/* Copyright 2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric * Research. See COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution * conditions. */ /** * @file @internal The functions which control NCZ * caching. These caching controls allow the user to change the cache * sizes of ZARR before opening files. * * @author Dennis Heimbigner, Ed Hartnett */ #include "zincludes.h" #include "zcache.h" #include "ncxcache.h" #include "zfilter.h" #include #undef DEBUG #undef FLUSH #define LEAFLEN 32 #define USEPARAMSIZE 0xffffffffffffffff /* Forward */ static int get_chunk(NCZChunkCache* cache, NCZCacheEntry* entry); static int put_chunk(NCZChunkCache* cache, NCZCacheEntry*); static int verifycache(NCZChunkCache* cache); static int flushcache(NCZChunkCache* cache); static int constraincache(NCZChunkCache* cache, size64_t needed); static void setmodified(NCZCacheEntry* e, int tf) { e->modified = tf; } /**************************************************/ /* Dispatch table per-var cache functions */ /** * @internal Set chunk cache size for a variable. This is the internal * function called by nc_set_var_chunk_cache(). * * @param ncid File ID. * @param varid Variable ID. * @param size Size in bytes to set cache. * @param nelems # of entries in cache * @param preemption Controls cache swapping. * * @returns ::NC_NOERR No error. * @returns ::NC_EBADID Bad ncid. * @returns ::NC_ENOTVAR Invalid variable ID. * @returns ::NC_ESTRICTNC3 Attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict * nc3 netcdf-4 file. * @returns ::NC_EINVAL Invalid input. * @returns ::NC_EHDFERR HDF5 error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int NCZ_set_var_chunk_cache(int ncid, int varid, size_t cachesize, size_t nelems, float preemption) { NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp; NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5; NC_VAR_INFO_T *var; NCZ_VAR_INFO_T *zvar; int retval = NC_NOERR; /* Check input for validity. */ if (preemption < 0 || preemption > 1) {retval = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} /* Find info for this file and group, and set pointer to each. */ if ((retval = nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncid, NULL, &grp, &h5))) goto done; assert(grp && h5); /* Find the var. */ if (!(var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->vars, varid))) {retval = NC_ENOTVAR; goto done;} assert(var && var->hdr.id == varid); zvar = (NCZ_VAR_INFO_T*)var->format_var_info; assert(zvar != NULL && zvar->cache != NULL); /* Set the values. */ var->chunkcache.size = cachesize; var->chunkcache.nelems = nelems; var->chunkcache.preemption = preemption; /* Fix up cache */ if((retval = NCZ_adjust_var_cache(var))) goto done; done: return retval; } /** * @internal Adjust the chunk cache of a var for better * performance. * * @note For contiguous and compact storage vars, or when parallel I/O * is in use, this function will do nothing and return ::NC_NOERR; * * @param grp Pointer to group info struct. * @param var Pointer to var info struct. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Ed Hartnett */ int NCZ_adjust_var_cache(NC_VAR_INFO_T *var) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZ_VAR_INFO_T* zvar = (NCZ_VAR_INFO_T*)var->format_var_info; NCZChunkCache* zcache = NULL; zcache = zvar->cache; if(zcache->valid) goto done; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"xxx: adjusting cache for: %s\n",var->hdr.name); #endif /* completely empty the cache */ flushcache(zcache); /* Reclaim any existing fill_chunk */ if((stat = NCZ_reclaim_fill_chunk(zcache))) goto done; /* Reset the parameters */ zvar->cache->params.size = var->chunkcache.size; zvar->cache->params.nelems = var->chunkcache.nelems; zvar->cache->params.preemption = var->chunkcache.preemption; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s.cache.adjust: size=%ld nelems=%ld\n", var->hdr.name,(unsigned long)zvar->cache->maxsize,(unsigned long)zvar->cache->maxentries); #endif /* One more thing, adjust the chunksize and count*/ zcache->chunksize = zvar->chunksize; zcache->chunkcount = 1; if(var->ndims > 0) { int i; for(i=0;indims;i++) { zcache->chunkcount *= var->chunksizes[i]; } } zcache->valid = 1; done: return stat; } /**************************************************/ /** * Create a chunk cache object * * @param var containing var * @param entrysize Size in bytes of an entry * @param cachep return cache pointer * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @return ::NC_EINVAL Bad preemption. * @author Dennis Heimbigner, Ed Hartnett */ int NCZ_create_chunk_cache(NC_VAR_INFO_T* var, size64_t chunksize, char dimsep, NCZChunkCache** cachep) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZChunkCache* cache = NULL; void* fill = NULL; NCZ_VAR_INFO_T* zvar = NULL; if(chunksize == 0) return NC_EINVAL; zvar = (NCZ_VAR_INFO_T*)var->format_var_info; if((cache = calloc(1,sizeof(NCZChunkCache))) == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} cache->var = var; cache->ndims = var->ndims + zvar->scalar; cache->fillchunk = NULL; cache->chunksize = chunksize; cache->dimension_separator = dimsep; zvar->cache = cache; cache->chunkcount = 1; if(var->ndims > 0) { int i; for(i=0;indims;i++) { cache->chunkcount *= var->chunksizes[i]; } } /* Set default cache parameters */ cache->params = NC_getglobalstate()->chunkcache; #ifdef FLUSH cache->maxentries = 1; #endif #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s.cache: nelems=%ld size=%ld\n", var->hdr.name,(unsigned long)cache->maxentries,(unsigned long)cache->maxsize); #endif if((stat = ncxcachenew(LEAFLEN,&cache->xcache))) goto done; if((cache->mru = nclistnew()) == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} nclistsetalloc(cache->mru,cache->params.nelems); if(cachep) {*cachep = cache; cache = NULL;} done: nullfree(fill); NCZ_free_chunk_cache(cache); return THROW(stat); } static void free_cache_entry(NCZChunkCache* cache, NCZCacheEntry* entry) { if(entry) { int tid = cache->var->type_info->hdr.id; if(tid == NC_STRING && !entry->isfixedstring) { NC_reclaim_data(cache->var->container->nc4_info->controller,tid,entry->data,cache->chunkcount); } nullfree(entry->data); nullfree(entry->key.varkey); nullfree(entry->key.chunkkey); nullfree(entry); } } void NCZ_free_chunk_cache(NCZChunkCache* cache) { if(cache == NULL) return; ZTRACE(4,"cache.var=%s",cache->var->hdr.name); /* Iterate over the entries */ while(nclistlength(cache->mru) > 0) { void* ptr; NCZCacheEntry* entry = nclistremove(cache->mru,0); (void)ncxcacheremove(cache->xcache,entry->hashkey,&ptr); assert(ptr == entry); free_cache_entry(cache,entry); } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"|cache.free|=%ld\n",nclistlength(cache->mru)); #endif ncxcachefree(cache->xcache); nclistfree(cache->mru); cache->mru = NULL; (void)NCZ_reclaim_fill_chunk(cache); nullfree(cache); (void)ZUNTRACE(NC_NOERR); } size64_t NCZ_cache_entrysize(NCZChunkCache* cache) { assert(cache); return cache->chunksize; } /* Return number of active entries in cache */ size64_t NCZ_cache_size(NCZChunkCache* cache) { assert(cache); return nclistlength(cache->mru); } int NCZ_read_cache_chunk(NCZChunkCache* cache, const size64_t* indices, void** datap) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int rank = cache->ndims; NCZCacheEntry* entry = NULL; ncexhashkey_t