/*! \file Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata. See \ref copyright file for more info. */ #include "d4includes.h" #include "d4curlfunctions.h" #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif #include "ncpathmgr.h" /* Do conversion if this code was compiled via Vis. Studio or Mingw */ /*Forward*/ static int readpacket(NCD4INFO* state, NCURI*, NCbytes*, NCD4mode, NCD4format, int*, long*); static int readfile(NCD4INFO* state, const NCURI* uri, NCD4mode dxx, NCD4format fxx, NCbytes* packet); static int readfileDAPDMR(NCD4INFO* state, const NCURI* uri, NCbytes* packet); #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY static double deltatime(struct timeval time0,struct timeval time1) { double t0, t1; t0 = ((double)time0.tv_sec); t0 += ((double)time0.tv_usec) / 1000000.0; t1 = ((double)time1.tv_sec); t1 += ((double)time1.tv_usec) / 1000000.0; return (t1 - t0); } #endif int NCD4_readDMR(NCD4INFO* state, NCURI* url, NCD4response* resp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; ncbytesclear(state->curl->packet); stat = readpacket(state,url,state->curl->packet,NCD4_DMR,NCD4_FORMAT_XML,&resp->serial.httpcode,NULL); return THROW(stat); } int NCD4_readDAP(NCD4INFO* state, NCURI* url, NCD4response* resp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; ncbytesclear(state->curl->packet); stat = readpacket(state,url,state->curl->packet,NCD4_DAP,NCD4_FORMAT_NONE,&resp->serial.httpcode,NULL); if(stat) { NCD4_seterrormessage(resp, nclistlength(state->curl->packet), nclistcontents(state->curl->packet)); } else { resp->raw.size = ncbyteslength(state->curl->packet); resp->raw.memory = ncbytesextract(state->curl->packet); } return THROW(stat); } static const char* dxxextension(int dxx) { switch(dxx) { case NCD4_DMR: return ".dmr"; case NCD4_DAP: return ".dap"; default: break; } return NULL; } static const char* dxxformat(int fxx, int dxx) { switch(dxx) { case NCD4_DMR: switch(fxx) { case NCD4_FORMAT_XML:return ".xml"; default: break; } break; case NCD4_DAP: switch(fxx) { case NCD4_FORMAT_NONE:return ""; default: break; } break; default: break; } return NULL; } static int readpacket(NCD4INFO* state, NCURI* url, NCbytes* packet, NCD4mode dxx, NCD4format fxx, int* httpcodep, long* lastmodified) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int fileprotocol = 0; CURL* curl = state->curl->curl; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY struct timeval time0; struct timeval time1; #endif char suffix[256]; suffix[0] = '\0'; strlcat(suffix,dxxextension(dxx),sizeof(suffix)); strlcat(suffix,dxxformat(fxx,dxx),sizeof(suffix)); fileprotocol = (strcmp(url->protocol,"file")==0); if(fileprotocol) { /* Short circuit file://... urls*/ /* We do this because the test code always needs to read files*/ stat = readfile(state, url, dxx, fxx, packet); } else { char* fetchurl = NULL; int flags = NCURIBASE; if(!fileprotocol) flags |= NCURIQUERY; flags |= NCURIENCODE; fetchurl = ncuribuild(url,NULL,suffix,flags); MEMCHECK(fetchurl); if(FLAGSET(state->controls.flags,NCF_SHOWFETCH)) { nclog(NCLOGDEBUG,"fetch url=%s",fetchurl); #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY gettimeofday(&time0,NULL); #endif } stat = NCD4_fetchurl(curl,fetchurl,packet,lastmodified,httpcodep); nullfree(fetchurl); if(stat) goto fail; if(FLAGSET(state->controls.flags,NCF_SHOWFETCH)) { double secs = 0; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY gettimeofday(&time1,NULL); secs = deltatime(time0,time1); #endif nclog(NCLOGDEBUG,"fetch complete: %0.3f",secs); } } #ifdef D4DEBUG { fprintf(stderr,"readpacket: packet.size=%lu\n", (unsigned long)ncbyteslength(packet)); } #endif fail: return THROW(stat); } #if 0 static int readfromfile(NCD4INFO* state, const NCURI* uri, NCD4mode dxx, NCD4format fxx, d4size_t* sizep) { int stat = NC_NOERR; size_t len; ncbytesclear(state->curl->packet); stat = readfile(state, uri, dxx, fxx, state->curl->packet); #ifdef D4DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"readfiletofile: packet.size=%lu\n", (unsigned long)ncbyteslength(state->curl->packet)); #endif if(stat != NC_NOERR) goto unwind; len = nclistlength(state->curl->packet); if(sizep != NULL) *sizep = len; unwind: return THROW(stat); } #endif static int readfile(NCD4INFO* state, const NCURI* uri, NCD4mode dxx, NCD4format fxx, NCbytes* packet) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCbytes* tmp = ncbytesnew(); char* filename = NULL; char suffix[256]; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY struct timeval time0; struct timeval time1; #endif suffix[0] = '\0'; strlcat(suffix,dxxextension(dxx),sizeof(suffix)); #if 0 not needed strlcat(suffix,dxxformat(fxx,dxx),sizeof(suffix)); #endif ncbytescat(tmp,uri->path); ncbytescat(tmp,suffix); ncbytesnull(tmp); filename = ncbytesextract(tmp); ncbytesfree(tmp); nullfree(state->fileproto.filename); state->fileproto.filename = filename; /* filename is alloc'd here anyway */ if(FLAGSET(state->controls.flags,NCF_SHOWFETCH)) { char* surl = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY gettimeofday(&time0,NULL); #endif surl = ncuribuild((NCURI*)uri,NULL,NULL,NCURIALL); nclog(NCLOGDEBUG,"fetch uri=%s file=%s",surl,filename); } switch (dxx) { case NCD4_DMR: if((stat = NC_readfile(filename,packet))) { /* See if we can get the same thing from the .dap file */ stat = readfileDAPDMR(state,uri,packet); } break; case NCD4_DAP: case NCD4_DSR: stat = NC_readfile(filename,packet); break; default: stat = NC_EDAP; break; } if(FLAGSET(state->controls.flags,NCF_SHOWFETCH)) { double secs; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY gettimeofday(&time1,NULL); secs = deltatime(time0,time1); #endif nclog(NCLOGDEBUG,"%s fetch complete: %0.3f",suffix,secs); } return THROW(stat); } /* Extract the DMR from a DAP file */ static int readfileDAPDMR(NCD4INFO* state, const NCURI* uri, NCbytes* packet) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCbytes* tmp = ncbytesnew(); char* filename = NULL; NCD4HDR hdr; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY struct timeval time0; struct timeval time1; #endif ncbytescat(tmp,uri->path); ncbytescat(tmp,".dap"); ncbytesnull(tmp); filename = ncbytesextract(tmp); ncbytesfree(tmp); nullfree(state->fileproto.filename); state->fileproto.filename = filename; /* filename is alloc'd here anyway */ if(FLAGSET(state->controls.flags,NCF_SHOWFETCH)) { char* surl = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY gettimeofday(&time0,NULL); #endif surl = ncuribuild((NCURI*)uri,NULL,".dap",NCURIALL); nclog(NCLOGDEBUG,"fetch uri=%s file=%s",surl,filename); } stat = NC_readfile(filename,packet); if(FLAGSET(state->controls.flags,NCF_SHOWFETCH)) { double secs; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY gettimeofday(&time1,NULL); secs = deltatime(time0,time1); #endif nclog(NCLOGDEBUG,"fetch complete: %0.3f",secs); } if(stat != NC_NOERR) goto done; /* Extract the DMR from the dap */ NCD4_getheader(ncbytescontents(packet),&hdr,NCD4_isLittleEndian()); if(hdr.count == 0 || (hdr.flags & NCD4_ERR_CHUNK)) return THROW(NC_EDMR); /* patch up the packet */ { int i; size_t newlen; for(i=0;i<4;i++) ncbytesremove(packet,0); /* remove the hdr */ /* null terminate */ ncbytessetlength(packet,hdr.count-1); ncbytesnull(packet); /* Suppress nuls */ newlen = NCD4_elidenuls(ncbytescontents(packet),ncbyteslength(packet)); /* reset packet length */ ncbytessetlength(packet,newlen); } done: return THROW(stat); } /* Extract packet as error message; assume httpcode set */ int NCD4_seterrormessage(NCD4response* resp, size_t len, char* msg) { resp->error.message = (char*)d4alloc(len+1); if(resp->error.message == NULL) return THROW(NC_ENOMEM); memcpy(resp->error.message,msg,len); resp->error.message[len] = '\0'; return THROW(NC_ENODATA); /* slight lie */ }