/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. * $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/nctest/vartests.c,v 1.19 2006/10/31 16:20:49 ed Exp $ *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include /* for free() */ #include "netcdf.h" #include "testcdf.h" /* defines in-memory test cdf structure */ #include "emalloc.h" #include "add.h" /* functions to update in-memory netcdf */ #include "error.h" #include "tests.h" #define LEN_OF(array) ((sizeof array) / (sizeof array[0])) /* * Test ncvarid * check that proper variable handle returned in both modes * try with undefined name, check error * try with bad handle, check error */ int test_ncvarid(const char *path) /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { static char pname[] = "test_ncvarid"; int cdfid; /* netcdf id */ int id; int varid; /* variable id */ static struct cdfvar xx = /* variable */ {"xx", NC_FLOAT, 1, ___, 0}; int nerrs = 0; (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t\t", &pname[5]); if ((cdfid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened, enter define mode */ if (ncredef(cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: cdredef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode, add a variable */ xx.dims = (int *) emalloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)xx.ndims); for (id = 0; id < xx.ndims; id++) xx.dims[id] = id; if ((varid = ncvardef(cdfid, xx.name, xx.type, xx.ndims, xx.dims)) == -1) { error("%s: ncvardef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } add_var(&test, &xx); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ /* check id returned for name matches id returned from definition */ if (ncvarid(cdfid, xx.name) != varid) { error("%s: ncvarid returned wrong value in define mode", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncendef (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* in data mode, check returned id for variable just added */ if (ncvarid(cdfid, xx.name) != varid) { error("%s: ncvarid returned wrong value in data mode", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* try with undefined variable, should fail */ if (ncvarid(cdfid, "santa-claus") != -1) { error("%s: ncvarid with bogus name should have failed ", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* try on bad handle, should fail */ if (ncvarid(cdfid, xx.name) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarid failed to report bad netcdf handle", pname); nerrs++; } if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); free(xx.dims); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncvarinq * try in both modes * check returned values against defined values * try with bad variable handle, check error * try with bad netCDF handle, check error */ int test_ncvarinq(const char *path) /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncvarinq"; int cdfid; /* netcdf id */ int varid; /* variable id */ struct cdfvar var; /* variable */ int idim; (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t", &pname[5]); if ((cdfid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened, in data mode */ var.dims = (int *) emalloc(sizeof(int) * MAX_VAR_DIMS); var.name = (char *) emalloc(MAX_NC_NAME); for (varid = 0 ; varid < test.nvars; varid++) { /* loop on all var ids */ if (ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, var.name, &var.type, &var.ndims, var.dims, &var.natts) == -1) { error("%s: ncvarinq in data mode failed on var id %d", pname, varid); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* compare returned with expected values */ if (strcmp(var.name, test.vars[varid].name) != 0) { error("%s: ncvarinq (data mode), name %s, expected %s for id = %d", pname, var.name, test.vars[varid].name, varid); nerrs++; } if (var.type != test.vars[varid].type) { error("%s: ncvarinq (data mode), type %d, expected %d for id = %d", pname, var.type, test.vars[varid].type, varid); nerrs++; } if (var.ndims != test.vars[varid].ndims) { error("%s: ncvarinq (data mode), ndims %d, expected %d for id = %d", pname, var.ndims, test.vars[varid].ndims, varid); nerrs++; } else { /* if ndims OK, compare dims */ for (idim = 0; idim < var.ndims; idim++) if (var.dims[idim] != test.vars[varid].dims[idim]) { error("%s: ncvarinq (data mode), dims[%d]=%d, expected %d", pname, idim, var.dims[idim], test.vars[varid].dims[idim]); nerrs++; } } } if (ncredef(cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode, compare returned with expected values again */ for (varid = 0 ; varid < test.nvars; varid++) { /* loop on all var ids */ if (ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, var.name, &var.type, &var.ndims, var.dims, &var.natts) == -1) { error("%s: ncvarinq in data mode failed on var id %d", pname, varid); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (strcmp(var.name, test.vars[varid].name) != 0) { error("%s: ncvarinq (define mode), name %s, expected %s for id = %d", pname, var.name, test.vars[varid].name, varid); nerrs++; } if (var.type != test.vars[varid].type) { error("%s: ncvarinq (define mode), type %d, expected %d for id = %d", pname, var.type, test.vars[varid].type, varid); nerrs++; } if (var.ndims != test.vars[varid].ndims) { error("%s: ncvarinq (define mode), ndims %d, expected %d for id = %d", pname, var.ndims, test.vars[varid].ndims, varid); nerrs++; } else { /* if ndims OK, compare dims */ for (idim = 0; idim < var.ndims; idim++) if (var.dims[idim] != test.vars[varid].dims[idim]) { error("%s: ncvarinq (define mode), dims[%d]=%d, expected %d", pname, idim, var.dims[idim], test.vars[varid].dims[idim]); nerrs++; } } } /* try with bad variable handles, check for failure */ if (ncvarinq(cdfid, -1, var.name, &var.type, &var.ndims, var.dims, &var.natts) != -1 || ncvarinq(cdfid, test.nvars, var.name, &var.type, &var.ndims, var.dims, &var.natts) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarinq should have failed on bad variable ids", pname, varid); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncendef (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* should fail, since bad handle */ if (test.nvars >= 1) { /* if any variables have been defined */ if (ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, var.name, &var.type, &var.ndims, var.dims, &var.natts) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarinq failed to report bad netcdf handle ", pname); nerrs++; } } if(var.dims != NULL) free(var.dims); if(var.name != NULL) free(var.name); if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; } struct cdfelm { /* coordinates and generic value */ long coords[MAX_NC_DIMS]; union generic { char by; char ch; short sh; nclong lo; float fl; double db; } val; }; /* * Test both ncvarput1 and ncvarget1 with all types of data * use points in "lower-left", "middle", and "upper-right" * for each existing variable, put values of its type at each point * get values and compare with put values */ static int test_varputget1(int cdfid) /* handle of netcdf open and in data mode */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_varputget1"; int id, ie, iv; int ne = 3; /* number of test points */ struct cdfelm elm[3]; /* coordinates and values of test points */ static long edges[] = {1}; void *voidp; void *tmpp; char chval; short shval; nclong loval; float flval; double dbval; for (iv = 0; iv < test.nvars; iv++) { /* for each var in netcdf */ for (id = 0; id < test.vars[iv].ndims; id++) { /* set corners */ int dsize; /* max dimension size, used for u-r corner */ /* "lower-left" corner */ elm[0].coords[id] = 0; /* if unlimited dimension, choose record 3 for max, arbitrarily */ dsize = (int) test.dims[test.vars[iv].dims[id]].size; if (dsize == NC_UNLIMITED) dsize = 3; /* middle */ elm[1].coords[id] = dsize / 2; /* "upper-right" corner */ elm[2].coords[id] = dsize - 1; } for (ie = 0; ie < ne; ie++) { /* for each of ne points */ switch (test.vars[iv].type) { /* get values of right type to put */ case NC_BYTE: case NC_CHAR: elm[ie].val.by = (char) (ie+1); voidp = (void *) &elm[ie].val.by; tmpp = (void *) &chval; break; case NC_SHORT: elm[ie].val.sh = (short) (ie-1); voidp = (void *) &elm[ie].val.sh; tmpp = (void *) &shval; break; case NC_LONG: elm[ie].val.lo = (nclong) (ie-3); voidp = (void *) &elm[ie].val.lo; tmpp = (void *) &loval; break; case NC_FLOAT: elm[ie].val.fl = (float) (ie+1); voidp = (void *) &elm[ie].val.fl; tmpp = (void *) &flval; break; case NC_DOUBLE: elm[ie].val.db = (double) (ie-1); voidp = (void *) &elm[ie].val.db; tmpp = (void *) &dbval; break; default: error("%s: bad type, test program error", pname); } if(ncvarput1 (cdfid, iv, elm[ie].coords, voidp) == -1) { error("%s: ncvarput1 failed for point %d, variable %s", pname, ie, test.vars[iv].name); ncclose(cdfid); return 1; } add_data(&test, iv, elm[ie].coords, edges); /* keep test in sync */ if(ncvarget1 (cdfid, iv, elm[ie].coords, tmpp) == -1) { error("%s: ncvarget1 failed for point %d, variable %s", pname, ie, test.vars[iv].name); ncclose(cdfid); return 1; } switch (test.vars[iv].type) { /* compare values of right type */ case NC_BYTE: case NC_CHAR: if (elm[ie].val.by != chval) { error("%s: ncvarget1 returned char %d, expected %d", pname, chval, elm[ie].val.by); nerrs++; } break; case NC_SHORT: if (elm[ie].val.sh != shval) { error("%s: ncvarget1 returned short %d, expected %d", pname, shval, elm[ie].val.sh); nerrs++; } break; case NC_LONG: if (elm[ie].val.lo != loval) { error("%s: ncvarget1 returned long %ld, expected %ld", pname, (long)loval, (long)elm[ie].val.lo); nerrs++; } break; case