/* Copyright 2009, UCAR/Unidata and OPeNDAP, Inc. See the COPYRIGHT file for more information. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "ocinternal.h" #include "ocdebug.h" #include "oclog.h" #include "ocrc.h" #define RTAG ']' #define LTAG '[' #define TRIMCHARS " \t\r\n" #define HTTPPREFIXDEPRECATED "CURL." #define HTTPPREFIX "HTTP." static int parseproxy(OCstate* state, char* v); static int rcreadline(FILE* f, char* more, int morelen); static void rctrim(char* text); static void ocdodsrcdump(char* msg, struct OCTriple*, int ntriples); static char* curllookup(char* suffix,char* url); /* The Username and password are in the URL if the URL is of the form: * http://:@/.... */ static int occredentials_in_url(const char *url) { char *pos = strstr(url, "http://"); if (!pos) return 0; pos += 7; if (strchr(pos, '@') && strchr(pos, ':')) return 1; return 0; } static int ocextract_credentials(const char *url, char **name, char **pw, char **result_url) { char *pos; char *end; char *middle; size_t up_len = 0; size_t mid_len = 0; size_t midpas_len = 0; size_t url_len = 0; if (strchr(url, '@')) { pos = strstr(url, "http://"); if (pos) pos += 7; middle = strchr(pos, ':'); mid_len = middle - pos; *name = malloc(sizeof(char) * (mid_len + 1)); strncpy(*name, pos, mid_len); (*name)[mid_len] = '\0'; if (middle) middle += 1; end = strchr(middle, '@'); midpas_len = end - middle; *pw = malloc(sizeof(char) * (midpas_len + 1)); strncpy(*pw, middle, midpas_len); (*pw)[midpas_len] = '\0'; up_len = end - pos; url_len = strlen(url) - up_len; *result_url = malloc(sizeof(char) * (url_len + 1)); if(*result_url == NULL) return OC_ENOMEM; strncpy(*result_url, url, (size_t)(pos - url)); strncpy(*result_url + (pos - url), end + 1, url_len - (pos - url)); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "URL without username and password: %s:%d\n", sURL, url_len ); fprintf(stderr, "URL username and password: %s:%d\n", sUP, up_len); fprintf(stderr, "URL username: %s:%d\n", sUser, mid_len); fprintf(stderr, "URL password: %s:%d\n", sPassword, midpas_len); #endif (*result_url)[url_len] = '\0'; return OC_NOERR; } else { return OC_EIO; } } static int rcreadline(FILE* f, char* more, int morelen) { int i = 0; int c = getc(f); if(c < 0) return 0; for(;;) { if(i < morelen) /* ignore excess characters */ more[i++]=c; c = getc(f); if(c < 0) break; /* eof */ if(c == '\n') break; /* eol */ } /* null terminate more */ more[i] = '\0'; return 1; } /* Trim TRIMCHARS from both ends of text; */ static void rctrim(char* text) { char* p = text; size_t len = strlen(text); int i; /* locate first non-trimchar */ for(;*p;p++) { if(strchr(TRIMCHARS,*p) == NULL) break; /* hit non-trim char */ } strncpy(text,p,len); len = strlen(text); /* locate last non-trimchar */ if(len > 0) { for(i=(len-1);i>=0;i--) { if(strchr(TRIMCHARS,text[i]) == NULL) { text[i+1] = '\0'; /* elide trailing trimchars */ break; } } } } static int parseproxy(OCstate* state, char* v) { char *host_pos = NULL; char *port_pos = NULL; if(strlen(v) == 0) return OC_NOERR; /* nothing there*/ if (occredentials_in_url(v)) { char *result_url = NULL; ocextract_credentials(v, &state->creds.username, &state->creds.password, &result_url); v = result_url; } /* allocating a bit more than likely needed ... */ host_pos = strstr(v, "http://"); if (host_pos) host_pos += strlen("http://"); else host_pos = v; port_pos = strchr(host_pos, ':'); if (port_pos) { size_t host_len; char *port_sep = port_pos; port_pos++; *port_sep = '\0'; host_len = strlen(host_pos); state->proxy.host = malloc(sizeof(char) * host_len + 