/* Copyright (c) 1998-2017 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata See LICENSE.txt for license information. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "netcdf.h" #include "ncbytes.h" #include "ncuri.h" #include "ncrc.h" #include "nclog.h" #include "ncwinpath.h" #define RCFILEENV "DAPRCFILE" #define RTAG ']' #define LTAG '[' #define TRIMCHARS " \t\r\n" #undef MEMCHECK #define MEMCHECK(x) if((x)==NULL) {goto nomem;} else {} /* Forward */ static char* rcreadline(char** nextlinep); static void rctrim(char* text); static void rcorder(NClist* rc); static int rccompile(const char* path); static struct NCTriple* rclocate(const char* key, const char* hostport); static int rcsearch(const char* prefix, const char* rcname, char** pathp); static void rcfreetriples(NClist* rc); #ifdef D4DEBUG static void storedump(char* msg, NClist* triples); #endif /* Define default rc files and aliases, also defines search order*/ static char* rcfilenames[] = {".daprc",".dodsrc",NULL}; /**************************************************/ /* External Entry Points */ /* locate, read and compile the rc file, if any */ int NC_rcload(void) { int ret = NC_NOERR; char* path = NULL; if(ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.ignore) { nclog(NCLOGDBG,"No runtime configuration file specified; continuing"); return (NC_NOERR); } if(ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.loaded) return (NC_NOERR); /* locate the configuration files in the following order: 1. specified by NC_set_rcfile 2. set by DAPRCFILE env variable 3. ./ (current directory) 4. $HOME/ */ if(ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.rcfile != NULL) { /* always use this */ path = strdup(ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.rcfile); } else if(getenv(RCFILEENV) != NULL && strlen(getenv(RCFILEENV)) > 0) { path = strdup(getenv(RCFILEENV)); } else { char** rcname; int found = 0; for(rcname=rcfilenames;!found && *rcname;rcname++) { ret = rcsearch(".",*rcname,&path); if(ret == NC_NOERR && path == NULL) /* try $HOME */ ret = rcsearch(ncrc_globalstate.home,*rcname,&path); if(ret != NC_NOERR) goto done; if(path != NULL) found = 1; } } if(path == NULL) { nclog(NCLOGDBG,"Cannot find runtime configuration file; continuing"); } else { #ifdef D4DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "RC file: %s\n", path); #endif if((ret=rccompile(path))) { nclog(NCLOGERR, "Error parsing %s\n",path); goto done; } } done: ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.loaded = 1; /* even if not exists */ nullfree(path); return (ret); } /** * Locate a triple by property key and host+port (may be null|"") * If duplicate keys, first takes precedence. */ char* NC_rclookup(const char* key, const char* hostport) { struct NCTriple* triple = rclocate(key,hostport); return (triple == NULL ? NULL : triple->value); } /*! Set the absolute path to use for the rc file. WARNING: this MUST be called before any other call in order for this to take effect. \param[in] rcfile The path to use. If NULL, or "", then do not use any rcfile. \retval OC_NOERR if the request succeeded. \retval OC_ERCFILE if the file failed to load */ int NC_set_rcfile(const char* rcfile) { int stat = NC_NOERR; FILE* f = NULL; if(rcfile != NULL && strlen(rcfile) == 0) rcfile = NULL; f = NCfopen(rcfile,"r"); if(f == NULL) { stat = NC_ERCFILE; goto done; } fclose(f); nullfree(ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.rcfile); ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.rcfile = strdup(rcfile); /* Clear ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo */ NC_rcclear(&ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo); /* (re) load the rcfile and esp the triplestore*/ stat = NC_rcload(); done: return stat; } void NC_rcclear(NCRCinfo* info) { if(info == NULL) return; nullfree(info->rcfile); rcfreetriples(info->triples); } void rcfreetriples(NClist* rc) { int i; for(i=0;ihost); nullfree(t->key); nullfree(t->value); free(t); } nclistfree(rc); } /**************************************************/ /* RC processing functions */ static char* rcreadline(char** nextlinep) { char* line; char* p; line = (p = *nextlinep); if(*p == '\0') return NULL; /*signal done*/ for(;*p;p++) { if(*p == '\r' && p[1] == '\n') *p = '\0'; else if(*p == '\n') break; } *p++ = '\0'; /* null terminate line; overwrite newline */ *nextlinep = p; return line; } /* Trim TRIMCHARS from both ends of text; */ static void rctrim(char* text) { char* p = text; size_t len; int i; len = strlen(text); /* locate first non-trimchar */ for(;*p;p++) { if(strchr(TRIMCHARS,*p) == NULL) break; /* hit non-trim char */ } memmove(text,p,strlen(p)+1); len = strlen(text); /* locate last non-trimchar */ if(len > 0) { for(i=(len-1);i>=0;i--) { if(strchr(TRIMCHARS,text[i]) == NULL) { text[i+1] = '\0'; /* elide trailing trimchars */ break; } } } } /* Order