Installing and Using netCDF-C Libraries in Windows {#winbin} ================================================== \brief NetCDF-C Libraries in a Windows Environment may be used under multiple sets of circumstances. [TOC] There are several development environments available for programmers who develop on Windows. * `Microsoft Visual Studio ` * `MSYS/MinGW` * `Cygwin` For developers using `Microsoft Visual Studio`, you may download using the Windows build instructions, or you may download the pre-built netCDF-C libraries from this page. For developers using `MSYS/MinGW` or `Cygwin`, you may build netCDF-C using the Linux/Unix build instructions. > For complex builds that include netCDF-4 and/or DAP support this may prove tricky, as it is time consuming to collect all of the dependencies. In these cases it may be easier to use the pre-built `netcdf` packages provided by the `MSYS` and `Cygwin` environments. Users who prefer to build the netCDF-C libraries from source in a Windows environment using Microsoft Visual Studio are referred to \ref netCDF-CMake # Getting pre-built netCDF-C Libraries for Visual Studio {#msvc-prebuilt} These libraries have been built using Visual Studio 2012. The downloads are installer packages which contain the netCDF-C libraries and utilities (ncgen, ncgen3, ncdump and nccopy), as well as the associated dependencies. ## Included Dependencies {#msvc-inc-deps} The included dependencies and versions are as follows: * `libhdf5`: 1.8.17 * `libcurl`: 7.35.0 * `zlib`: 1.2.8 ## Latest Release (netCDF-C major.minor.point) {#msvc-latest-release} Configuration | 32-bit | 64-bit | :-------------------|:-------- |:-------| netCDF 3 | [netCDFmajor.minor.point-NC3-32.exe][r1] | [netCDFmajor.minor.point-NC3-64.exe][r6] netCDF3+DAP | [netCDFmajor.minor.point-NC3-DAP-32.exe][r2] | [netCDFmajor.minor.point-NC3-DAP-64.exe][r6] netCDF4 | [netCDFmajor.minor.point-NC4-32.exe][r3] | [netCDFmajor.minor.point-NC4-64.exe][r7] netCDF4+DAP | [netCDFmajor.minor.point-NC4-DAP-32.exe][r4] | [netCDFmajor.minor.point-NC4-DAP-64.exe][r8] # Using the netCDF-C Libraries with Visual Studio {#msvc-using} In order to use the netcdf libraries, you must ensure that the .dll files (along with any dependencies from deps/shared/bin) are on the system path. In order to compile a program using these libraries, you must first link your program against the appropriate 'import' (.lib) libraries. ## Install Hierarchy {#msvc-install-hierarchy} When installed, the netCDF libraries are placed in the specified locations, along with the netCDF-C utilities and dependencies.