/* This is part of the netCDF package. Copyright 2008 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata See COPYRIGHT file for conditions of use. See www.unidata.ucar.edu for more info. Create a test file with fill values for a variable of specified endianness. $Id: tst_endian_fill.c,v 1.4 2009/06/25 14:57:29 ed Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #define FILE_NAME "tst_endian_fill.nc" #define VAR_NAME "v1" #define VAR2_NAME "v2" #define VAR3_NAME "v3" #define VAR_RANK 0 int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("\n*** Testing specified endiannesss fill values.\n"); printf("*** testing simple case with int..."); { int ncid, varid, var2id, var3id; int data_in; int fill = NC_FILL_INT; /* Create file with a scalar int var that's big-endian. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME, NC_INT, VAR_RANK, 0, &varid)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_endian(ncid, varid, NC_ENDIAN_BIG)) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR2_NAME, NC_INT, VAR_RANK, 0, &var2id)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_endian(ncid, var2id, NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE)) ERR; /* close without writing data, so vars 1 and 2 should contain * NC_FILL_INT */ if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR3_NAME, NC_INT, VAR_RANK, 0, &var3id)) ERR; if (nc_def_var_endian(ncid, var3id, NC_ENDIAN_BIG)) ERR; if (nc_put_var(ncid, var3id, &fill)) ERR; if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; /* Check it out. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VAR_NAME, &varid)) ERR; if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VAR2_NAME, &var2id)) ERR; if (nc_get_var_int(ncid, varid, &data_in)) ERR; if (data_in != NC_FILL_INT) ERR; if (nc_get_var_int(ncid, var2id, &data_in)) ERR; if (data_in != NC_FILL_INT) ERR; if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("*** testing short, int, int64, and unsigned..."); { #define NUM_TYPES_TO_CHECK 6 int ncid, varid[NUM_TYPES_TO_CHECK]; int check_type[NUM_TYPES_TO_CHECK] = {NC_SHORT, NC_USHORT, NC_INT, NC_UINT, NC_INT64, NC_UINT64}; char var_name[NUM_TYPES_TO_CHECK][NC_MAX_NAME + 1] = {"SHORT", "USHORT", "INT", "UINT", "INT64", "UINT64"}; long long fill_value[NUM_TYPES_TO_CHECK] = {NC_FILL_SHORT, NC_FILL_USHORT, NC_FILL_INT, NC_FILL_UINT, NC_FILL_INT64, NC_FILL_UINT64}; long long data_in; int t; /* Create file with a scalar vars. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR; for (t = 0; t < NUM_TYPES_TO_CHECK; t++) { if (nc_def_var(ncid, var_name[t], check_type[t], 0, 0, &varid[t])) ERR; if (nc_def_var_endian(ncid, varid[t], NC_ENDIAN_BIG)) ERR; } if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; /* Check it out. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR; for (t = 0; t < NUM_TYPES_TO_CHECK; t++) { int err = nc_get_var_longlong(ncid, varid[t], &data_in); if(err && err != NC_ERANGE) ERR; if (data_in != fill_value[t]) ERR; } if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } SUMMARIZE_ERR; FINAL_RESULTS; return 0; }