/* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata See LICENSE.txt for license information. */ /** \file \internal Internal netcdf-4 functions. This file contains functions for manipulating NCxcache objects. Warning: This code depends critically on the assumption that |void*| == |uintptr_t| */ /* 0 => no debug */ #define DEBUG 0 #define CATCH /* Define this for debug so that table sizes are small */ #define SMALLTABLE #ifdef CATCH /* Warning: do not evalue x more than once */ #define THROW(x) throw(x) static void breakpoint(void) {} static int ignore[] = {0}; static int throw(int x) { int* p; if(x != 0) { for(p=ignore;*p;p++) {if(x == *p) break;} if(*p == 0) breakpoint(); } return x; } #else #define THROW(x) (x) #endif #include "config.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include #endif #include #include "nc4internal.h" #include "ncexhash.h" #include "ncxcache.h" #ifdef SMALLTABLE /* Keep the table sizes small initially */ #define DFALTTABLESIZE 4 #define DFALTLEAFLEN 4 #else #define DFALTTABLESIZE 32 #define DFALTLEAFLEN 12 #endif static void insertafter(NCxnode* current, NCxnode* node); static void unlinknode(NCxnode* node); #if DEBUG > 0 void verifylru(NCxcache* cache); static void xverify(NCxcache* cache) { verifylru(cache); } void verifylru(NCxcache* cache) { NCxnode* p; for(p=cache->lru.next;p != &cache->lru;p=p->next) { if(p->next == NULL || p->prev == NULL) { xverify(cache); } } } #endif /* Locate object by hashkey in an NCxcache */ int ncxcachelookup(NCxcache* NCxcache, ncexhashkey_t hkey, void** op) { int stat = NC_NOERR; uintptr_t inode = 0; NCxnode* node = NULL; if(NCxcache == NULL) return THROW(NC_EINVAL); assert(NCxcache->map != NULL); if((stat=ncexhashget(NCxcache->map,hkey,&inode))) {stat = THROW(NC_ENOOBJECT); goto done;} /* not present */ node = (void*)inode; if(op) *op = node->content; done: return stat; } /* Move object to the front of the LRU list */ int ncxcachetouch(NCxcache* cache, ncexhashkey_t hkey) { int stat = NC_NOERR; uintptr_t inode = 0; NCxnode* node = NULL; if(cache == NULL) return THROW(NC_EINVAL); if((stat=ncexhashget(cache->map,hkey,&inode))) {stat = THROW(NC_ENOOBJECT); goto done;} /* not present */ node = (void*)inode; /* unlink */ unlinknode(node); /* Relink into front of chain */ insertafter(&cache->lru,node); #if DEBUG > 0 verifylru(cache); #endif done: return stat; } /* Add object to the cache */ int ncxcacheinsert(NCxcache* cache, const ncexhashkey_t hkey, void* o) { int stat = NC_NOERR; uintptr_t inode = 0; NCxnode* node = NULL; if(cache == NULL) return THROW(NC_EINVAL); #ifndef NCXUSER node = calloc(1,sizeof(NCxnode)); #else node = (NCxnode*)o; #endif node->content = o; /* Cheat and make content point to the node part*/ inode = (uintptr_t)node; stat = ncexhashput(cache->map,hkey,inode); if(stat) goto done; /* link into the LRU chain at front */ insertafter(&cache->lru,node); #if DEBUG > 0 verifylru(cache); #endif node = NULL; done: #ifndef NCXUSER if(node) nullfree(node); #endif return THROW(stat); } /* Remove object from the index;*/ int ncxcacheremove(NCxcache* cache, ncexhashkey_t hkey, void** op) { int stat = NC_NOERR; uintptr_t inode = 0; NCxnode* node = NULL; if(cache == NULL) return THROW(NC_EINVAL); /* Remove from the hash map */ if((stat=ncexhashremove(cache->map,hkey,&inode))) {stat = NC_ENOOBJECT; goto done;} /* not present */ node = (NCxnode*)inode; /* unlink */ unlinknode(node); #if DEBUG > 0 verifylru(cache); #endif if(op) { *op = node->content; } #ifndef NCXUSER nullfree(node); #endif done: return THROW(stat); } /* Free a cache */ void ncxcachefree(NCxcache* cache) { NCxnode* lru = NULL; if(cache == NULL) return; lru = &cache->lru; #ifndef NCXUSER { NCxnode* p = NULL; NCxnode* next = NULL; /* walk the lru chain */ next = NULL; for(p=lru->next;p != lru;) { next = p->next; nullfree(p); p = next; } } #endif lru->next = (lru->prev = lru); /*reset*/ ncexhashmapfree(cache->map); free(cache); } /* Create a new cache holding at least size objects */ int ncxcachenew(size_t leaflen, NCxcache** cachep) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCxcache* cache = NULL; if(leaflen == 0) leaflen = DFALTLEAFLEN; cache = calloc(1,sizeof(NCxcache)); if(cache == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} cache->map = ncexhashnew((int)leaflen); if(cache->map == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} cache->lru.next = &cache->lru; cache->lru.prev = &cache->lru; if(cachep) {*cachep = cache; cache = NULL;} done: ncxcachefree(cache); return THROW(stat); } void ncxcacheprint(NCxcache* cache) { int i; NCxnode* p = NULL; fprintf(stderr,"NCxcache: lru="); fprintf(stderr,"{"); for(i=0,p=cache->lru.next;p != &cache->lru;p=p->next,i++) { if(i>0) fprintf(stderr,","); fprintf(stderr,"%p:%p",p,p->content); } fprintf(stderr,"}\n"); ncexhashprint(cache->map); } void* ncxcachefirst(NCxcache* cache) { if(cache == NULL) return NULL; if(ncexhashcount(cache->map) == 0) return NULL; return cache->lru.next->content; } void* ncxcachelast(NCxcache* cache) { if(cache == NULL) return NULL; if(ncexhashcount(cache->map) == 0) return NULL; return cache->lru.prev->content; } /* Insert node after current */ static void insertafter(NCxnode* current, NCxnode* node) { NCxnode* curnext = current->next; current->next = node; node->prev = current; node->next = curnext; curnext->prev = node; } /* Remove node from chain */ static void unlinknode(NCxnode* node) { NCxnode* next; NCxnode* prev; assert(node != NULL); next = node->next; prev = node->prev; /* repair the chain */ next->prev = prev; prev->next = next; node->next = node->prev = NULL; } ncexhashkey_t ncxcachekey(const void* key, size_t size) { return ncexhashkey((unsigned char*)key,size); }