/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ #ifndef BM_UTILS_H #define BM_UTILS_H #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "zincludes.h" #undef DEBUG /* Define the getopt tags */ #define OPT_UNKNOWN 0 #define OPT_TREEDEPTH 1 #define OPT_NGROUPS 2 #define OPT_NGROUPATTRS 3 #define OPT_NDIMS 4 #define OPT_NTYPES 5 #define OPT_NVARS 6 #define OPT_VARRANK 7 #define OPT_NVARATTRS 8 #define OPT_FORMAT 9 #define OPT_PATH 10 #define OPT_FILE 11 #define OPT_X 12 #define OPT_DEBUG 13 #define OPT_DIMS 14 #define OPT_CHUNKS 15 #define OPT_CACHEFACTOR 16 #define OPT_CACHESIZE 17 #define OPT_DEFLATELEVEL 18 #define OPT_WDEBUG 19 #define OPT_URL 20 #define OPT_READONLY 21 #define OPT_WRITEONLY 22 #define X_OPT_MATCH 1 extern struct BMOptions { int format; char* filename; char* url; char* path; /* as sent to e.g. nc_create() */ char* pathtemplate; int xvalue; NCZM_IMPL impl; int debug; int wdebug; int readonly; int writeonly; struct BMMeta { int treedepth; int ngroups; int ngroupattrs; int ndims; int ntypes; int nvars; int varrank; int nvarattrs; size_t cachefactor; size_t cachesize; struct IntList { int count; size_t* list; } dims; struct IntList chunks; int deflatelevel; } meta; struct X { int sync; } x; } bmoptions; #define NCCHECK(expr) nccheck((expr),__LINE__) EXTERNL int bm_buildpath(struct BMOptions*); EXTERNL int bm_getoptions(int* argcp, char*** argvp, struct BMOptions*); EXTERNL void bm_clearoptions(struct BMOptions*); EXTERNL const char* formatname(const struct BMOptions*); EXTERNL void bm_reportoptions(struct BMOptions* o); EXTERNL void bm_reportmetaoptions(struct BMMeta* o); EXTERNL const char* bm_printvector(int rank, const size_t* vec); EXTERNL const char* bm_printvectorp(int rank, const ptrdiff_t* vec); EXTERNL const char* bm_varasprint(int rank, const size_t* start, const size_t* edges, const ptrdiff_t* stride); #include "ut_test.h" #endif /*BM_UTILS_H*/