/* Copyright 2009, UCAR/Unidata and OPeNDAP, Inc. See the COPYRIGHT file for more information. */ #include "config.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include #endif #include "ocinternal.h" #include "ocdebug.h" #include "http.h" #include "read.h" #include "rc.h" #include "curlfunctions.h" extern int oc_curl_file_supported; /*Forward*/ static int readpacket(CURL*, OCURI*, OCbytes*, OCdxd, long*); static int readfile(char* path, char* suffix, OCbytes* packet); static int readfiletofile(char* path, char* suffix, FILE* stream, unsigned long*); int readDDS(OCstate* state, OCtree* tree) { int stat; long lastmodified = -1; ocurisetconstraints(state->uri,tree->constraint); ocset_user_password(state); stat = readpacket(state->curl,state->uri,state->packet,OCDDS, &lastmodified); if(stat == OC_NOERR) state->ddslastmodified = lastmodified; return stat; } int readDAS(OCstate* state, OCtree* tree) { int stat = OC_NOERR; ocurisetconstraints(state->uri,tree->constraint); stat = readpacket(state->curl,state->uri,state->packet,OCDAS,NULL); return stat; } int readversion(CURL* curl, OCURI* url, OCbytes* packet) { return readpacket(curl,url,packet,OCVER,NULL); } static char* ocdxdextension[] ={ ".dds", /*OCDDS*/ ".das", /*OCDAS*/ ".dods", /*OCDATADDS*/ ".vers", /*OCVERS*/ }; static int readpacket(CURL* curl,OCURI* url,OCbytes* packet,OCdxd dxd,long* lastmodified) { int stat; int fileprotocol = 0; char* suffix = ocdxdextension[dxd]; char* fetchurl = NULL; fileprotocol = (strcmp(url->protocol,"file")==0); if(fileprotocol && !oc_curl_file_supported) { /* Short circuit file://... urls*/ /* We do this because the test code always needs to read files*/ fetchurl = ocuribuild(url,NULL,NULL,0); stat = readfile(fetchurl,suffix,packet); } else { int flags = 0; if(!fileprotocol) flags |= OCURICONSTRAINTS; flags |= OCURIENCODE; fetchurl = ocuribuild(url,NULL,suffix,flags); MEMCHECK(fetchurl,OC_ENOMEM); if(ocdebug > 0) {fprintf(stderr,"fetch url=%s\n",fetchurl); fflush(stderr);} stat = ocfetchurl(curl,fetchurl,packet,lastmodified); if(ocdebug > 0) {fprintf(stderr,"fetch complete\n"); fflush(stderr);} } free(fetchurl); return OCTHROW(stat); } int readDATADDS(OCstate* state, OCtree* tree, OCflags flags) { int stat; long lastmod = -1; if((flags & OCINMEMORY) != 0) { ocurisetconstraints(state->uri,tree->constraint); stat = readpacket(state->curl,state->uri,state->packet,OCDATADDS,&lastmod); if(stat == OC_NOERR) state->datalastmodified = lastmod; tree->data.datasize = ocbyteslength(state->packet); } else { OCURI* url = state->uri; int fileprotocol = 0; char* readurl = NULL; fileprotocol = (strcmp(url->protocol,"file")==0); if(fileprotocol && !oc_curl_file_supported) { readurl = ocuribuild(url,NULL,NULL,0); stat = readfiletofile(readurl, ".dods", tree->data.file, &tree->data.datasize); } else { int flags = 0; if(!fileprotocol) flags |= OCURICONSTRAINTS; flags |= OCURIENCODE; ocurisetconstraints(url,tree->constraint); readurl = ocuribuild(url,NULL,".dods",flags); MEMCHECK(readurl,OC_ENOMEM); if (ocdebug > 0) {fprintf(stderr, "fetch url=%s\n", readurl);fflush(stderr);} stat = ocfetchurl_file(state->curl, readurl, tree->data.file, &tree->data.datasize, &lastmod); if(stat == OC_NOERR) state->datalastmodified = lastmod; if (ocdebug > 0) {fprintf(stderr,"fetch complete\n"); fflush(stderr);} } free(readurl); } return OCTHROW(stat); } static int readfiletofile(char* path, char* suffix, FILE* stream, unsigned long* sizep) { int stat; OCbytes* packet = ocbytesnew(); size_t len; /* check for leading file:/// */ if(ocstrncmp(path,"file:///",8)==0) path += 7; /* assume absolute path*/ stat = readfile(path,suffix,packet); if(stat != OC_NOERR) goto unwind; len = oclistlength(packet); if(stat == OC_NOERR) { size_t written; fseek(stream,0,SEEK_SET); written = fwrite(ocbytescontents(packet),1,len,stream); if(written != len) stat = OC_EIO; } if(sizep != NULL) *sizep = len; unwind: ocbytesfree(packet); return OCTHROW(stat); } static int readfile(char* path, char* suffix, OCbytes* packet) { int stat; char buf[1024]; char filename[1024]; int count,size,fd; /* check for leading file:/// */ if(ocstrncmp(path,"file://",7)==0) path += 7; /* assume absolute path*/ strcpy(filename,path); if(suffix != NULL) strcat(filename,suffix); fd = open(filename,O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0) { oc_log(LOGERR,"open failed:%s",filename); return OCTHROW(OC_EOPEN); } size=0; stat = OC_NOERR; for(;;) { count = read(fd,buf,sizeof(buf)); if(count <= 0) break; else if(count < 0) { stat = OC_EIO; oc_log(LOGERR,"read failed: %s",filename); break; } ocbytesappendn(packet,buf,count); size += count; } close(fd); return OCTHROW(stat); }