1); if(state->proxy.host == NULL) return OC_ENOMEM; strncpy(state->proxy.host, host_pos, host_len); state->proxy.host[host_len] = '\0'; state->proxy.port = atoi(port_pos); } else { size_t host_len = strlen(host_pos); state->proxy.host = malloc(sizeof(char) * host_len + 1); if(state->proxy.host == NULL) return OC_ENOMEM; strncpy(state->proxy.host, host_pos, host_len); state->proxy.host[host_len] = '\0'; state->proxy.port = 80; } #if 0 state->proxy.host[v_len] = '\0'; state->proxy.port = atoi(v); s_len = strlen(v); state->proxy.user = malloc(sizeof(char) * s_len + 1); if(state->proxy.user == NULL) return OC_ENOMEM; strncpy(state->proxy.user, v, s_len); state->proxy.user[s_len] = '\0'; p_len = strlen(v); state->proxy.password = malloc(sizeof(char) * p_len + 1); if(state->proxy.password == NULL) return OC_ENOMEM; strncpy(state->proxy.password, v, p_len); state->proxy.password[p_len] = '\0'; #endif /*0*/ if (ocdebug > 1) { oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"host name: %s", state->proxy.host); oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"user name: %s", state->creds.username); #ifdef INSECURE oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"password: %s", state->creds.password); #endif oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"port number: %d", state->proxy.port); } if(v) free(v); return OC_NOERR; } /* insertion sort the triplestore based on url */ static void sorttriplestore(void) { int i, nsorted; struct OCTriple* sorted = NULL; struct OCTriplestore* ocdodsrc = ocglobalstate.ocdodsrc; if(ocdodsrc == NULL) return; /* nothing to sort */ if(ocdodsrc->ntriples <= 1) return; /* nothing to sort */ if(ocdebug > 2) ocdodsrcdump("initial:",ocdodsrc->triples,ocdodsrc->ntriples); sorted = (struct OCTriple*)malloc(sizeof(struct OCTriple)*ocdodsrc->ntriples); if(sorted == NULL) { oclog(OCLOGERR,"sorttriplestore: out of memory"); return; } nsorted = 0; while(nsorted < ocdodsrc->ntriples) { int largest; /* locate first non killed entry */ for(largest=0;largestntriples;largest++) { if(ocdodsrc->triples[largest].key[0] != '\0') break; } OCASSERT(ocdodsrc->triples[largest].key[0] != '\0'); for(i=0;intriples;i++) { if(ocdodsrc->triples[i].key[0] != '\0') { /* avoid empty slots */ int lexorder = strcmp(ocdodsrc->triples[i].url,ocdodsrc->triples[largest].url); int leni = strlen(ocdodsrc->triples[i].url); int lenlarge = strlen(ocdodsrc->triples[largest].url); /* this defines the ordering */ if(leni == 0 && lenlarge == 0) continue; /* if no urls, then leave in order */ if(leni != 0 && lenlarge == 0) largest = i; else if(lexorder > 0) largest = i; } } /* Move the largest entry */ OCASSERT(ocdodsrc->triples[largest].key[0] != 0); sorted[nsorted] = ocdodsrc->triples[largest]; ocdodsrc->triples[largest].key[0] = '\0'; /* kill entry */ nsorted++; if(ocdebug > 2) ocdodsrcdump("pass:",sorted,nsorted); } memcpy((void*)ocdodsrc->triples,(void*)sorted,sizeof(struct OCTriple)*nsorted); free(sorted); if(ocdebug > 0) ocdodsrcdump("final .dodsrc order:",ocdodsrc->triples,ocdodsrc->ntriples); } /* Create a triple store from a file */ int ocdodsrc_read(char* basename, char* path) { char line0[MAXRCLINESIZE]; FILE *in_file = NULL; int linecount = 0; struct OCTriplestore* ocdodsrc = ocglobalstate.ocdodsrc; if(ocdodsrc == NULL) { ocdodsrc = (struct OCTriplestore*)malloc(sizeof(struct OCTriplestore)); if(ocdodsrc == NULL) { oclog(OCLOGERR,"ocdodsrc_read: out of memory"); return 0; } ocglobalstate.ocdodsrc = ocdodsrc; } ocdodsrc->ntriples = 0; in_file = fopen(path, "r"); /* Open the file to read it */ if (in_file == NULL) { oclog(OCLOGERR, "Could not open configuration file: %s",basename); return OC_EPERM; } for(;;) { char *line,*key,*value; int c; if(!rcreadline(in_file,line0,sizeof(line0))) break; linecount++; if(linecount >= MAXRCLINES) { oclog(OCLOGERR, ".dodsrc has too many lines"); return 0; } line = line0; /* check for comment */ c = line[0]; if (c == '#') continue; rctrim(line); /* trim leading and trailing blanks */ if(strlen(line) >= MAXRCLINESIZE) { oclog(OCLOGERR, "%s line too long: %s",basename,line0); return 0; } /* setup */ ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].url[0] = '\0'; ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].key[0] = '\0'; ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].value[0] = '\0'; if(line[0] == LTAG) { char* url = ++line; char* rtag = strchr(line,RTAG); if(rtag == NULL) { oclog(OCLOGERR, "Malformed [url] in %s entry: %s",basename,line); continue; } line = rtag + 1; *rtag = '\0'; /* save the url */ strncpy(ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].url,url,MAXRCLINESIZE); rctrim(ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].url); } /* split off key and value */ key=line; value = strchr(line, '='); if(value == NULL) value = line + strlen(line); else { *value = '\0'; value++; } strncpy(ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].key,key,MAXRCLINESIZE); if(*value == '\0') strcpy(ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].value,"1");/*dfalt*/ else strncpy(ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].value,value,MAXRCLINESIZE); rctrim( ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].key); rctrim( ocdodsrc->triples[ocdodsrc->ntriples].value); ocdodsrc->ntriples++; } fclose(in_file); sorttriplestore(); return 1; } int ocdodsrc_process(OCstate* state) { int stat = 0; char* value; char* url = ocuribuild(state->uri,NULL,NULL,OCURIENCODE); struct OCTriplestore* ocdodsrc = ocglobalstate.ocdodsrc; if(ocdodsrc == NULL) goto done; value = curllookup("DEFLATE",url); if(value != NULL) { if(atoi(value)) state->curlflags.compress = 1; if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"Compression: %ld", state->curlflags.compress); } if((value = curllookup("VERBOSE",url)) != NULL) { if(atoi(value)) state->curlflags.verbose = 1; if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"curl.verbose: %ld", state->curlflags.verbose); } if((value = curllookup("TIMEOUT",url)) != NULL) { if(atoi(value)) state->curlflags.timeout = atoi(value); if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"curl.timeout: %ld", state->curlflags.timeout); } if((value = curllookup("USERAGENT",url)) != NULL) { if(atoi(value)) state->curlflags.useragent = strdup(value); if(state->curlflags.useragent == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"USERAGENT: %s", state->curlflags.useragent); } if((value = curllookup("COOKIEJAR",url)) || (value = curllookup("COOKIE_JAR",url))) { state->curlflags.cookiejar = strdup(value); if(state->curlflags.cookiejar == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"COOKIEJAR: %s", state->curlflags.cookiejar); } if((value = curllookup("PROXY_SERVER",url)) != NULL) { stat = parseproxy(state,value); if(stat != OC_NOERR) goto done; } if((value = curllookup("SSL.VALIDATE",url)) != NULL) { if(atoi(value)) state->ssl.validate = 1; if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"CURL.SSL.VALIDATE: %ld", state->ssl.validate); } if((value = curllookup("SSL.CERTIFICATE",url)) != NULL) { state->ssl.certificate = strdup(value); if(state->ssl.certificate == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"CREDENTIALS.SSL.CERTIFICATE: %s", state->ssl.certificate); } if((value = curllookup("SSL.KEY",url)) != NULL) { state->ssl.key = strdup(value); if(state->ssl.key == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"CREDENTIALS.SSL.KEY: %s", state->ssl.key); } if((value = curllookup("SSL.KEYPASSWORD",url)) != NULL) { state->ssl.keypasswd = strdup(value); if(state->ssl.keypasswd == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} #ifdef INSECURE if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"CREDENTIALS.SSL.KEYPASSWORD: %s", state->ssl.keypasswd); #endif } if((value = curllookup("SSL.CAINFO",url)) != NULL) { state->ssl.cainfo = strdup(value); if(state->ssl.cainfo == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"SSL.CAINFO: %s", state->ssl.cainfo); } if((value = curllookup("SSL.CAPATH",url)) != NULL) { state->ssl.capath = strdup(value); if(state->ssl.capath == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"SSL.CAPATH: %s", state->ssl.capath); } if((value = curllookup("SSL.VERIFYPEER",url)) != NULL) { char* s = strdup(value); int tf = 0; if(s == NULL || strcmp(s,"0")==0 || strcasecmp(s,"false")==0) tf = 0; else if(strcmp(s,"1")==0 || strcasecmp(s,"true")==0) tf = 1; else tf = 1; /* default if not null */ state->ssl.verifypeer = tf; if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"SSL.VERIFYPEER: %d", state->ssl.verifypeer); } if((value = curllookup("CREDENTIALS.USER",url)) != NULL) { state->creds.username = strdup(value); if(state->creds.username == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if(ocdebug > 0) oclog(OCLOGNOTE,"CREDENTIALS.USER: %s", state->creds.username); } if((value = curllookup("CREDENTIALS.PASSWORD",url)) != NULL) { state->creds.password = strdup(value); if(state->creds.password == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} } /* Support combined case */ if((value = curllookup("CREDENTIALS.USERPASSWORD",url)) != NULL) { char* combined = value; char* sep = NULL; if(combined == NULL) {stat = OC_ENOMEM; goto done;} sep = (char*)strchr(combined,':'); if(sep == NULL) { oclog(OCLOGERR,"CREDENTIALS.USERPASSWORD: no ':' found"); stat = OC_EINVAL; goto done; } *sep = '\0'; state->creds.username = strdup(combined); state->creds.password = strdup(sep+1); } /* else ignore */ done: if(url != NULL) free(url); return stat; } char* ocdodsrc_lookup(char* key, char* url) { int i,found; struct OCTriplestore* ocdodsrc = ocglobalstate.ocdodsrc; struct OCTriple* triple = ocdodsrc->triples; if(key == NULL || ocdodsrc == NULL) return NULL; if(url == NULL) url = ""; /* Assume that the triple store has been properly sorted */ for(found=0,i=0;intriples;i++,triple++) { size_t triplelen = strlen(triple->url); int t; if(strcmp(key,triple->key) != 0) continue; /* keys do not match */ /* If the triple entry has no url, then use it (because we have checked all other cases)*/ if(triplelen == 0) {found=1;break;} /* do url prefix comparison */ t = ocstrncmp(url,triple->url,triplelen); if(t == 0) {found=1; break;} } if(ocdebug > 2) { if(found) { fprintf(stderr,"lookup %s: [%s]%s = %s\n",url,triple->url,triple->key,triple->value); } } return (found ? triple->value : NULL); } static void ocdodsrcdump(char* msg, struct OCTriple* triples, int ntriples) { int i; struct OCTriplestore* ocdodsrc = ocglobalstate.ocdodsrc; if(msg != NULL) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",msg); if(ocdodsrc == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return; } if(triples == NULL) triples= ocdodsrc->triples; if(ntriples < 0 ) ntriples= ocdodsrc->ntriples; for(i=0;i