/* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata and OPeNDAP, Inc. See the COPYRIGHT file for more information. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #include "ocinternal.h" #include "ocdebug.h" #include "ocdump.h" /* Mnemonic */ #define TOPLEVEL 1 /* Forward */ static OCdata* newocdata(OCnode* pattern); static size_t ocxdrsize(OCtype etype,int isscalar); static OCerror occompile1(OCstate*, OCnode*, XXDR*, OCdata**); static OCerror occompilerecord(OCstate*, OCnode*, XXDR*, OCdata**); static OCerror occompilefields(OCstate*, OCdata*, XXDR*, int istoplevel); static OCerror occompileatomic(OCstate*, OCdata*, XXDR*); static int ocerrorstring(XXDR* xdrs); static int istoplevel(OCnode* node); /* Sequence tag constant */ static const char StartOfSequence = '\x5A'; static const char EndOfSequence = '\xA5'; /* Provide an option that makes a single pass over the data packet and record pointers into it to speed up access. */ /* Assume we are operating on the datadds tree */ OCerror occompile(OCstate* state, OCnode* xroot) { OCerror ocstat = OC_NOERR; XXDR* xxdrs; OCtree* xtree; OCdata* data; OCASSERT(state != NULL); OCASSERT(xroot != NULL); OCASSERT(xroot->tree != NULL); OCASSERT(xroot->tree->dxdclass == OCDATADDS); OCASSERT(xroot->tree->data.data == NULL); xtree = xroot->tree; xxdrs = xtree->data.xdrs; if(xxdrs == NULL) return OCTHROW(OC_EXDR); ocstat = occompile1(state,xroot,xxdrs,&data); if(ocstat == OC_NOERR) xtree->data.data = data; #ifdef OCDEBUG { Ncbytes* buffer = ncbytesnew(); ocdumpdatatree(state,data,buffer,0); fprintf(stderr,"datatree:\n%s",ncbytescontents(buffer)); ncbytesfree(buffer); } #endif return OCTHROW(ocstat); } static OCerror occompile1(OCstate* state, OCnode* xnode, XXDR* xxdrs, OCdata** datap) { OCerror ocstat = OC_NOERR; size_t i; OCdata* data = NULL; size_t nelements = 0; NClist* records = NULL; /* Allocate instance for this node */ data = newocdata(xnode); MEMFAIL(data); /* Capture position(s) */ data->xdroffset = xxdr_getpos(xxdrs); switch (xnode->octype) { case OC_Dataset: case OC_Grid: /* Always scalars */ ocstat = occompilefields(state,data,xxdrs,istoplevel(xnode)); if(ocstat != OC_NOERR) goto fail; break; case OC_Structure: if(xnode->array.rank == 0) {/* scalar */ ocstat = occompilefields(state,data,xxdrs,istoplevel(xnode)); if(ocstat != OC_NOERR) goto fail; } else { /* dimensioned structure */ unsigned int xdrcount; fset(data->datamode,OCDT_ARRAY); /* Determine # of instances */ nelements = octotaldimsize(xnode->array.rank,xnode->array.sizes); if(nelements == 0) {ocstat = OCTHROW(OC_ENODATA); goto fail;} /* Validate and skip the leading count field */ if(!xxdr_uint(xxdrs,&xdrcount)) {ocstat = OC_EXDR; goto fail;} if(xdrcount != nelements) {ocstat=OCTHROW(OC_EINVALCOORDS); goto fail;} /* allocate space to capture all the element instances */ data->instances = (OCdata**)malloc(nelements*sizeof(OCdata*)); MEMGOTO(data->instances,ocstat,fail); data->ninstances = 0; /* create and fill the element instances */ for(i=0;idatamode,OCDT_ELEMENT); data->instances[i] = instance; data->ninstances++; /* Capture the back link */ instance->container = data; instance->index = i; /* capture the current instance position */ instance->xdroffset = xxdr_getpos(xxdrs); /* Now compile the fields of this instance */ ocstat = occompilefields(state,instance,xxdrs,!TOPLEVEL); if(ocstat != OC_NOERR) {goto fail;} } } break; case OC_Sequence: /* Since we do not know the # records beforehand, use a list to collect the record instances. */ fset(data->datamode,OCDT_SEQUENCE); records = nclistnew(); for(nelements=0;;nelements++) { /* pick up the sequence record begin marker*/ char tmp[sizeof(unsigned int)]; /* extract the tag byte*/ if(!xxdr_opaque(xxdrs,tmp,(off_t)sizeof(tmp))) {ocstat = OC_EXDR; goto fail;} if(tmp[0] == StartOfSequence) { /* Allocate a record instance */ OCdata* record = NULL; ocstat = occompilerecord(state,xnode,xxdrs,&record); if(ocstat != OC_NOERR || !record) goto fail; /* Capture the back link */ record->container = data; record->index = nelements; nclistpush(records,(void*)record); record = NULL; } else if(tmp[0] == EndOfSequence) { break; /* we are done with the this sequence instance*/ } else { nclog(NCLOGERR,"missing/invalid begin/end record marker\n"); ocstat = OCTHROW(OC_EINVALCOORDS); goto fail; } } OCASSERT(nelements == nclistlength(records)); /* extract the content */ data->ninstances = nelements; data->instances = (OCdata**)nclistdup(records); MEMGOTO(data,ocstat,fail); nclistfree(records); records = NULL; break; case OC_Atomic: fset(data->datamode,OCDT_ATOMIC); ocstat = occompileatomic(state,data,xxdrs); if(ocstat != OC_NOERR) goto fail; break; default: OCPANIC1("occompile: encountered unexpected node type: %x",xnode->octype); break; } /*ok:*/ if(datap) { *datap = data; data = NULL; } if(data != NULL) ocdata_free(state,data); return OCTHROW(ocstat); fail: /* See if we can extract error info from the response */ ocerrorstring(xxdrs); if(records != NULL) { for(i=0;idatamode,OCDT_RECORD); record->pattern = xnode; /* capture the current record position */ record->xdroffset = xxdr_getpos(xxdrs); /* Compile the fields of this record */ ocstat = OCTHROW(occompilefields(state,record,xxdrs,!TOPLEVEL)); if(ocstat == OC_NOERR) { if(recordp) { *recordp = record; record = NULL; } if(record != NULL) ocdata_free(state,record); } return OCTHROW(ocstat); } static OCerror occompilefields(OCstate* state, OCdata* data, XXDR* xxdrs, int istoplevel) { size_t i; OCerror ocstat = OC_NOERR; size_t nelements; OCnode* xnode = data->pattern; assert(data != NULL); nelements = nclistlength(xnode->subnodes); if(nelements == 0) goto done; data->instances = (OCdata**)malloc(nelements*sizeof(OCdata*)); MEMFAIL(data->instances); for(i=0;isubnodes,i); ocstat = occompile1(state,fieldnode,xxdrs,&fieldinstance); if(ocstat != OC_NOERR) goto fail; fset(fieldinstance->datamode,OCDT_FIELD); data->instances[i] = fieldinstance; data->ninstances++; /* Capture the back link */ fieldinstance->container = data; fieldinstance->index = i; } /* If top-level, then link the OCnode to the OCdata directly */ if(istoplevel) { for(i=0;isubnodes,i); OCdata* fieldinstance = data->instances[i]; fieldnode->data = fieldinstance; } } done: return OCTHROW(ocstat); fail: if(data->instances != NULL) { for(i=0;ininstances;i++) ocdata_free(state,data->instances[i]); data->ninstances = 0; } return OCTHROW(ocstat); } static OCerror occompileatomic(OCstate* state, OCdata* data, XXDR* xxdrs) { OCerror ocstat = OC_NOERR; int i; off_t nelements,xdrsize; unsigned int xxdrcount; OCnode* xnode = data->pattern; int scalar = (xnode->array.rank == 0); OCASSERT((xnode->octype == OC_Atomic)); if(!scalar) { /* Use the count from the datadds */ nelements = octotaldimsize(xnode->array.rank,xnode->array.sizes); /* Get first copy of the dimension count */ if(!xxdr_uint(xxdrs,&xxdrcount)) {ocstat = OC_EXDR; goto fail;} if(xxdrcount != nelements) {ocstat=OCTHROW(OC_EINVALCOORDS); goto fail;} if(xnode->etype != OC_String && xnode->etype != OC_URL) { /* Get second copy of the