;ichildren);i++) { child_grp = (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->children,i); if(child_grp == NULL) continue; if ((retval = rec_detach_scales(child_grp, dimid, dimscaleid))) return retval; } /* Find any vars that use this dimension id. */ for (i = 0; i < ncindexsize(grp->vars); i++) { NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_var; var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->vars, i); assert(var && var->format_var_info); hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info; for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) { if (var->dimids[d] == dimid && !hdf5_var->dimscale) { LOG((2, "%s: detaching scale for dimid %d to var %s", __func__, var->dimids[d], var->hdr.name)); if (var->created) { if (hdf5_var->dimscale_attached && hdf5_var->dimscale_attached[d]) { if (H5DSdetach_scale(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid, dimscaleid, d) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; hdf5_var->dimscale_attached[d] = NC_FALSE; } } } } } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Open a HDF5 dataset and leave it open. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param varid Variable ID. * @param dataset Pointer that gets the HDF5 dataset ID. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int nc4_open_var_grp2(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, int varid, hid_t *dataset) { NC_VAR_INFO_T *var; NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_var; assert(grp && grp->format_grp_info && dataset); /* Find the requested varid. */ if (!(var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->vars, varid))) return NC_ENOTVAR; assert(var && var->hdr.id == varid && var->format_var_info); hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info; /* Open this dataset if necessary. */ if (!hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid) { NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *hdf5_grp; hdf5_grp = (NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)grp->format_grp_info; if ((hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid = H5Dopen2(hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid, var->hdr.name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) return NC_ENOTVAR; } *dataset = hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid; return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Given a netcdf type, return appropriate HDF typeid. (All * hdf_typeid's returned from this routine must be H5Tclosed by the * caller). * * @param h5 Pointer to HDF5 file info struct. * @param xtype NetCDF type ID. * @param hdf_typeid Pointer that gets the HDF5 type ID. * @param endianness Desired endianness in HDF5 type. * * @return NC_NOERR No error. * @return NC_ECHAR Conversions of NC_CHAR forbidden. * @return NC_EVARMETA HDF5 returning error creating datatype. * @return NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returning error. * @return NC_EBADTYE Type not found. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int nc4_get_hdf_typeid(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, nc_type xtype, hid_t *hdf_typeid, int endianness) { NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type; hid_t typeid = 0; int retval = NC_NOERR; assert(hdf_typeid && h5); *hdf_typeid = -1; /* Determine an appropriate HDF5 datatype */ if (xtype == NC_NAT) return NC_EBADTYPE; else if (xtype == NC_CHAR || xtype == NC_STRING) { /* NC_CHAR & NC_STRING types create a new HDF5 datatype */ if (xtype == NC_CHAR) { if ((typeid = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (H5Tset_strpad(typeid, H5T_STR_NULLTERM) < 0) BAIL(NC_EVARMETA); if(H5Tset_cset(typeid, H5T_CSET_ASCII) < 0) BAIL(NC_EVARMETA); /* Take ownership of the newly created HDF5 datatype */ *hdf_typeid = typeid; typeid = 0; } else { if ((typeid = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (H5Tset_size(typeid, H5T_VARIABLE) < 0) BAIL(NC_EVARMETA); if(H5Tset_cset(typeid, H5T_CSET_UTF8) < 0) BAIL(NC_EVARMETA); /* Take ownership of the newly created HDF5 datatype */ *hdf_typeid = typeid; typeid = 0; } } else { /* All other types use an existing HDF5 datatype */ switch (xtype) { case NC_BYTE: /* signed 1 byte integer */ if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_STD_I8LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_STD_I8BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR; break; case NC_SHORT: /* signed 2 byte integer */ if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_STD_I16LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_STD_I16BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_SHORT; break; case NC_INT: if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_STD_I32LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_STD_I32BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_INT; break; case NC_UBYTE: if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_STD_U8LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_STD_U8BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR; break; case NC_USHORT: if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_STD_U16LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_STD_U16BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_USHORT; break; case NC_UINT: if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_STD_U32LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_STD_U32BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_UINT; break; case NC_INT64: if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_STD_I64LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_STD_I64BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_LLONG; break; case NC_UINT64: if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_STD_U64LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_STD_U64BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_ULLONG; break; case NC_FLOAT: if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_IEEE_F32LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_IEEE_F32BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT; break; case NC_DOUBLE: if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE) typeid = H5T_IEEE_F64LE; else if (endianness == NC_ENDIAN_BIG) typeid = H5T_IEEE_F64BE; else typeid = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; break; default: /* Maybe this is a user defined type? */ if (nc4_find_type(h5, xtype, &type)) return NC_EBADTYPE; if (!type) return NC_EBADTYPE; typeid = ((NC_HDF5_TYPE_INFO_T *)type->format_type_info)->hdf_typeid; break; } assert(typeid); /* Copy the HDF5 datatype, so the function operates uniformly */ if ((*hdf_typeid = H5Tcopy(typeid)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; typeid = 0; } assert(*hdf_typeid != -1); exit: if (typeid > 0 && H5Tclose(typeid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); return retval; } /** * @internal Write an attribute. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param varid Variable ID or NC_GLOBAL. * @param att Pointer to attribute info struct. * * @returns ::NC_NOERR No error. * @returns ::NC_ENOTVAR Variable not found. * @returns ::NC_EPERM Read-only file. * @returns ::NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned error. * @returns ::NC_EATTMETA HDF5 returned error with attribute calls. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int put_att_grpa(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, int varid, NC_ATT_INFO_T *att) { NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *hdf5_grp; hid_t datasetid = 0, locid; hid_t attid = 0, spaceid = 0, file_typeid = 0; hid_t existing_att_typeid = 0, existing_attid = 0, existing_spaceid = 0; hsize_t dims[1]; /* netcdf attributes always 1-D. */ htri_t attr_exists; void *data; int phoney_data = 99; int retval = NC_NOERR; assert(att->hdr.name && grp && grp->format_grp_info); LOG((3, "%s: varid %d att->hdr.id %d att->hdr.name %s att->nc_typeid %d " "att->len %d", __func__, varid, att->hdr.id, att->hdr.name, att->nc_typeid, att->len)); /* Get HDF5-specific group info. */ hdf5_grp = (NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)grp->format_grp_info; /* If the file is read-only, return an error. */ if (grp->nc4_info->no_write) BAIL(NC_EPERM); /* Get the hid to attach the attribute to, or read it from. */ if (varid == NC_GLOBAL) locid = hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid; else { if ((retval = nc4_open_var_grp2(grp, varid, &datasetid))) BAIL(retval); locid = datasetid; } /* Get the length ready, and find the HDF type we'll be * writing. */ dims[0] = att->len; if ((retval = nc4_get_hdf_typeid(grp->nc4_info, att->nc_typeid, &file_typeid, 0))) BAIL(retval); /* Even if the length is zero, HDF5 won't let me write with a * NULL pointer. So if the length of the att is zero, point to * some phoney data (which won't be written anyway.)