/* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata and OPeNDAP, Inc. See the COPYRIGHT file for more information. */ #include "config.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #if _MSC_VER #include #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_FTW_H #include #endif #include #include "nc4internal.h" #include "ocinternal.h" #include "ocdebug.h" #include "occurlfunctions.h" #include "ochttp.h" #include "ocread.h" #include "dapparselex.h" #include "ncpathmgr.h" #define DATADDSFILE "datadds" #define CLBRACE '{' #define CRBRACE '}' #define OCBUFFERSIZE "HTTP.READ.BUFFERSIZE" #define OCKEEPALIVE "HTTP.KEEPALIVE" #ifdef HAVE_CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE #ifndef CURL_MAX_READ_SIZE #define CURL_MAX_READ_SIZE (512*1024) #endif #endif /*Forward*/ static OCerror ocextractddsinmemory(OCstate*,OCtree*,int); static OCerror ocextractddsinfile(OCstate*,OCtree*,int); static OCerror createtempfile(OCstate*,OCtree*); static int dataError(XXDR* xdrs, OCstate*); static void ocremovefile(const char* path); static OCerror ocset_curlproperties(OCstate*); static OCerror ocget_rcproperties(OCstate*); extern OCnode* makeunlimiteddimension(void); int ocdebug = 0; int ocinitialized = 0; OCerror ocinternalinitialize(void) { int stat = OC_NOERR; if(ocinitialized) return OC_NOERR; ocinitialized = 1; #if 0 if(sizeof(off_t) != sizeof(void*)) { fprintf(stderr,"OC xxdr depends on the assumption that sizeof(off_t) == sizeof(void*)\n"); /* Commenting out for now, as this does not hold true on 32-bit linux systems. OCASSERT(sizeof(off_t) == sizeof(void*)); */ } #endif /* Compute some xdr related flags */ xxdr_init(); return OCTHROW(stat); } /**************************************************/ OCerror ocopen(OCstate** statep, const char* url) { int stat = OC_NOERR; OCstate * state = NULL; NCURI* tmpurl = NULL; CURL* curl = NULL; /* curl handle*/ if(!ocinitialized) ocinternalinitialize(); if(ncuriparse(url,&tmpurl)) { OCTHROWCHK(stat=OC_EBADURL); goto fail; } stat = occurlopen(&curl); if(stat != OC_NOERR) {OCTHROWCHK(stat); goto fail;} state = (OCstate*)ocmalloc(sizeof(OCstate)); /* ocmalloc zeros memory*/ if(state == NULL) {OCTHROWCHK(stat=OC_ENOMEM); goto fail;} /* Setup DAP state*/ state->header.magic = OCMAGIC; state->header.occlass = OC_State; state->curl = curl; state->trees = nclistnew(); state->uri = tmpurl; state->packet = ncbytesnew(); ncbytessetalloc(state->packet,DFALTPACKETSIZE); /*initial reasonable size*/ /* Initialize auth info from rc file */ stat = NC_authsetup(&state->auth, state->uri); /* Initialize misc info from rc file */ stat = ocget_rcproperties(state); /* Apply curl properties for this link; assumes state has been initialized */ stat = ocset_curlproperties(state); if(stat != OC_NOERR) goto fail; /* Set the one-time curl flags */ if((stat=ocset_flags_perlink(state))!= OC_NOERR) goto fail; #if 1 /* temporarily make per-link */ if((stat=ocset_flags_perfetch(state))!= OC_NOERR) goto fail; #endif oc_curl_protocols(state); if(statep) *statep = state; else { if(state != NULL) ocfree(state); } return OCTHROW(stat); fail: ncurifree(tmpurl); if(state != NULL) ocfree(state); if(curl != NULL) occurlclose(curl); return OCTHROW(stat); } OCerror ocfetch(OCstate* state, const char* constraint, OCdxd kind, OCflags flags, OCnode** rootp) { OCtree* tree = NULL; OCnode* root = NULL; OCerror stat = OC_NOERR; tree = (OCtree*)ocmalloc(sizeof(OCtree)); MEMCHECK(tree,OC_ENOMEM); memset((void*)tree,0,sizeof(OCtree)); tree->dxdclass = kind; tree->state = state; tree->constraint = nulldup(constraint); /* Set per-fetch curl properties */ #if 0 /* temporarily make per-link */ if((stat=ocset_flags_perfetch(state))!