/********************************************************************* * Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. * $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/ncgen/genc.c,v 1.6 2010/05/17 23:26:44 dmh Exp $ *********************************************************************/ #include "includes.h" #include "nciter.h" #include /* for isprint() */ #ifdef ENABLE_C #undef TRACE extern List* vlenconstants; /* List;*/ /* Forward */ static const char* groupncid(Symbol*); static const char* typencid(Symbol*); static const char* varncid(Symbol*); static const char* dimncid(Symbol*); #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 static void definectype(Symbol*); static void genc_deftype(Symbol*); static void genc_definespecialattributes(Symbol* vsym); #endif static void genc_defineattr(Symbol* asym); static void genc_definevardata(Symbol*); static void genc_write(Symbol*,Bytebuffer*,Odometer*,int); static void computemaxunlimited(void); /* * Generate C code for creating netCDF from in-memory structure. */ void gen_ncc(const char *filename) { int idim, ivar, iatt, maxdims; int ndims, nvars, natts, ngatts, ngrps, ntyps; char* cmode_string; #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 int igrp,ityp; #endif ndims = listlength(dimdefs); nvars = listlength(vardefs); natts = listlength(attdefs); ngatts = listlength(gattdefs); ngrps = listlength(grpdefs); ntyps = listlength(typdefs); /* wrap in main program */ codeline("#include "); codeline("#include "); codeline("#include "); codeline(""); codeflush(); if(specialconstants) { /* If the input referenced e.g. nan, inf, etc; then provide definitions for them */ codeline(""); codeline("#define nanf (0.0f/0.0f)"); codeline("#define nan (0.0/0.0)"); codeline("#define inff (1.0f/0.0f)"); codeline("#define inf (1.0/0.0)"); codeline("#define infinityf inff"); codeline("#define infinity inf"); codeline(""); codeflush(); } codeline(""); codeflush(); #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 /* Construct C type definitions*/ if (ntyps > 0) { for(ityp = 0; ityp < ntyps; ityp++) { Symbol* tsym = (Symbol*)listget(typdefs,ityp); definectype(tsym); } codeline(""); } codeflush(); /* Define vlen constants The idea is to walk all the data lists whose variable type has a vlen and collect the vlen data and define a constant for it. */ { Bytebuffer* vlencode = bbNew(); codeflush(); /* dump code to this point*/ cdata_vlenconstants(vlenconstants,vlencode); codedump(vlencode); codeline(""); bbFree(vlencode); } /* Construct the chunking constants*/ if(!usingclassic) { for(ivar=0;ivarvar.special; if(special->flags & _CHUNKSIZES_FLAG) { int i; size_t* chunks = special->_ChunkSizes; if(special->nchunks == 0 || chunks == NULL) continue; bbClear(tmp); for(i=0;inchunks;i++) { bbprintf(tmp,"%s%ld", (i == 0?"":", "),special->_ChunkSizes[i]); } bbprintf0(stmt,"static size_t %s_chunksizes[%d] = {", cname(var),special->nchunks); codedump(stmt); codedump(tmp); codeline("} ;"); } } codeline(""); } #endif /*USE_NETCDF4*/ /* Now construct the main procedures*/ codeline("void"); codeline("check_err(const int stat, const int line, const char *file) {"); codelined(1,"if (stat != NC_NOERR) {"); codelined(2,"(void)fprintf(stderr,\"line %d of %s: %s\\n\", line, file, nc_strerror(stat));"); codelined(2,"fflush(stderr);"); codelined(2,"exit(1);"); codelined(1,"}"); codeline("}"); codeline(""); codeline("int"); bbprintf0(stmt,"%s() {/* create %s */\n", mainname, filename); codedump(stmt); /* create necessary declarations */ codeline(""); codelined(1,"int stat; /* return status */"); codelined(1,"int ncid; /* netCDF id */"); codeflush(); #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 /* Define variables to hold group ids*/ if(!usingclassic) { codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* group ids */"); } if(!usingclassic && ngrps > 0) { for(igrp = 0; igrp < ngrps; igrp++) { Symbol* gsym = (Symbol*)listget(grpdefs,igrp); bbprintf0(stmt,"%sint %s;\n",indented(1),groupncid(gsym)); codedump(stmt); } } /* define variables to hold type ids*/ if(!usingclassic && ntyps > 0) { codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* type ids */"); for(ityp = 0; ityp < ntyps; ityp++) { Symbol* tsym = (Symbol*)listget(typdefs,ityp); bbprintf0(stmt,"%sint %s;\n",indented(1), typencid(tsym)); codedump(stmt); } } codeflush(); #endif if (ndims > 0) { codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* dimension ids */"); for(idim = 0; idim < ndims; idim++) { Symbol* dsym = (Symbol*)listget(dimdefs,idim); bbprintf0(stmt,"%sint %s;\n", indented(1), dimncid(dsym)); codedump(stmt); } codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* dimension lengths */"); for(idim = 0; idim < ndims; idim++) { Symbol* dsym = (Symbol*)listget(dimdefs,idim); if(dsym->dim.declsize == NC_UNLIMITED) { bbprintf0(stmt,"%ssize_t %s_len = NC_UNLIMITED;\n", indented(1),cname(dsym)); } else { bbprintf0(stmt,"%ssize_t %s_len = %lu;\n", indented(1), cname(dsym), (unsigned long) dsym->dim.declsize); } codedump(stmt); } } codeflush(); maxdims = 0; /* most dimensions of any variable */ for(ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,ivar); if(vsym->typ.dimset.ndims > maxdims) maxdims = vsym->typ.dimset.ndims; } if (nvars > 0) { codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* variable ids */"); for(ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,ivar); bbprintf0(stmt," int %s;\n", varncid(vsym)); codedump(stmt); } codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* rank (number of dimensions) for each variable */"); for(ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,ivar); bbprintf0(stmt,"# define RANK_%s %d\n", cname(vsym), vsym->typ.dimset.ndims); codedump(stmt); } if (maxdims > 0) { /* we have dimensioned variables */ codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* variable shapes */"); for(ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,ivar); if (vsym->typ.dimset.ndims > 0) { bbprintf0(stmt," int %s_dims[RANK_%s];\n", cname(vsym), cname(vsym)); codedump(stmt); } } } } codeflush(); /* create netCDF file, uses NC_CLOBBER mode */ codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* enter define mode */"); if (!cmode_modifier) { cmode_string = "NC_CLOBBER"; } else if (cmode_modifier & NC_64BIT_OFFSET) { cmode_string = "NC_CLOBBER|NC_64BIT_OFFSET"; #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 } else if (cmode_modifier & NC_CLASSIC_MODEL) { cmode_string = "NC_CLOBBER|NC_NETCDF4|NC_CLASSIC_MODEL"; } else if (cmode_modifier & NC_NETCDF4) { cmode_string = "NC_CLOBBER|NC_NETCDF4"; #endif } else { derror("unknown cmode modifier"); cmode_string = "NC_CLOBBER"; } bbprintf0(stmt," stat = nc_create(\"%s\", %s, &ncid);\n", filename,cmode_string); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); codeflush(); #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 /* Define the group structure */ /* ncid created above is also root group*/ if(!usingclassic) { bbprintf0(stmt," %s = ncid;\n",groupncid(rootgroup)); codedump(stmt); /* walking grpdefs list will do a preorder walk of all defined groups*/ for(igrp=0;igrpcontainer == NULL) PANIC("null container"); bbprintf0(stmt, " stat = nc_def_grp(%s, \"%s\", &%s);\n", groupncid(gsym->container), gsym->name, groupncid(gsym)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); } codeflush(); } #endif #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 /* Construct code to define types*/ if(ntyps > 0) { codeline(""); for(ityp = 0; ityp < ntyps; ityp++) { Symbol* tsym = (Symbol*)listget(typdefs,ityp); if(tsym->subclass == NC_PRIM || tsym->subclass == NC_ARRAY) continue; /* no need to do these*/ genc_deftype(tsym); codeline(""); } } codeflush(); #endif /* define dimensions from info in dims array */ if (ndims > 0) { codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* define dimensions */"); for(idim = 0; idim < ndims; idim++) { Symbol* dsym = (Symbol*)listget(dimdefs,idim); bbprintf0(stmt, " stat = nc_def_dim(%s, \"%s\", %s_len, &%s);\n", groupncid(dsym->container), escapifyname(dsym->name), cname(dsym), dimncid(dsym)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); } } codeflush(); /* define variables from info in vars array */ if (nvars > 0) { codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* define variables */"); for(ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,ivar); Symbol* basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; Dimset* dimset = &vsym->typ.dimset; codeline(""); if(dimset->ndims > 0) { for(idim = 0; idim < dimset->ndims; idim++) { Symbol* dsym = dimset->dimsyms[idim]; bbprintf0(stmt, " %s_dims[%d] = %s;\n", cname(vsym), idim, dimncid(dsym)); codedump(stmt); } } bbprintf0(stmt, " stat = nc_def_var(%s, \"%s\", %s, RANK_%s, %s, &%s);\n", groupncid(vsym->container), escapifyname(vsym->name), typencid(basetype), cname(vsym), (dimset->ndims == 0?"0":poolcat(cname(vsym),"_dims")), varncid(vsym)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 genc_definespecialattributes(vsym); #endif /*USE_NETCDF4*/ } } codeflush(); /* Define the global attributes*/ if(ngatts > 0) { codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* assign global attributes */"); for(iatt = 0; iatt < ngatts; iatt++) { Symbol* gasym = (Symbol*)listget(gattdefs,iatt); genc_defineattr(gasym); } codeline(""); } codeflush(); /* Define the variable specific attributes*/ if(natts > 0) { codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* assign per-variable attributes */"); for(iatt = 0; iatt < natts; iatt++) { Symbol* asym = (Symbol*)listget(attdefs,iatt); genc_defineattr(asym); } codeline(""); } codeflush(); if (nofill_flag) { codelined(1,"/* don't initialize variables with fill values */"); bbindent(stmt,1); bbprintf0(stmt,"stat = nc_set_fill(%s, NC_NOFILL, 0);",groupncid(rootgroup)); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); } codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* leave define mode */"); bbprintf0(stmt," stat = nc_enddef (%s);\n",groupncid(rootgroup)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); codeflush(); /* Load values into those variables with defined data */ if(nvars > 0) { codeline(""); codelined(1,"/* assign variable data */"); for(ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,ivar); if(vsym->data != NULL) genc_definevardata(vsym); } codeline(""); /* compute the max actual size of the unlimited dimension*/ if(usingclassic) computemaxunlimited(); } codeflush(); } #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 static void genc_definespecialattributes(Symbol* vsym) { Specialdata* special = &vsym->var.special; if(usingclassic) return; if(special->flags & _STORAGE_FLAG) { int storage = special->_Storage; size_t* chunks = special->_ChunkSizes; bbprintf0(stmt, " stat = nc_def_var_chunking(%s, %s, %s, ", groupncid(vsym->container), varncid(vsym), (storage == NC_CONTIGUOUS?"NC_CONTIGUOUS":"NC_CHUNKED")); codedump(stmt); if(special->nchunks == 0 || chunks == NULL) codepartial("NULL"); else { bbprintf0(stmt,"%s_chunksizes",cname(vsym)); codedump(stmt); } codeline(");"); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); } if(special->flags & _FLETCHER32_FLAG) { bbprintf0(stmt, " stat = nc_def_var_fletcher32(%s, %s, %d);\n", groupncid(vsym->container), varncid(vsym), special->_Fletcher32); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); } if(special->flags & (_DEFLATE_FLAG | _SHUFFLE_FLAG)) { bbprintf0(stmt, " stat = nc_def_var_deflate(%s, %s, %s, %d, %d);\n", groupncid(vsym->container), varncid(vsym), (special->_Shuffle == 1?"NC_SHUFFLE":"NC_NOSHUFFLE"), (special->_DeflateLevel >= 0?1:0), (special->_DeflateLevel >= 0?special->_DeflateLevel:0)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); } if(special->flags & _ENDIAN_FLAG) { bbprintf0(stmt, " stat = nc_def_var_endian(%s, %s, %s);\n", groupncid(vsym->container), varncid(vsym), (special->_Endianness == NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE?"NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE" :"NC_ENDIAN_BIG") ); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); } if(special->flags & _NOFILL_FLAG) { bbprintf0(stmt, " stat = nc_def_var_fill(%s, %s, %s, NULL);\n", groupncid(vsym->container), varncid(vsym), (special->_Fill?"NC_FILL":"NC_NOFILL") ); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); } } #endif /*USE_NETCDF4*/ void cl_c(void) { bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_close(%s);\n",indented(1),groupncid(rootgroup)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); #ifndef vms codelined(1,"return 0;"); #else codelined(1,"return 1;"); #endif codeline("}"); codeflush(); } /* * Output a C statement */ #define INDENTMAX 256 static char* dent = NULL; char* indented(int n) { char* indentation; if(dent == NULL) { dent = (char*)emalloc(INDENTMAX+1); memset((void*)dent,' ',INDENTMAX); dent[INDENTMAX] = '\0'; } if(n*4 >= INDENTMAX) n = INDENTMAX/4; indentation = dent+(INDENTMAX - 4*n); return indentation; } /* return C name for netCDF type, given type code */ const char * nctype(nc_type type) { switch (type) { case NC_CHAR: return "NC_CHAR"; case NC_BYTE: return "NC_BYTE"; case NC_SHORT: return "NC_SHORT"; case NC_INT: return "NC_INT"; case NC_FLOAT: return "NC_FLOAT"; case NC_DOUBLE: return "NC_DOUBLE"; case NC_UBYTE: return "NC_UBYTE"; case NC_USHORT: return "NC_USHORT"; case NC_UINT: return "NC_UINT"; case NC_INT64: return "NC_INT64"; case NC_UINT64: return "NC_UINT64"; case NC_STRING: return "NC_STRING"; default: PANIC("nctype: bad type code"); } return NULL; } /* * Return C type name for netCDF type, given type code. */ const char* ncctype(nc_type type) { switch (type) { case NC_CHAR: return "char"; case NC_BYTE: return "signed char"; case NC_SHORT: return "short"; case NC_INT: return "int"; case NC_FLOAT: return "float"; case NC_DOUBLE: return "double"; case NC_UBYTE: return "unsigned char"; case NC_USHORT: return "unsigned short"; case NC_UINT: return "unsigned int"; case NC_INT64: return "signed long long"; case NC_UINT64: return "unsigned long long"; case NC_STRING: return "char*"; default: PANIC1("ncctype: bad type code:%d",type); } return 0; } /* * Return C type name for netCDF type suffix, given type code. */ const char* ncstype(nc_type nctype) { switch (nctype) { case NC_CHAR: return "text"; case NC_BYTE: return "schar"; case NC_SHORT: return "short"; case NC_INT: return "int"; case NC_FLOAT: return "float"; case NC_DOUBLE: return "double"; case NC_UBYTE: return "ubyte"; case NC_USHORT: return "ushort"; case NC_UINT: return "uint"; case NC_INT64: return "longlong"; case NC_UINT64: return "ulonglong"; case NC_STRING: return "string"; default: derror("ncstype: bad type code: %d",nctype); return 0; } } /* Return the group name for the specified group*/ static const char* groupncid(Symbol* sym) { #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 if(usingclassic) { return "ncid"; } else { char* grptmp; const char* tmp1; if(sym == NULL) return groupncid(rootgroup); ASSERT(sym->objectclass == NC_GRP); tmp1 = cname(sym); grptmp = poolalloc(strlen(tmp1)+strlen("_grp")+1); strcpy(grptmp,tmp1); strcat(grptmp,"_grp"); return grptmp; } #else return "ncid"; #endif } /* Compute the C name for a given type's id*/ /* Watch out: the result is a static*/ static const char* typencid(Symbol* tsym) { char* typtmp; const char* tmp1; if(tsym->subclass == NC_PRIM) return nctype(tsym->typ.typecode); tmp1 = ctypename(tsym); typtmp = poolalloc(strlen(tmp1)+strlen("_typ")+1); strcpy(typtmp,tmp1); strcat(typtmp,"_typ"); return typtmp; } /* Compute the C name for a given var's id*/ /* Watch out: the result is a static*/ static const char* varncid(Symbol* vsym) { const char* tmp1; char* vartmp; tmp1 = cname(vsym); vartmp = poolalloc(strlen(tmp1)+strlen("_id")+1); strcpy(vartmp,tmp1); strcat(vartmp,"_id"); return vartmp; } /* Compute the C name for a given dim's id*/ /* Watch out: the result is a static*/ static const char* dimncid(Symbol* dsym) { const char* tmp1; char* dimtmp; tmp1 = cname(dsym); dimtmp = poolalloc(strlen(tmp1)+strlen("_dim")+1); strcpy(dimtmp,tmp1); strcat(dimtmp,"_dim"); return dimtmp; } /* Compute the C name for a given type*/ const char* ctypename(Symbol* tsym) { const char* name; ASSERT(tsym->objectclass == NC_TYPE); if(tsym->subclass == NC_PRIM) name = ncctype(tsym->typ.typecode); else name = cname(tsym); return name; } #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 static void definectype(Symbol* tsym) { int i,j; ASSERT(tsym->objectclass == NC_TYPE); switch (tsym->subclass) { case NC_PRIM: break; /* these are already taken care of*/ case NC_OPAQUE: bbprintf0(stmt,"typedef unsigned char %s[%lu];\n", cname(tsym), tsym->typ.size); codedump(stmt); break; case NC_ENUM: for(i=0;isubnodes);i++) { Symbol* econst = (Symbol*)listget(tsym->subnodes,i); ASSERT(econst->subclass == NC_ECONST); bbprintf0(stmt,"#define %s ((%s)%s)\n", cname(econst), ctypename(econst->typ.basetype), cdata_const(&econst->typ.econst)); codedump(stmt); } bbprintf0(stmt,"typedef %s %s;\n", ctypename(tsym->typ.basetype), cname(tsym)); codedump(stmt); break; case NC_VLEN: bbprintf0(stmt,"typedef nc_vlen_t %s;\n", ctypename(tsym)); codedump(stmt); break; case NC_COMPOUND: bbprintf0(stmt,"typedef struct %s {\n",cname(tsym)); codedump(stmt); for(i=0;isubnodes);i++) { Symbol* efield = (Symbol*)listget(tsym->subnodes,i); ASSERT(efield->subclass == NC_FIELD); bbprintf0(stmt,"%s%s %s", indented(1),ctypename(efield->typ.basetype),cname(efield)); codedump(stmt); /* compute any dimension specification*/ if(efield->typ.dimset.ndims > 0) { Bytebuffer* dimbuf = bbNew(); for(j=0;jtyp.dimset.ndims;j++) { Symbol* dim; char tmp[64]; bbCat(dimbuf,"["); dim = efield->typ.dimset.dimsyms[j]; ASSERT(dim->dim.isconstant); snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%u", (unsigned int)dim->dim.declsize); bbCat(dimbuf,tmp); bbCat(dimbuf,"]"); } codedump(dimbuf); bbFree(dimbuf); } codeline(";"); } bbprintf0(stmt,"} %s;\n", ctypename(tsym)); codedump(stmt); break; case NC_ARRAY: /* ignore: this will be handled by def_var*/ break; default: panic("definectype: unexpected type subclass: %d",tsym->subclass); } } /* Generate the C code for defining a given type */ static void genc_deftype(Symbol* tsym) { int i; ASSERT(tsym->objectclass == NC_TYPE); switch (tsym->subclass) { case NC_PRIM: break; /* these are already taken care of*/ case NC_OPAQUE: bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_def_opaque(%s, %lu, \"%s\", &%s);\n", indented(1), groupncid(tsym->container), tsym->typ.size, tsym->name, typencid(tsym)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); break; case NC_ENUM: codelined(1,"{"); bbprintf0(stmt,"%s%s econst;\n", indented(1), ncctype(tsym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode)); codedump(stmt); bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_def_enum(%s, %s, \"%s\", &%s);\n", indented(1), groupncid(tsym->container), nctype(tsym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode), tsym->name, typencid(tsym)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); for(i=0;isubnodes);i++) { Symbol* econst = (Symbol*)listget(tsym->subnodes,i); ASSERT(econst->subclass == NC_ECONST); bbprintf0(stmt,"%seconst = %s;\n", indented(1),cdata_const(&econst->typ.econst)); codedump(stmt); bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_insert_enum(%s, %s, \"%s\", &econst);\n", indented(1), groupncid(tsym->container), typencid(tsym), escapifyname(econst->name)); codedump(stmt); } codelined(1,"}"); break; case NC_VLEN: bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_def_vlen(%s, \"%s\", %s, &%s);", indented(1), groupncid(tsym->container), escapifyname(tsym->name), typencid(tsym->typ.basetype), typencid(tsym)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); break; case NC_COMPOUND: bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_def_compound(%s, sizeof(%s), \"%s\", &%s);", indented(1), groupncid(tsym->container), ctypename(tsym), escapifyname(tsym->name), typencid(tsym)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); /* Generate the field dimension constants*/ codelined(1,"{"); for(i=0;isubnodes);i++) { int j; Symbol* efield = (Symbol*)listget(tsym->subnodes,i); ASSERT(efield->subclass == NC_FIELD); if(efield->typ.dimset.ndims == 0) continue; bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstatic int %s_dims[%d] = {\n", indented(1), cname(efield),efield->typ.dimset.ndims); for(j=0;jtyp.dimset.ndims;j++) { char tmp[256]; Symbol* e = efield->typ.dimset.dimsyms[j]; ASSERT(e->dim.isconstant); snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%u",(unsigned int)e->dim.declsize); bbCat(stmt,(j==0?"":", ")); bbCat(stmt,tmp); } bbCat(stmt,"};"); codedump(stmt); } for(i=0;isubnodes);i++) { Symbol* efield = (Symbol*)listget(tsym->subnodes,i); char tmp[1024]; ASSERT(efield->subclass == NC_FIELD); #ifdef TESTALIGNMENT snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%lu",efield->typ.offset); #else snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"NC_COMPOUND_OFFSET(%s,%s)", ctypename(tsym), cname(efield)); #endif if(efield->typ.dimset.ndims > 0){ bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_insert_array_compound(%s, %s, \"%s\", %s, %s, %d, %s_dims);", indented(1), groupncid(tsym->container), typencid(tsym), escapifyname(efield->name), tmp, typencid(efield->typ.basetype), efield->typ.dimset.ndims, cname(efield)); } else { bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_insert_compound(%s, %s, \"%s\", %s, %s);", indented(1), groupncid(tsym->container), typencid(tsym), escapifyname(efield->name), tmp, typencid(efield->typ.basetype)); } codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); } codelined(1,"}"); break; case NC_ARRAY: /* ignore: this will be handled by def_var*/ break; default: panic("genc_deftype: unexpected type subclass: %d",tsym->subclass); } } #endif /*USE_NETCDF4*/ static void