#!/bin/sh if test "x$srcdir" = x ; then srcdir=`pwd`; fi . ../test_common.sh set -e # Test Urls URL3="https://thredds-test.unidata.ucar.edu/thredds/fileServer/pointData/cf_dsg/example/point.nc#mode=bytes&aws.profile=none" #URL3a="https://remotetest.unidata.ucar.edu/thredds/fileServer/testdata/2004050300_eta_211.nc#bytes&aws.profile=none" URL4a="https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/noaa-goes16/ABI-L1b-RadC/2017/059/03/OR_ABI-L1b-RadC-M3C13_G16_s20170590337505_e20170590340289_c20170590340316.nc#mode=bytes&aws.profile=none" URL4b="https://thredds-test.unidata.ucar.edu/thredds/fileServer/irma/metar/files/METAR_20170910_0000.nc#bytes&aws.profile=none" URL4c="s3://noaa-goes16/ABI-L1b-RadC/2017/059/03/OR_ABI-L1b-RadC-M3C13_G16_s20170590337505_e20170590340289_c20170590340316.nc#mode=bytes&aws.profile=none" # Requires auth URL3b="s3://unidata-zarr-test-data/byterangefiles/upload3.nc#bytes&aws.profile=unidata" URL4d="s3://unidata-zarr-test-data/byterangefiles/upload4.nc#bytes&aws.profile=unidata" # Do not use unless we know it has some permanence (note the segment 'testing' in the URL); URL4x="https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/coawst-public/testing/HadCRUT.,&aws.profile=none" echo "" testsetup() { U=$1 # Create and upload test files if test "x$FEATURE_S3TESTS" = xyes ; then rm -f upload4.nc upload3.nc ${execdir}/../nczarr_test/s3util clear -u ${U} -k /byterangefiles ${NCGEN} -lb -3 ${srcdir}/nc_enddef.cdl mv nc_enddef.nc upload3.nc ${execdir}/../nczarr_test/s3util upload -u ${U} -k /byterangefiles/upload3.nc -f upload3.nc if test "x$FEATURE_HDF5" = xyes ; then ${NCGEN} -lb -4 ${srcdir}/nc_enddef.cdl mv nc_enddef.nc upload4.nc ${execdir}/../nczarr_test/s3util upload -u ${U} -k /byterangefiles/upload4.nc -f upload4.nc fi fi rm -f tst_http_nc3.cdl tst_http_nc4?.cdl } testcleanup() { U=$1 rm -f upload4.nc upload3.nc if test "x$FEATURE_S3TESTS" = xyes ; then ${execdir}/../nczarr_test/s3util clear -u ${U} -k /byterangefiles fi } testbytes() { TAG="$1" EXPECTED="$2" U="$3" K=`${NCDUMP} -k "$U" | tr -d '\r'` if test "x$K" != "x$EXPECTED" ; then echo "test_http: -k flag mismatch: expected=$EXPECTED have=$K" exit 1 fi rm -f tst_http_$TAG.cdl # Now test the reading of at least the metadata ${NCDUMP} -h "$U" >tst_http_$TAG.cdl # compare diff -wb tst_http_$TAG.cdl ${srcdir}/ref_tst_http_$TAG.cdl } tests3auth() { TAG="$1" EXPECTED="$2" U="$3" K=`${NCDUMP} -k "$U" | tr -d '\r'` if test "x$K" != "x$EXPECTED" ; then echo "test_http: -k flag mismatch: expected=$EXPECTED have=$K" exit 1 fi rm -f tmp_${TAG}.cdl # Now test the reading of at least the metadata ${NCDUMP} -n nc_enddef "$U" >tmp_${TAG}.cdl # compare diff -wb tmp_$TAG.cdl ${srcdir}/nc_enddef.cdl } testsetup https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/unidata-zarr-test-data echo "*** Testing reading NetCDF-3 file with http" echo "***Test remote classic file" testbytes nc3 classic "$URL3" if test "x$FEATURE_HDF5" = xyes ; then echo "***Test remote netcdf-4 file: non-s3" testbytes nc4b netCDF-4 "$URL4b" fi if test "x$FEATURE_S3TESTS" = xyes && test "x$FEATURE_HDF5" = xyes ; then echo "***Test remote netdf-4 file: s3" testbytes nc4a netCDF-4 "$URL4a" echo "***Test remote netcdf-4 file: s3" testbytes nc4c netCDF-4 "$URL4c" echo "***Test remote netcdf-4 file: s3 auth" tests3auth nc4d netCDF-4 "$URL4d" fi if test "x$FEATURE_S3TESTS" = xyes ; then echo "***Test remote netcdf-3 file: s3 auth" tests3auth nc3b classic "$URL3b" fi # Cleanup testcleanup https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/unidata-zarr-test-data exit