/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ /* $Id: cdfdata.c,v 1.4 2010/05/24 19:59:56 dmh Exp $ */ /* $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/ncgen/cdfdata.c,v 1.4 2010/05/24 19:59:56 dmh Exp $ */ #include "includes.h" #include "ncoffsets.h" #ifdef ENABLE_BINARY /**************************************************/ /* Code for generating binary data lists*/ /**************************************************/ struct Vlendata { char* data; unsigned long count; }* vlendata; /* Forward*/ static void genbin_data(Symbol* sym, Datasrc*, Datalist*, Bytebuffer*); static void genbin_arraydatar(Symbol* basetype, Datasrc* src, Odometer* odom, int index, int checkpoint, Bytebuffer* code); static void genbin_primdata(Symbol*, Datasrc*, Datalist*, Bytebuffer*); static void genbin_fieldarray(Symbol*, Datasrc*, Dimset*, int, Bytebuffer*); static void alignbuffer(Constant* prim, Bytebuffer* buf, int base); static void alignto(int,ByteBuffer*, int base); /* Datalist rules: see the rules on the man page */ /* Specialty wrappers for genbin_data */ void genbin_attrdata(Symbol* asym, Bytebuffer* memory) { Datasrc* src; int chartype = (asym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode == NC_CHAR); if(asym->data == NULL) return; if(chartype) {gen_charattr(asym,memory); return;} src = datalist2src(asym->data); while(srcmore(src)) { genbin_data(asym->typ.basetype,src,NULL,memory); } } #if 0 /* Apparently not used */ void genbin_scalardata(Symbol* vsym, Bytebuffer* memory) { Datasrc* src; if(vsym->data == NULL) return; src = datalist2src(vsym->data); genbin_data(vsym->typ.basetype,src, vsym->var.special._Fillvalue,memory); if(srcmore(src)) { semerror(srcline(src),"Extra data at end of datalist"); } } */ void genbin_datalist(struct Symbol* sym, Datalist* list, Bytebuffer* memory) { Datasrc* src = datalist2src(list); genbin_data(sym,src,NULL,memory); } static void genbin_data(Symbol* tsym, Datasrc* datasrc, Datalist* fillsrc, Bytebuffer* memory) { int usecmpd; Constant* con = srcpeek(datasrc); if(con == NULL || con->nctype == NC_FILLVALUE) { srcnext(datasrc); genbin_fillvalue(tsym,fillsrc,datasrc,memory); return; } switch (tsym->subclass) { case NC_ENUM: case NC_OPAQUE: case NC_PRIM: if(issublist(datasrc)) { semerror(srcline(datasrc),"Expected primitive found {..}"); } genbin_primdata(tsym,datasrc,fillsrc,memory); break; case NC_COMPOUND: genbin_compound(tsym,datasrc,fillsrc,memory); break; case NC_VLEN: { Constant* cp; nc_vlen_t ptr; if(!issublist(datasrc)) { semerror(srcline(datasrc),"Vlen data must be enclosed in {..}"); } cp = srcnext(datasrc); /* generate the nc_vlen_t instance*/ ptr.p = vlendata[cp->value.compoundv->vlen.uid].data; ptr.len = vlendata[cp->value.compoundv->vlen.uid].count; bbAppendn(memory,(char*)&ptr,sizeof(ptr)); } break; case NC_FIELD: /* enclose in braces if and only if field is an array */ usecmpd = (issublist(datasrc) && tsym->typ.dimset.ndims > 0); if(usecmpd) srcpush(datasrc); if(tsym->typ.dimset.ndims > 0) { genbin_fieldarray(tsym->typ.basetype,datasrc,&tsym->typ.dimset,0,memory); } else { genbin_data(tsym->typ.basetype,datasrc,NULL,memory); } if(usecmpd) srcpop(datasrc); break; default: PANIC1("genbin_data: unexpected subclass %d",tsym->subclass); } } /* Used for compound instances */ static void genbin_compound(Symbol* tsym, Datasrc* datasrc, Datalist* fillsrc, Bytebuffer* memory) { int i; int base = bblength(memory); if(!issublist(datasrc)) { semerror(srcline(datasrc),"Compound data must be enclosed in {..