NC_FLOAT: if (elm[ie].val.fl != flval) { error("%s: ncvarget1 returned float %g, expected %g", pname, flval, elm[ie].val.fl); nerrs++; } break; case NC_DOUBLE: if (elm[ie].val.db != dbval) { error("%s: ncvarget1 returned double %g, expected %g", pname, dbval, elm[ie].val.db); nerrs++; } break; default: error("%s: bad type, test program error", pname); } } } return nerrs; } /* * Test ncvarput1 * check that proper call worked with ncvarget1 * try with negative coords, check error * try with too-large coords, check error * try with bad variable handle, check error * try in define mode, check error * try with bad netCDF handle, check error */ int test_ncvarput1(const char *path) /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncvarput1"; int cdfid; /* netcdf id */ int iv; /* variable id */ struct cdfelm elm; /* coordinates and value of test point */ (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t", &pname[5]); if ((cdfid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened in data mode, try putting and getting values of each type */ nerrs += test_varputget1 (cdfid); /* tests ncvarput1 and ncvarget1 */ /* find a variable with at least one dimension */ iv = 0; while (test.vars[iv].ndims <= 0 && iv < test.nvars) iv++; if (iv < test.nvars) { /* iv is varid of variable with dimensions */ /* set coords */ int id; /* dimension id */ for (id = 0; id < test.vars[iv].ndims; id++) elm.coords[id] = 0; /* try invalid coordinates, should fail */ elm.coords[test.vars[iv].ndims/2] = -1; if(ncvarput1 (cdfid, iv, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarput1 should fail for negative coordinate", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } elm.coords[test.vars[iv].ndims/2] = test.dims[test.vars[iv].dims[test.vars[iv].ndims/2]].size; if(ncvarput1 (cdfid, iv, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarput1 should fail for too-high coordinate", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } } /* try with bad variable handle, should fail */ if(ncvarput1 (cdfid, -1, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1 || ncvarput1 (cdfid, test.nvars, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarput1 should fail for bad variable handle", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncredef(cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* try in define mode, should fail */ if (test.nvars > 0) if(ncvarput1 (cdfid, 0, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarput1 should fail in define mode", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncendef (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* try with bad netCDF handle, should fail */ if(ncvarput1 (cdfid, 0, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarput1 failed to report bad netcdf handle", pname); nerrs++; } if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncvarget1 * check that proper call worked after ncvarput1 * try with negative coords, check error * try with too-large coords, check error * try with bad variable handle, check error * try in define mode, check error * try with bad netCDF handle, check error */ int test_ncvarget1(const char *path) /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncvarget1"; int cdfid; /* netcdf id */ int iv; /* variable id */ struct cdfelm elm; /* coordinates and value of test point */ (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t", &pname[5]); if ((cdfid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened in data mode, try putting and getting values of each type */ nerrs += test_varputget1 (cdfid); /* tests ncvarput1 and ncvarget1 */ /* find a variable with at least one dimension */ iv = 0; while (test.vars[iv].ndims <= 0 && iv < test.nvars) iv++; if (iv < test.nvars) { /* iv is varid of variable with dimensions */ /* set coords */ int id; /* dimension id */ for (id = 0; id < test.vars[iv].ndims; id++) elm.coords[id] = 0; /* try invalid coordinates, should fail */ elm.coords[test.vars[iv].ndims/2] = -1; if(ncvarget1 (cdfid, iv, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarget1 should fail for negative coordinate", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } elm.coords[test.vars[iv].ndims/2] = test.dims[test.vars[iv].dims[test.vars[iv].ndims/2]].size; if(ncvarget1 (cdfid, iv, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarget1 should fail for too-high coordinate", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } } /* try with bad variable handle, should fail */ if(ncvarget1 (cdfid, -1, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1 || ncvarget1 (cdfid, test.nvars, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarget1 should fail for bad variable