the triples: those with urls must be first, but otherwise relative order does not matter. */ static void rcorder(NClist* rc) { int i; int len = nclistlength(rc); NClist* tmprc = nclistnew(); if(rc == NULL || len == 0) return; /* Copy rc into tmprc and clear rc */ for(i=0;ihost == NULL) continue; nclistpush(rc,ti); } /* pass 2 pull triples without host*/ for(i=0;ihost != NULL) continue; nclistpush(rc,ti); } #ifdef D4DEBUG storedump("reorder:",rc); #endif nclistfree(tmprc); } /* Create a triple store from a file */ static int rccompile(const char* path) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NClist* rc = NULL; char* contents = NULL; NCbytes* tmp = ncbytesnew(); NCURI* uri = NULL; char* nextline = NULL; if((ret=NC_readfile(path,tmp))) { nclog(NCLOGERR, "Could not open configuration file: %s",path); goto done; } contents = ncbytesextract(tmp); if(contents == NULL) contents = strdup(""); /* Either reuse or create new */ rc = ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.triples; if(rc != NULL) rcfreetriples(rc); /* clear out any old data */ else { rc = nclistnew(); ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.triples = rc; } nextline = contents; for(;;) { char* line; char* key; char* value; size_t llen; NCTriple* triple; line = rcreadline(&nextline); if(line == NULL) break; /* done */ rctrim(line); /* trim leading and trailing blanks */ if(line[0] == '#') continue; /* comment */ if((llen=strlen(line)) == 0) continue; /* empty line */ triple = (NCTriple*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCTriple)); if(triple == NULL) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if(line[0] == LTAG) { char* url = ++line; char* rtag = strchr(line,RTAG); if(rtag == NULL) { nclog(NCLOGERR, "Malformed [url] in %s entry: %s",path,line); continue; } line = rtag + 1; *rtag = '\0'; /* compile the url and pull out the host */ if(uri) ncurifree(uri); if(ncuriparse(url,&uri) != NCU_OK) { nclog(NCLOGERR, "Malformed [url] in %s entry: %s",path,line); continue; } ncbytesclear(tmp); ncbytescat(tmp,uri->host); if(uri->port != NULL) { ncbytesappend(tmp,':'); ncbytescat(tmp,uri->port); } ncbytesnull(tmp); triple->host = ncbytesextract(tmp); if(strlen(triple->host)==0) {free(triple->host); triple->host = NULL;} } /* split off key and value */ key=line; value = strchr(line, '='); if(value == NULL) value = line + strlen(line); else { *value = '\0'; value++; } triple->key = strdup(key); triple->value = strdup(value); rctrim(triple->key); rctrim(triple->value); #ifdef D4DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"rc: host=%s key=%s value=%s\n", (triple->host != NULL ? triple->host : ""), triple->key,triple->valu); #endif nclistpush(rc,triple); triple = NULL; } rcorder(rc); done: if(contents) free(contents); ncurifree(uri); ncbytesfree(tmp); return (ret); } /** * (Internal) Locate a triple by property key and host+port (may be null or ""). * If duplicate keys, first takes precedence. */ static struct NCTriple* rclocate(const char* key, const char* hostport) { int i,found; NClist* rc = ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.triples; NCTriple* triple = NULL; if(ncrc_globalstate.rcinfo.ignore) return NULL; if(key == NULL || rc == NULL) return NULL; if(hostport == NULL) hostport = ""; for(found=0,i=0;ihost == NULL ? 0 : strlen(triple->host)); int t; if(strcmp(key,triple->key) != 0) continue; /* keys do not match */ /* If the triple entry has no url, then use it (because we have checked all other cases)*/ if(hplen == 0) {found=1;break;} /* do hostport match */ t = 0; if(triple->host != NULL) t = strcmp(hostport,triple->host); if(t == 0) {found=1; break;} } return (found?triple:NULL); } /** * Locate rc file by searching in directory prefix. * Prefix must end in '/' */ static int rcsearch(const char* prefix, const char* rcname, char** pathp) { char* path = NULL; FILE* f = NULL; int plen = strlen(prefix); int rclen = strlen(rcname); int ret = NC_NOERR; size_t pathlen = plen+rclen+1; /*+1 for '/' */ path = (char*)malloc(pathlen+1); /* +1 for nul*/ if(path == NULL) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} strncpy(path,prefix,pathlen); strncat(path,"/",pathlen); strncat(path,rcname,pathlen); /* see if file is readable */ f = fopen(path,"r"); if(f != NULL) nclog(NCLOGDBG, "Found rc file=%s",path); done: if(f == NULL || ret != NC_NOERR) { nullfree(path); path = NULL; } if(f != NULL) fclose(f); if(pathp != NULL) *pathp = path; else { nullfree(path); path = NULL; } return (ret); } #ifdef D4DEBUG static void storedump(char* msg, NClist* triples) { int i; if(msg != NULL) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",msg); if(triples == NULL || nclistlength(triples)==0) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return; } for(i=0;ihost == NULL || strlen(t->host)==0)?"--":t->host),t->key,t->value); } fflush(stderr); } #endif