*/ if (!dims[0]) data = &phoney_data; else if (att->data) data = att->data; else if (att->stdata) data = att->stdata; else data = att->vldata; /* NC_CHAR types require some extra work. The space ID is set to * scalar, and the type is told how long the string is. If it's * really zero length, set the size to 1. (The fact that it's * really zero will be marked by the NULL dataspace, but HDF5 * doesn't allow me to set the size of the type to zero.)*/ if (att->nc_typeid == NC_CHAR) { size_t string_size = dims[0]; if (!string_size) { string_size = 1; if ((spaceid = H5Screate(H5S_NULL)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); } else { if ((spaceid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); } if (H5Tset_size(file_typeid, string_size) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); if (H5Tset_strpad(file_typeid, H5T_STR_NULLTERM) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); } else { if (!att->len) { if ((spaceid = H5Screate(H5S_NULL)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); } else { if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, NULL)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); } } /* Does the att exists already? */ if ((attr_exists = H5Aexists(locid, att->hdr.name)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); if (attr_exists) { hssize_t npoints; /* Open the attribute. */ if ((existing_attid = H5Aopen(locid, att->hdr.name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); /* Find the type of the existing attribute. */ if ((existing_att_typeid = H5Aget_type(existing_attid)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); /* How big is the attribute? */ if ((existing_spaceid = H5Aget_space(existing_attid)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); if ((npoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(existing_spaceid)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); /* For text attributes the size is specified in the datatype and it is enough to compare types using H5Tequal(). */ if (!H5Tequal(file_typeid, existing_att_typeid) || (att->nc_typeid != NC_CHAR && npoints != att->len)) { /* The attribute exists but we cannot re-use it. */ /* Delete the attribute. */ if (H5Adelete(locid, att->hdr.name) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Re-create the attribute with the type and length reflecting the new value (or values). */ if ((attid = H5Acreate(locid, att->hdr.name, file_typeid, spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); /* Write the values, (even if length is zero). */ if (H5Awrite(attid, file_typeid, data) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); } else { /* The attribute exists and we can re-use it. */ /* Write the values, re-using the existing attribute. */ if (H5Awrite(existing_attid, file_typeid, data) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); } } else { /* The attribute does not exist yet. */ /* Create the attribute. */ if ((attid = H5Acreate(locid, att->hdr.name, file_typeid, spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); /* Write the values, (even if length is zero). */ if (H5Awrite(attid, file_typeid, data) < 0) BAIL(NC_EATTMETA); } exit: if (file_typeid && H5Tclose(file_typeid)) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (attid > 0 && H5Aclose(attid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (existing_att_typeid && H5Tclose(existing_att_typeid)) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (existing_attid > 0 && H5Aclose(existing_attid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (spaceid > 0 && H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (existing_spaceid > 0 && H5Sclose(existing_spaceid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); return retval; } /** * @internal Write all the dirty atts in an attlist. * * @param attlist Pointer to the list if attributes. * @param varid Variable ID. * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int write_attlist(NCindex *attlist, int varid, NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp) { NC_ATT_INFO_T *att; int retval; int i; for(i = 0; i < ncindexsize(attlist); i++) { att = (NC_ATT_INFO_T *)ncindexith(attlist, i); assert(att); if (att->dirty) { LOG((4, "%s: writing att %s to varid %d", __func__, att->hdr.name, varid)); if ((retval = put_att_grpa(grp, varid, att))) return retval; att->dirty = NC_FALSE; att->created = NC_TRUE; } } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal HDF5 dimension scales cannot themselves have scales * attached. This is a problem for multidimensional coordinate * variables. So this function writes a special attribute for such a * variable, which has the ids of all the dimensions for that * coordinate variable. * * @param var Pointer to var info struct. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int write_coord_dimids(NC_VAR_INFO_T *var) { NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_var; hsize_t coords_len[1]; hid_t c_spaceid = -1, c_attid = -1; int retval = NC_NOERR; assert(var && var->format_var_info); /* Get HDF5-specific var info. */ hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info; /* Set up space for attribute. */ coords_len[0] = var->ndims; if ((c_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, coords_len, coords_len)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Create the attribute. */ if ((c_attid = H5Acreate(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid, COORDINATES, H5T_NATIVE_INT, c_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Write our attribute. */ if (H5Awrite(c_attid, H5T_NATIVE_INT, var->dimids) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); exit: if (c_spaceid >= 0 && H5Sclose(c_spaceid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (c_attid >= 0 && H5Aclose(c_attid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); return retval; } /** * @internal Write a special attribute for the netCDF-4 dimension ID. * * @param datasetid HDF5 datasset ID. * @param dimid NetCDF dimension ID. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int write_netcdf4_dimid(hid_t datasetid, int dimid) { hid_t dimid_spaceid = -1, dimid_attid = -1; htri_t attr_exists; int retval = NC_NOERR; /* Create the space. */ if ((dimid_spaceid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Does the attribute already exist? If so, don't try to create it. */ if ((attr_exists = H5Aexists(datasetid, NC_DIMID_ATT_NAME)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); if (attr_exists) dimid_attid = H5Aopen_by_name(datasetid, ".", NC_DIMID_ATT_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); else /* Create the attribute if needed. */ dimid_attid = H5Acreate(datasetid, NC_DIMID_ATT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, dimid_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT); if (dimid_attid < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Write it. */ LOG((4, "%s: writing secret dimid %d", __func__, dimid)); if (H5Awrite(dimid_attid, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &dimid) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); exit: /* Close stuff*/ if (dimid_spaceid >= 0 && H5Sclose(dimid_spaceid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (dimid_attid >= 0 && H5Aclose(dimid_attid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); return retval; } /** * @internal This function creates the HDF5 dataset for a variable. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param var Pointer to variable info struct. * @param write_dimid True to write dimid. * * @return ::NC_NOERR * @returns NC_ECHAR Conversions of NC_CHAR forbidden. * @returns NC_EVARMETA HDF5 returning error creating datatype. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returning error. * @returns NC_EBADTYE Type not found. