/* * Copyright 2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) #include "XGetopt.h" #endif #include "zincludes.h" #include "ncpathmgr.h" #include "nclog.h" #include "ncuri.h" #undef DEBUG #define DATANAME "data" typedef enum Mapop { MOP_NONE=0, MOP_OBJDUMP=1, MOP_CLEAR=2 } Mapop; typedef enum OBJKIND { OK_NONE=0, OK_META=1, OK_CHUNK=2, OK_GROUP=3, OK_IGNORE=4 } OBJKIND; static struct Mops { Mapop mapop; const char* opname; } mapops[] = { {MOP_NONE,"none"}, {MOP_OBJDUMP,"objdump"}, {MOP_CLEAR,"clear"}, {MOP_NONE,NULL} }; static struct Type { const char* typename; nc_type nctype; int typesize; const char format[16]; } types[] = { {"ubyte",NC_UBYTE,1,"%u"}, {"byte",NC_BYTE,1,"%d"}, {"ushort",NC_USHORT,2,"%u"}, {"short",NC_SHORT,2,"%d"}, {"uint",NC_UINT,4,"%u"}, {"int",NC_INT,4,"%d"}, {"uint64",NC_UINT64,8,"%llu"}, {"int64",NC_INT64,8,"%lld"}, {"float",NC_FLOAT,4,"%f"}, {"double",NC_DOUBLE,8,"%lf"}, {"char",NC_CHAR,1,"'%c'"}, {"string",NC_STRING,sizeof(char*),"%*s"}, {NULL,NC_NAT,0,""} }; /* Command line options */ struct Dumpptions { int debug; int meta_only; Mapop mop; char infile[4096]; NCZM_IMPL impl; char* rootpath; const struct Type* nctype; char format[16]; int xflags; # define XNOZMETADATA 1 int strlen; } dumpoptions; /* Forward */ static int objdump(void); static NCZM_IMPL implfor(const char* path); static void printcontent(size64_t len, const char* content, OBJKIND kind); static int breadthfirst(NCZMAP* map, const char*, NClist* stack); static char* rootpathfor(const char* path); static OBJKIND keykind(const char* key); static void sortlist(NClist* l); static const char* filenamefor(const char* f0); #define NCCHECK(expr) nccheck((expr),__LINE__) static void nccheck(int stat, int line) { if(stat) { fprintf(stderr,"%d: %s\n",line,nc_strerror(stat)); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } } static void zmapusage(void) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: zmapio [-t ][-d][-v][-x] \n"); exit(1); } static Mapop decodeop(const char* name) { struct Mops* p = mapops; for(;p->opname != NULL;p++) { if(strcasecmp(p->opname,name)==0) return p->mapop; } return MOP_NONE; } static const struct Type* decodetype(const char* name, int* strlenp) { struct Type* p = types; if(strncmp(name,"string/",strlen("string/"))==0) { *strlenp = atoi(name+strlen("string/")); name = "string"; } for(;p->typename != NULL;p++) { if(strcasecmp(p->typename,name)==0) return p; } return NULL; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int c; char* p; nc_initialize(); /* Init options */ memset((void*)&dumpoptions,0,sizeof(dumpoptions)); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dhvx:t:F:T:X:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'd': dumpoptions.debug = 1; break; case 'h': dumpoptions.meta_only = 1; break; case 't': dumpoptions.nctype = decodetype(optarg,&dumpoptions.strlen); if(dumpoptions.nctype == NULL) zmapusage(); break; case 'x': dumpoptions.mop = decodeop(optarg); if(dumpoptions.mop == MOP_NONE) zmapusage(); break; case 'v': zmapusage(); goto done; case 'F': strcpy(dumpoptions.format,optarg); break; case 'T': nctracelevel(atoi(optarg)); break; case 'X': for(p=optarg;*p;p++) { switch (*p) { case 'm': dumpoptions.xflags |= XNOZMETADATA; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unknown -X argument: %c",*p); break; } }; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr,"unknown option\n"); goto fail; } } /* Default the