/********************************************************************* * Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. * $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/ncdump/vardata.c,v 1.48 2010/05/05 22:15:39 dmh Exp $ *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ncdump.h" #include "dumplib.h" #include "indent.h" #include "vardata.h" #include "utils.h" /* maximum len of string needed for one value of a primitive type */ #define MAX_OUTPUT_LEN 100 #define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0) #define LINEPIND " " /* indent of continued lines */ extern fspec_t formatting_specs; /* set from command-line options */ /* Only read this many values at a time, if last dimension is larger than this */ #define VALBUFSIZ 8096 static int linep; /* line position, not counting global indent */ static int max_line_len; /* max chars per line, not counting global indent */ /* set position in line before lput() calls */ static void set_indent(int in) { linep = in; } void set_max_len(int len) { max_line_len = len-2; } /* * Output a string that should not be split across lines. If it would * make current line too long, first output a newline and current * (nested group) indentation, then continuation indentation, then * output string. */ void lput(const char *cp) { size_t nn = strlen(cp); if (nn+linep > max_line_len && nn > 2) { (void) fputs("\n", stdout); indent_out(); (void) fputs(LINEPIND, stdout); linep = (int)strlen(LINEPIND) + indent_get(); } (void) fputs(cp,stdout); linep += nn; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Support function for print_att_times. * Output a string that should not be split across lines. * Keep track of position on print line. * Wrap print lines as needed to keep within requested line length. * Start CDL comment on each new line. * Handle line indentation. * * This function is like lput in vardata.c, with variations. * Hopefully this function will later be absorbed into a more * general lput-type function. */ void lput2( const char *cp, /* string to print */ boolean first_item, /* identify first item in list */ boolean wrap /* line wrap control: true=enable, * false=stay on same line */ ) { static int linep; /* current line position (number of */ /* chars); saved between calls */ static char *prefix = "// "; /* prefix for CDL comment */ int len_prefix = strlen (prefix); boolean make_newline; size_t len1 = strlen(cp); /* length of input string */ assert (len1 > 0); /* (1) Single space or newline/indent sequence, as needed. */ linep = linep + 1 + len1; /* new line position, without newline */ /* add 1 extra for preceeding space */ make_newline = (wrap && (first_item || linep > max_line_len + 2)); /* NEVER new line in no-wrap mode */ if (make_newline) { /* start new line, if needed */ printf ("\n"); indent_out(); /* same exact indentation as pr_att */ printf ("\t\t"); /* (possible problem here) */ printf (" "); /* add indent for CDL comment */ linep = 16 + 2 + len1; /* recompute new line position */ /* with newline + indents */ } else { printf (" "); /* always one space, if not newline */ } /* (2) Add CDL comment prefix, if needed. */ if (len_prefix > 0) { if (first_item || make_newline) { printf (prefix); linep = linep + len_prefix; } } /* (3) Output caller's string value. */ printf (cp); } /* * Output a value of an attribute. */ static void print_any_att_val ( struct safebuf_t *sb, /* string where output goes */ const ncatt_t *attp, /* attrbute */ const void *valp /* pointer to the value */ ) { nctype_t *typ = attp->tinfo; (*typ->typ_tostring)(typ, sb, valp); } /* * Output a value of a variable, except if there is a fill value for * the variable and the value is the fill value, print the fill-value string * instead. (Floating-point fill values need only be within machine epsilon of * defined fill value.) */ static void print_any_val( safebuf_t *sb, /* string where output goes */ const ncvar_t *varp, /* variable */ const void *valp /* pointer to the value */ ) { if (varp->has_fillval && (*(varp->tinfo->val_equals))((const nctype_t *)varp->tinfo, (const void*)varp->fillvalp, valp) ) { sbuf_cpy(sb, FILL_STRING); } else { (*varp->val_tostring)(varp, sb, valp); } } /* * print last delimiter in each line before annotation (, or ;) */ static void lastdelim (boolean more, boolean lastrow) { if (more) { printf(", "); } else { if(lastrow) { printf(";"); } else { printf(","); } } } /* * print last delimiter in each line before annotation (, or ;) */ static void lastdelim2 (boolean more, boolean lastrow) { if (more) { lput(", "); } else { if(lastrow) { lput(" ;"); lput("\n"); } else { lput(",\n"); lput(" "); } } } /* * Print a number of attribute values */ void pr_any_att_vals( const ncatt_t *ap, /* attribute */ const void *vals /* pointer to block of values */ ) { size_t iel; size_t len = ap->len; /* number of values to print */ const char *valp = (const char *)vals; safebuf_t *sb = sbuf_new(); for (iel = 0; iel < len - 1; iel++) { print_any_att_val(sb, ap, (void *)valp); valp += ap->tinfo->size; /* next value according to type */ sbuf_cat(sb, iel == len - 1 ? "" : ", "); lput(sbuf_str(sb)); } print_any_att_val(sb, ap, (void *)valp); lput(sbuf_str(sb)); sbuf_free(sb); } /* * Annotates a value in data section with var name and indices in comment */ static void annotate( const ncvar_t *vp, /* variable */ const size_t *cor, /* corner coordinates */ long iel /* which element in current row */ ) { int vrank = vp->ndims; int id; /* print indices according to data_lang */ /* printf(" // %s(", vp->name); */ printf(" // "); print_name(vp->name); printf("("); switch (formatting_specs.data_lang) { case LANG_C: /* C variable indices */ for (id = 0; id < vrank-1; id++) printf("%lu,", (unsigned long) cor[id]); printf("%lu", (unsigned long) cor[id] + iel); break; case LANG_F: /* Fortran variable indices */ printf("%lu", (unsigned long) cor[vrank-1] + iel + 1); for (id = vrank-2; id >=0 ; id--) { printf(",%lu", 1 + (unsigned long) cor[id]); } break; } printf(")\n "); } /* * Print a number of variable values, where the optional comments * for each value identify the variable, and each dimension index. */ static void pr_any_vals( const ncvar_t *vp, /* variable */ size_t len, /* number of values to print */ boolean more, /* true if more data for this row will * follow, so add trailing comma */ boolean lastrow, /* true if this is the last row for this * variable, so terminate with ";" instead * of "," */ const void *vals, /* pointer to block of values */ const size_t *cor /* corner coordinates */ ) { long iel; safebuf_t *sb = sbuf_new(); const char *valp = (const char *)vals; for (iel = 0; iel < len-1; iel++) { print_any_val(sb, vp, (void *)valp); valp += vp->tinfo->size; /* next value according to type */ if (formatting_specs.full_data_cmnts) { printf("%s, ", sb->buf); annotate (vp, cor, iel); } else { sbuf_cat(sb, ", "); lput(sbuf_str(sb)); } } print_any_val(sb, vp, (void *)valp); if (formatting_specs.full_data_cmnts) { printf("%s", sbuf_str(sb)); lastdelim (more, lastrow); annotate (vp, cor, iel); } else { lput(sbuf_str(sb)); lastdelim2 (more, lastrow); } sbuf_free(sb); } /* * Print a number of char variable values as a text string, where the * optional comments for each value identify the variable, and each * dimension index. */ static void pr_tvals( const ncvar_t *vp, /* variable */ size_t len, /* number of values to print */ boolean more, /* true if more data for this row will * follow, so add trailing comma */ boolean lastrow, /* true if this is the last row for this * variable, so terminate with ";" instead * of "," */ const char *vals, /* pointer to block of values */ const size_t *cor /* corner coordinates */ ) { long iel; const char *sp; printf("\""); /* adjust len so trailing nulls don't get printed */ sp = vals + len; while (len != 0 && *--sp == '\0') len--; for (iel = 0; iel < len; iel++) { unsigned char uc; switch (uc = *vals++ & 0377) { case '\b': printf("\\b"); break; case '\f': printf("\\f"); break; case '\n': /* generate linebreaks after new-lines */ printf("\\n\",\n \""); break; case '\r': printf("\\r"); break; case '\t': printf("\\t"); break; case '\v': printf("\\v"); break; case '\\': printf("\\\\"); break; case '\'': printf("\\\'"); break; case '\"': printf("\\\""); break; default: if (isprint(uc)) printf("%c",uc); else printf("\\%.3o",uc); break; } } printf("\""); /* if (fsp && formatting_specs.full_data_cmnts) { */ if (formatting_specs.full_data_cmnts) { lastdelim (more, lastrow); annotate (vp, (size_t *)cor, 0L); } else { lastdelim2 (more, lastrow); } } /* * Updates a vector of ints, odometer style. Returns 0 if odometer * overflowed, else 1. */ static int upcorner( const size_t *dims, /* The "odometer" limits for each dimension */ int ndims, /* Number of dimensions */ size_t* odom, /* The "odometer" vector to be updated */ const size_t* add /* A vector to "add" to odom on each update */ ) { int id; int ret = 1; for (id = ndims-1; id > 0; id--) { odom[id] += add[id]; if(odom[id] >= dims[id]) { odom[id-1]++; odom[id] -= dims[id]; } } odom[0] += add[0]; if (odom[0] >= dims[0]) ret = 0; return ret; } /* Output the data for a single variable, in CDL syntax. */ int vardata( const ncvar_t *vp, /* variable */ size_t vdims[], /* variable dimension sizes */ int ncid, /* netcdf id */ int varid /* variable id */ ) { size_t *cor; /* corner coordinates */ size_t *edg; /* edges of hypercube */ size_t *add; /* "odometer" increment to next "row" */ size_t gulp; void *vals; int id; int ir; size_t nels; size_t ncols; size_t nrows; int vrank = vp->ndims; cor = (size_t *) emalloc((1 + vrank) * sizeof(size_t)); edg = (size_t *) emalloc((1 + vrank) * sizeof(size_t)); add = (size_t *) emalloc((1 + vrank) * sizeof(size_t)); nels = 1; if(vrank == 0) { /*scalar*/ cor[0] = 0; edg[0] = 1; } for (id = 0; id < vrank; id++) { cor[id] = 0; edg[id] = 1; nels *= vdims[id]; /* total number of values for variable */ } printf("\n"); indent_out(); /* printf(" %s = ", vp->name); */ /* or */ /* printf(" %s =\n ", vp->name); */ printf(" "); print_name(vp->name); if (vrank <= 1) { printf(" = "); set_indent ((int)strlen(vp->name) + 4 + indent_get()); } else { printf(" =\n "); set_indent (2 + indent_get()); } if (vrank < 1) { ncols = 1; } else { ncols = vdims[vrank-1]; /* size of "row" along last dimension */ edg[vrank-1] = vdims[vrank-1]; for (id = 0; id < vrank; id++) add[id] = 0; if (vrank > 1) add[vrank-2] = 1; } nrows = nels/ncols; /* number of "rows" */ gulp = ncols < VALBUFSIZ ? ncols : VALBUFSIZ; vals = emalloc(gulp * vp->tinfo->size); for (ir = 0; ir < nrows; ir++) { /* * rather than just printing a whole row at once (which might * exceed the capacity of some platforms), we break each row * into smaller chunks, if necessary. */ size_t corsav = 0; int left = (int)ncols; boolean lastrow; if (vrank > 0) { corsav = cor[vrank-1]; if (formatting_specs.brief_data_cmnts != false && vrank > 1 && left > 0) { /* print brief comment with indices range */ /* printf("// %s(",vp->name); */ printf("// "); print_name(vp->name); printf("("); switch (formatting_specs.data_lang) { case LANG_C: /* print brief comment with C variable indices */ for (id = 0; id < vrank-1; id++) printf("%lu,", (unsigned long)cor[id]); if (vdims[vrank-1] == 1) printf("0"); else printf(" 0-%lu", (unsigned long)vdims[vrank-1]-1); break; case LANG_F: /* print brief comment with Fortran variable indices */ if (vdims[vrank-1] == 1) printf("1"); else printf("1-%lu ", (unsigned long)vdims[vrank-1]); for (id = vrank-2; id >=0 ; id--) { printf(",%lu", (unsigned long)(1 + cor[id])); } break; } printf(")\n"); indent_out(); printf(" "); set_indent(4 + indent_get()); } } lastrow = (boolean)(ir == nrows-1); while (left > 0) { size_t toget = left < gulp ? left : gulp; if (vrank > 0) edg[vrank-1] = toget; NC_CHECK(nc_get_vara(ncid, varid, cor, edg, vals)); /* Test if we should treat array of chars as a string */ if(vp->type == NC_CHAR && (vp->fmt == 0 || STREQ(vp->fmt,"%s") || STREQ(vp->fmt,""))) { pr_tvals(vp, toget, left > toget, lastrow, (char *) vals, cor); } else { pr_any_vals(vp, toget, left > toget, lastrow, vals, cor); } left -= toget; if (vrank > 0) cor[vrank-1] += toget; } if (vrank > 0) cor[vrank-1] = corsav; if (ir < nrows-1) if (!upcorner(vdims,vp->ndims,cor,add)) error("vardata: odometer overflowed!"); set_indent(2); } free(vals); free(cor); free(edg); free(add); return 0; } /* * print last delimiter in each line before annotation (, or ;) */ static void lastdelim2x (boolean more, boolean lastrow) { if (more) { lput(" "); } else { if(lastrow) { lput("\n "); } else { lput("\n "); } } } /* * Print a number of char variable values as a text string for NcML */ static void pr_tvalsx( const ncvar_t *vp, /* variable */ size_t len, /* number of values to print */ boolean more, /* true if more data for this row will * follow, so add trailing comma */ boolean lastrow, /* true if this is the last row for this * variable, so terminate with ";" instead * of "," */ const char *vals /* pointer to block of values */ ) { long iel; const char *sp; printf("\""); /* adjust len so trailing nulls don't get printed */ sp = vals + len; while (len != 0 && *--sp == '\0') len--; for (iel = 0; iel < len; iel++) { unsigned char uc; switch (uc = *vals++ & 0377) { case '\b': printf("\\b"); break; case '\f': printf("\\f"); break; case '\n': /* generate linebreaks after new-lines */ printf("\\n\",\n \""); break; case '\r': printf("\\r"); break; case '\t': printf("\\t"); break; case '\v': printf("\\v"); break; case '\\': printf("\\\\"); break; case '\'': printf("\\\'"); break; case '\"': printf("\\\""); break; default: if (isprint(uc)) printf("%c",uc); else printf("\\%.3o",uc); break; } } printf("\""); lastdelim2x (more, lastrow); } /* * Print a number of variable values for NcML */ static void pr_any_valsx( const ncvar_t *vp, /* variable */ size_t len, /* number of values to print */ boolean more, /* true if more data for this row will * follow, so add trailing comma */ boolean lastrow, /* true if this is the last row for this * variable, so terminate with ";" instead * of "," */ const void *vals /* pointer to block of values */ ) { long iel; safebuf_t *sb = sbuf_new(); const char *valp = (const char *)vals; for (iel = 0; iel < len-1; iel++) { print_any_val(sb, vp, (void *)valp); valp += vp->tinfo->size; /* next value according to type */ sbuf_cat(sb, " "); lput(sbuf_str(sb)); } print_any_val(sb, vp, (void *)valp); lput(sbuf_str(sb)); lastdelim2x (more, lastrow); sbuf_free(sb); } /* Output the data for a single variable, in NcML syntax. * TODO: currently not called, need option for NcML with values ... */ int vardatax( const ncvar_t *vp, /* variable */ size_t vdims[], /* variable dimension sizes */ int ncid, /* netcdf id */ int varid /* variable id */ ) { size_t *cor; /* corner coordinates */ size_t *edg; /* edges of hypercube */ size_t *add; /* "odometer" increment to next "row" */ size_t gulp; void *vals; int id; int ir; size_t nels; size_t ncols; size_t nrows; int vrank = vp->ndims; cor = (size_t *) emalloc((vrank + 1) * sizeof(size_t)); edg = (size_t *) emalloc((vrank + 1) * sizeof(size_t)); add = (size_t *) emalloc((vrank + 1) * sizeof(size_t)); nels = 1; for (id = 0; id < vrank; id++) { cor[id] = 0; edg[id] = 1; nels *= vdims[id]; /* total number of values for variable */ } printf(" \n "); set_indent (7); if (vrank < 1) { ncols = 1; } else { ncols = vdims[vrank-1]; /* size of "row" along last dimension */ edg[vrank-1] = vdims[vrank-1]; for (id = 0; id < vrank; id++) add[id] = 0; if (vrank > 1) add[vrank-2] = 1; } nrows = nels/ncols; /* number of "rows" */ gulp = ncols < VALBUFSIZ ? VALBUFSIZ : ncols; vals = emalloc(gulp * vp->tinfo->size); for (ir = 0; ir < nrows; ir++) { /* * rather than just printing a whole row at once (which might * exceed the capacity of some platforms), we break each row * into smaller chunks, if necessary. */ size_t corsav; int left = (int)ncols; boolean lastrow; if (vrank > 0) { corsav = cor[vrank-1]; } lastrow = (boolean)(ir == nrows-1); while (left > 0) { size_t toget = left < gulp ? left : gulp; if (vrank > 0) edg[vrank-1] = toget; NC_CHECK(nc_get_vara(ncid, varid, cor, edg, vals) ); /* Test if we should treat array of chars as a string */ if(vp->type == NC_CHAR && (vp->fmt == 0 || STREQ(vp->fmt,"%s") || STREQ(vp->fmt,""))) { pr_tvalsx(vp, toget, left > toget, lastrow, (char *) vals); } else { pr_any_valsx(vp, toget, left > toget, lastrow, vals); } left -= toget; if (vrank > 0) cor[vrank-1] += toget; } if (vrank > 0) cor[vrank-1] = corsav; if (ir < nrows-1) if (!upcorner(vdims,vp->ndims,cor,add)) error("vardata: odometer overflowed!"); set_indent(2); } printf(" \n"); free(vals); free(cor); free(edg); free(add); return 0; }