}"); } /* Use this datasrc list to get values for compound fields */ srcpush(datasrc); for(i=0;isubnodes);i++) { Symbol* field = (Symbol*)listget(tsym->subnodes,i); if(!srcmore(datasrc)) { /* generate a fill value*/ Datalist* fillsrc = getfiller(tsym); genbin_data(field,datasrc,fillsrc,memory); } else genbin_data(field,datasrc,NULL,memory); } srcpop(datasrc); /* Re: github issue 323: we may need to pad the end of the structure to make its size be a multiple of the largest alignment. */ alignto(tsym->cmpdalignment,buf,base); } /* Used only for structure field arrays*/ static void genbin_fieldarray(Symbol* basetype, Datasrc* src, Dimset* dimset, int index, Bytebuffer* memory) { int i; Symbol* dim = dimset->dimsyms[index]; unsigned int size = dim->dim.size; int lastdim = (index == (dimset->ndims - 1)); /* last dimension*/ int chartype = (basetype->typ.typecode == NC_CHAR); if(chartype) { /* Collect the char field in a separate buffer */ Bytebuffer* fieldbuf = bbNew(); gen_charfield(src,dimset,index,fieldbuf); bbAppendn(memory,bbContents(fieldbuf),bbLength(fieldbuf)); bbFree(fieldbuf); } else { ASSERT(size != 0); for(i=0;inctype == NC_FILLVALUE) { genbin_fillvalue(basetype,fillsrc,src,memory); return; } target.nctype = basetype->typ.typecode; if(prim == NULL) { #ifdef GENFILL /* generate a fill value*/ nc_getfill(&target); /* fall thru*/ #else return; #endif } ASSERT(prim->nctype != NC_COMPOUND); if(target.nctype != NC_ECONST) { convert1(prim,&target); alignbuffer(&target,memory); } switch (target.nctype) { case NC_ECONST: if(basetype->subclass != NC_ENUM) { semerror(prim->lineno,"Conversion to enum not supported (yet)"); } else { Datalist* econ = builddatalist(1); srcpushlist(src,econ); dlappend(econ,&prim->value.enumv->typ.econst); genbin_primdata(prim->value.enumv->typ.basetype,src, fillsrc,memory); srcpop(src); } break; case NC_OPAQUE: { unsigned char* bytes; size_t len; setprimlength(&target,basetype->typ.size*2); bytes=makebytestring(target.value.opaquev.stringv,&len); bbAppendn(memory,(void*)bytes,len); } break; case NC_CHAR: bbAppendn(memory,&target.value.charv,sizeof(target.value.charv)); break; case NC_BYTE: bbAppendn(memory,(void*)&target.value.int8v,sizeof(target.value.int8v)); break; case NC_SHORT: bbAppendn(memory,(void*)&target.value.int16v,sizeof(target.value.int16v)); break; case NC_INT: bbAppendn(memory,(void*)&target.value.int32v,sizeof(target.value.int32v)); break; case NC_FLOAT: bbAppendn(memory,(void*)&target.value.floatv,sizeof(target.value.floatv)); break; case NC_DOUBLE: bbAppendn(memory,(void*)&target.value.doublev,sizeof(target.value.doublev)); break; case NC_UBYTE: bbAppendn(memory,(void*)&target.value.uint8v,sizeof(target.value.uint8v)); break; case NC_USHORT: bbAppendn(memory,(void*)&target.value.uint16v,sizeof(target.value.uint16v)); break; case NC_UINT: bbAppendn(memory,(void*)&target.value.uint32v,sizeof(target.value.uint32v)); break; case NC_INT64: { union SI64 { char ch[8]; long long i64;} si64; si64.i64 = target.value.int64v; bbAppendn(memory,(void*)si64.ch,sizeof(si64.ch)); } break; case NC_UINT64: { union SU64 { char ch[8]; unsigned long long i64;} su64; su64.i64 = target.value.uint64v; bbAppendn(memory,(void*)su64.ch,sizeof(su64.ch)); } break; case NC_STRING: { if(usingclassic) { bbAppendn(memory,target.value.stringv.stringv,target.value.stringv.len); } else if(target.nctype == NC_CHAR) { bbAppendn(memory,target.value.stringv.stringv,target.value.stringv.len); } else { char* ptr; int len = (size_t)target.value.stringv.len; ptr = poolalloc(len+1); /* CAREFUL: this has short lifetime*/ memcpy(ptr,target.value.stringv.stringv,len); ptr[len] = '\0'; bbAppendn(memory,(void*)&ptr,sizeof(ptr)); } } break; default: PANIC1("genbin_primdata: unexpected type: %d",target.nctype); } } void genbin_fillvalue(Symbol* tsym, Datalist* fillsrc, Datasrc* src, Bytebuffer* memory) { Datalist* list = NULL; ASSERT(tsym->objectclass == NC_TYPE); list = fillsrc; if(list == NULL) list = getfiller(tsym); srcpushlist(src,list); genbin_data(tsym,src,NULL,memory); srcpop(src); } /* This