/* This is part of the netCDF package. Copyright 2021 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata See COPYRIGHT file for conditions of use. Test quantization of netcdf-4 variables. Quantization is the zeroing-out of bits in float or double data beyond a desired precision. Ed Hartnett, 8/19/21 Dennis Heimbigner, 1/16/22 */ #include /* Define fabs(), powf(), round() */ #include #include "err_macros.h" #include "netcdf.h" #define TEST "tst_quantize" #define FILE_NAME "tst_quantize.nc" #define NDIM1 1 #define DIM_NAME_1 "meters_along_canal" #define DIM_LEN_3 3 #define DIM_LEN_1 1 #define DIM_LEN_5 5 #define DIM_LEN_8 8 #define VAR_NAME_1 "Amsterdam_houseboat_location" #define VAR_NAME_2 "Amsterdam_street_noise_decibels" #define NSD_3 3 #define NSD_9 9 /* This var used to help print a float in hex. */ char pf_str[20]; /* This struct allows us to treat float as uint32_t * types. */ union FU { float f; uint32_t u; }; /* This struct allows us to treat double points as uint64_t * types. */ union DU { double d; uint64_t u; }; /* This function prints a float as hex. */ char * pf(float myf) { union { float f; uint32_t u; } fu; fu.f = myf; snprintf(pf_str, sizeof(pf_str), "0x%x", fu.u); return pf_str; } /* This function prints a double as hex. */ char * pd(double myd) { union { double d; uint64_t u; } du; du.d = myd; snprintf(pf_str, sizeof(pf_str), "0x%llx", (unsigned long long)du.u); return pf_str; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef TESTNCZARR const char* template = NULL; char file_url[4096]; if(argc == 1) {fprintf(stderr,"usage: test_quantize \n"); exit(1);} template = argv[1]; snprintf(file_url,sizeof(file_url),template,FILE_NAME); #undef FILE_NAME #define FILE_NAME file_url #endif #define NUM_MODE_TESTS 2 #define NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES 3 int mode = NC_NETCDF4|NC_CLOBBER; int m; int q, quantize_mode[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES] = {NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM, NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR, NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND}; printf("\n*** Testing netcdf-4 variable quantization functions.\n"); for (m = 0; m < NUM_MODE_TESTS; m++) { if (!m) printf("**** testing with NC_NETCDF4...\n"); else { printf("**** testing with NC_NETCDF4|NC_CLASSIC_MODEL...\n"); mode |= NC_CLASSIC_MODEL; } printf("\t**** testing quantization setting and error conditions...\n"); { int ncid, dimid, varid1, varid2; int quantize_mode_in, nsd_in; for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); #ifndef TESTNCZARR /* Create a netcdf classic file with one var. Attempt * quantization. It will not work. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_CLOBBER, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME_1, DIM_LEN_3, &dimid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3) != NC_ENOTNC4) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in) != NC_ENOTNC4) ERR; if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; #endif /* Create a netcdf-4 file with two vars. Attempt * quantization. It will work, eventually... */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, mode, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME_1, DIM_LEN_3, &dimid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, NC_DOUBLE, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid2)) ERR; /* Bad varid. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3) != NC_EGLOBAL) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2 + 1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3) != NC_ENOTVAR) ERR; /* Invalid values. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES + 1, NSD_3) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], -1) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; if (quantize_mode[q] == NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND) { if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NC_QUANTIZE_MAX_FLOAT_NSB + 1) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; } else { if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NC_QUANTIZE_MAX_FLOAT_NSD + 1) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; } if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES + 1, 3) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], -1) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; if (quantize_mode[q] == NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND) { if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NC_QUANTIZE_MAX_DOUBLE_NSB + 1) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; } else { if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NC_QUANTIZE_MAX_DOUBLE_NSD + 1) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; } if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], 0) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; /* This will work. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q]) ERR; if (nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; /* Wait, I changed my mind! Let's turn off quantization. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, NC_NOQUANTIZE, 0)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != NC_NOQUANTIZE) ERR; if (nsd_in != 0) ERR; /* Changed my mind again, turn it on. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* I changed my mind again! Turn it off! */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, NC_NOQUANTIZE, 0)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != NC_NOQUANTIZE) ERR; if (nsd_in != 0) ERR; /* Changed my mind again, turn it on. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* This also will work for double. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NSD_9)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q]) ERR; if (nsd_in != NSD_9) ERR; /* End define mode. */ if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* This will not work, it's too late! */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3) != NC_ELATEDEF) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; /* Open the file and check. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR; /* Don't assume the varid !!! */ if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, &varid2)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q]) ERR; if (nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q]) ERR; if (nsd_in != NSD_9) ERR; if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; #define NX_BIG 100 #define NY_BIG 100 #define NTYPES 9 #define VAR_NAME "Amsterdam_coffeeshop_location" #define X_NAME "distance_from_center" #define Y_NAME "distance_along_canal" #define NDIM2 2 printf("\t**** testing quantization handling of non-floats...\n"); { for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { int ncid; int dimid[NDIM2]; int varid; int nsd_in, quantize_mode_in; int nsd_out = 3; char file_name[NC_MAX_FILENAME + 1]; int xtype[NTYPES] = {NC_CHAR, NC_SHORT, NC_INT, NC_BYTE, NC_UBYTE, NC_USHORT, NC_UINT, NC_INT64, NC_UINT64}; int t; printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); for (t = 0; t < NTYPES; t++) { snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s_quantize_%d_type_%d.nc", TEST, quantize_mode[q], xtype[t]); #ifdef TESTNCZARR { char url[NC_MAX_FILENAME + 1]; snprintf(url,sizeof(url),template,file_name); strcpy(file_name,url); } #endif /* Create file. */ if (nc_create(file_name, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, X_NAME, NX_BIG, &dimid[0])) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, Y_NAME, NY_BIG, &dimid[1])) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME, xtype[t], NDIM2, dimid, &varid)) ERR; /* Quantzie returns NC_EINVAL because this is not * an NC_FLOAT or NC_DOULBE. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid, quantize_mode[q], nsd_out) != NC_EINVAL) ERR; if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; /* Check file. */ { if (nc_open(file_name, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME,&varid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in) ERR; if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("\t**** testing quantization of scalars...\n"); { for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { int ncid, varid1, varid2; int quantize_mode_in, nsd_in; float float_data[DIM_LEN_1] = {1.1111111f}; double double_data[DIM_LEN_1] = {1.111111111111}; printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); /* Create a netcdf-4 file with two scalar vars. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, mode, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, NC_FLOAT, 0, NULL, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, NC_DOUBLE, 0, NULL, &varid2)) ERR; /* Turn on quantize for both vars. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* For classic mode, we must call enddef. */ if (m) if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* Write some data. */ if (nc_put_var_float(ncid, varid1, float_data)) ERR; if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid2, double_data)) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; { float float_in; double double_in; union FU fin; int nsd_att_in; union DU dfin; union FU fout; union DU dfout; NC_UNUSED(fout); NC_UNUSED(dfout); /* Open the file and check metadata. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, &varid2)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; /* Each var now has an attribute describing the quantize settings. */ switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 0, NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 1, NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 0, NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 1, NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 0, NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 1, NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; break; default: ERR; } /* Check the data. */ if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid1, &float_in)) ERR; if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid2, &double_in)) ERR; #if 0 fout.f = float_data[0]; dfout.d = double_data[0]; #endif fin.f = float_in; dfin.d = double_in; #if 0 printf ("\nfloat_data: %10f : 0x%x float_data_in: %10f : 0x%x\n", float_data[0], fout.u, float_data[0], fin.u); printf ("\ndouble_data: %15g : 0x%16lx double_data_in: %15g : 0x%lx\n", double_data[0], dfout.u, double_data[0], dfin.u); #endif /* Check the results, slightly different for each quantize algorithm. */ switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: if (fin.u != 0x3f8e3000) ERR; if (dfin.u != 0x3ff1c60000000000) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: if (fin.u != 0x3f8e0000) ERR; if (dfin.u != 0x3ff1c00000000000) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: if (fin.u != 0x3f900000) ERR; if (dfin.u != 0x3ff2000000000000) ERR; break; default: ERR; } /* Close the file again. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("\t**** testing quantization of one value...\n"); { for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { int ncid, dimid, varid1, varid2; int quantize_mode_in, nsd_in; float float_data[DIM_LEN_1] = {1.1111111f}; double double_data[DIM_LEN_1] = {1.111111111111}; printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); /* Create a netcdf-4 file with two vars. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, mode, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME_1, DIM_LEN_1, &dimid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, NC_DOUBLE, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid2)) ERR; /* Turn on quantize for both vars. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* For classic mode, we must call enddef. */ if (m) if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* Write some data. */ if (nc_put_var_float(ncid, varid1, float_data)) ERR; if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid2, double_data)) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; { float float_in; double double_in; union FU fin; union DU dfin; union FU fout; union DU dfout; NC_UNUSED(fout); NC_UNUSED(dfout); /* Open the file and check metadata. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_1,&varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_2,&varid2)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; /* Check the data. */ if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid1, &float_in)) ERR; if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid2, &double_in)) ERR; #if 0 fout.f = float_data[0]; dfout.d = double_data[0]; #endif fin.f = float_in; dfin.d = double_in; #if 0 printf ("\nfloat_data: %10f : 0x%x float_data_in: %10f : 0x%x\n", float_data[0], fout.u, float_data[0], fin.u); printf ("\ndouble_data: %15g : 0x%16lx double_data_in: %15g : 0x%lx\n", double_data[0], dfout.u, double_data[0], dfin.u); #endif /* Check the results, slightly different for each quantize algorithm. */ switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: if (fin.u != 0x3f8e3000) ERR; if (dfin.u != 0x3ff1c60000000000) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: if (fin.u != 0x3f8e0000) ERR; if (dfin.u != 0x3ff1c00000000000) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: if (fin.u != 0x3f900000) ERR; if (dfin.u != 0x3ff2000000000000) ERR; break; default: ERR; } /* Close the file again. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("\t**** testing more quantization values...\n"); { for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { int ncid, dimid, varid1, varid2; int quantize_mode_in, nsd_in; float float_data[DIM_LEN_5] = {1.11111111f, 1.0f, 9.99999999f, 12345.67f, .1234567f}; double double_data[DIM_LEN_5] = {1.1111111, 1.0, 9.999999999, 1234567890.12345, 123456789012345.0}; int x; printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); /* Create a netcdf-4 file with two vars. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, mode, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME_1, DIM_LEN_5, &dimid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, NC_DOUBLE, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid2)) ERR; /* Turn on quantize for both vars. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* For classic mode, we must call enddef. */ if (m) if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* Write some data. */ if (nc_put_var_float(ncid, varid1, float_data)) ERR; if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid2, double_data)) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; { float float_in[DIM_LEN_5]; double double_in[DIM_LEN_5]; union FU { float f; uint32_t u; }; union FU fin; union FU xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_5]; union DU dfin; union FU fout; union DU dfout; union DU double_xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_5]; NC_UNUSED(fout); NC_UNUSED(dfout); switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: xpect[0][0].u = 0x3f8e3000; xpect[0][1].u = 0x3f800fff; xpect[0][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[0][3].u = 0x4640efff; xpect[0][4].u = 0x3dfcd000; double_xpect[0][0].u = 0x3ff1c60000000000; double_xpect[0][1].u = 0x3ff001ffffffffff; double_xpect[0][2].u = 0x4023fe0000000000; double_xpect[0][3].u = 0x41d265ffffffffff; double_xpect[0][4].u = 0x42dc120000000000; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: xpect[1][0].u = 0x3f8e0000; xpect[1][1].u = 0x3f800000; xpect[1][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[1][3].u = 0x46410000; xpect[1][4].u = 0x3dfc0000; double_xpect[1][0].u = 0x3ff1c00000000000; double_xpect[1][1].u = 0x3ff0000000000000; double_xpect[1][2].u = 0x4024000000000000; double_xpect[1][3].u = 0x41d2600000000000; double_xpect[1][4].u = 0x42dc200000000000; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: xpect[2][0].u = 0x3f900000; xpect[2][1].u = 0x3f800000; xpect[2][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[2][3].u = 0x46400000; xpect[2][4].u = 0x3e000000; double_xpect[2][0].u = 0x3ff2000000000000; double_xpect[2][1].u = 0x3ff0000000000000; double_xpect[2][2].u = 0x4024000000000000; double_xpect[2][3].u = 0x41d2000000000000; double_xpect[2][4].u = 0x42dc000000000000; break; default: ERR; } /* Open the file and check metadata. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_1,&varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_2,&varid2)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; /* Check the data. */ if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid1, float_in)) ERR; if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid2, double_in)) ERR; #if 0 printf("\n"); #endif for (x = 0; x < DIM_LEN_5; x++) { fin.f = float_in[x]; #if 0 fout.f = float_data[x]; printf ("float_data: %10f : 0x%x float_data_in: %10f : 0x%x\n", float_data[x], fout.u, float_data[x], fin.u); #endif if (fin.u != xpect[q][x].u) ERR; dfin.d = double_in[x]; #if 0 dfout.d = double_data[x]; printf("double_data: %15g : 0x%16lx double_data_in: %15g : 0x%16lx\n", double_data[x], dfout.u, double_data[x], dfin.u); #endif if (dfin.u != double_xpect[q][x].u) ERR; } /* Close the file again. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("\t**** testing quantization of one value with type conversion...\n"); { for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { int ncid, dimid, varid1, varid2; int quantize_mode_in, nsd_in; float float_data[DIM_LEN_1] = {1.1111111f}; double double_data[DIM_LEN_1] = {1.111111111111}; printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); /* Create a netcdf-4 file with two vars. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, mode, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME_1, DIM_LEN_1, &dimid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, NC_DOUBLE, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid2)) ERR; /* Turn on quantize for both vars. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* For classic mode, we must call enddef. */ if (m) if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* Write some double data to float var. */ if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid1, double_data)) ERR; /* Write some float data to double var. */ if (nc_put_var_float(ncid, varid2, float_data)) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; { float float_in; double double_in; union FU fin; union DU dfin; union FU fout; union DU dfout; int nsd_att_in; NC_UNUSED(fout); NC_UNUSED(dfout); /* Open the file and check metadata. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_1,&varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_2,&varid2)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; /* Each var now has an attribute describing the quantize settings. */ switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 0, NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 1, NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 0, NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 1, NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 0, NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, 1, NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND_ATT_NAME, &nsd_att_in)) ERR; if (nsd_att_in != NSD_3) ERR; break; default: ERR; } /* Check the data. */ if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid1, &float_in)) ERR; if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid2, &double_in)) ERR; fin.f = float_in; dfin.d = double_in; #if 0 fout.f = (float)double_data[0]; dfout.d = float_data[0]; printf ("\ndouble_data: %15g : 0x%x float_data_in: %10f : 0x%x\n", double_data[0], fout.u, float_in, fin.u); printf ("\nfloat_data: %15g : 0x%16lx double_data_in: %15g : 0x%lx\n", float_data[0], dfout.u, double_in, dfin.u); #endif switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: if (fin.u != 0x3f8e3000) ERR; if (dfin.u != 0x3ff1c60000000000) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: if (fin.u != 0x3f8e0000) ERR; if (dfin.u != 0x3ff1c00000000000) ERR; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: if (fin.u !=0x3f900000 ) ERR; if (dfin.u != 0x3ff2000000000000) ERR; break; default: ERR; } /* Close the file again. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("\t**** testing more quantization values with type conversion...