dimension count */ if(!xxdr_uint(xxdrs,&xxdrcount)) {ocstat = OC_EXDR; goto fail;} if(xxdrcount != nelements) {ocstat=OCTHROW(OC_EINVALCOORDS); goto fail;} } } else { /*scalar*/ nelements = 1; xxdrcount = 1; } data->xdroffset = xxdr_getpos(xxdrs); data->ninstances = xxdrcount; data->xdrsize = ocxdrsize(xnode->etype,scalar); switch (xnode->etype) { /* Do the fixed sized, non-packed cases */ case OC_Int16: case OC_UInt16: case OC_Int32: case OC_UInt32: case OC_Int64: case OC_UInt64: case OC_Float32: case OC_Float64: /* Skip the data */ xxdr_skip(xxdrs,data->ninstances*data->xdrsize); break; /* Do the fixed sized, possibly packed cases */ case OC_Byte: case OC_UByte: case OC_Char: /* Get the totalsize and round up to multiple of XDRUNIT */ xdrsize = data->ninstances*data->xdrsize; xdrsize = RNDUP(xdrsize); /* Skip the data */ xxdr_skip(xxdrs,xdrsize); break; /* Hard case, because strings are variable length */ case OC_String: case OC_URL: /* Start by allocating a set of pointers for each string */ data->nstrings = xxdrcount; data->strings = (off_t*)malloc(sizeof(off_t)*data->nstrings); /* We need to walk each string, get size, then skip */ for(i=0;instrings;i++) { unsigned int len; off_t lenz; data->strings[i] = xxdr_getpos(xxdrs); /* get exact string length */ if(!xxdr_uint(xxdrs,&len)) {ocstat = OC_EXDR; goto fail;} lenz = (off_t)len; lenz = RNDUP(lenz); /* Skip the data */ xxdr_skip(xxdrs,lenz); } break; default: OCPANIC1("unexpected etype: %d",xnode->etype); } /* switch */ /*ok:*/ return OCTHROW(ocstat); fail: if(data->strings != NULL) free(data->strings); data->strings = NULL; data->ninstances = 0; return OCTHROW(ocstat); } void ocdata_free(OCstate* state, OCdata* data) { if(data == NULL) return; if(data->instances != NULL) { int i; for(i=0;ininstances;i++) ocdata_free(state,data->instances[i]); free(data->instances); } if(data->strings != NULL) free(data->strings); free(data); } static OCdata* newocdata(OCnode* pattern) { OCdata* data = (OCdata*)calloc(1,sizeof(OCdata)); MEMCHECK(data,NULL); data->header.magic = OCMAGIC; data->header.occlass = OC_Data; data->pattern = pattern; return data; } static int istoplevel(OCnode* node) { if(node == NULL) return 1; /* base case */ if(!istoplevel(node->container)) return 0; switch (node->octype) { case OC_Dataset: case OC_Grid: case OC_Atomic: return 1; case OC_Structure: return (node->array.rank == 0 ? 1 : 0); /* Toplevel if scalar */ case OC_Sequence: default: return 0; } return 1; } /* XDR representation size depends on if this is scalar or not */ static size_t ocxdrsize(OCtype etype, int isscalar) { switch (etype) { case OC_Char: case OC_Byte: case OC_UByte: return (isscalar? XDRUNIT : 1); case OC_Int16: case OC_UInt16: case OC_Int32: case OC_UInt32: case OC_Float32: return XDRUNIT; case OC_Float64: case OC_Int64: case OC_UInt64: return 2*XDRUNIT; default: break; /* no simple size */ } return 0; } #define tag "Error {\n" static int ocerrorstring(XXDR* xdrs) { /* Check to see if the xdrs contains "Error {\n'; assume it is at the beginning of data */ off_t avail = xxdr_getavail(xdrs); char* data; if(!xxdr_setpos(xdrs,(off_t)0)) return 0; data = (char*)malloc((size_t)avail); MEMCHECK(data,0); if(!xxdr_opaque(xdrs,data,avail)) {free(data); return 0;} /* check for error tag at front */ if(ocstrncmp(data,tag,sizeof(tag))==0) { char* p; if((p=strchr(data,'}')) != NULL) *(++p)='\0'; nclog(NCLOGERR,"Server error: %s",data); /* Since important, report to stderr as well */ fprintf(stderr,"Server error: %s",data); return 1; } return 0; }