walk of the data lists collects vlen sublists and constructs separate C constants for each of them. The "id" of each list is then recorded in the containing datalist. */ void genbin_vlenconstants(List* vlenconstants) { int i,nvlen; Datasrc* vlensrc; Bytebuffer* memory = bbNew(); /* Prepare a place to store vlen constants */ nvlen = listlength(vlenconstants); if(nvlen == 0) return; vlendata = (struct Vlendata*)ecalloc(sizeof(struct Vlendata)*nvlen+1); memset((void*)vlendata,0,sizeof(struct Vlendata)*nvlen+1); for(i=0;ivalue.compoundv->vlen.schema; unsigned long uid = cmpd->value.compoundv->vlen.uid; unsigned long count; ASSERT(tsym != NULL); chartype = (tsym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode == NC_CHAR); vlensrc = datalist2src(cmpd->value.compoundv); bbClear(memory); count = 0; if(chartype) { /* Collect the char sequence in a separate buffer */ gen_charseq(vlensrc,memory); count = bbLength(memory); } else { while(srcmore(vlensrc)) { genbin_data(tsym->typ.basetype,vlensrc,NULL,memory); count++; } ASSERT(count == cmpd->value.compoundv->vlen.count); } vlendata[uid].data = bbDup(memory); vlendata[uid].count = count; } bbFree(memory); } void genbin_arraydata(Symbol* vsym, Bytebuffer* memory) { Datasrc* src; Datalist* list; int i; int chartype = (vsym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode == NC_CHAR); nciter_t iter; Iterodom iterodom; if(vsym->data == NULL) return; if(chartype) { gen_chararray(vsym,memory); return; } list = vsym->data; ASSERT(list->dimdata != NULL); src = datalist2src(list); /* Create an iterator to generate blocks of data */ nc_get_iter(vsym,databuffersize,&iter); nc_next_iter(&iter,iterodom.start,iterodom.count); iterodom.rank = vsym->typ.dimset.ndims; genbin_arraydatar(vsym,memory,src,iter,&iterodom,/*index=*/0) } static void genbin_arraydatar(Symbol* vsym, Bytebuffer* memory, nciter_t iter, Iterodom* iterodom, int index) { int i; int rank = iterodom->rank; int lastdim = (index == (rank - 1)); /* last dimension*/ int firstdim = (index == 0); int declsize = odom->dims[index].declsize; int isunlimited = (declsize == 0); Symbol* basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; Datalist* fillsrc = vsym->var.special._Fillvalue; Constant* con; ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < rank); odom->dims[index].index = 0; /* reset*/ if(isunlimited) { Constant* con; if(!firstdim) { if(!issublist(src)) { semerror(srcline(src),"Unlimited data must be enclosed in {..}"); return; } srcpush(src); /* enter the unlimited data */ } while((con=srcpeek(src))!=NULL) { if(lastdim) { genbin_data(basetype,src,fillsrc,memory); } else { genbin_arraydatar(vsym,src,odom,index+1, checkpoint,memory); } odom->dims[index].index++; if(docheckpoint) { closure->putvar(closure,odom,memory); } } odom->dims[index].datasize = odom->dims[index].index; if(!firstdim) srcpop(src); } else { /* !isunlimited*/ for(i=0;idims[index].index++; if(docheckpoint) { closure->putvar(closure,odom,memory); } } } } static void alignbuffer(Constant* prim, Bytebuffer* buf, int base { int alignment,pad,offset; if(prim->nctype == NC_ECONST) alignment = nctypealignment(prim->value.enumv->typ.typecode); else if(usingclassic && prim->nctype == NC_STRING) alignment = nctypealignment(NC_CHAR); else if(prim->nctype == NC_CHAR) alignment = nctypealignment(NC_CHAR); else alignment = nctypealignment(prim->nctype); alignto(alignment,buf,base); } static const char zeros[] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; static void alignto(int alignment, Bytebuffer* buf, int base) { offset = bbLength(buf); offset -= base; /* Need to actually align wrt to the base */ pad = getpadding(offset,alignment); if(pad > 0) { bbAppendn(buf,(void*)zeros,pad); } } #endif /*ENABLE_BINARY*/