hkey = 0; int created = 0; /* the hash key */ hkey = ncxcachekey(indices,sizeof(size64_t)*cache->ndims); /* See if already in cache */ stat = ncxcachelookup(cache->xcache,hkey,(void**)&entry); switch(stat) { case NC_NOERR: /* Move to front of the lru */ (void)ncxcachetouch(cache->xcache,hkey); break; case NC_ENOOBJECT: entry = NULL; /* not found; */ break; default: goto done; } if(entry == NULL) { /*!found*/ /* Create a new entry */ if((entry = calloc(1,sizeof(NCZCacheEntry)))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} memcpy(entry->indices,indices,rank*sizeof(size64_t)); /* Create the key for this cache */ if((stat = NCZ_buildchunkpath(cache,indices,&entry->key))) goto done; entry->hashkey = hkey; assert(entry->data == NULL && entry->size == 0); /* Try to read the object from "disk"; might change size; will create if non-existent */ if((stat=get_chunk(cache,entry))) goto done; assert(entry->data != NULL); /* Ensure cache constraints not violated; but do it before entry is added */ if((stat=verifycache(cache))) goto done; nclistpush(cache->mru,entry); if((stat = ncxcacheinsert(cache->xcache,entry->hashkey,entry))) goto done; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"|cache.read.lru|=%ld\n",nclistlength(cache->mru)); #endif if(datap) *datap = entry->data; entry = NULL; done: if(created && stat == NC_NOERR) stat = NC_EEMPTY; /* tell upper layers */ if(entry) free_cache_entry(cache,entry); return THROW(stat); } #if 0 int NCZ_write_cache_chunk(NCZChunkCache* cache, const size64_t* indices, void* content) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int rank = cache->ndims; NCZCacheEntry* entry = NULL; ncexhashkey_t hkey; /* create the hash key */ hkey = ncxcachekey(indices,sizeof(size64_t)*cache->ndims); if(entry == NULL) { /*!found*/ /* Create a new entry */ if((entry = calloc(1,sizeof(NCZCacheEntry)))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} memcpy(entry->indices,indices,rank*sizeof(size64_t)); if((stat = NCZ_buildchunkpath(cache,indices,&entry->key))) goto done; entry->hashkey = hkey; /* Create the local copy space */ entry->size = cache->chunksize; if((entry->data = calloc(1,cache->chunksize)) == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} memcpy(entry->data,content,cache->chunksize); } setmodified(entry,1); nclistpush(cache->mru,entry); /* MRU order */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"|cache.write|=%ld\n",nclistlength(cache->mru)); #endif entry = NULL; /* Ensure cache constraints not violated */ if((stat=verifycache(cache))) goto done; done: if(entry) free_cache_entry(cache,entry); return THROW(stat); } #endif /* Constrain cache */ static int verifycache(NCZChunkCache* cache) { int stat = NC_NOERR; #if 0 /* Sanity check; make sure at least one entry is always allowed */ if(nclistlength(cache->mru) == 1) goto done; #endif if((stat = constraincache(cache,USEPARAMSIZE))) goto done; done: return stat; } /* Completely flush cache */ static int flushcache(NCZChunkCache* cache) { int stat = NC_NOERR; #if 0 size_t oldsize = cache->params.size; cache->params.size = 0; stat = constraincache(cache,USEPARAMSIZE); cache->params.size = oldsize; #else stat = constraincache(cache,USEPARAMSIZE); #endif return stat; } /* Remove entries to ensure cache is not violating any of its constraints. On entry, constraints might be violated. Make sure that the entryinuse (NULL => no constraint) is not reclaimed. @param cache @param needed make sure there is room for this much space; USEPARAMSIZE => ensure no more than cache params is used. */ static int constraincache(NCZChunkCache* cache, size64_t needed) { int stat = NC_NOERR; size64_t