genc_defineattr(Symbol* asym) { unsigned long len; Datalist* list; Symbol* basetype = asym->typ.basetype; Bytebuffer* code = NULL; /* capture other decls*/ nc_type typecode = basetype->typ.typecode; list = asym->data; len = list==NULL?0:list->length; bbprintf0(stmt,"%s{ /* %s */\n",indented(1),asym->name); codedump(stmt); code = bbNew(); cdata_attrdata(asym,code); /* Handle NC_CHAR specially */ if(typecode == NC_CHAR) { /* revise the length count */ len = bbLength(code); cquotestring(code); bbNull(code); } else { /* All other cases */ commify(code); bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstatic const %s %s_att[%ld] = ",indented(1), ctypename(basetype), cname(asym), asym->data->length ); codedump(stmt); codepartial("{"); codedump(code); codepartial("}"); codeline(" ;"); bbClear(code); } /* Use the specialized put_att_XX routines if possible*/ /*defatt:*/ switch (basetype->typ.typecode) { case NC_BYTE: case NC_SHORT: case NC_INT: case NC_FLOAT: case NC_DOUBLE: bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_put_att_%s(%s, %s, \"%s\", %s, %lu, %s_att);\n", indented(1), ncstype(basetype->typ.typecode), groupncid(asym->container), (asym->att.var == NULL?"NC_GLOBAL" :varncid(asym->att.var)), escapifyname(asym->name), typencid(basetype), len, cname(asym)); codedump(stmt); break; case NC_CHAR: /* Include the string constant in-line */ bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_put_att_%s(%s, %s, \"%s\", %lu, %s);\n", indented(1), ncstype(basetype->typ.typecode), groupncid(asym->container), (asym->att.var == NULL?"NC_GLOBAL" :varncid(asym->att.var)), escapifyname(asym->name), len, bbContents(code)); codedump(stmt); break; #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 /* !usingclassic only (except NC_STRING) */ case NC_UBYTE: case NC_USHORT: case NC_UINT: case NC_INT64: case NC_UINT64: if(usingclassic) { verror("Non-classic type: %s",nctypename(basetype->typ.typecode)); return; } bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_put_att_%s(%s, %s, \"%s\", %s, %lu, %s_att);", indented(1), ncstype(basetype->typ.typecode), groupncid(asym->container), (asym->att.var == NULL?"NC_GLOBAL" :varncid(asym->att.var)), escapifyname(asym->name), typencid(basetype), len, cname(asym)); codedump(stmt); break; case NC_STRING: if(usingclassic) { verror("Non-classic type: %s",nctypename(basetype->typ.typecode)); return; } bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_put_att_%s(%s, %s, \"%s\", %lu, %s_att);", indented(1), ncstype(basetype->typ.typecode), groupncid(asym->container), (asym->att.var == NULL?"NC_GLOBAL" :varncid(asym->att.var)), escapifyname(asym->name), len, cname(asym)); codedump(stmt); break; #endif default: /* User defined type */ #ifndef USE_NETCDF4 verror("Non-classic type: %s",nctypename(basetype->typ.typecode)); #else /* USE_NETCDF4 */ if(usingclassic && !isclassicprim(basetype->typ.typecode)) { verror("Non-classic type: %s",nctypename(basetype->typ.typecode)); } bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_put_att(%s, %s, \"%s\", %s, %lu, %s_att);", indented(1), groupncid(asym->container), (asym->att.var == NULL?"NC_GLOBAL" :varncid(asym->att.var)), escapifyname(asym->name), typencid(basetype), len, cname(asym)); codedump(stmt); #endif break; } bbFree(code); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); codelined(1,"}"); } static void computemaxunlimited(void) { int i; unsigned long maxsize; Symbol* udim = rootgroup->grp.unlimiteddim; if(udim == NULL) return; /* there is no unlimited dimension*/ /* Look at each variable and see what*/ /* size it gives to the unlimited dim (if any)*/ maxsize = 0; for(i=0;ityp.dimset.ndims == 