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int var_create_dataset(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var, nc_bool_t write_dimid) { NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *hdf5_grp; NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_var; hid_t plistid = 0, access_plistid = 0, typeid = 0, spaceid = 0; hsize_t chunksize[H5S_MAX_RANK], dimsize[H5S_MAX_RANK], maxdimsize[H5S_MAX_RANK]; int d; void *fillp = NULL; NC_DIM_INFO_T *dim = NULL; char *name_to_use; int retval; unsigned int* params = NULL; assert(grp && grp->format_grp_info && var && var->format_var_info); LOG((3, "%s:: name %s", __func__, var->hdr.name)); /* Get HDF5-specific group and var info. */ hdf5_grp = (NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)grp->format_grp_info; hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info; /* Scalar or not, we need a creation property list. */ if ((plistid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); if ((access_plistid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_ACCESS)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Turn off object tracking times in HDF5. */ if (H5Pset_obj_track_times(plistid, 0) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Find the HDF5 type of the dataset. */ if ((retval = nc4_get_hdf_typeid(grp->nc4_info, var->type_info->hdr.id, &typeid, var->type_info->endianness))) BAIL(retval); /* Figure out what fill value to set, if any. */ if (var->no_fill) { /* Required to truly turn HDF5 fill values off */ if (H5Pset_fill_time(plistid, H5D_FILL_TIME_NEVER) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } else { if ((retval = nc4_get_fill_value(grp->nc4_info, var, &fillp))) BAIL(retval); /* If there is a fill value, set it. */ if (fillp) { if (var->type_info->nc_type_class == NC_STRING) { if (H5Pset_fill_value(plistid, typeid, fillp) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } else { /* The fill value set in HDF5 must always be presented as * a native type, even if the endianness for this dataset * is non-native. HDF5 will translate the fill value to * the target endiannesss. */ hid_t fill_typeid = 0; if ((retval = nc4_get_hdf_typeid(grp->nc4_info, var->type_info->hdr.id, &fill_typeid, NC_ENDIAN_NATIVE))) BAIL(retval); if (H5Pset_fill_value(plistid, fill_typeid, fillp) < 0) { if (H5Tclose(fill_typeid) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } if (H5Tclose(fill_typeid) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } } } /* If the user wants to fletcher error correction, set that up now. */ /* Since it is a checksum of sorts, flatcher is always applied first */ if (var->fletcher32) if (H5Pset_fletcher32(plistid) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* If the user wants to shuffle the data, set that up now. */ if (var->shuffle) { if (H5Pset_shuffle(plistid) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } /* If the user wants to compress the data, using either zlib * (a.k.a deflate) or szip, or another filter, set that up now. * Szip and zip can be turned on * either directly with nc_def_var_szip/deflate(), or using * nc_def_var_filter(). If the user * has specified a filter, it will be applied here. */ if(var->filters != NULL) { int j; for(j=0;jfilters);j++) { NC_FILTERX_SPEC* fi = (NC_FILTERX_SPEC*)nclistget(var->filters,j); unsigned int filterid; size_t nparams; if(!fi->active) { nparams = fi->nparams; /* Do the conversions */ if((retval = NC_cvtX2I_id(fi->filterid,&filterid))) BAIL(retval); if((params = malloc(nparams*sizeof(unsigned int)))==NULL) BAIL(NC_ENOMEM); if((retval = NC_cvtX2I_params(nparams,(const char**)fi->params,params))) BAIL(retval); if(filterid == H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE) {/* Handle zip case here */ unsigned level; if(nparams != 1) BAIL(NC_EFILTER); level = (int)params[0]; if(H5Pset_deflate(plistid, level) < 0) BAIL(NC_EFILTER); fi->active = 1; } else if(filterid == H5Z_FILTER_SZIP) {/* Handle szip case here */ int options_mask; int bits_per_pixel; if(nparams != 2) BAIL(NC_EFILTER); options_mask = (int)params[0]; bits_per_pixel = (int)params[1]; if(H5Pset_szip(plistid, options_mask, bits_per_pixel) < 0) BAIL(NC_EFILTER); fi->active = 1; } else { herr_t code = H5Pset_filter(plistid, filterid, H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, nparams, params); if(code < 0) BAIL(NC_EFILTER); fi->active = 1; } } /* reclaim */ nullfree(params); params = NULL; } } /* If ndims non-zero, get info for all dimensions. We look up the dimids and get the len of each dimension. We need this to create the space for the dataset. In netCDF a dimension length of zero means an unlimited dimension. */ if (var->ndims) { int unlimdim = 0; /* Check to see if any unlimited dimensions are used in this var. */ for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) { dim = var->dim[d]; assert(dim && dim->hdr.id == var->dimids[d]); if (dim->unlimited) unlimdim++; } /* If there are no unlimited dims, and no filters, and the user * has not specified chunksizes, use contiguous variable for * better performance. */ if (!var->shuffle && !var->fletcher32 && nclistlength(var->filters) == 0 && (var->chunksizes == NULL || !var->chunksizes[0]) && !unlimdim) var->storage = NC_CONTIGUOUS; /* Gather current & maximum dimension sizes, along with chunk * sizes. */ for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) { dim = var->dim[d]; assert(dim && dim->hdr.id == var->dimids[d]); dimsize[d] = dim->unlimited ? NC_HDF5_UNLIMITED_DIMSIZE : dim->len; maxdimsize[d] = dim->unlimited ? H5S_UNLIMITED : (hsize_t)dim->len; if (var->storage == NC_CHUNKED) { if (var->chunksizes[d]) chunksize[d] = var->chunksizes[d]; else { size_t type_size; if (var->type_info->nc_type_class == NC_STRING) type_size = sizeof(char *); else type_size = var->type_info->size; /* Unlimited dim always gets chunksize of 1. */ if (dim->unlimited) chunksize[d] = 1; else chunksize[d] = pow((double)DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE/type_size, 1/(double)(var->ndims - unlimdim)); /* If the chunksize is greater than the dim * length, make it the dim length. */ if (!dim->unlimited && chunksize[d] > dim->len) chunksize[d] = dim->len; /* Remember the computed chunksize */ var->chunksizes[d] = chunksize[d]; } } } /* Create the dataspace. */ if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(var->ndims, dimsize, maxdimsize)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } else { if ((spaceid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } /* Set the var storage to contiguous, compact, or chunked. Don't * try to set chunking for scalar vars, they will default to * contiguous if not set to compact. */ if (var->storage == NC_CONTIGUOUS) { if (H5Pset_layout(plistid, H5D_CONTIGUOUS) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } else if (var->storage == NC_COMPACT) { if (H5Pset_layout(plistid, H5D_COMPACT) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } else if (var->ndims) { if (H5Pset_chunk(plistid, var->ndims, chunksize) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } /* Turn on creation order tracking. */ if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(plistid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED| H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Set per-var chunk cache, for chunked datasets. */ if (var->storage == NC_CHUNKED && var->chunk_cache_size) if (H5Pset_chunk_cache(access_plistid, var->chunk_cache_nelems, var->chunk_cache_size, var->chunk_cache_preemption) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* At long last, create the dataset. */ name_to_use = var->alt_name ? var->alt_name : var->hdr.name; LOG((4, "%s: about to H5Dcreate2 dataset %s of type 0x%x", __func__, name_to_use, typeid)); if ((hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid = H5Dcreate2(hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid, name_to_use, typeid, spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, plistid, access_plistid)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); var->created = NC_TRUE; var->is_new_var = NC_FALSE; /* Always write the hidden coordinates attribute, which lists the * dimids of this var. When present, this speeds opens. When no * present, dimscale matching is used. */ if (var->ndims > 1) if ((retval = write_coord_dimids(var))) BAIL(retval); /* If this is a dimscale, mark it as such in the HDF5 file. Also * find the dimension info and store the dataset id of the dimscale * dataset. */ if (hdf5_var->dimscale) { if (H5DSset_scale(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid, var->hdr.name) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* If this is a multidimensional coordinate variable, write a * coordinates attribute. */ /* if (var->ndims > 1) */ /* if ((retval = write_coord_dimids(var))) */ /* BAIL(retval); */ /* If desired, write the netCDF dimid. */ if (write_dimid) if ((retval = write_netcdf4_dimid(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid, var->dimids[0]))) BAIL(retval); } /* Write attributes for this var. */ if ((retval = write_attlist(var->att, var->hdr.id, grp))) BAIL(retval); var->attr_dirty = NC_FALSE; exit: nullfree(params); if (typeid > 0 && H5Tclose(typeid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (plistid > 0 && H5Pclose(plistid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (access_plistid > 0 && H5Pclose(access_plistid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (spaceid > 0 && H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (fillp) { if (var->type_info->nc_type_class == NC_VLEN) nc_free_vlen((nc_vlen_t *)fillp); else if (var->type_info->nc_type_class == NC_STRING && *(char **)fillp) free(*(char **)fillp); free(fillp); } return retval; } /** * @internal Adjust the chunk cache of a var for better * performance. * * @note For contiguous and compact storage vars, or when parallel I/O * is in use, this function will do nothing and return ::NC_NOERR; * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param var Pointer to var info struct. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int nc4_adjust_var_cache(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var) { size_t chunk_size_bytes = 1; int d; int retval; /* Nothing to be done for contiguous or compact data. */ if (var->storage != NC_CHUNKED) return NC_NOERR; #ifdef USE_PARALLEL4 /* Don't set cache for files using parallel I/O. */ if (grp->nc4_info->parallel) return NC_NOERR; #endif /* How many bytes in the chunk? */ for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) chunk_size_bytes *= var->chunksizes[d]; if (var->type_info->size) chunk_size_bytes *= var->type_info->size; else chunk_size_bytes *= sizeof(char *); /* If the chunk cache is too small, and the user has not changed * the default value of the chunk cache size, then increase the * size of the cache. */ if (var->chunk_cache_size == CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE) if (chunk_size_bytes > var->chunk_cache_size) { var->chunk_cache_size = chunk_size_bytes * DEFAULT_CHUNKS_IN_CACHE; if (var->chunk_cache_size > MAX_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE) var->chunk_cache_size = MAX_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; if ((retval = nc4_reopen_dataset(grp, var))) return retval; } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Create a HDF5 defined type from a NC_TYPE_INFO_T struct, * and commit it to the file. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param type Pointer to type info struct. * * @return NC_NOERR No error. * @return NC_EHDFERR HDF5 error. * @return NC_ECHAR Conversions of NC_CHAR forbidden. * @return NC_EVARMETA HDF5 returning error creating datatype. * @return NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returning error. * @return NC_EBADTYE Type not found. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int commit_type(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type) { NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *hdf5_grp; NC_HDF5_TYPE_INFO_T *hdf5_type; hid_t base_hdf_typeid; int retval; assert(grp && grp->format_grp_info && type && type->format_type_info); /* Get HDF5-specific group and type info. */ hdf5_grp = (NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)grp->format_grp_info; hdf5_type = (NC_HDF5_TYPE_INFO_T *)type->format_type_info; /* Did we already record this type? */ if (type->committed) return NC_NOERR; /* Is this a compound type? */ if (type->nc_type_class == NC_COMPOUND) { NC_FIELD_INFO_T *field; hid_t hdf_base_typeid, hdf_typeid; int i; if ((hdf5_type->hdf_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, type->size)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; LOG((4, "creating compound type %s hdf_typeid 0x%x", type->hdr.name, hdf5_type->hdf_typeid)); for(i=0;iu.c.field);i++) { field = (NC_FIELD_INFO_T *)nclistget(type->u.c.field, i); assert(field); if ((retval = nc4_get_hdf_typeid(grp->nc4_info, field->nc_typeid, &hdf_base_typeid, type->endianness))) return retval; /* If this is an array, create a special array type. */ if (field->ndims) { int d; hsize_t dims[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; for (d = 0; d < field->ndims; d++) dims[d] = field->dim_size[d]; if ((hdf_typeid = H5Tarray_create(hdf_base_typeid, field->ndims, dims, NULL)) < 0) { if (H5Tclose(hdf_base_typeid) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; return NC_EHDFERR; } if (H5Tclose(hdf_base_typeid) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; } else hdf_typeid = hdf_base_typeid; LOG((4, "inserting field %s offset %d hdf_typeid 0x%x", field->hdr.name, field->offset, hdf_typeid)); if (H5Tinsert(hdf5_type->hdf_typeid, field->hdr.name, field->offset, hdf_typeid) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (H5Tclose(hdf_typeid) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; } } else if (type->nc_type_class == NC_VLEN) { /* Find the HDF typeid of the base type of this vlen. */ if ((retval = nc4_get_hdf_typeid(grp->nc4_info, type->u.v.base_nc_typeid, &base_hdf_typeid, type->endianness))) return retval; /* Create a vlen type. */ if ((hdf5_type->hdf_typeid = H5Tvlen_create(base_hdf_typeid)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; } else if (type->nc_type_class == NC_OPAQUE) { /* Create the opaque type. */ if ((hdf5_type->hdf_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_OPAQUE, type->size)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; } else if (type->nc_type_class == NC_ENUM) { NC_ENUM_MEMBER_INFO_T *enum_m; int i; if (nclistlength(type->u.e.enum_member) == 0) return NC_EINVAL; /* Find the HDF typeid of the base type of this enum. */ if ((retval = nc4_get_hdf_typeid(grp->nc4_info, type->u.e.base_nc_typeid, &base_hdf_typeid, type->endianness))) return retval; /* Create an enum type. */ if ((hdf5_type->hdf_typeid = H5Tenum_create(base_hdf_typeid)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; /* Add all the members to the HDF5 type. */ for(i=0;iu.e.enum_member);i++) { enum_m = (NC_ENUM_MEMBER_INFO_T*)nclistget(type->u.e.enum_member,i); if (H5Tenum_insert(hdf5_type->hdf_typeid, enum_m->name, enum_m->value) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; } } else { LOG((0, "Unknown class: %d", type->nc_type_class)); return NC_EBADTYPE; } /* Commit the type. */ if (H5Tcommit(hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid, type->hdr.name, hdf5_type->hdf_typeid) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; type->committed = NC_TRUE; LOG((4, "just committed type %s, HDF typeid: 0x%x", type->hdr.name, hdf5_type->hdf_typeid)); /* Later we will always use the native typeid. In this case, it is * a copy of the same type pointed to by hdf_typeid, but it's * easier to maintain a copy. */ if ((hdf5_type->native_hdf_typeid = H5Tget_native_type(hdf5_type->hdf_typeid, H5T_DIR_DEFAULT)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Write an attribute, with value 1, to indicate that strict * NC3 rules apply to this file. * * @param hdf_grpid HDF5 group ID. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int write_nc3_strict_att(hid_t hdf_grpid) { hid_t attid = 0, spaceid = 0; int one = 1; int retval = NC_NOERR; htri_t attr_exists; /* If the attribute already exists, call that a success and return * NC_NOERR. */ if ((attr_exists = H5Aexists(hdf_grpid, NC3_STRICT_ATT_NAME)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (attr_exists) return NC_NOERR; /* Create the attribute to mark this as a file that needs to obey * strict netcdf-3 rules. */ if ((spaceid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EFILEMETA); if ((attid = H5Acreate(hdf_grpid, NC3_STRICT_ATT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EFILEMETA); if (H5Awrite(attid, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &one) < 0) BAIL(NC_EFILEMETA); exit: if (spaceid > 0 && (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0)) BAIL2(NC_EFILEMETA); if (attid > 0 && (H5Aclose(attid) < 0)) BAIL2(NC_EFILEMETA); return retval; } /** * @internal Create a HDF5 group that is not the root group. HDF5 * properties are set in the group to ensure that objects and * attributes are kept in creation order, instead of alphebetical * order (the HDF5 default). * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * * @return NC_NOERR No error. * @return NC_EHDFERR HDF5 error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int create_group(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp) { NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *hdf5_grp, *parent_hdf5_grp; hid_t gcpl_id = -1; int retval = NC_NOERR;; assert(grp && grp->format_grp_info && grp->parent && grp->parent->format_grp_info); /* Get HDF5 specific group info for group and parent. */ hdf5_grp = (NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)grp->format_grp_info; parent_hdf5_grp = (NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)grp->parent->format_grp_info; assert(parent_hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid); /* Create group, with link_creation_order set in the group * creation property list. */ if ((gcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_GROUP_CREATE)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Set track_times to be FALSE. */ if (H5Pset_obj_track_times(gcpl_id, 0) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Tell HDF5 to keep track of objects in creation order. */ if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(gcpl_id, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Tell HDF5 to keep track of attributes in creation order. */ if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(gcpl_id, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Create the group. */ if ((hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid = H5Gcreate2(parent_hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid, grp->hdr.name, H5P_DEFAULT, gcpl_id, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); exit: if (gcpl_id > -1 && H5Pclose(gcpl_id) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (retval) if (hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid > 0 && H5Gclose(hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); return retval; } /** * @internal After all the datasets of the file have been read, it's * time to sort the wheat from the chaff. Which of the datasets are * netCDF dimensions, and which are coordinate variables, and which * are non-coordinate variables. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int attach_dimscales(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp) { NC_VAR_INFO_T *var; NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_var; int d, v; /* Attach dimension scales. */ for (v = 0; v < ncindexsize(grp->vars); v++) { /* Get pointer to var and HDF5-specific var info. */ var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->vars, v); assert(var && var->format_var_info); hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info; /* Scales themselves do not attach. But I really wish they * would. */ if (hdf5_var->dimscale) continue; /* Find the scale for each dimension, if any, and attach it. */ for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) { /* Is there a dimscale for this dimension? */ if (hdf5_var->dimscale_attached) { if (!hdf5_var->dimscale_attached[d]) { hid_t dsid; /* Dataset ID for dimension */ assert(var->dim[d] && var->dim[d]->hdr.id == var->dimids[d] && var->dim[d]->format_dim_info); LOG((2, "%s: attaching scale for dimid %d to var %s", __func__, var->dimids[d], var->hdr.name)); /* Find dataset ID for dimension */ if (var->dim[d]->coord_var) dsid = ((NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)(var->dim[d]->coord_var->format_var_info))->hdf_datasetid; else dsid = ((NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T *)var->dim[d]->format_dim_info)->hdf_dimscaleid; assert(dsid > 0); /* Attach the scale. */ if (H5DSattach_scale(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid, dsid, d) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; hdf5_var->dimscale_attached[d] = NC_TRUE; } } } } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Does a variable exist? * * @param grpid HDF5 group ID. * @param name Name of variable. * @param exists Pointer that gets 1 of the variable exists, 0 otherwise. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int var_exists(hid_t grpid, char *name, nc_bool_t *exists) { htri_t link_exists; /* Reset the boolean */ *exists = NC_FALSE; /* Check if the object name exists in the group */ if ((link_exists = H5Lexists(grpid, name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (link_exists) { H5G_stat_t statbuf; /* Get info about the object */ if (H5Gget_objinfo(grpid, name, 1, &statbuf) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (H5G_DATASET == statbuf.type) *exists = NC_TRUE; } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Convert a coordinate variable HDF5 dataset into one that * is not a coordinate variable. This happens during renaming of vars * and dims. This function removes the HDF5 NAME and CLASS attributes * associated with dimension scales, and also the NC_DIMID_ATT_NAME * attribute which may be present, and, if it does, holds the dimid of * the coordinate variable. * * @param hdf_datasetid The HDF5 dataset ID of the coordinate variable * dataset. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @return ::NC_EHDFERR HDF5 error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int remove_coord_atts(hid_t hdf_datasetid) { htri_t attr_exists; /* If the variable dataset has an optional NC_DIMID_ATT_NAME * attribute, delete it. */ if ((attr_exists = H5Aexists(hdf_datasetid, NC_DIMID_ATT_NAME)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (attr_exists) { if (H5Adelete(hdf_datasetid, NC_DIMID_ATT_NAME) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; } /* Remove the dimension scale 'CLASS' & 'NAME' attributes. */ if ((attr_exists = H5Aexists(hdf_datasetid, HDF5_DIMSCALE_CLASS_ATT_NAME)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (attr_exists) { if (H5Adelete(hdf_datasetid, HDF5_DIMSCALE_CLASS_ATT_NAME) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; } if ((attr_exists = H5Aexists(hdf_datasetid, HDF5_DIMSCALE_NAME_ATT_NAME)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (attr_exists) { if (H5Adelete(hdf_datasetid, HDF5_DIMSCALE_NAME_ATT_NAME) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal This function writes a variable. The principle difficulty * comes from the possibility that this is a coordinate variable, and * was already written to the file as a dimension-only dimscale. If * this occurs, then it must be deleted and recreated. * * @param var Pointer to variable info struct. * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param write_dimid * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett, Quincey Koziol */ static int write_var(NC_VAR_INFO_T *var, NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, nc_bool_t write_dimid) { NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *hdf5_grp; NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_var; nc_bool_t replace_existing_var = NC_FALSE; int retval; assert(var && var->format_var_info && grp && grp->format_grp_info); LOG((4, "%s: writing var %s", __func__, var->hdr.name)); /* Get HDF5-specific group and var info. */ hdf5_grp = (NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)grp->format_grp_info; hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info; /* If the variable has already been created & the fill value changed, * indicate that the existing variable should be replaced. */ if (var->created && var->fill_val_changed) { replace_existing_var = NC_TRUE; var->fill_val_changed = NC_FALSE; /* If the variable is going to be replaced, we need to flag any other attributes associated with the variable as 'dirty', or else *only* the fill value attribute will be copied over and the rest will be lost. See https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/239 */ flag_atts_dirty(var->att); } /* Is this a coordinate var that has already been created in * the HDF5 file as a dimscale dataset? Check for dims with the * same name in this group. If there is one, check to see if * this object exists in the HDF group. */ if (var->became_coord_var) { if ((NC_DIM_INFO_T *)ncindexlookup(grp->dim, var->hdr.name)) { nc_bool_t exists; if ((retval = var_exists(hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid, var->hdr.name, &exists))) return retval; if (exists) { /* Indicate that the variable already exists, and should * be replaced. */ replace_existing_var = NC_TRUE; flag_atts_dirty(var->att); } } } /* Check dims if the variable will be replaced, so that the * dimensions will be de-attached and re-attached correctly. */ if (replace_existing_var) { NC_DIM_INFO_T *d1; /* Is there a dim with this var's name? */ if ((d1 = (NC_DIM_INFO_T *)ncindexlookup(grp->dim, var->hdr.name))) { nc_bool_t exists; assert(d1->format_dim_info && d1->hdr.name); if ((retval = var_exists(hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid, var->hdr.name, &exists))) return retval; if (exists) { hid_t dsid; /* Find dataset ID for dimension */ if (d1->coord_var) dsid = ((NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)d1->coord_var->format_var_info)->hdf_datasetid; else dsid = ((NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T *)d1->format_dim_info)->hdf_dimscaleid; assert(dsid > 0); /* If we're replacing an existing dimscale dataset, go to * every var in the file and detach this dimension scale, * because we have to delete it. */ if ((retval = rec_detach_scales(grp->nc4_info->root_grp, var->dimids[0], dsid))) return retval; } } } /* If this is not a dimension scale, remove any attached scales, * and delete dimscale attributes from the var. */ if (var->was_coord_var && hdf5_var->dimscale_attached) { int d; /* If the variable already exists in the file, Remove any dimension scale * attributes from it, if they exist. */ if (var->created) if ((retval = remove_coord_atts(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid))) return retval; /* If this is a regular var, detach all its dim scales. */ for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) { if (hdf5_var->dimscale_attached[d]) { hid_t