/* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata See COPYRIGHT for license information. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "netcdf.h" #include "ncbytes.h" #include "ncuri.h" #include "ncrc.h" #include "nclog.h" #include "ncauth.h" #include "ncpathmgr.h" #include "nc4internal.h" #include "ncdispatch.h" #ifndef nulldup #define nulldup(x) ((x)?strdup(x):(x)) #endif #undef NOREAD #undef DRCDEBUG #undef LEXDEBUG #undef PARSEDEBUG #undef AWSDEBUG #define RTAG ']' #define LTAG '[' #undef MEMCHECK #define MEMCHECK(x) if((x)==NULL) {goto nomem;} else {} /* Alternate .aws directory location */ #define NC_TEST_AWS_DIR "NC_TEST_AWS_DIR" /* Forward */ static int NC_rcload(void); static char* rcreadline(char** nextlinep); static void rctrim(char* text); static void rcorder(NClist* rc); static int rccompile(const char* path); static int rcequal(NCRCentry* e1, NCRCentry* e2); static int rclocatepos(const char* key, const char* hostport, const char* urlpath); static struct NCRCentry* rclocate(const char* key, const char* hostport, const char* urlpath); static int rcsearch(const char* prefix, const char* rcname, char** pathp); static void rcfreeentries(NClist* rc); static void rcfreeentry(NCRCentry* t); #ifdef DRCDEBUG static void storedump(char* msg, NClist* entrys); #endif static int aws_load_credentials(NCglobalstate*); static void freeprofile(struct AWSprofile* profile); static void freeprofilelist(NClist* profiles); /* Define default rc files and aliases, also defines load order*/ static const char* rcfilenames[] = {".ncrc", ".daprc", ".dodsrc",NULL}; /* Read these files */ static const char* awsconfigfiles[] = {".aws/credentials",".aws/config",NULL}; static int NCRCinitialized = 0; /**************************************************/ /* User API */ /** The most common case is to get the most general value for a key, where most general means that the urlpath and hostport are null So this function returns the value associated with the key where the .rc entry has the simple form "key=value". If that entry is not found, then return NULL. @param key table entry key field @return value matching the key -- caller frees @return NULL if no entry of the form key=value exists */ char* nc_rc_get(const char* key) { NCglobalstate* ncg = NULL; char* value = NULL; if(!NC_initialized) nc_initialize(); ncg = NC_getglobalstate(); assert(ncg != NULL && ncg->rcinfo != NULL && ncg->rcinfo->entries != NULL); if(ncg->rcinfo->ignore) return NC_NOERR; value = NC_rclookup(key,NULL,NULL); return nulldup(value); } /** Set simple key=value in .rc table. Will overwrite any existing value. @param key @param value @return NC_NOERR if success @return NC_EINVAL if fail */ int nc_rc_set(const char* key, const char* value) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCglobalstate* ncg = NULL; if(!NC_initialized) nc_initialize(); ncg = NC_getglobalstate(); assert(ncg != NULL && ncg->rcinfo != NULL && ncg->rcinfo->entries != NULL); if(ncg->rcinfo->ignore) return NC_NOERR; stat = NC_rcfile_insert(key,NULL,NULL,value); return stat; } /**************************************************/ /* External Entry Points */ /* Initialize defaults and load: * .ncrc * .daprc * .dodsrc * ${HOME}/.aws/config * ${HOME}/.aws/credentials For debugging support, it is possible to change where the code looks for the .aws directory. This is set by the environment variable NC_TEST_AWS_DIR. */ void ncrc_initialize(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCglobalstate* ncg = NULL; if(NCRCinitialized) return; NCRCinitialized = 1; /* prevent recursion */ ncg = NC_getglobalstate(); #ifndef NOREAD /* Load entrys */ if((stat = NC_rcload())) { nclog(NCLOGWARN,".rc loading failed"); } /* Load .aws/config */ if((stat = aws_load_credentials(ncg))) { nclog(NCLOGWARN,"AWS config file not loaded"); } #endif } static void ncrc_setrchome(void) { const char* tmp = NULL; NCglobalstate* ncg = NC_getglobalstate(); assert(ncg && ncg->home); if(ncg->rcinfo->rchome) return; tmp = getenv(NCRCENVHOME); if(tmp == NULL || strlen(tmp) == 0) tmp = ncg->home; ncg->rcinfo->rchome = strdup(tmp); #ifdef DRCDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"ncrc_setrchome: %s\n",ncg->rcinfo->rchome); #endif } void NC_rcclear(NCRCinfo* info) { if(info == NULL) return; nullfree(info->rcfile); nullfree(info->rchome); rcfreeentries(info->entries); freeprofilelist(info->s3profiles); } static void rcfreeentry(NCRCentry* t) { nullfree(t->host); nullfree(t->urlpath); nullfree(t->key); nullfree(t->value); free(t); } static void rcfreeentries(NClist* rc) { int i; for(i=0;ircinfo->ignore) { nclog(NCLOGDBG,".rc file loading suppressed"); goto done; } if(globalstate->rcinfo->loaded) goto done; /* locate the configuration files in order of use: 1. Specified by NCRCENV_RC environment variable. 2. If NCRCENV_RC is not set then merge the set of rc files in this order: 1. $RCHOME/.ncrc 2. $RCHOME/.daprc 3. $RCHOME/.docsrc 4. $CWD/.ncrc 5. $CWD/.daprc 6. $CWD/.docsrc Entry in later files override any of the earlier files */ if(globalstate->rcinfo->rcfile != NULL) { /* always use this */ nclistpush(rcfileorder,strdup(globalstate->rcinfo->rcfile)); } else { const char** rcname; const char* dirnames[3]; const char** dir; /* Make sure rcinfo.rchome is defined */ ncrc_setrchome(); dirnames[0] = globalstate->rcinfo->rchome; dirnames[1] = globalstate->cwd; dirnames[2] = NULL; for(dir=dirnames;*dir;dir++) { for(rcname=rcfilenames;*rcname;rcname++) { ret = rcsearch(*dir,*rcname,&path); if(ret == NC_NOERR && path != NULL) nclistpush(rcfileorder,path); path = NULL; } } } for(i=0;ircinfo->loaded = 1; /* even if not exists */ nclistfreeall(rcfileorder); return (ret); } /** * Locate a entry by property key and host+port (may be null) * If duplicate keys, first takes precedence. */ char* NC_rclookup(const char* key, const char* hostport, const char* urlpath) { struct NCRCentry* entry = NULL; if(!NCRCinitialized) ncrc_initialize(); entry = rclocate(key,hostport,urlpath); return (entry == NULL ? NULL : entry->value); } /** * Locate a entry by property key and uri. * If duplicate keys, first takes precedence. */ char* NC_rclookupx(NCURI* uri, const char* key) { char* hostport = NULL; char* result = NULL; hostport = NC_combinehostport(uri); result = NC_rclookup(key,hostport,uri->path); nullfree(hostport); return result; } #if 0 /*! Set the absolute path to use for the rc file. WARNING: this MUST be called before any other call in order for this to take effect. \param[in] rcfile The path to use. If NULL then do not use any rcfile. \retval OC_NOERR if the request succeeded. \retval OC_ERCFILE if the file failed to load */ int NC_set_rcfile(const char* rcfile) { int stat = NC_NOERR; FILE* f = NULL; NCglobalstate* globalstate = NC_getglobalstate(); if(rcfile != NULL && strlen(rcfile) == 0) rcfile = NULL; f = NCfopen(rcfile,"r"); if(f == NULL) { stat = NC_ERCFILE; goto done; } fclose(f); nullfree(globalstate->rcinfo->rcfile); globalstate->rcinfo->rcfile = strdup(rcfile); /* Clear globalstate->rcinfo */ NC_rcclear(&globalstate->rcinfo); /* (re) load the rcfile and esp the entriestore*/ stat = NC_rcload(); done: return stat; } #endif /**************************************************/ /* RC processing functions */ static char* rcreadline(char** nextlinep) { char* line; char* p; line = (p = *nextlinep); if(*p == '\0') return NULL; /*signal done*/ for(;*p;p++) { if(*p == '\r' && p[1] == '\n') *p = '\0'; else if(*p == '\n') break; } *p++ = '\0'; /* null terminate line; overwrite newline */ *nextlinep = p; return line; } /* Trim TRIMCHARS from both ends of text; */ static void rctrim(char* text) { char* p; char* q; size_t len = 0; int i; if(text == NULL || *text == '\0') return; len = strlen(text); /* elide upto first non-trimchar */ for(q=text,p=text;*p;p++) { if(*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\r') {*q++ = *p;} } len = strlen(p); /* locate last non-trimchar */ if(len > 0) { for(i=(len-1);i>=0;i--) { p = &text[i]; if(*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\r') {break;} *p = '\0'; /* elide trailing trimchars */ } } } /* Order the entries: those with urls must be first, but otherwise relative order does not matter. */ static void rcorder(NClist* rc) { int i; int len = nclistlength(rc); NClist* tmprc = NULL; if(rc == NULL || len == 0) return; tmprc = nclistnew(); /* Two passes: 1) pull entries with host */ for(i=0;ihost == NULL) continue; nclistpush(tmprc,ti); } /* pass 2 pull entries without host*/ for(i=0;ihost != NULL) continue; nclistpush(tmprc,ti); } /* Move tmp to rc */ nclistsetlength(rc,0); for(i=0;ircinfo->entries; if(rc == NULL) { rc = nclistnew(); globalstate->rcinfo->entries = rc; } nextline = contents; for(;;) { char* line; char* key = NULL; char* value = NULL; char* host = NULL; char* urlpath = NULL; size_t llen; NCRCentry* entry; line = rcreadline(&nextline); if(line == NULL) break; /* done */ rctrim(line); /* trim leading and trailing blanks */ if(line[0] == '#') continue; /* comment */ if((llen=strlen(line)) == 0) continue; /* empty line */ if(line[0] == LTAG) { char* url = ++line; char* rtag = strchr(line,RTAG); if(rtag == NULL) { nclog(NCLOGERR, "Malformed [url] in %s entry: %s",filepath,line); continue; } line = rtag + 1; *rtag = '\0'; /* compile the url and pull out the host and protocol */ if(uri) ncurifree(uri); if(ncuriparse(url,&uri)) { nclog(NCLOGERR, "Malformed [url] in %s entry: %s",filepath,line); continue; } { NCURI* newuri = NULL; /* Rebuild the url to S3 "path" format */ nullfree(bucket); if((ret = NC_s3urlrebuild(uri,&newuri,&bucket,NULL))) goto done; ncurifree(uri); uri = newuri; newuri = NULL; } /* Get the host+port */ ncbytesclear(tmp); ncbytescat(tmp,uri->host); if(uri->port != NULL) { ncbytesappend(tmp,':'); ncbytescat(tmp,uri->port); } ncbytesnull(tmp); host = ncbytesextract(tmp); if(strlen(host)==0) /* nullify host */ {free(host); host = NULL;} /* Get the url path part */ urlpath = uri->path; if(urlpath && strlen(urlpath)==0) urlpath = NULL; /* nullify */ } /* split off key and value */ key=line; value = strchr(line, '='); if(value == NULL) value = line + strlen(line); else { *value = '\0'; value++; } /* See if key already exists */ entry = rclocate(key,host,urlpath); if(entry == NULL) { entry = (NCRCentry*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCRCentry)); if(entry == NULL) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} nclistpush(rc,entry); entry->host = host; host = NULL; entry->urlpath = nulldup(urlpath); entry->key = nulldup(key); rctrim(entry->host); rctrim(entry->urlpath); rctrim(entry->key); } nullfree(entry->value); entry->value = nulldup(value); rctrim(entry->value); #ifdef DRCDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"rc: host=%s urlpath=%s key=%s value=%s\n", (entry->host != NULL ? entry->host : ""), (entry->urlpath != NULL ? entry->urlpath : ""), entry->key,entry->value); #endif entry = NULL; } #ifdef DRCDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"reorder.path=%s\n",filepath); #endif rcorder(rc); done: if(contents) free(contents); ncurifree(uri); ncbytesfree(tmp); return (ret); } /** Encapsulate equality comparison: return 1|0 */ static int rcequal(NCRCentry* e1, NCRCentry* e2) { int