0) continue; /* rank == 0*/ dim = var->typ.dimset.dimsyms[0]; if(dim->dim.declsize != NC_UNLIMITED) continue; /* var does not use unlimited*/ if(var->typ.dimset.dimsyms[0]->dim.declsize > maxsize) maxsize = var->typ.dimset.dimsyms[0]->dim.declsize; } } static void genc_definevardata(Symbol* vsym) { Dimset* dimset = &vsym->typ.dimset; int isscalar = (dimset->ndims == 0); Bytebuffer* code = NULL; Datasrc* src = NULL; Datalist* fillsrc = NULL; nciter_t iter; Odometer* odom = NULL; size_t nelems; int chartype = (vsym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode == NC_CHAR); if(vsym->data == NULL) return; code = bbNew(); /* give the buffer a running start to be large enough*/ bbSetalloc(code, nciterbuffersize); if(!isscalar && chartype) { gen_chararray(vsym,code,fillsrc); /* generate a corresponding odometer */ odom = newodometer(&vsym->typ.dimset,NULL,NULL); /* patch the odometer to use the right counts */ genc_write(vsym,code,odom,0); } else { /* not character constant */ src = datalist2src(vsym->data); fillsrc = vsym->var.special._Fillvalue; /* Handle special cases first*/ if(isscalar) { cdata_basetype(vsym->typ.basetype,src,code,fillsrc); commify(code); genc_write(vsym,code,NULL,1); } else { /* Non-scalar*/ /* Create an iterator to generate blocks of data */ nc_get_iter(vsym,nciterbuffersize,&iter); /* Fill in the local odometer instance */ odom = newodometer(&vsym->typ.dimset,NULL,NULL); for(;;) { nelems=nc_next_iter(&iter,odom->start,odom->count); if(nelems == 0) break; cdata_array(vsym,code,src,odom,/*index=*/0,fillsrc); commify(code); genc_write(vsym,code,odom,0); } } } if(odom != NULL) odometerfree(odom); bbFree(code); } static void genc_write(Symbol* vsym, Bytebuffer* code, Odometer* odom, int isscalar) { Symbol* basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; Dimset* dimset = &vsym->typ.dimset; int rank = dimset->ndims; int chartype = (vsym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode == NC_CHAR); if(isscalar) { codelined(1,"{"); codelined(1,"size_t zero = 0;"); bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstatic %s %s_data[1] = {%s};\n", indented(1), ctypename(basetype), cname(vsym), bbContents(code)); codedump(stmt); bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_put_var1(%s, %s, &zero, %s_data);", indented(1), groupncid(vsym->container), varncid(vsym), cname(vsym)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); codelined(1,"}"); } else { int i; size_t count = 0; if(chartype) count = bbLength(code); else count = odometertotal(odom,0); /* define a block to avoid name clashes*/ bbprintf0(stmt,"%s{\n",indented(1)); /* generate data constant */ bbprintf(stmt,"%s%s %s_data[%lu] = ", indented(1), ctypename(basetype), cname(vsym), (unsigned long)count); codedump(stmt); if(chartype) { cquotestring(code); codedump(code); codeline(" ;"); } else { /* C requires an outer set of braces on datalist constants */ codepartial("{"); codedump(code); codeline("} ;"); } /* generate constants for startset, countset*/ bbprintf0(stmt,"%ssize_t %s_startset[%lu] = {", indented(1), cname(vsym), rank); for(i=0;i0?", ":""),odom->start[i]); } codedump(stmt); codeline("} ;"); bbprintf0(stmt,"%ssize_t %s_countset[%lu] = {", indented(1), cname(vsym), rank); for(i=0;i0?", ":""),odom->count[i]); } codedump(stmt); codeline("} ;"); bbprintf0(stmt,"%sstat = nc_put_vara(%s, %s, %s_startset, %s_countset, %s_data);\n", indented(1), groupncid(vsym->container), varncid(vsym), cname(vsym), cname(vsym), cname(vsym)); codedump(stmt); codelined(1,"check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__);"); /* end defined block*/ codelined(1,"}\n"); } } #endif /*ENABLE_C*/