dsid; /* Dataset ID for dimension */ assert(var->dim[d] && var->dim[d]->hdr.id == var->dimids[d] && var->dim[d]->format_dim_info); /* Find dataset ID for dimension */ if (var->dim[d]->coord_var) dsid = ((NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->dim[d]->coord_var->format_var_info)->hdf_datasetid; else dsid = ((NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T *)var->dim[d]->format_dim_info)->hdf_dimscaleid; assert(dsid > 0); /* Detach this dim scale. */ if (H5DSdetach_scale(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid, dsid, d) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; hdf5_var->dimscale_attached[d] = NC_FALSE; } } } /* Delete the HDF5 dataset that is to be replaced. */ if (replace_existing_var) { /* Free the HDF5 dataset id. */ if (hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid && H5Dclose(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid = 0; /* Now delete the variable. */ if (H5Gunlink(hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid, var->hdr.name) < 0) return NC_EDIMMETA; } /* Create the dataset. */ if (var->is_new_var || replace_existing_var) { if ((retval = var_create_dataset(grp, var, write_dimid))) return retval; } else { if (write_dimid && var->ndims) if ((retval = write_netcdf4_dimid(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid, var->dimids[0]))) return retval; } if (replace_existing_var) { /* If this is a dimension scale, reattach the scale everywhere it * is used. (Recall that netCDF dimscales are always 1-D). */ if(hdf5_var->dimscale) { if ((retval = rec_reattach_scales(grp->nc4_info->root_grp, var->dimids[0], hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid))) return retval; } /* If it's not a dimension scale, clear the dimscale attached flags, * so the dimensions are re-attached. */ else { if (hdf5_var->dimscale_attached) memset(hdf5_var->dimscale_attached, 0, sizeof(nc_bool_t) * var->ndims); } } /* Clear coord. var state transition flags */ var->was_coord_var = NC_FALSE; var->became_coord_var = NC_FALSE; /* Now check the attributes for this var. */ if (var->attr_dirty) { /* Write attributes for this var. */ if ((retval = write_attlist(var->att, var->hdr.id, grp))) return retval; var->attr_dirty = NC_FALSE; } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Write a HDF5 dataset which is a dimension without a * coordinate variable. This is a special 1-D dataset. * * @param dim Pointer to dim info struct. * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param write_dimid * * @returns ::NC_NOERR No error. * @returns ::NC_EPERM Read-only file. * @returns ::NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int nc4_create_dim_wo_var(NC_DIM_INFO_T *dim) { NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T *hdf5_dim; NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *hdf5_grp; hid_t spaceid = -1, create_propid = -1; hsize_t dims[1], max_dims[1], chunk_dims[1] = {1}; char dimscale_wo_var[NC_MAX_NAME]; int retval = NC_NOERR; LOG((4, "%s: creating dim %s", __func__, dim->hdr.name)); /* Sanity check */ assert(!dim->coord_var); /* Get HDF5-specific dim and group info. */ hdf5_grp = (NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)dim->container->format_grp_info; hdf5_dim = (NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T *)dim->format_dim_info; /* Create a property list. */ if ((create_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Turn off recording of times associated with this object. */ if (H5Pset_obj_track_times(create_propid, 0) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Set size of dataset to size of dimension. */ dims[0] = dim->len; max_dims[0] = dim->len; /* If this dimension scale is unlimited (i.e. it's an unlimited * dimension), then set up chunking, with a chunksize of 1. */ if (dim->unlimited) { max_dims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED; if (H5Pset_chunk(create_propid, 1, chunk_dims) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); } /* Set up space. */ if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Turn on creation-order tracking. */ if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(create_propid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED| H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Create the dataset that will be the dimension scale. */ LOG((4, "%s: about to H5Dcreate1 a dimscale dataset %s", __func__, dim->hdr.name)); if ((hdf5_dim->hdf_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate2(hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid, dim->hdr.name, H5T_IEEE_F32BE, spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, create_propid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Indicate that this is a scale. Also indicate that not * be shown to the user as a variable. It is hidden. It is * a DIM WITHOUT A VARIABLE! */ sprintf(dimscale_wo_var, "%s%10d", DIM_WITHOUT_VARIABLE, (int)dim->len); if (H5DSset_scale(hdf5_dim->hdf_dimscaleid, dimscale_wo_var) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); /* Since this dimension was created out of order, we cannot rely on * it getting the correct dimid on file open. We must assign it * explicitly. */ if ((retval = write_netcdf4_dimid(hdf5_dim->hdf_dimscaleid, dim->hdr.id))) BAIL(retval); exit: if (spaceid > 0 && H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); if (create_propid > 0 && H5Pclose(create_propid) < 0) BAIL2(NC_EHDFERR); return retval; } /** * @internal Write a dimension. * * @param dim Pointer to dim info struct. * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param write_dimid * * @returns ::NC_NOERR No error. * @returns ::NC_EPERM Read-only file. * @returns ::NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ static int write_dim(NC_DIM_INFO_T *dim, NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, nc_bool_t write_dimid) { NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T *hdf5_dim; int retval = NC_NOERR; assert(dim && dim->format_dim_info && grp && grp->format_grp_info); /* Get HDF5-specific dim and group info. */ hdf5_dim = (NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T *)dim->format_dim_info; /* If there's no dimscale dataset for this dim, create one, * and mark that it should be hidden from netCDF as a * variable. (That is, it should appear as a dimension * without an associated variable.) */ if (!hdf5_dim->hdf_dimscaleid) if ((retval = nc4_create_dim_wo_var(dim))) BAIL(retval); /* Did we extend an unlimited dimension? */ if (dim->extended) { NC_VAR_INFO_T *v1 = NULL; assert(dim->unlimited); /* If this is a dimension with an associated coordinate var, * then update the length of that coord var. */ v1 = dim->coord_var; if (v1) { NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_v1; hsize_t *new_size; int d1; hdf5_v1 = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)v1->format_var_info; /* Extend the dimension scale dataset to reflect the new * length of the dimension. */ if (!(new_size = malloc(v1->ndims * sizeof(hsize_t)))) BAIL(NC_ENOMEM); for (d1 = 0; d1 < v1->ndims; d1++) { assert(v1->dim[d1] && v1->dim[d1]->hdr.id == v1->dimids[d1]); new_size[d1] = v1->dim[d1]->len; } if (H5Dset_extent(hdf5_v1->hdf_datasetid, new_size) < 0) BAIL(NC_EHDFERR); free(new_size); } } /* If desired, write the secret dimid. This will be used instead of * the dimid that the dimension would otherwise receive based on * creation order. This can be necessary when dims and their * coordinate variables were created in different order. */ if (write_dimid && hdf5_dim->hdf_dimscaleid) if ((retval = write_netcdf4_dimid(hdf5_dim->hdf_dimscaleid, dim->hdr.id))) BAIL(retval); exit: return retval; } /** * @internal Recursively write all the metadata in a group. Groups and * types have all already been written. Propagate bad cooordinate * order to subgroups, if detected. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param bad_coord_order 1 if there is a bad coordinate order. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int nc4_rec_write_metadata(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, nc_bool_t bad_coord_order) { NC_DIM_INFO_T *dim = NULL; NC_VAR_INFO_T *var = NULL; NC_GRP_INFO_T *child_grp = NULL; int coord_varid = -1; int var_index = 0; int dim_index = 0; int retval; int i; assert(grp && grp->hdr.name && ((NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)(grp->format_grp_info))->hdf_grpid); LOG((3, "%s: grp->hdr.name %s, bad_coord_order %d", __func__, grp->hdr.name, bad_coord_order)); /* Write global attributes for this group. */ if ((retval = write_attlist(grp->att, NC_GLOBAL, grp))) return retval; /* Set the pointers to the beginning of the list of dims & vars in this * group. */ dim = (NC_DIM_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->dim, dim_index); var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->vars, var_index); /* Because of HDF5 ordering the dims and vars have to be stored in * this way to ensure that the dims and coordinate vars come out in * the correct order. */ while (dim || var) { nc_bool_t found_coord, wrote_coord; /* Write non-coord dims in order, stopping at the first one that * has an associated coord var. */ for (found_coord = NC_FALSE; dim && !found_coord; ) { if (!dim->coord_var) { if ((retval = write_dim(dim, grp, bad_coord_order))) return retval; } else { coord_varid = dim->coord_var->hdr.id; found_coord = NC_TRUE; } dim = (NC_DIM_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->dim, ++dim_index); } /* Write each var. When we get to the coord var we are waiting * for (if any), then we break after writing it. */ for (wrote_coord = NC_FALSE; var && !wrote_coord; ) { if ((retval = write_var(var, grp, bad_coord_order))) return retval; if (found_coord && var->hdr.id == coord_varid) wrote_coord = NC_TRUE; var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->vars, ++var_index); } } /* end while */ /* Attach dimscales to vars in this group. */ if ((retval = attach_dimscales(grp))) return retval; /* If there are any child groups, write their metadata. */ for (i = 0; i < ncindexsize(grp->children); i++) { child_grp = (NC_GRP_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->children, i); assert(child_grp); if ((retval = nc4_rec_write_metadata(child_grp, bad_coord_order))) return retval; } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Recursively write all groups and types. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int nc4_rec_write_groups_types(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp) { NC_GRP_INFO_T *child_grp; NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *hdf5_grp; NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type; int retval; int i; assert(grp && grp->hdr.name && grp->format_grp_info); LOG((3, "%s: grp->hdr.name %s", __func__, grp->hdr.name)); /* Get HDF5-specific group info. */ hdf5_grp = (NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)grp->format_grp_info; /* Create the group in the HDF5 file if it doesn't exist. */ if (!hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid) if ((retval = create_group(grp))) return retval; /* If this is the root group of a file with strict NC3 rules, write * an attribute. But don't leave the attribute open. */ if (!grp->parent && (grp->nc4_info->cmode & NC_CLASSIC_MODEL)) if ((retval = write_nc3_strict_att(hdf5_grp->hdf_grpid))) return retval; /* If there are any user-defined types, write them now. */ for(i=0;itype);i++) { type = (NC_TYPE_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->type, i); assert(type); if ((retval = commit_type(grp, type))) return retval; } /* If there are any child groups, write their groups and types. */ for(i=0;ichildren);i++) { if((child_grp = (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->children,i)) == NULL) continue; if ((retval = nc4_rec_write_groups_types(child_grp))) return retval; } return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal In our first pass through the data, we may have * encountered variables before encountering their dimscales, so go * through the vars in this file and make sure we've got a dimid for * each. * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned an error. * @returns NC_ENOMEM Out of memory. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int nc4_rec_match_dimscales(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp) { NC_GRP_INFO_T *g; NC_VAR_INFO_T *var; NC_DIM_INFO_T *dim; int retval = NC_NOERR; int i; assert(grp && grp->hdr.name); LOG((4, "%s: grp->hdr.name %s", __func__, grp->hdr.name)); /* Perform var dimscale match for child groups. */ for (i = 0; i < ncindexsize(grp->children); i++) { g = (NC_GRP_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->children, i); assert(g); if ((retval = nc4_rec_match_dimscales(g))) return retval; } /* Check all the vars in this group. If they have dimscale info, * try and find a dimension for them. */ for (i = 0; i < ncindexsize(grp->vars); i++) { NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_var; int ndims; int d; /* Get pointer to var and to the HDF5-specific var info. */ var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->vars, i); assert(var && var->format_var_info); hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info; /* Check all vars and see if dim[i] != NULL if dimids[i] valid. */ /* This loop is very odd. Under normal circumstances, var->dimid[d] is zero (from the initial calloc) which is a legitimate dimid. The code does not distinquish this case from the dimscale case where the id might actually be defined. The original nc4_find_dim searched up the group tree looking for the given dimid in one of the dim lists associated with each ancestor group. I changed nc4_fnd_dim to use the dimid directly using h5->alldims. However, here that is incorrect because it will find the dimid 0 always (if any dimensions were defined). Except that when dimscale dimids have been defined, one or more of the values in var->dimids will have a legitimate value. The solution I choose is to modify nc4_var_list_add to initialize dimids to illegal values (-1). This is another example of the problems with dimscales. */ ndims = var->ndims; for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++) { if (var->dim[d] == NULL) { nc4_find_dim(grp, var->dimids[d], &var->dim[d], NULL); } /* assert(var->dim[d] && var->dim[d]->hdr.id == var->dimids[d]); */ } /* Skip dimension scale variables */ if (!hdf5_var->dimscale) { int d; int j; /* Are there dimscales for this variable? */ if (hdf5_var->dimscale_hdf5_objids) { for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) { nc_bool_t finished = NC_FALSE; LOG((5, "%s: var %s has dimscale info...", __func__, var->hdr.name)); /* Check this and parent groups. */ for (g = grp; g && !finished; g = g->parent) { /* Check all dims in this group. */ for (j = 0; j < ncindexsize(g->dim); j++) { /* Get the HDF5 specific dim info. */ NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T *hdf5_dim; dim = (NC_DIM_INFO_T *)ncindexith(g->dim, j); assert(dim && dim->format_dim_info); hdf5_dim = (NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T *)dim->format_dim_info; /* Check for exact match of fileno/objid arrays * to find identical objects in HDF5 file. */ #if H5_VERSION_GE(1,12,0) int token_cmp; if (H5Otoken_cmp(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid, &hdf5_var->dimscale_hdf5_objids[d].token, &hdf5_dim->hdf5_objid.token, &token_cmp) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; if (hdf5_var->dimscale_hdf5_objids[d].fileno == hdf5_dim->hdf5_objid.fileno && token_cmp == 0) #else if (hdf5_var->dimscale_hdf5_objids[d].fileno[0] == hdf5_dim->hdf5_objid.fileno[0] && hdf5_var->dimscale_hdf5_objids[d].objno[0] == hdf5_dim->hdf5_objid.objno[0] && hdf5_var->dimscale_hdf5_objids[d].fileno[1] == hdf5_dim->hdf5_objid.fileno[1] && hdf5_var->dimscale_hdf5_objids[d].objno[1] == hdf5_dim->hdf5_objid.objno[1]) #endif { LOG((4, "%s: for dimension %d, found dim %s", __func__, d, dim->hdr.name)); var->dimids[d] = dim->hdr.id; var->dim[d] = dim; finished = NC_TRUE; break; } } /* next dim */ } /* next grp */ LOG((5, "%s: dimid for this dimscale is %d", __func__, var->type_info->hdr.id)); } /* next var->dim */ } /* No dimscales for this var! Invent phony dimensions. */ else { hid_t spaceid = 0; hsize_t *h5dimlen = NULL, *h5dimlenmax = NULL; int dataset_ndims; /* Find the space information for this dimension. */ if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid)) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; /* Get the len of each dim in the space. */ if (var->ndims) { if (!(h5dimlen = malloc(var->ndims * sizeof(hsize_t)))) return NC_ENOMEM; if (!(h5dimlenmax = malloc(var->ndims * sizeof(hsize_t)))) { free(h5dimlen); return NC_ENOMEM; } if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, h5dimlen, h5dimlenmax)) < 0) { free(h5dimlenmax); free(h5dimlen); return NC_EHDFERR; } if (dataset_ndims != var->ndims) { free(h5dimlenmax); free(h5dimlen); return NC_EHDFERR; } } else { /* Make sure it's scalar. */ if (H5Sget_simple_extent_type(spaceid) != H5S_SCALAR) return NC_EHDFERR; } /* Release the space object. */ if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) { free(h5dimlen); free(h5dimlenmax); return NC_EHDFERR; } /* Create a phony dimension for each dimension in the * dataset, unless there already is one the correct * size. */ for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) { int k; int match; /* Is there already a phony dimension of the correct size? */ for(match=-1,k=0;kdim);k++) { if((dim = (NC_DIM_INFO_T*)ncindexith(grp->dim,k)) == NULL) continue; if ((dim->len == h5dimlen[d]) && ((h5dimlenmax[d] == H5S_UNLIMITED && dim->unlimited) || (h5dimlenmax[d] != H5S_UNLIMITED && !dim->unlimited))) {match = k; break;} } /* Didn't find a phony dim? Then create one. */ if (match < 0) { char phony_dim_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1]; sprintf(phony_dim_name, "phony_dim_%d", grp->nc4_info->next_dimid); LOG((3, "%s: creating phony dim for var %s", __func__, var->hdr.name)); if ((retval = nc4_dim_list_add(grp, phony_dim_name, h5dimlen[d], -1, &dim))) { free(h5dimlenmax); free(h5dimlen); return retval; } /* Create struct for HDF5-specific dim info. */ if (!