nulltest; if(e1->key == NULL || e2->key == NULL) return 0; if(strcmp(e1->key,e2->key) != 0) return 0; /* test hostport; take NULL into account*/ nulltest = 0; if(e1->host == NULL) nulltest |= 1; if(e2->host == NULL) nulltest |= 2; switch (nulltest) { case 0: if(strcmp(e1->host,e2->host) != 0) {return 0;} break; case 1: return 0; case 2: return 0; case 3: break; default: return 0; } /* test urlpath take NULL into account*/ nulltest = 0; if(e1->urlpath == NULL) nulltest |= 1; if(e2->urlpath == NULL) nulltest |= 2; switch (nulltest) { case 0: if(strcmp(e1->urlpath,e2->urlpath) != 0) {return 0;} break; case 1: return 0; case 2: return 0; case 3: break; default: return 0; } return 1; } /** * (Internal) Locate a entry by property key and host+port (may be null) and urlpath (may be null) * If duplicate keys, first takes precedence. */ static int rclocatepos(const char* key, const char* hostport, const char* urlpath) { int i; NCglobalstate* globalstate = NC_getglobalstate(); struct NCRCinfo* info = globalstate->rcinfo; NCRCentry* entry = NULL; NCRCentry candidate; NClist* rc = info->entries; if(info->ignore) return -1; candidate.key = (char*)key; candidate.value = (char*)NULL; candidate.host = (char*)hostport; candidate.urlpath = (char*)urlpath; for(i=0;ircinfo; if(globalstate->rcinfo->ignore) return NULL; if(key == NULL || info == NULL) return NULL; pos = rclocatepos(key,hostport,urlpath); if(pos < 0) return NULL; return NC_rcfile_ith(info,(size_t)pos); } /** * Locate rc file by searching in directory prefix. */ static int rcsearch(const char* prefix, const char* rcname, char** pathp) { char* path = NULL; FILE* f = NULL; size_t plen = (prefix?strlen(prefix):0); size_t rclen = strlen(rcname); int ret = NC_NOERR; size_t pathlen = plen+rclen+1+1; /*+1 for '/' +1 for nul */ path = (char*)malloc(pathlen); /* +1 for nul*/ if(path == NULL) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} snprintf(path, pathlen, "%s/%s", prefix, rcname); /* see if file is readable */ f = NCfopen(path,"r"); if(f != NULL) nclog(NCLOGDBG, "Found rc file=%s",path); done: if(f == NULL || ret != NC_NOERR) { nullfree(path); path = NULL; } if(f != NULL) fclose(f); if(pathp != NULL) *pathp = path; else { nullfree(path); path = NULL; } errno = 0; /* silently ignore errors */ return (ret); } int NC_rcfile_insert(const char* key, const char* hostport, const char* urlpath, const char* value) { int ret = NC_NOERR; /* See if this key already defined */ struct NCRCentry* entry = NULL; NCglobalstate* globalstate = NULL; NClist* rc = NULL; if(!NCRCinitialized) ncrc_initialize(); if(key == NULL || value == NULL) {ret = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} globalstate = NC_getglobalstate(); rc = globalstate->rcinfo->entries; if(rc == NULL) { rc = nclistnew(); globalstate->rcinfo->entries = rc; if(rc == NULL) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} } entry = rclocate(key,hostport,urlpath); if(entry == NULL) { entry = (NCRCentry*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCRCentry)); if(entry == NULL) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} entry->key = strdup(key); entry->value = NULL; rctrim(entry->key); entry->host = nulldup(hostport); rctrim(entry->host); entry->urlpath = nulldup(urlpath); rctrim(entry->urlpath); nclistpush(rc,entry); } if(entry->value != NULL) free(entry->value); entry->value = strdup(value); rctrim(entry->value); #ifdef DRCDEBUG storedump("NC_rcfile_insert",rc); #endif done: return ret; } /* Obtain the count of number of entries */ size_t NC_rcfile_length(NCRCinfo* info) { return nclistlength(info->entries); } /* Obtain the ith entry; return NULL if out of range */ NCRCentry* NC_rcfile_ith(NCRCinfo* info, size_t i) { if(i >= nclistlength(info->entries)) return NULL; return (NCRCentry*)nclistget(info->entries,i); } #ifdef DRCDEBUG static void storedump(char* msg, NClist* entries) { int i; if(msg != NULL) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",msg); if(entries == NULL || nclistlength(entries)==0) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return; } for(i=0;ihost == NULL || strlen(t->host)==0)?"