= OC_NOERR) goto fail; #endif ncbytesclear(state->packet); switch (kind) { case OCDAS: stat = readDAS(state,tree,flags); if(stat == OC_NOERR) { tree->text = ncbytesdup(state->packet); if(tree->text == NULL) stat = OC_EDAS; } break; case OCDDS: stat = readDDS(state,tree,flags); if(stat == OC_NOERR) { tree->text = ncbytesdup(state->packet); if(tree->text == NULL) stat = OC_EDDS; } break; case OCDATADDS: if((flags & OCONDISK) != 0) {/* store in file */ /* Create the datadds file immediately so that DRNO can reference it*/ /* Make the tmp file*/ stat = createtempfile(state,tree); if(stat) {OCTHROWCHK(stat); goto fail;} stat = readDATADDS(state,tree,flags); if(stat == OC_NOERR) { /* Separate the DDS from data and return the dds; will modify packet */ stat = ocextractddsinfile(state,tree,flags); } } else { /*inmemory*/ stat = readDATADDS(state,tree,flags); if(stat == OC_NOERR) { /* Separate the DDS from data and return the dds; will modify packet */ stat = ocextractddsinmemory(state,tree,flags); } } break; default: break; }/*switch*/ /* Obtain any http code */ state->error.httpcode = ocfetchhttpcode(state->curl); if(stat != OC_NOERR) { if(state->error.httpcode >= 400) { nclog(NCLOGWARN,"oc_open: Could not read url (%s); http error = %l", ncuribuild(state->uri,NULL,NULL,NCURIALL),state->error.httpcode); } else { nclog(NCLOGWARN,"oc_open: Could not read url"); } goto fail; } tree->nodes = NULL; stat = DAPparse(state,tree,tree->text); /* Check and report on an error return from the server */ if(stat == OC_EDAPSVC && state->error.code != NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"oc_open: server error retrieving url: code=%s message=\"%s\"", state->error.code, (state->error.message?state->error.message:"")); } if(stat) {OCTHROWCHK(stat); goto fail;} root = tree->root; /* make sure */ tree->root = root; root->tree = tree; /* Verify the parse */ switch (kind) { case OCDAS: if(root->octype != OC_Attributeset) {OCTHROWCHK(stat=OC_EDAS); goto fail;} break; case OCDDS: if(root->octype != OC_Dataset) {OCTHROWCHK(stat=OC_EDDS); goto fail;} break; case OCDATADDS: if(root->octype != OC_Dataset) {OCTHROWCHK(stat=OC_EDATADDS); goto fail;} /* Modify the tree kind */ tree->dxdclass = OCDATADDS; break; default: return OC_EINVAL; } if(kind != OCDAS) { /* Process ocnodes to mark those that are cacheable */ ocmarkcacheable(state,root); /* Process ocnodes to handle various semantic issues*/ occomputesemantics(tree->nodes); } /* Process ocnodes to compute name info*/ occomputefullnames(tree->root); if(kind == OCDATADDS) { if((flags & OCONDISK) != 0) { tree->data.xdrs = xxdr_filecreate(tree->data.file,tree->data.bod); } else { #ifdef OCDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"ocfetch.datadds.memory: datasize=%lu bod=%lu\n", (unsigned long)tree->data.datasize,(unsigned long)tree->data.bod); #endif /* Switch to zero based memory */ tree->data.xdrs = xxdr_memcreate(tree->data.memory,tree->data.datasize,tree->data.bod); } MEMCHECK(tree->data.xdrs,OC_ENOMEM); /* Do a quick check to see if server returned an ERROR {} at the beginning of the data */ if(dataError(tree->data.xdrs,state)) { stat = OC_EDATADDS; fprintf(stderr,"oc_open: server error retrieving url: code=%s message=\"%s\"", state->error.code, (state->error.message?state->error.message:"")); goto fail; } /* Compile the