handle", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncredef(cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* try in define mode, should fail */ if (test.nvars > 0) if(ncvarget1 (cdfid, 0, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarget1 should fail in define mode", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncendef (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* try with bad netCDF handle, should fail */ if(ncvarget1 (cdfid, 0, elm.coords, (void *) &elm.val) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarget1 failed to report bad netcdf handle", pname); nerrs++; } if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncvarrename * check that proper rename worked with ncvarinq * try with bad netCDF handle, check error * try in data mode, check error * try with bad variable handle, check error * try renaming to existing variable name, check error */ int test_ncvarrename(const char *path) /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncvarrename"; int cdfid; /* netcdf id */ int id; /* dimension id */ int yy_id; /* variable id */ static struct cdfvar yy = /* variable */ {"old_name", NC_SHORT, 1, ___, 0}; static char newname[] = "yyy"; /* variable name */ static char shortname[] = "yy"; /* variable name */ struct cdfvar var; /* variable */ static struct cdfvar zz = /* variable */ {"zz", NC_BYTE, 2, ___, 0}; (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t", &pname[5]); if ((cdfid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened */ if (ncredef(cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode, add two variables */ yy.dims = (int *) emalloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)yy.ndims); for (id = 0; id < yy.ndims; id++) yy.dims[id] = id; if ((yy_id = ncvardef(cdfid, yy.name, yy.type, yy.ndims, yy.dims)) == -1) { error("%s: ncvardef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } add_var(&test, &yy); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ zz.dims = (int *) emalloc(sizeof(int) * (size_t)zz.ndims); for (id = 0; id < zz.ndims; id++) zz.dims[id] = id; if (ncvardef(cdfid, zz.name, zz.type, zz.ndims, zz.dims) == -1) { error("%s: ncvardef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } add_var(&test, &zz); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ /* rename first variable */ if (ncvarrename(cdfid, yy_id, newname) == -1) { error("%s: ncvarrename failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* check new name with ncvarid, ncvarinq */ if (yy_id != ncvarid(cdfid, newname)) { error("%s: lookup by name failed after ncvarrename", pname); } var.dims = (int *) emalloc(sizeof(int) * MAX_VAR_DIMS); var.name = (char *) emalloc(MAX_NC_NAME); if (ncvarinq(cdfid, yy_id, var.name, &var.type, &var.ndims, var.dims, &var.natts) == -1) { error("%s: ncvarinq failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (strcmp(var.name,yy.name) == 0) { error("%s: ncvarrename failed to change name", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (strcmp(var.name,newname) != 0) { error("%s: ncvarrename changed name to %s instead of %s", pname, var.name, newname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } (void) strcpy(test.vars[yy_id].name, newname); /* keep test consistent */ /* try to rename second variable same as first, should fail */ if (ncvarrename(cdfid, yy_id, zz.name) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarrename should have failed with used name", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* try with bad variable handles, check for failure */ if (ncvarrename(cdfid, -1, var.name) != -1 || ncvarrename(cdfid, test.nvars, var.name) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarrename should have failed on bad variable ids", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncendef (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } /* in data mode */ if (ncvarrename(cdfid, yy_id, "a_longer_name") != -1) { error("%s: ncvarrename to longer should fail in data mode", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncvarrename(cdfid, yy_id, shortname) == -1) { error("%s: ncvarrename to shorter should succeed in data mode", pname); ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs; } (void) strcpy(test.vars[yy_id].name, shortname); /* keep test consistent */ /* check new name with ncvarid, ncvarinq */ if (yy_id != ncvarid(cdfid, shortname)) { error("%s: lookup by name in data mode failed after ncvarrename", pname); } if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* should fail, since bad handle */ if (ncvarrename (cdfid, 0, var.name) != -1) { error("%s: ncvarrename failed to report bad netcdf handle ", pname); nerrs++; } free(yy.dims); free(zz.dims); free(var.name); free(var.dims); if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; }