kind */ if(dumpoptions.nctype == NULL) { dumpoptions.nctype = &types[0]; fprintf(stderr,"Default type: %s\n",dumpoptions.nctype->typename); } /* get file argument */ argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "zmapio: only one input file argument permitted\n"); goto fail; } if (argc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "zmapio: no input file specified\n"); goto fail; } { char* p = NC_shellUnescape(argv[0]); strcpy(dumpoptions.infile,filenamefor(p)); if(p) free(p); } if((dumpoptions.impl = implfor(dumpoptions.infile))== NCZM_UNDEF) zmapusage(); if((dumpoptions.rootpath = rootpathfor(dumpoptions.infile))== NULL) zmapusage(); switch (dumpoptions.mop) { default: fprintf(stderr,"Default action: objdump\n"); /* fall thru */ case MOP_OBJDUMP: if((stat = objdump())) goto done; break; } done: /* Reclaim dumpoptions */ nullfree(dumpoptions.rootpath); nc_finalize(); if(stat) fprintf(stderr,"fail: %s\n",nc_strerror(stat)); return (stat ? 1 : 0); fail: stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done; } static NCZM_IMPL implfor(const char* path) { NCURI* uri = NULL; const char* mode = NULL; NClist* segments = nclistnew(); int i; NCZM_IMPL impl = NCZM_UNDEF; ncuriparse(path,&uri); if(uri == NULL) goto done; mode = ncurifragmentlookup(uri,"mode"); if(mode == NULL) goto done; /* split on commas */ NCCHECK(nczm_split_delim(mode,',',segments)); for(i=0;ipath,segments))) goto done; /* remove the bucket name */ p = (char*)nclistremove(segments,0); nullfree(p); p = NULL; /* Put it back together */ if((stat = nczm_join(segments,&rootpath))) goto done; } break; #endif default: stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done; } done: nclistfreeall(segments); segments = NULL; ncurifree(uri); uri = NULL; if(stat) {nullfree(rootpath); rootpath = NULL;} return rootpath; } static int objdump(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZMAP* map = NULL; NClist* stack = nclistnew(); char* obj = NULL; char* content = NULL; int depth; if((stat=nczmap_open(dumpoptions.impl, dumpoptions.infile, NC_NOCLOBBER, 0, NULL, &map))) goto done; /* Depth first walk all the groups to get all keys */ if((stat = breadthfirst(map,"/",stack))) goto done; if(dumpoptions.debug) { int i; fprintf(stderr,"stack:\n"); for(i=0;i 0) { size_t padlen = (len+dumpoptions.nctype->typesize); content = calloc(1,padlen+1); if((stat=nczmap_read(map,obj,0,len,content))) goto done; content[len] = '\0'; } if(hascontent) { if(len > 0) { assert(content != NULL); if(kind == OK_CHUNK) { len = ceildiv(len,dumpoptions.nctype->typesize); } printf("[%d] %s : (%llu)",depth,obj,len); if(kind == OK_CHUNK && dumpoptions.nctype->nctype != NC_STRING) printf(" (%s)",dumpoptions.nctype->typename); printf(" |"); switch(kind) { case OK_GROUP: case OK_META: printcontent(len,content,kind); break; case OK_CHUNK: if(dumpoptions.meta_only) printf("..."); else printcontent(len,content,kind); break; default: break; } printf("|\n"); } else { printf("[%d] %s : (%llu) ||\n",depth,obj,len); } } else { printf("[%d] %s\n",depth,obj); } } done: nullfree(content); nczmap_close(map,0); nclistfreeall(stack); return stat; } /* Depth first walk all the groups to get all keys */ static int breadthfirstR(NCZMAP* map, NCbytes* prefix, NClist* stack) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NClist* nextlevel = nclistnew(); size_t mark; const char* content; int isroot = 0; content = ncbytescontents(prefix); if(content[0] == '/' && content[1] == '\0') isroot = 1; if((stat=nczmap_search(map,content,nextlevel))) goto done; /* Sort nextlevel */ sortlist(nextlevel); /* Push new names onto the stack and recurse */ mark = ncbyteslength(prefix); /* save this position */ while(nclistlength(nextlevel) > 0) { char* subkey = nclistremove(nextlevel,0); if(!isroot) ncbytescat(prefix,"/"); ncbytescat(prefix,subkey); nullfree(subkey); nclistpush(stack,ncbytesdup(prefix)); if((stat = breadthfirstR(map,prefix,stack))) goto done; ncbytessetlength(prefix,mark); ncbytesnull(prefix); } done: nclistfreeall(nextlevel); return stat; } /* Depth first walk all the groups to get all keys */ static int breadthfirst(NCZMAP* map, const char* key, NClist* stack) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCbytes* prefix = ncbytesnew(); if(key == NULL || key[0] == '\0') key = "/"; ncbytescat(prefix,key); if(strlen(key) > 1 && key[strlen(key)-1]=='/') { ncbytessetlength(prefix,ncbyteslength(prefix)-1); /* remove trailing '/' */ ncbytesnull(prefix); } stat = breadthfirstR(map,prefix,stack); ncbytesfree(prefix); return stat; } static char hex[16] = "0123456789abcdef"; static void printcontent(size64_t len, const char* content, OBJKIND kind) { size64_t i, count; unsigned int c0,c1; const char* format = NULL; int strlen = 1; format = dumpoptions.nctype->format; if(dumpoptions.format[0] != '\0') format = dumpoptions.format; strlen = dumpoptions.strlen; count = len; #ifdef DEBUG printf("debug: len=%d strlen=%d count=%d\n",(int)len,(int)strlen,(int)count); fflush(stdout); #endif for(i=0;i 0) printf(", "); switch(dumpoptions.nctype->nctype) { case NC_BYTE: printf(format,((char*)content)[i]); break; case NC_SHORT: printf(format,((short*)content)[i]); break; case NC_INT: printf(format,((int*)content)[i]); break; case NC_INT64: printf(format,((long long*)content)[i]); break; case NC_UBYTE: printf(format,((unsigned char*)content)[i]); break; case NC_USHORT: printf(format,((unsigned short*)content)[i]); break; case NC_UINT: printf(format,((unsigned int*)content)[i]); break; case NC_UINT64: printf(format,((unsigned long long*)content)[i]); break; case NC_FLOAT: printf(format,((float*)content)[i]); break; case NC_DOUBLE: printf(format,((double*)content)[i]); break; case NC_CHAR: printf(format,((char*)content)[i]); break; case NC_STRING: printf(format,(int)strlen,((char*)(&content[i*strlen]))); break; default: abort(); } break; case OK_META: printf("%c",content[i]); break; default: c1 = (unsigned char)(content[i]); c0 = c1 & 0xf; c1 = (c1 >> 4); c0 = hex[c0]; c1 = hex[c1]; printf("%c%c",(char)c1,(char)c0); } } } static char chunkchars[] = ".0123456789"; static OBJKIND keykind(const char* key) { OBJKIND kind = OK_NONE; char* suffix = NULL; if(nczm_divide_at(key,-1,NULL,&suffix) == NC_NOERR) { if(suffix) { if(suffix[0] != '/') kind = OK_NONE; else if(suffix[1] == '.') { if(strcmp(&suffix[1],".zmetadata")==0 && (dumpoptions.xflags & XNOZMETADATA)) kind = OK_IGNORE; else kind = OK_META; } else if(suffix[strlen(suffix)-1] == '/') kind = OK_GROUP; else { char* p = suffix+1; for(;*p;p++) { if(strchr(chunkchars,*p) == NULL) break; } kind = OK_CHUNK; } } } nullfree(suffix); return kind; } /* bubble sort a list of strings */ static void sortlist(NClist* l) { size_t i, switched; if(nclistlength(l) <= 1) return; do { switched = 0; for(i=0;i 0) { nclistset(l,i,ith1); nclistset(l,i+1,ith); switched = 1; } } } while(switched); #if 0 for(i=0;i