data into a more accessible format */ stat = occompile(state,tree->root); if(stat != OC_NOERR) goto fail; } /* Put root into the state->trees list */ nclistpush(state->trees,(void*)root); if(rootp) *rootp = root; return stat; fail: if(root != NULL) ocroot_free(root); else if(tree != NULL) octree_free(tree); return OCTHROW(stat); } static OCerror createtempfile(OCstate* state, OCtree* tree) { int stat = OC_NOERR; char* path = NULL; char* tmppath = NULL; int len; NCglobalstate* globalstate = NC_getglobalstate(); len = strlen(globalstate->tempdir) + 1 /* '/' */ + strlen(DATADDSFILE) + 1; /* nul term */ path = (char*)malloc(len); if(path == NULL) return OC_ENOMEM; strncpy(path,globalstate->tempdir,len); strlcat(path,"/",len); strlcat(path,DATADDSFILE,len); tmppath = NC_mktmp(path); free(path); if(tmppath == NULL) {stat = OC_EACCESS; goto fail;} #ifdef OCDEBUG nclog(NCLOGNOTE,"oc_open: creating tmp file: %s",tmppath); #endif tree->data.filename = tmppath; /* remember our tmp file name */ tmppath = NULL; tree->data.file = NCfopen(tree->data.filename,"w+"); if(tree->data.file == NULL) return OC_EOPEN; /* make the temp file so it will automatically be reclaimed on close */ if(ocdebug == 0) ocremovefile(tree->data.filename); return stat; fail: if(tmppath != NULL) { nclog(NCLOGERR,"oc_open: attempt to create tmp file failed: %s",tmppath); free(tmppath); } else { nclog(NCLOGERR,"oc_open: attempt to create tmp file failed: NULL"); } return OCTHROW(stat); } void occlose(OCstate* state) { unsigned int i; if(state == NULL) return; /* Warning: ocfreeroot will attempt to remove the root from state->trees */ /* Ok in this case because we are popping the root out of state->trees */ for(i=0;itrees);i++) { OCnode* root = (OCnode*)nclistpop(state->trees); ocroot_free(root); } nclistfree(state->trees); ncurifree(state->uri); ncbytesfree(state->packet); ocfree(state->error.code); ocfree(state->error.message); if(state->curl != NULL) occurlclose(state->curl); NC_authfree(state->auth); ocfree(state); } static OCerror ocextractddsinmemory(OCstate* state, OCtree* tree, OCflags flags) { OCerror stat = OC_NOERR; size_t ddslen, bod, bodfound; /* Read until we find the separator (or EOF)*/ bodfound = ocfindbod(state->packet,&bod,&ddslen); if(!bodfound) {/* No BOD; pretend */ bod = tree->data.bod; ddslen = tree->data.datasize; } tree->data.bod = bod; tree->data.ddslen = ddslen; /* copy out the dds */ if(ddslen > 0) { tree->text = (char*)ocmalloc(ddslen+1); memcpy((void*)tree->text,(void*)ncbytescontents(state->packet),ddslen); tree->text[ddslen] = '\0'; } else tree->text = NULL; /* Extract the inmemory contents */ tree->data.memory = ncbytesextract(state->packet); #ifdef OCIGNORE /* guarantee the data part is on an 8 byte boundary */ if(tree->data.bod % 8 != 0) { unsigned long count = tree->data.datasize - tree->data.bod; memcpy(tree->xdrmemory,tree->xdrmemory+tree->data.bod,count); tree->data.datasize = count; tree->data.bod = 0; tree->data.ddslen = 0; } #endif if(tree->text == NULL) stat = OC_EDATADDS; return OCTHROW(stat); } static OCerror ocextractddsinfile(OCstate* state, OCtree* tree, OCflags flags) { OCerror stat = OC_NOERR; size_t ddslen, bod, bodfound; /* Read until we find the separator (or EOF)*/ ncbytesclear(state->packet); rewind(tree->data.file); bodfound = 0; do { char chunk[1024]; size_t count; /* read chunks of the file until we find the separator*/ count = fread(chunk,1,sizeof(chunk),tree->data.file); if(count <= 0) break; /* EOF;*/ ncbytesappendn(state->packet,chunk,count); ncbytesnull(state->packet); bodfound = ocfindbod(state->packet,&bod,&ddslen); } while(!bodfound); if(!bodfound) {/* No BOD; pretend */ bod = tree->data.bod; ddslen = tree->data.datasize; #ifdef OCDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"missing bod: ddslen=%lu bod=%lu\n", (unsigned long)ddslen,(unsigned long)bod); #endif } tree->data.bod = bod; tree->data.ddslen = ddslen; /* copy out the dds */ if(ddslen > 0) { tree->text = (char*)ocmalloc(ddslen+1); memcpy((void*)tree->text,(void*)ncbytescontents(state->packet),ddslen); tree->text[ddslen] = '\0'; } else tree->text = NULL; /* reset the position of the tmp file*/ if(fseek(tree->data.file,(long)tree->data.bod,SEEK_SET) < 0 || tree->text == NULL) stat = OC_EDATADDS; return OCTHROW(stat); } OCerror ocupdatelastmodifieddata(OCstate* state, OCflags ocflags) { OCerror status = OC_NOERR; long lastmodified; char* base = NULL; int flags = 0; if(ocflags & OCENCODEPATH) flags |= NCURIENCODEPATH; if(ocflags & OCENCODEQUERY) flags |= NCURIENCODEQUERY; base = ncuribuild(state->uri,NULL,NULL,flags); status = ocfetchlastmodified(state->curl, base, &lastmodified); free(base); if(status == OC_NOERR) { state->datalastmodified = lastmodified; } return OCTHROW(status); } /* Extract state values from .rc file */ static OCerror ocget_rcproperties(OCstate* state) { OCerror ocerr = OC_NOERR; char* option = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE option = NC_rclookup(OCBUFFERSIZE,state->uri->uri,NULL); if(option != NULL && strlen(option) != 0) { long bufsize; if(strcasecmp(option,"max")==0) bufsize = CURL_MAX_READ_SIZE; else if(sscanf(option,"%ld",&bufsize) != 1 || bufsize <= 0) fprintf(stderr,"Illegal %s size\n",OCBUFFERSIZE); state->curlbuffersize = bufsize; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_CURLOPT_KEEPALIVE option = NC_rclookup(OCKEEPALIVE,state->uri->uri,NULL); if(option != NULL && strlen(option) != 0) { /* The keepalive value is of the form 0 or n/m, where n is the idle time and m is the interval time; setting either to zero will prevent that field being set. */ if(strcasecmp(option,"on")==0) { state->curlkeepalive.active = 1; } else { unsigned long idle=0; unsigned long interval=0; if(sscanf(option,"%lu/%lu",&idle,&interval) != 2) fprintf(stderr,"Illegal KEEPALIVE VALUE: %s\n",option); state->curlkeepalive.idle = idle; state->curlkeepalive.interval = interval; state->curlkeepalive.active = 1; } } #endif return ocerr; } /* Set curl properties for link based on fields in the state. */ static OCerror ocset_curlproperties(OCstate* state) { OCerror stat = OC_NOERR; NCglobalstate* globalstate = NC_getglobalstate(); if(state->auth->curlflags.useragent == NULL) { size_t len = strlen(DFALTUSERAGENT) + strlen(VERSION) + 1; char* agent = (char*)malloc(len); strncpy(agent,DFALTUSERAGENT,len); strlcat(agent,VERSION,len); state->auth->curlflags.useragent = agent; agent = NULL; } /* Some servers (e.g. thredds and columbia) appear to require a place to put cookies in order for some security functions to work */ if(state->auth->curlflags.cookiejar != NULL && strlen(state->auth->curlflags.cookiejar) == 0) { free(state->auth->curlflags.cookiejar); state->auth->curlflags.cookiejar = NULL; } if (state->auth->curlflags.cookiejar == NULL) { /* If no cookie file was defined, define a default */ int stat = NC_NOERR; char* path = NULL; char* tmppath = NULL; int len; errno = 0; /* Create the unique cookie file name */ len = strlen(globalstate->tempdir) + 1 /* '/' */ + strlen("occookies") + 1; path = (char*)calloc(1, len); if (path == NULL) return OC_ENOMEM; strncpy(path,globalstate->tempdir,len); strlcat(path,"/",len); strlcat(path,"occookies",len); tmppath = NC_mktmp(path); if(tmppath == NULL) { tmppath = NC_mktmp(path); } free(path); state->auth->curlflags.cookiejar = tmppath; state->auth->curlflags.cookiejarcreated = 1; if (stat != OC_NOERR && errno != EEXIST) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create cookie file\n"); goto fail; } errno = 0; } OCASSERT(state->auth->curlflags.cookiejar != NULL); /* Make sure the cookie jar exists and can be read and written */ { FILE* f = NULL; char* fname = state->auth->curlflags.cookiejar; /* See if the file exists already */ f = NCfopen(fname,"r"); if(f == NULL) { /* Ok, create it */ f = NCfopen(fname,"w+"); if(f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cookie file cannot be read and written: %s\n",fname); {stat = OC_EPERM; goto fail;} } } else { /* test if file can be written */ fclose(f); f = NCfopen(fname,"r+"); if(f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cookie file is cannot be written: %s\n",fname); {stat = OC_EPERM; goto fail;} } } if(f != NULL) fclose(f); } #if 0 /* Create a netrc file if specified and required, where required => >1 NETRC triples exist */ if(ocrc_netrc_required(state)) { /* WARNING: it appears that a user+pwd was specified specifically, then the netrc file will be completely disabled. */ if(state->auth->creds.userpwd != NULL) { nclog(NCLOGWARN,"The rc file specifies both netrc and user+pwd; this will cause curl to ignore the netrc file"); } stat = oc_build_netrc(state); } #endif return stat; fail: return OCTHROW(stat); } static const char* ERROR_TAG = "Error "; static int dataError(XXDR* xdrs, OCstate* state) { int depth=0; int errfound = 0; off_t ckp=0,avail=0; int i=0; char* errmsg = NULL; char errortext[16]; /* bigger than |ERROR_TAG|*/ avail = xxdr_getavail(xdrs); if(avail < strlen(ERROR_TAG)) goto done; /* assume it is ok */ ckp = xxdr_getpos(xdrs); /* Read enough characters to test for 'ERROR ' */ errortext[0] = '\0'; xxdr_getbytes(xdrs,errortext,(off_t)strlen(ERROR_TAG)); if(ocstrncmp(errortext,ERROR_TAG,strlen(ERROR_TAG)) != 0) goto done; /* not an immediate error */ /* Try to locate the whole error body */ xxdr_setpos(xdrs,ckp); for(depth=0,i=0;ierror.message = errmsg; state->error.code = strdup("?"); state->error.httpcode = 404; xxdr_setpos(xdrs,ckp); errfound = 1; done: xxdr_setpos(xdrs,ckp); return errfound; } /**************************************************/ /* Curl option functions */ /* Note that if we set the option in curlflags, then we need to also invoke the ocset_curlopt to update the curl flags in libcurl. */ OCerror ocset_useragent(OCstate* state, const char* agent) { OCerror stat = OC_NOERR; if(state->auth->curlflags.useragent != NULL) free(state->auth->curlflags.useragent); state->auth->curlflags.useragent = strdup(agent); if(state->auth->curlflags.useragent == NULL) return OCTHROW(OC_ENOMEM); stat = ocset_curlflag(state,CURLOPT_USERAGENT); return stat; } OCerror ocset_netrc(OCstate* state, const char* path) { OCerror stat = OC_NOERR; if(state->auth->curlflags.netrc != NULL) free(state->auth->curlflags.netrc); state->auth->curlflags.netrc = strdup(path); if(state->auth->curlflags.netrc == NULL) return OCTHROW(OC_ENOMEM); stat = ocset_curlflag(state,CURLOPT_NETRC); return stat; } static void ocremovefile(const char* path) { #ifdef _MSC_VER DeleteFile(path); #else remove(path); #endif }