--":t->host),t->key,t->value); } fflush(stderr); } #endif /**************************************************/ /* Get the current active profile. The priority order is as follows: 1. aws.profile key in mode flags 2. aws.profile in .rc entries 4. "default" @param uri uri with mode flags, may be NULL @param profilep return profile name here or NULL if none found @return NC_NOERR if no error. @return NC_EINVAL if something else went wrong. */ int NC_getactives3profile(NCURI* uri, const char** profilep) { int stat = NC_NOERR; const char* profile = NULL; profile = ncurifragmentlookup(uri,"aws.profile"); if(profile == NULL) profile = NC_rclookupx(uri,"AWS.PROFILE"); if(profile == NULL) profile = "default"; #ifdef AWSDEBUG fprintf(stderr,">>> activeprofile = %s\n",(profile?profile:"null")); #endif if(profilep) *profilep = profile; return stat; } /* Get the current default region. The search order is as follows: 1. aws.region key in mode flags 2. aws.region in .rc entries 3. aws_region key in current profile (only if profiles are being used) 4. "us-east-1" @param uri uri with mode flags, may be NULL @param regionp return region name here or NULL if none found @return NC_NOERR if no error. @return NC_EINVAL if something else went wrong. */ int NC_getdefaults3region(NCURI* uri, const char** regionp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; const char* region = NULL; const char* profile = NULL; region = ncurifragmentlookup(uri,"aws.region"); if(region == NULL) region = NC_rclookupx(uri,"AWS.REGION"); if(region == NULL) {/* See if we can find a profile */ if((stat = NC_getactives3profile(uri,&profile))==NC_NOERR) { if(profile) (void)NC_s3profilelookup(profile,"aws_region",®ion); } } if(region == NULL) region = "us-east-1"; #ifdef AWSDEBUG fprintf(stderr,">>> activeregion = %s\n",(region?region:"null")); #endif if(regionp) *regionp = region; return stat; } /** The .aws/config and .aws/credentials files are in INI format (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file). This format is not well defined, so the grammar used here is restrictive. Here, the term "profile" is the same as the INI term "section". The grammar used is as follows: Grammar: inifile: profilelist ; profilelist: profile | profilelist profile ; profile: '[' profilename ']' EOL entries ; entries: empty | entries entry ; entry: WORD = WORD EOL ; profilename: WORD ; Lexical: WORD sequence of printable characters - [ \[\]=]+ EOL '\n' | ';' Note: 1. The semicolon at beginning of a line signals a comment. 2. # comments are not allowed 3. Duplicate profiles or keys are ignored. 4. Escape characters are not supported. */ #define AWS_EOF (-1) #define AWS_ERR (0) #define AWS_WORD (0x10001) #define AWS_EOL (0x10002) #ifdef LEXDEBUG static const char* tokenname(int token) { static char num[32]; switch(token) { case AWS_EOF: return "EOF"; case AWS_ERR: return "ERR"; case AWS_WORD: return "WORD"; default: snprintf(num,sizeof(num),"%d",token); return num; } return "UNKNOWN"; } #endif typedef struct AWSparser { char* text; char* pos; size_t yylen; /* |yytext| */ NCbytes* yytext; int token; /* last token found */ int pushback; /* allow 1-token pushback */ } AWSparser; static int awslex(AWSparser* parser) { int c; int token = 0; char* start; size_t count; parser->token = AWS_ERR; ncbytesclear(parser->yytext); ncbytesnull(parser->yytext); if(parser->pushback != AWS_ERR) { token = parser->pushback; parser->pushback = AWS_ERR; goto done; } while(token == 0) { /* avoid need to goto when retrying */ c = *parser->pos; if(c == '\0') { token = AWS_EOF; } else if(c == '\n') { parser->pos++; token = AWS_EOL; } else if(c <= ' ' || c == '\177') { parser->pos++; continue; /* ignore whitespace */ } else if(c == ';') { char* p = parser->pos - 1; if(*p == '\n') { /* Skip comment */ do {p++;} while(*p != '\n' && *p != '\0'); parser->pos = p; token = (*p == '\n'?AWS_EOL:AWS_EOF); } else { token = ';'; ncbytesappend(parser->yytext,';'); parser->pos++; } } else if(c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '=') { ncbytesappend(parser->yytext,c); ncbytesnull(parser->yytext); token = c; parser->pos++; } else { /*Assume a word*/ start = parser->pos; for(;;) { c = *parser->pos++; if(c <= ' ' || c == '\177' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '=') break; /* end of word */ } /* Pushback last char */ parser->pos--; count = ((parser->pos) - start); ncbytesappendn(parser->yytext,start,count); ncbytesnull(parser->yytext); token = AWS_WORD; } #ifdef LEXDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%s(%d): |%s|\n",tokenname(token),token,ncbytescontents(parser->yytext)); #endif } /*for(;;)*/ done: parser->token = token; return token; } /* @param text of the aws credentials file @param profiles list of form struct AWSprofile (see ncauth.h) */ #define LBR '[' #define RBR ']' static int awsparse(const char* text, NClist* profiles) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; size_t len; AWSparser* parser = NULL; struct AWSprofile* profile = NULL; int token; char* key = NULL; char* value = NULL; if(text == NULL) text = ""; parser = calloc(1,sizeof(AWSparser)); if(parser == NULL) {stat = (NC_ENOMEM); goto done;} len = strlen(text); parser->text = (char*)malloc(len+1+1+1); /* double nul term plus leading EOL */ if(parser->text == NULL) {stat = (NCTHROW(NC_EINVAL)); goto done;} parser->pos = parser->text; parser->pos[0] = '\n'; /* So we can test for comment unconditionally */ parser->pos++; strcpy(parser->text+1,text); parser->pos += len; /* Double nul terminate */ parser->pos[0] = '\0'; parser->pos[1] = '\0'; parser->pos = &parser->text[0]; /* reset */ parser->yytext = ncbytesnew(); parser->pushback = AWS_ERR; /* Do not need recursion, use simple loops */ for(;;) { token = awslex(parser); /* make token always be defined */ if(token == AWS_EOF) break; /* finished */ if(token == AWS_EOL) {continue;} /* blank line */ if(token != LBR) {stat = NCTHROW(NC_EINVAL); goto done;} /* parse [profile name] */ token = awslex(parser); if(token != AWS_WORD) {stat = NCTHROW(NC_EINVAL); goto done;} assert(profile == NULL); if((profile = (struct AWSprofile*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct AWSprofile)))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} profile->name = ncbytesextract(parser->yytext); profile->entries = nclistnew(); token = awslex(parser); if(token != RBR) {stat = NCTHROW(NC_EINVAL); goto done;} #ifdef PARSEDEBUG fprintf(stderr,">>> parse: profile=%s\n",profile->name); #endif /* The fields can be in any order */ for(;;) { struct AWSentry* entry = NULL; token = awslex(parser); if(token == AWS_EOL) { continue; /* ignore empty lines */ } else if(token == AWS_EOF) { break; } else if(token == LBR) {/* start of next profile */ parser->pushback = token; break; } else if(token == AWS_WORD) { key = ncbytesextract(parser->yytext); token = awslex(parser); if(token != '=') {stat = NCTHROW(NC_EINVAL); goto done;} token = awslex(parser); if(token != AWS_EOL && token != AWS_WORD) {stat = NCTHROW(NC_EINVAL); goto done;} value = ncbytesextract(parser->yytext); if((entry = (struct AWSentry*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct AWSentry)))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} entry->key = key; key = NULL; entry->value = value; value = NULL; #ifdef PARSEDEBUG fprintf(stderr,">>> parse: entry=(%s,%s)\n",entry->key,entry->value); #endif nclistpush(profile->entries,entry); entry = NULL; if(token == AWS_WORD) token = awslex(parser); /* finish the line */ } else {stat = NCTHROW(NC_EINVAL); goto done;} } /* If this profile already exists, then ignore new one */ for(i=0;iname,profile->name)==0) { /* reclaim and ignore */ freeprofile(profile); profile = NULL; break; } } if(profile) nclistpush(profiles,profile); profile = NULL; } done: if(profile) freeprofile(profile); nullfree(key); nullfree(value); if(parser != NULL) { nullfree(parser->text); ncbytesfree(parser->yytext); free(parser); } return (stat); } static void freeentry(struct AWSentry* e) { if(e) { #ifdef AWSDEBUG fprintf(stderr,">>> freeentry: key=%s value=%s\n",e->key,e->value); #endif nullfree(e->key); nullfree(e->value); nullfree(e); } } static void freeprofile(struct AWSprofile* profile) { if(profile) { int i; #ifdef AWSDEBUG fprintf(stderr,">>> freeprofile: %s\n",profile->name); #endif for(i=0;ientries);i++) { struct AWSentry* e = (struct AWSentry*)nclistget(profile->entries,i); freeentry(e); } nclistfree(profile->entries); nullfree(profile->name); nullfree(profile); } } static void freeprofilelist(NClist* profiles) { if(profiles) { int i; for(i=0;i or Windows equivalent. */ const char* cfg = *awscfg; snprintf(path,sizeof(path),"%s%s%s", (aws_root?aws_root:gstate->home), (*cfg == '/'?"":"/"), cfg); ncbytesclear(buf); if((stat=NC_readfile(path,buf))) { nclog(NCLOGWARN, "Could not open file: %s",path); } else { /* Parse the credentials file */ const char* text = ncbytescontents(buf); if((stat = awsparse(text,profiles))) goto done; } } /* add a "none" credentials */ { struct AWSprofile* noprof = (struct AWSprofile*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct AWSprofile)); noprof->name = strdup("none"); noprof->entries = nclistnew(); nclistpush(profiles,noprof); noprof = NULL; } if(gstate->rcinfo->s3profiles) freeprofilelist(gstate->rcinfo->s3profiles); gstate->rcinfo->s3profiles = profiles; profiles = NULL; #ifdef AWSDEBUG {int i,j; fprintf(stderr,">>> profiles:\n"); for(i=0;iprofiles);i++) { struct AWSprofile* p = (struct AWSprofile*)nclistget(creds->profiles,i); fprintf(stderr," [%s]",p->name); for(j=0;jentries);j++) { struct AWSentry* e = (struct AWSentry*)nclistget(p->entries,j); fprintf(stderr," %s=%s",e->key,e->value); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } } #endif done: ncbytesfree(buf); freeprofilelist(profiles); return stat; } int NC_authgets3profile(const char* profilename, struct AWSprofile** profilep) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int i = -1; NCglobalstate* gstate = NC_getglobalstate(); for(i=0;ircinfo->s3profiles);i++) { struct AWSprofile* profile = (struct AWSprofile*)nclistget(gstate->rcinfo->s3profiles,i); if(strcmp(profilename,profile->name)==0) {if(profilep) {*profilep = profile; goto done;}} } if(profilep) *profilep = NULL; /* not found */ done: return stat; } int NC_s3profilelookup(const char* profile, const char* key, const char** valuep) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; struct AWSprofile* awsprof = NULL; const char* value = NULL; if(profile == NULL) return NC_ES3; stat = NC_authgets3profile(profile,&awsprof); if(stat == NC_NOERR && awsprof != NULL) { for(i=0;ientries);i++) { struct AWSentry* entry = (struct AWSentry*)nclistget(awsprof->entries,i); if(strcasecmp(entry->key,key)==0) { value = entry->value; break; } } } if(valuep) *valuep = value; return stat; }