(dim->format_dim_info = calloc(1, sizeof(NC_HDF5_DIM_INFO_T)))) return NC_ENOMEM; if (h5dimlenmax[d] == H5S_UNLIMITED) dim->unlimited = NC_TRUE; } /* The variable must remember the dimid. */ var->dimids[d] = dim->hdr.id; var->dim[d] = dim; } /* next dim */ /* Free the memory we malloced. */ free(h5dimlen); free(h5dimlenmax); } } } return retval; } /** * @internal Report information about an open HDF5 object. This is * called on any still-open objects when a HDF5 file close is * attempted. * * @param uselog If true, send output to LOG not stderr. * @param id HDF5 ID of open object. * @param type Type of HDF5 object, file, dataset, etc. * * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ void reportobject(int uselog, hid_t id, unsigned int type) { char name[NC_HDF5_MAX_NAME]; ssize_t len; const char* typename = NULL; long long printid = (long long)id; len = H5Iget_name(id, name, NC_HDF5_MAX_NAME); if(len < 0) return; name[len] = '\0'; switch (type) { case H5F_OBJ_FILE: typename = "File"; break; case H5F_OBJ_DATASET: typename = "Dataset"; break; case H5F_OBJ_GROUP: typename = "Group"; break; case H5F_OBJ_DATATYPE: typename = "Datatype"; break; case H5F_OBJ_ATTR: typename = "Attribute"; len = H5Aget_name(id, NC_HDF5_MAX_NAME, name); if(len < 0) len = 0; name[len] = '\0'; break; default: typename = ""; break; } #ifdef LOGGING if(uselog) { LOG((0,"Type = %s(%lld) name='%s'",typename,printid,name)); } else #endif { fprintf(stderr,"Type = %s(%lld) name='%s'",typename,printid,name); } } /** * @internal * * @param uselog * @param fid HDF5 ID. * @param ntypes Number of types. * @param otypes Pointer that gets number of open types. * * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static void reportopenobjectsT(int uselog, hid_t fid, int ntypes, unsigned int* otypes) { int t,i; ssize_t ocount; size_t maxobjs = -1; hid_t* idlist = NULL; /* Always report somehow */ #ifdef LOGGING if(uselog) LOG((0,"\nReport: open objects on %lld",(long long)fid)); else #endif fprintf(stdout,"\nReport: open objects on %lld\n",(long long)fid); maxobjs = H5Fget_obj_count(fid,H5F_OBJ_ALL); if(idlist != NULL) free(idlist); idlist = (hid_t*)malloc(sizeof(hid_t)*maxobjs); for(t=0;tformat_file_info); hdf5_info = (NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T *)h5->format_file_info; fprintf(stderr,"===== begin showopenobjects =====\n"); reportopenobjects(0,hdf5_info->hdfid); fprintf(stderr,"===== end showopenobjects =====\n"); fflush(stderr); } /** * @internal Report open objects given an ncid * Defined to support user or gdb level call. * * @param ncid file id * * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ void showopenobjects(int ncid) { NC_FILE_INFO_T* h5 = NULL; /* Find our metadata for this file. */ if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncid, NULL, NULL, &h5) != NC_NOERR) fprintf(stderr,"failed\n"); else showopenobjects5(h5); fflush(stderr); } /** * @internal Get HDF5 library version. * * @param major Pointer that gets major version number. * @param minor Pointer that gets minor version number. * @param release Pointer that gets release version number. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ int NC4_hdf5get_libversion(unsigned* major,unsigned* minor,unsigned* release) { if(H5get_libversion(major,minor,release) < 0) return NC_EHDFERR; return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Get HDF5 superblock version. * * @param h5 Pointer to HDF5 file info struct. * @param idp Pointer that gets superblock version. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @returns NC_EHDFERR HDF5 returned error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ int NC4_hdf5get_superblock(struct NC_FILE_INFO* h5, int* idp) { NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T *hdf5_info; int stat = NC_NOERR; unsigned super; hid_t plist = -1; assert(h5 && h5->format_file_info); hdf5_info = (NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T *)h5->format_file_info; if((plist = H5Fget_create_plist(hdf5_info->hdfid)) < 0) {stat = NC_EHDFERR; goto done;} if(H5Pget_version(plist, &super, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) {stat = NC_EHDFERR; goto done;} if(idp) *idp = (int)super; done: if(plist >= 0) H5Pclose(plist); return stat; } static int NC4_strict_att_exists(NC_FILE_INFO_T*); static int NC4_walk(hid_t, int*); /** * @internal Determine whether file is netCDF-4. * * We define a file as being from netcdf-4 if any of the following * are true: * 1. NCPROPS attribute exists in root group * 2. NC3_STRICT_ATT_NAME exists in root group * 3. any of NC_ATT_REFERENCE_LIST, NC_ATT_CLASS, * NC_ATT_DIMENSION_LIST, NC_ATT_NAME, * NC_ATT_COORDINATES, NC_DIMID_ATT_NAME * exist anywhere in the file; note that this * requires walking the file. * @note WARNINGS: * 1. False negatives are possible for a small subset of netcdf-4 * created files. * 2. Deliberate falsification in the file can be used to cause * a false positive. * * @param h5 Pointer to HDF5 file info struct. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner. */ int NC4_isnetcdf4(struct NC_FILE_INFO* h5) { int stat; int isnc4 = 0; int exists; int count; /* Look for NC3_STRICT_ATT_NAME */ exists = NC4_strict_att_exists(h5); if(exists) goto done; /* attribute did not exist */ /* => last resort: walk the HDF5 file looking for markers */ count = 0; stat = NC4_walk(((NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)(h5->root_grp->format_grp_info))->hdf_grpid, &count); if(stat != NC_NOERR) isnc4 = 0; else /* Threshold is at least two matches */ isnc4 = (count >= 2); done: return isnc4; } /** * @internal See if the NC3 strict attribute exists. * * @param h5 Pointer to HDF5 file info struct. * * @returns 1 if error || exists; 0 otherwise * @author Dennis Heimbigner. */ static int NC4_strict_att_exists(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5) { hid_t grpid = -1; htri_t attr_exists; /* Get root group ID. */ grpid = ((NC_HDF5_GRP_INFO_T *)(h5->root_grp->format_grp_info))->hdf_grpid; /* See if the NC3_STRICT_ATT_NAME attribute exists */ if ((attr_exists = H5Aexists(grpid, NC3_STRICT_ATT_NAME)) < 0) return 1; return (attr_exists?1:0); } /** * @internal Walk group struct. * * @param gid HDF5 ID of starting group. * @param countp Pointer that gets count. * * @returns NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int NC4_walk(hid_t gid, int* countp) { int ncstat = NC_NOERR; int i,j,na; ssize_t len; hsize_t nobj; herr_t err; int otype; hid_t grpid, dsid; char name[NC_HDF5_MAX_NAME]; /* walk group members of interest */ err = H5Gget_num_objs(gid, &nobj); if(err < 0) return err; for(i = 0; i < nobj; i++) { /* Get name & kind of object in the group */ len = H5Gget_objname_by_idx(gid,(hsize_t)i,name,(size_t)NC_HDF5_MAX_NAME); if(len < 0) return len; otype = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(gid,(size_t)i); switch(otype) { case H5G_GROUP: grpid = H5Gopen(gid,name); NC4_walk(grpid,countp); H5Gclose(grpid); break; case H5G_DATASET: /* variables */ /* Check for phony_dim */ if(strcmp(name,"phony_dim")==0) *countp = *countp + 1; dsid = H5Dopen(gid,name); na = H5Aget_num_attrs(dsid); for(j = 0; j < na; j++) { hid_t aid = H5Aopen_idx(dsid,(unsigned int) j); if(aid >= 0) { const NC_reservedatt* ra; ssize_t len = H5Aget_name(aid, NC_HDF5_MAX_NAME, name); if(len < 0) return len; /* Is this a netcdf-4 marker attribute */ /* Is this a netcdf-4 marker attribute */ ra = NC_findreserved(name); if(ra != NULL) *countp = *countp + 1; } H5Aclose(aid); } H5Dclose(dsid); break; default:/* ignore */ break; } } return ncstat; } int NC4_hdf5_remove_filter(NC_VAR_INFO_T* var, const char* filterid) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *hdf5_var; hid_t propid = -1; herr_t herr = -1; H5Z_filter_t hft; unsigned int id; hdf5_var = (NC_HDF5_VAR_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info; if ((propid = H5Dget_create_plist(hdf5_var->hdf_datasetid)) < 0) {stat = NC_EHDFERR; goto done;} if((stat = NC_cvtX2I_id(filterid,&id))) goto done; hft = id; if((herr = H5Premove_filter(propid,hft)) < 0) {stat = NC_EHDFERR; goto done;} done: return stat; }