/* * Copyright 2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. */ #include "ut_includes.h" #include "ncpathmgr.h" #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #include "XGetopt.h" #endif struct ZUTEST zutester; struct UTOptions utoptions; /*Forward*/ static void canonicalfile(char** fp); void usage(int err) { if(err) { fprintf(stderr,"error: (%d) %s\n",err,nc_strerror(err)); } fprintf(stderr,"usage:"); fprintf(stderr," -D/*debug*/"); fprintf(stderr," -x"); fprintf(stderr," -f"); fprintf(stderr," -o"); fprintf(stderr," -k"); fprintf(stderr," -d="); fprintf(stderr," -vvar()"); fprintf(stderr," -s"); fprintf(stderr," -W,..."); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } int ut_init(int argc, char** argv, struct UTOptions * options) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int c; Dimdef* dimdef = NULL; Vardef* vardef = NULL; nc_initialize(); if(options != NULL) { options->dimdefs = nclistnew(); options->vardefs = nclistnew(); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Dx:f:o:k:d:v:s:W:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'D': options->debug = 1; break; case 'x': /*execute*/ if(parsestringvector(optarg,0,&options->cmds) <= 0) usage(THROW(0)); break; case 'f': options->file = strdup(optarg); break; case 'o': options->output = strdup(optarg); break; case 'k': /*implementation*/ options->kind = strdup(optarg); break; case 'd': /*dimdef*/ if((stat=parsedimdef(optarg,&dimdef))) usage(THROW(stat)); nclistpush(options->dimdefs,dimdef); dimdef = NULL; break; case 'v': /*vardef*/ if((stat=parsevardef(optarg,options->dimdefs,&vardef))) usage(THROW(stat)); nclistpush(options->vardefs,vardef); vardef = NULL; break; case 's': /*slices*/ if((stat=parseslices(optarg,&options->nslices,options->slices))) usage(THROW(stat)); break; case 'W': /*walk data*/ options->idatalen = parseintvector(optarg,4,(void**)&options->idata); break; case '?': fprintf(stderr,"unknown option: '%c'\n",c); stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done; } } } canonicalfile(&options->file); canonicalfile(&options->output); done: return THROW(stat); } static void getpathcwd(char** cwdp) { char buf[4096]; (void)NCcwd(buf,sizeof(buf)); if(cwdp) *cwdp = strdup(buf); } static void canonicalfile(char** fp) { size_t len, len2, offset; char* f = NULL; char* abspath = NULL; char* p = NULL; char* cwd = NULL; NCURI* uri = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 int fwin32=0, cwd32=0; #endif if(fp == NULL || *fp == NULL) return; f = *fp; len = strlen(f); if(len <= 1) return; if(f[0] == '/' || f[0] == '\\' || hasdriveletter(f)) return; /* its already absolute */ ncuriparse(f,&uri); if(uri != NULL) {ncurifree(uri); return;} /* its a url */ #ifdef _WIN32 for(p=f;*p;p++) {if(*p == '\\') {*p = '/';}} #endif if(len >= 2 && memcmp(f,"./",2)==0) { offset = 1; /* leave the '/' */ } else if(len >= 3 && memcmp(f,"../",3)==0) { offset = 2; } else offset = 0; getpathcwd(&cwd); len2 = strlen(cwd); #ifdef _WIN32 for(cwd32=0,p=cwd;*p;p++) {if(*p == '\\') {*p = '/'; cwd32 = 1;}} #endif if(offset == 2) { p = strrchr(cwd,'/'); /* remove last segment including the preceding '/' */ if(p == NULL) {cwd[0] = '\0';} else {*p = '\0';} } len2 = (len-offset)+strlen(cwd); if(offset == 0) len2++; /* need to add '/' */ abspath = (char*)malloc(len2+1); abspath[0] = '\0'; strlcat(abspath,cwd,len2+1); if(offset == 0) strlcat(abspath,"/",len2+1); strlcat(abspath,f+offset,len2+1); #ifdef _WIN32 if(fwin32) for(p=abspath;*p;p++) {if(*p == '/') {*p = '\\';}} #endif nullfree(f); *fp = abspath; nullfree(cwd); } void nccheck(int stat, int line) { if(stat) { fprintf(stderr,"%d: %s\n",line,nc_strerror(stat)); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } } char* makeurl(const char* file, NCZM_IMPL impl) { char* url = NULL; NCbytes* buf = ncbytesnew(); NCURI* uri = NULL; const char* kind = impl2kind(impl); char* path = NULL; if(file && strlen(file) > 0) { switch (impl) { case NCZM_NC4: /* fall thru */ case NCZM_FILE: /* Massage file to make it usable as URL path */ if((path = NCurlpath(file))==NULL) return NULL; ncbytescat(buf,"file://"); ncbytescat(buf,path); ncbytescat(buf,"#mode=nczarr"); /* => use default file: format */ ncbytescat(buf,","); ncbytescat(buf,kind); break; case NCZM_S3: /* Assume that we have a complete url */ if(ncuriparse(file,&uri)) return NULL; if(strcasecmp(uri->protocol,"s3")==0) ncurisetprotocol(uri,"https"); if(strcasecmp(uri->protocol,"http")!=0 && strcasecmp(uri->protocol,"https")!=0) return NULL; ncbytescat(buf,file); break; default: abort(); } url = ncbytesextract(buf); } ncurifree(uri); ncbytesfree(buf); nullfree(path); fprintf(stderr,"url=|%s|\n",url); fflush(stderr); return url; } struct Test* findtest(const char* cmd, struct Test* tests) { struct Test* t = NULL; for(t=tests;t->cmd;t++) { if(strcasecmp(t->cmd,cmd)==0) return t; } return NULL; } int runtests(const char** cmds, struct Test* tests) { int stat = NC_NOERR; struct Test* test = NULL; const char** cmd = NULL; if(cmds == NULL) return THROW(NC_EINVAL); for(cmd=cmds;*cmd;cmd++) { for(test=tests;test->cmd;test++) { if(strcmp(test->cmd,*cmd)==0) { if(test->cmd == NULL) return THROW(NC_EINVAL); if((stat=test->test())) goto done; /* Execute */ } } } done: return THROW(stat); }