final_size; /* If the cache is empty then do nothing */ if(cache->used == 0) goto done; if(needed == USEPARAMSIZE) final_size = cache->params.size; else if(cache->used > needed) final_size = cache->used - needed; else final_size = 0; /* Flush from LRU end if we are at capacity */ while(nclistlength(cache->mru) > cache->params.nelems || cache->used > final_size) { size_t i; void* ptr; NCZCacheEntry* e = ncxcachelast(cache->xcache); /* last entry is the least recently used */ if(e == NULL) break; if((stat = ncxcacheremove(cache->xcache,e->hashkey,&ptr))) goto done; assert(e == ptr); for(i=0;imru);i++) { e = nclistget(cache->mru,i); if(ptr == e) break; } assert(e != NULL); assert(i >= 0 && i < nclistlength(cache->mru)); nclistremove(cache->mru,i); assert(cache->used >= e->size); /* Note that |old chunk data| may not be same as |new chunk data| because of filters */ cache->used -= e->size; /* old size */ if(e->modified) /* flush to file */ stat=put_chunk(cache,e); /* reclaim */ nullfree(e->data); nullfree(e->key.varkey); nullfree(e->key.chunkkey); nullfree(e); } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"|cache.makeroom|=%ld\n",nclistlength(cache->mru)); #endif done: return stat; } /** Push modified cache entries to disk. Also make sure the cache size is correct. @param cache @return NC_EXXX error */ int NCZ_flush_chunk_cache(NCZChunkCache* cache) { int stat = NC_NOERR; size_t i; ZTRACE(4,"cache.var=%s |cache|=%d",cache->var->hdr.name,(int)nclistlength(cache->mru)); if(NCZ_cache_size(cache) == 0) goto done; /* Iterate over the entries in hashmap */ for(i=0;imru);i++) { NCZCacheEntry* entry = nclistget(cache->mru,i); if(entry->modified) { /* Write out this chunk in toto*/ if((stat=put_chunk(cache,entry))) goto done; } setmodified(entry,0); } /* Re-compute space used */ cache->used = 0; for(i=0;imru);i++) { NCZCacheEntry* entry = nclistget(cache->mru,i); cache->used += entry->size; } /* Make sure cache size and nelems are correct */ if((stat=verifycache(cache))) goto done; done: return ZUNTRACE(stat); } /* Ensure existence of some kind of fill chunk */ int NCZ_ensure_fill_chunk(NCZChunkCache* cache) { int i, stat = NC_NOERR; NC_VAR_INFO_T* var = cache->var; nc_type typeid = var->type_info->hdr.id; size_t typesize = var->type_info->size; if(cache->fillchunk) goto done; if((cache->fillchunk = malloc(cache->chunksize))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if(var->no_fill) { /* use zeros */ memset(cache->fillchunk,0,cache->chunksize); goto done; } if((stat = NCZ_ensure_fill_value(var))) goto done; if(typeid == NC_STRING) { char* src = *((char**)(var->fill_value)); char** dst = (char**)(cache->fillchunk); for(i=0;ichunkcount;i++) dst[i] = strdup(src); } else switch (typesize) { case 1: { unsigned char c = *((unsigned char*)var->fill_value); memset(cache->fillchunk,c,cache->chunksize); } break; case 2: { unsigned short fv = *((unsigned short*)var->fill_value); unsigned short* p2 = (unsigned short*)cache->fillchunk; for(i=0;ichunksize;i+=typesize) *p2++ = fv; } break; case 4: { unsigned int fv = *((unsigned int*)var->fill_value); unsigned int* p4 = (unsigned int*)cache->fillchunk; for(i=0;ichunksize;i+=typesize) *p4++ = fv; } break; case 8: { unsigned long long fv = *((unsigned long long*)var->fill_value); unsigned long long* p8 = (unsigned long long*)cache->fillchunk; for(i=0;ichunksize;i+=typesize) *p8++ = fv; } break; default: { unsigned char* p; for(p=cache->fillchunk,i=0;ichunksize;i+=typesize,p+=typesize) memcpy(p,var->fill_value,typesize); } break; } done: return NC_NOERR; } int NCZ_reclaim_fill_chunk(NCZChunkCache* zcache) { int stat = NC_NOERR; if(zcache && zcache->fillchunk) { NC_VAR_INFO_T* var = zcache->var; int tid = var->type_info->hdr.id; size_t chunkcount = zcache->chunkcount; stat = NC_reclaim_data_all(var->container->nc4_info->controller,tid,zcache->fillchunk,chunkcount); zcache->fillchunk = NULL; } return stat; } int NCZ_chunk_cache_modify(NCZChunkCache* cache, const size64_t* indices) { int stat = NC_NOERR; ncexhashkey_t hkey = 0; NCZCacheEntry* entry = NULL; /* the hash key */ hkey = ncxcachekey(indices,sizeof(size64_t)*cache->ndims); /* See if already in cache */ if((stat=ncxcachelookup(cache->xcache, hkey, (void**)&entry))) {stat = NC_EINTERNAL; goto done;} setmodified(entry,1); done: return THROW(stat); } /**************************************************/ /* From Zarr V2 Specification: "The compressed sequence of bytes for each chunk is stored under a key formed from the index of the chunk within the grid of chunks representing the array. To form a string key for a chunk, the indices are converted to strings and concatenated with the dimension_separator character ('.' or '/') separating each index. For example, given an array with shape (10000, 10000) and chunk shape (1000, 1000) there will be 100 chunks laid out in a 10 by 10 grid. The chunk with indices (0, 0) provides data for rows 0-1000 and columns 0-1000 and is stored under the key "0.0"; the chunk with indices (2, 4) provides data for rows 2000-3000 and columns 4000-5000 and is stored under the key "2.4"; etc." */ /** * @param R Rank * @param chunkindices The chunk indices * @param dimsep the dimension separator * @param keyp Return the chunk key string */ int NCZ_buildchunkkey(size_t R, const size64_t* chunkindices, char dimsep, char** keyp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int r; NCbytes* key = ncbytesnew(); if(keyp) *keyp = NULL; assert(islegaldimsep(dimsep)); for(r=0;r 0) ncbytesappend(key,dimsep); /* Print as decimal with no leading zeros */ snprintf(sindex,sizeof(sindex),"%lu",(unsigned long)chunkindices[r]); ncbytescat(key,sindex); } ncbytesnull(key); if(keyp) *keyp = ncbytesextract(key); ncbytesfree(key); return THROW(stat); } /** * @internal Push data to chunk of a file. * If chunk does not exist, create it * * @param file Pointer to file info struct. * @param proj Chunk projection * @param datalen size of data * @param data Buffer containing the chunk data to write * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int put_chunk(NCZChunkCache* cache, NCZCacheEntry* entry) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NC_FILE_INFO_T* file = NULL; NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zfile = NULL; NCZMAP* map = NULL; char* path = NULL; nc_type tid = NC_NAT; void* strchunk = NULL; ZTRACE(5,"cache.var=%s entry.key=%s",cache->var->hdr.name,entry->key); LOG((3, "%s: var: %p", __func__, cache->var)); file = (cache->var->container)->nc4_info; zfile = file->format_file_info; map = zfile->map; /* Collect some info */ tid = cache->var->type_info->hdr.id; if(tid == NC_STRING && !entry->isfixedstring) { /* Convert from char* to char[strlen] format */ int maxstrlen = NCZ_get_maxstrlen((NC_OBJ*)cache->var); assert(maxstrlen > 0); if((strchunk = malloc((size_t)cache->chunkcount * (size_t)maxstrlen))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} /* copy char* to char[] format */ if((stat = NCZ_char2fixed((const char**)entry->data,strchunk,cache->chunkcount,maxstrlen))) goto done; /* Reclaim the old chunk */ if((stat = NC_reclaim_data_all(file->controller,tid,entry->data,cache->chunkcount))) goto done; entry->data = NULL; entry->data = strchunk; strchunk = NULL; entry->size = cache->chunkcount * maxstrlen; entry->isfixedstring = 1; } #ifdef ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS /* Make sure the entry is in filtered state */ if(!entry->isfiltered) { NC_VAR_INFO_T* var = cache->var; void* filtered = NULL; /* pointer to the filtered data */ size_t flen; /* length of filtered data */ /* Get the filter chain to apply */ NClist* filterchain = (NClist*)var->filters; if(nclistlength(filterchain) > 0) { /* Apply the filter chain to get the filtered data; will reclaim entry->data */ if((stat = NCZ_applyfilterchain(file,var,filterchain,entry->size,entry->data,&flen,&filtered,ENCODING))) goto done; /* Fix up the cache entry */ /* Note that if filtered is different from entry->data, then entry->data will have been freed */ entry->data = filtered; entry->size = flen; entry->isfiltered = 1; } } #endif path = NCZ_chunkpath(entry->key); stat = nczmap_write(map,path,entry->size,entry->data); nullfree(path); path = NULL; switch(stat) { case NC_NOERR: break; case NC_EEMPTY: default: goto done; } done: nullfree(strchunk); nullfree(path); return ZUNTRACE(stat); } /** * @internal Push data from memory to file. * * @param cache Pointer to parent cache * @param key chunk key * @param entry cache entry to read into * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner */ static int get_chunk(NCZChunkCache* cache, NCZCacheEntry* entry) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZMAP* map = NULL; NC_FILE_INFO_T* file = NULL; NCZ_FILE_INFO_T* zfile = NULL; NC_TYPE_INFO_T* xtype = NULL; char** strchunk = NULL; size64_t size; int empty = 0; char* path = NULL; int tid; ZTRACE(5,"cache.var=%s entry.key=%s sep=%d",cache->var->hdr.name,entry->key,cache->dimension_separator); LOG((3, "%s: file: %p", __func__, file)); file = (cache->var->container)->nc4_info; zfile = file->format_file_info; map = zfile->map; assert(map); /* Collect some info */ xtype = cache->var->type_info; tid = xtype->hdr.id; /* get size of the "raw" data on "disk" */ path = NCZ_chunkpath(entry->key); stat = nczmap_len(map,path,&size); nullfree(path); path = NULL; switch(stat) { case NC_NOERR: entry->size = size; break; case NC_EEMPTY: empty = 1; stat = NC_NOERR; break; default: goto done; } /* make room in the cache */ if((stat = constraincache(cache,size))) goto done; if(!empty) { /* Make sure we have a place to read it */ if((entry->data = (void*)calloc(1,entry->size)) == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} /* Read the raw data */ path = NCZ_chunkpath(entry->key); stat = nczmap_read(map,path,0,entry->size,(char*)entry->data); nullfree(path); path = NULL; switch (stat) { case NC_NOERR: break; case NC_EEMPTY: empty = 1; stat = NC_NOERR;break; default: goto done; } entry->isfiltered = (int)FILTERED(cache); /* Is the data being read filtered? */ if(tid == NC_STRING) entry->isfixedstring = 1; /* fill cache is in char[maxstrlen] format */ } if(empty) { /* fake the chunk */ setmodified(entry,(file->no_write?0:1)); entry->size = cache->chunksize; entry->data = NULL; entry->isfixedstring = 0; entry->isfiltered = 0; /* apply fill value */ if(cache->fillchunk == NULL) {if((stat = NCZ_ensure_fill_chunk(cache))) goto done;} if((entry->data = calloc(1,entry->size))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if((stat = NCZ_copy_data(file,cache->var,cache->fillchunk,cache->chunkcount,ZREADING,entry->data))) goto done; stat = NC_NOERR; } #ifdef ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS /* Make sure the entry is in unfiltered state */ if(!empty && entry->isfiltered) { NC_VAR_INFO_T* var = cache->var; void* unfiltered = NULL; /* pointer to the unfiltered data */ void* filtered = NULL; /* pointer to the filtered data */ size_t unflen; /* length of unfiltered data */ assert(tid != NC_STRING || entry->isfixedstring); /* Get the filter chain to apply */ NClist* filterchain = (NClist*)var->filters; if(nclistlength(filterchain) == 0) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} /* Apply the filter chain to get the unfiltered data */ filtered = entry->data; entry->data = NULL; if((stat = NCZ_applyfilterchain(file,var,filterchain,entry->size,filtered,&unflen,&unfiltered,!ENCODING))) goto done; /* Fix up the cache entry */ entry->data = unfiltered; entry->size = unflen; entry->isfiltered = 0; } #endif if(tid == NC_STRING && entry->isfixedstring) { /* Convert from char[strlen] to char* format */ int maxstrlen = NCZ_get_maxstrlen((NC_OBJ*)cache->var); assert(maxstrlen > 0); /* copy char[] to char* format */ if((strchunk = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)*cache->chunkcount))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if((stat = NCZ_fixed2char(entry->data,strchunk,cache->chunkcount,maxstrlen))) goto done; /* Reclaim the old chunk */ nullfree(entry->data); entry->data = NULL; entry->data = strchunk; strchunk = NULL; entry->size = cache->chunkcount * sizeof(char*); entry->isfixedstring = 0; } /* track new chunk */ cache->used += entry->size; done: nullfree(strchunk); nullfree(path); return ZUNTRACE(stat); } int NCZ_buildchunkpath(NCZChunkCache* cache, const size64_t* chunkindices, struct ChunkKey* key) { int stat = NC_NOERR; char* chunkname = NULL; char* varkey = NULL; assert(key != NULL); /* Get the chunk object name */ if((stat = NCZ_buildchunkkey(cache->ndims, chunkindices, cache->dimension_separator, &chunkname))) goto done; /* Get the var object key */ if((stat = NCZ_varkey(cache->var,&varkey))) goto done; key->varkey = varkey; varkey = NULL; key->chunkkey = chunkname; chunkname = NULL; done: nullfree(chunkname); nullfree(varkey); return THROW(stat); } void NCZ_dumpxcacheentry(NCZChunkCache* cache, NCZCacheEntry* e, NCbytes* buf) { char s[8192]; char idx[64]; int i; ncbytescat(buf,"{"); snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"modified=%u isfiltered=%u indices=", (unsigned)e->modified, (unsigned)e->isfiltered ); ncbytescat(buf,s); for(i=0;indims;i++) { snprintf(idx,sizeof(idx),"%s%llu",(i==0?"":"."),e->indices[i]); ncbytescat(buf,idx); } snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"size=%llu data=%p", e->size, e->data ); ncbytescat(buf,s); ncbytescat(buf,"}"); } void NCZ_printxcache(NCZChunkCache* cache) { static char xs[20000]; NCbytes* buf = ncbytesnew(); char s[8192]; size_t i; ncbytescat(buf,"NCZChunkCache:\n"); snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"\tvar=%s\n\tndims=%u\n\tchunksize=%u\n\tchunkcount=%u\n\tfillchunk=%p\n", cache->var->hdr.name, (unsigned)cache->ndims, (unsigned)cache->chunksize, (unsigned)cache->chunkcount, cache->fillchunk ); ncbytescat(buf,s); snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"\tmaxentries=%u\n\tmaxsize=%u\n\tused=%u\n\tdimsep='%c'\n", (unsigned)cache->params.nelems, (unsigned)cache->params.size, (unsigned)cache->used, cache->dimension_separator ); ncbytescat(buf,s); snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"\tmru: (%u)\n",(unsigned)nclistlength(cache->mru)); ncbytescat(buf,s); if(nclistlength(cache->mru)==0) ncbytescat(buf,"\t\t\n"); for(i=0;imru);i++) { NCZCacheEntry* e = (NCZCacheEntry*)nclistget(cache->mru,i); snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"\t\t[%zu] ", i); ncbytescat(buf,s); if(e == NULL) ncbytescat(buf,""); else NCZ_dumpxcacheentry(cache, e, buf); ncbytescat(buf,"\n"); } xs[0] = '\0'; strlcat(xs,ncbytescontents(buf),sizeof(xs)); ncbytesfree(buf); fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",xs); }