\n"); { for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { int ncid, dimid, varid1, varid2; int quantize_mode_in, nsd_in; float float_data[DIM_LEN_5] = {1.11111111f, 1.0, 9.99999999f, 12345.67f, .1234567f}; double double_data[DIM_LEN_5] = {1.1111111, 1.0, 9.999999999, 1234567890.12345, 123456789012345.0}; int x; printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); /* Create a netcdf-4 file with two vars. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, mode, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME_1, DIM_LEN_5, &dimid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, NC_DOUBLE, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid2)) ERR; /* Turn on quantize for both vars. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* For classic mode, we must call enddef. */ if (m) if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* Write some data. */ if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid1, double_data)) ERR; if (nc_put_var_float(ncid, varid2, float_data)) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; { float float_in[DIM_LEN_5]; double double_in[DIM_LEN_5]; union FU { float f; uint32_t u; }; union FU fin; union FU xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_5]; union DU dfin; union FU fout; union DU dfout; union DU double_xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_5]; NC_UNUSED(fout); NC_UNUSED(dfout); switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: xpect[0][0].u = 0x3f8e3000; xpect[0][1].u = 0x3f800fff; xpect[0][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[0][3].u = 0x4e932fff; xpect[0][4].u = 0x56e09000; double_xpect[0][0].u = 0x3ff1c60000000000; double_xpect[0][1].u = 0x3ff001ffffffffff; double_xpect[0][2].u = 0x4024000000000000; double_xpect[0][3].u = 0x40c81dffffffffff; double_xpect[0][4].u = 0x3fbf9a0000000000; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: xpect[1][0].u = 0x3f8e0000; xpect[1][1].u =0x3f800000 ; xpect[1][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[1][3].u = 0x4e930000; xpect[1][4].u = 0x56e10000; double_xpect[1][0].u = 0x3ff1c00000000000; double_xpect[1][1].u = 0x3ff0000000000000; double_xpect[1][2].u = 0x4024000000000000; double_xpect[1][3].u = 0x40c8200000000000; double_xpect[1][4].u = 0x3fbf800000000000; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: xpect[2][0].u = 0x3f900000; xpect[2][1].u = 0x3f800000; xpect[2][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[2][3].u = 0x4e900000; xpect[2][4].u = 0x56e00000; double_xpect[2][0].u = 0x3ff2000000000000; double_xpect[2][1].u = 0x3ff0000000000000; double_xpect[2][2].u = 0x4024000000000000; double_xpect[2][3].u = 0x40c8000000000000; double_xpect[2][4].u = 0x3fc0000000000000; break; default: ERR; } /* Open the file and check metadata. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_1,&varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_2,&varid2)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; /* Check the data. */ if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid1, float_in)) ERR; if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid2, double_in)) ERR; #if 0 printf("\n"); #endif for (x = 0; x < DIM_LEN_5; x++) { fin.f = float_in[x]; dfin.d = double_in[x]; #if 0 fout.f = float_data[x]; printf ("float_data: %10f : 0x%x float_data_in: %10f : 0x%x\n", float_data[x], fout.u, float_data[x], fin.u); dfout.d = double_data[x]; printf("double_data: %15g : 0x%16lx double_data_in: %15g : 0x%16lx\n", double_data[x], dfout.u, double_data[x], dfin.u); #endif if (fin.u != xpect[q][x].u) ERR; if (dfin.u != double_xpect[q][x].u) ERR; } /* Close the file again. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("\t**** testing more quantization values with default fill values...\n"); { for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { int ncid, dimid, varid1, varid2; int quantize_mode_in, nsd_in; float float_data[DIM_LEN_5] = {1.11111111f, NC_FILL_FLOAT, 9.99999999f, 12345.67f, NC_FILL_FLOAT}; double double_data[DIM_LEN_5] = {1.1111111, NC_FILL_DOUBLE, 9.999999999, 1234567890.12345, NC_FILL_DOUBLE}; int x; printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); /* Create a netcdf-4 file with two vars. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, mode, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME_1, DIM_LEN_5, &dimid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, NC_DOUBLE, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid2)) ERR; /* Turn on quantize for both vars. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* For classic mode, we must call enddef. */ if (m) if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* Write some data. */ if (nc_put_var_float(ncid, varid1, float_data)) ERR; if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid2, double_data)) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; { float float_in[DIM_LEN_5]; double double_in[DIM_LEN_5]; union FU { float f; uint32_t u; }; union FU fin; union FU xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_5]; union DU dfin; union FU fout; union DU dfout; union DU double_xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_5]; NC_UNUSED(fout); NC_UNUSED(dfout); switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: xpect[0][0].u = 0x3f8e3000; xpect[0][1].u = 0x7cf00000; xpect[0][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[0][3].u = 0x4640efff; xpect[0][4].u = 0x7cf00000; double_xpect[0][0].u = 0x3ff1c60000000000; double_xpect[0][1].u = 0x479e000000000000; double_xpect[0][2].u = 0x4023fe0000000000; double_xpect[0][3].u = 0x41d265ffffffffff; double_xpect[0][4].u = 0x479e000000000000; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: xpect[1][0].u = 0x3f8e0000; xpect[1][1].u = 0x7cf00000; xpect[1][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[1][3].u = 0x46410000; xpect[1][4].u = 0x7cf00000; double_xpect[1][0].u = 0x3ff1c00000000000; double_xpect[1][1].u = 0x479e000000000000; double_xpect[1][2].u = 0x4024000000000000; double_xpect[1][3].u = 0x41d2600000000000; double_xpect[1][4].u = 0x479e000000000000; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: xpect[2][0].u = 0x3f900000; xpect[2][1].u = 0x7cf00000; xpect[2][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[2][3].u = 0x46400000; xpect[2][4].u = 0x7cf00000; double_xpect[2][0].u = 0x3ff2000000000000; double_xpect[2][1].u = 0x479e000000000000; double_xpect[2][2].u = 0x4024000000000000; double_xpect[2][3].u = 0x41d2000000000000; double_xpect[2][4].u = 0x479e000000000000; break; default: ERR; } /* Open the file and check metadata. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_1,&varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_2,&varid2)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; /* Check the data. */ if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid1, float_in)) ERR; if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid2, double_in)) ERR; #if 0 printf("\n"); #endif for (x = 0; x < DIM_LEN_5; x++) { fin.f = float_in[x]; dfin.d = double_in[x]; #if 0 fout.f = float_data[x]; dfout.d = double_data[x]; printf ("float_data: %10f : 0x%x float_data_in: %10f : 0x%x\n", float_data[x], fout.u, float_data[x], fin.u); printf("double_data: %15g : 0x%16lx double_data_in: %15g : 0x%16lx\n", double_data[x], dfout.u, double_data[x], dfin.u); #endif if (fin.u != xpect[q][x].u) ERR; if (dfin.u != double_xpect[q][x].u) ERR; } /* Close the file again. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("\t**** testing more quantization values with custom fill values...\n"); { #define CUSTOM_FILL_FLOAT 99.99999f #define CUSTOM_FILL_DOUBLE -99999.99999 for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { int ncid, dimid, varid1, varid2; int quantize_mode_in, nsd_in; float float_data[DIM_LEN_5] = {1.11111111f, CUSTOM_FILL_FLOAT, 9.99999999f, 12345.67f, CUSTOM_FILL_FLOAT}; double double_data[DIM_LEN_5] = {1.1111111, CUSTOM_FILL_DOUBLE, 9.999999999, 1234567890.12345, CUSTOM_FILL_DOUBLE}; float custom_fill_float = CUSTOM_FILL_FLOAT; double custom_fill_double = CUSTOM_FILL_DOUBLE; int x; printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); /* Create a netcdf-4 file with two vars. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, mode, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME_1, DIM_LEN_5, &dimid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_1, NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_put_att_float(ncid, varid1, NC_FillValue, NC_FLOAT, 1, &custom_fill_float)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, NC_DOUBLE, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid2)) ERR; if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, varid2, NC_FillValue, NC_DOUBLE, 1, &custom_fill_double)) ERR; /* Turn on quantize for both vars. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* For classic mode, we must call enddef. */ if (m) if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* Write some data. */ if (nc_put_var_float(ncid, varid1, float_data)) ERR; if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid2, double_data)) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; { float float_in[DIM_LEN_5]; double double_in[DIM_LEN_5]; union FU { float f; uint32_t u; }; union FU fin; union FU xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_5]; union DU dfin; union FU fout; union DU dfout; union DU double_xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_5]; NC_UNUSED(fout); NC_UNUSED(dfout); switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: xpect[0][0].u = 0x3f8e3000; xpect[0][1].u = 0x42c7ffff; xpect[0][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[0][3].u = 0x4640efff; xpect[0][4].u = 0x42c7ffff; double_xpect[0][0].u = 0x3ff1c60000000000; double_xpect[0][1].u = 0xc0f869fffff583a5; double_xpect[0][2].u = 0x4023fe0000000000; double_xpect[0][3].u = 0x41d265ffffffffff; double_xpect[0][4].u = 0xc0f869fffff583a5; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: xpect[1][0].u = 0x3f8e0000; xpect[1][1].u = 0x42c7ffff; xpect[1][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[1][3].u = 0x46410000; xpect[1][4].u = 0x42c7ffff; double_xpect[1][0].u = 0x3ff1c00000000000; double_xpect[1][1].u = 0xc0f869fffff583a5; double_xpect[1][2].u = 0x4024000000000000; double_xpect[1][3].u = 0x41d2600000000000; double_xpect[1][4].u = 0xc0f869fffff583a5; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: xpect[2][0].u = 0x3f900000; xpect[2][1].u = 0x42c7ffff; xpect[2][2].u = 0x41200000; xpect[2][3].u = 0x46400000; xpect[2][4].u = 0x42c7ffff; double_xpect[2][0].u = 0x3ff2000000000000; double_xpect[2][1].u = 0xc0f869fffff583a5; double_xpect[2][2].u = 0x4024000000000000; double_xpect[2][3].u = 0x41d2000000000000; double_xpect[2][4].u = 0xc0f869fffff583a5; break; default: ERR; } /* Open the file and check metadata. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_1,&varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_2,&varid2)) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; if (nc_inq_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, &quantize_mode_in, &nsd_in)) ERR; if (quantize_mode_in != quantize_mode[q] || nsd_in != NSD_3) ERR; /* Check the data. */ if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid1, float_in)) ERR; if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid2, double_in)) ERR; #if 0 printf("\n"); #endif for (x = 0; x < DIM_LEN_5; x++) { fin.f = float_in[x]; dfin.d = double_in[x]; #if 0 fout.f = float_data[x]; dfout.d = double_data[x]; printf ("float_data: %10f : 0x%x float_data_in: %10f : 0x%x\n", float_data[x], fout.u, float_data[x], fin.u); printf("double_data: %15g : 0x%16lx double_data_in: %15g : 0x%16lx\n", double_data[x], dfout.u, double_data[x], dfin.u); #endif if (fin.u != xpect[q][x].u) ERR; if (dfin.u != double_xpect[q][x].u) ERR; } /* Close the file again. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("\t*** Checking BitGroom values with type conversion between ints and floats...\n"); { for (q = 0; q < NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES; q++) { int ncid; int dimid; int varid1, varid2; unsigned char uc = 99; signed char sc = -99; unsigned short us = 9999; signed short ss = -9999; unsigned int ui = 9999999; signed int si = -9999999; unsigned long long int ull = 999999999; signed long long int sll = -999999999; size_t index; printf("\t\t**** testing quantize algorithm %d...\n", quantize_mode[q]); /* Create file. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR; /* Create dims. */ if (nc_def_dim(ncid, X_NAME, DIM_LEN_8, &dimid)) ERR; /* Create the variables. */ if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME, NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME_2, NC_DOUBLE, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid2)) ERR; /* Set up quantization. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, quantize_mode[q], NSD_3)) ERR; /* For classic mode, we must call enddef. */ if (m) if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* Write data. */ index = 0; if (nc_put_var1_uchar(ncid, varid1, &index, &uc)) ERR; if (nc_put_var1_uchar(ncid, varid2, &index, &uc)) ERR; index = 1; if (nc_put_var1_schar(ncid, varid1, &index, &sc)) ERR; if (nc_put_var1_schar(ncid, varid2, &index, &sc)) ERR; index = 2; if (nc_put_var1_ushort(ncid, varid1, &index, &us)) ERR; if (nc_put_var1_ushort(ncid, varid2, &index, &us)) ERR; index = 3; if (nc_put_var1_short(ncid, varid1, &index, &ss)) ERR; if (nc_put_var1_short(ncid, varid2, &index, &ss)) ERR; index = 4; if (nc_put_var1_uint(ncid, varid1, &index, &ui)) ERR; if (nc_put_var1_uint(ncid, varid2, &index, &ui)) ERR; index = 5; if (nc_put_var1_int(ncid, varid1, &index, &si)) ERR; if (nc_put_var1_int(ncid, varid2, &index, &si)) ERR; index = 6; if (nc_put_var1_ulonglong(ncid, varid1, &index, &ull)) ERR; if (nc_put_var1_ulonglong(ncid, varid2, &index, &ull)) ERR; index = 7; if (nc_put_var1_longlong(ncid, varid1, &index, &sll)) ERR; if (nc_put_var1_longlong(ncid, varid2, &index, &sll)) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; { float float_data_in[DIM_LEN_8]; double double_data_in[DIM_LEN_8]; int x; /* Now reopen the file and check. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME,&varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,VAR_NAME_2,&varid2)) ERR; /* Read the data. */ if (nc_get_var_float(ncid, varid1, float_data_in)) ERR; if (nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid2, double_data_in)) ERR; union FU xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_8]; union DU double_xpect[NUM_QUANTIZE_MODES][DIM_LEN_8]; /* This test comes up with different answers to this than * the corresponding bitgroom filter test, but that's * OK. In netcdf-c quantization is applied as the data are * written by the user, but in HDF5 filters, the bitgroom * filter is applied to all data values as they are * written to disk. See * https://github.com/ccr/ccr/issues/194 for a full * explanation. */ switch (quantize_mode[q]) { case NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM: xpect[0][0].u = 0x42c60000; xpect[0][1].u = 0xc2c60000; xpect[0][2].u = 0x461c3000; xpect[0][3].u = 0xc61c3000; xpect[0][4].u = 0x4b189000; xpect[0][5].u = 0xcb189000; xpect[0][6].u = 0x4e6e6000; xpect[0][7].u = 0xce6e6000; double_xpect[0][0].u = 0x4058c00000000000; double_xpect[0][1].u = 0xc058c00000000000; double_xpect[0][2].u = 0x40c3860000000000; double_xpect[0][3].u = 0xc0c3860000000000; double_xpect[0][4].u = 0x4163120000000000; double_xpect[0][5].u = 0xc163120000000000; double_xpect[0][6].u = 0x41cdcc0000000000; double_xpect[0][7].u = 0xc1cdcc0000000000; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_GRANULARBR: xpect[1][0].u = 0x42c60000; xpect[1][1].u = 0xc2c60000; xpect[1][2].u = 0x461c4000; xpect[1][3].u = 0xc61c4000; xpect[1][4].u = 0x4b18a000; xpect[1][5].u = 0xcb18a000; xpect[1][6].u = 0x4e6e6000; xpect[1][7].u = 0xce6e6000; double_xpect[1][0].u = 0x4058c00000000000; double_xpect[1][1].u = 0xc058c00000000000; double_xpect[1][2].u = 0x40c3880000000000; double_xpect[1][3].u = 0xc0c3880000000000; double_xpect[1][4].u = 0x4163140000000000; double_xpect[1][5].u = 0xc163140000000000; double_xpect[1][6].u = 0x41cdcc0000000000; double_xpect[1][7].u = 0xc1cdcc0000000000; break; case NC_QUANTIZE_BITROUND: xpect[2][0].u = 0x42c00000; xpect[2][1].u = 0xc2c00000; xpect[2][2].u = 0x46200000; xpect[2][3].u = 0xc6200000; xpect[2][4].u = 0x4b200000; xpect[2][5].u = 0xcb200000; xpect[2][6].u = 0x4e700000; xpect[2][7].u = 0xce700000; double_xpect[2][0].u = 0x4058000000000000; double_xpect[2][1].u = 0xc058000000000000; double_xpect[2][2].u = 0x40c4000000000000; double_xpect[2][3].u = 0xc0c4000000000000; double_xpect[2][4].u = 0x4164000000000000; double_xpect[2][5].u = 0xc164000000000000; double_xpect[2][6].u = 0x41ce000000000000; double_xpect[2][7].u = 0xc1ce000000000000; break; default: ERR; } for (x = 0; x < DIM_LEN_8; x++) { union FU fin; union DU dfin; fin.f = float_data_in[x]; dfin.d = double_data_in[x]; #if 0 printf ("%d float_data_in : %08.8f : 0x%x expected %08.8f : 0x%x\n", x, float_data_in[x], fin.u, xpect[q][x].f, xpect[q][x].u); printf ("%d double_data_in : %15g : 0x%lx expected %15g : 0x%lx\n", x, double_data_in[x], dfin.u, double_xpect[q][x].d, double_xpect[q][x].u); #endif if (fin.u != xpect[q][x].u) ERR; if (dfin.u != double_xpect[q][x].u) ERR; } /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } } } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("\t**** Nice, simple example of using BitGroom plus zlib..."); { #define DIM_LEN_SIMPLE 100 #define EPSILON .1 int ncid; int dimid; int varid1, varid2; float *float_data; double *double_data; int i; /* Set up some data to write. */ if (!(float_data = malloc(DIM_LEN_SIMPLE * sizeof(float)))) ERR; if (!(double_data = malloc(DIM_LEN_SIMPLE * sizeof(double)))) ERR; for (i = 0; i < DIM_LEN_SIMPLE; i++) { float_data[i] = 1.5f * (float)i; double_data[i] = 1.5 * (double)i; } /* Create the file. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR; /* Add one dimension. */ if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim1", DIM_LEN_SIMPLE, &dimid)) ERR; /* Create two variables, one float, one double. Quantization * may only be applied to floating point data. */ if (nc_def_var(ncid, "var1", NC_FLOAT, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid1)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, "var2", NC_DOUBLE, NDIM1, &dimid, &varid2)) ERR; /* Set up quantization. This will not make the data any * smaller, unless compression is also turned on. In this * case, we will set 3 significant digits. */ if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid1, NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM, NSD_3)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_quantize(ncid, varid2, NC_QUANTIZE_BITGROOM, NSD_3)) ERR; #ifdef TESTNCZARR #ifdef NETCDF_ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS /* Set up zlib compression. This will work better because the * data are quantized, yielding a smaller output file. We will * set compression level to 1, which is usually the best * choice. */ if (nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, varid1, 0, 1, 1)) ERR; #endif #endif /* For classic mode, we must call enddef. */ if (m) if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* Write the data. */ if (nc_put_var_float(ncid, varid1, float_data)) ERR; if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid2, double_data)) ERR; /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; /* Check the resulting file for correctness. */ { float float_data_in[DIM_LEN_SIMPLE]; double double_data_in[DIM_LEN_SIMPLE]; /* Now reopen the file and check. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,"var1",&varid1)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid,"var2",&varid2)) ERR; /* Read the data. */ if (nc_get_var_float(ncid, varid1, float_data_in)) ERR; if (nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid2, double_data_in)) ERR; for (i = 0; i < DIM_LEN_SIMPLE; i++) { if (fabsf(float_data_in[i] - float_data[i]) > EPSILON) ERR; if (fabs(double_data_in[i] - double_data[i]) > EPSILON) ERR; } /* Close the file. */ if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } /* Free resources. */ free(float_data); free(double_data); } SUMMARIZE_ERR; } FINAL_RESULTS; }