/********************************************************************* * Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. * $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/ncgen/escapes.c,v 1.5 2010/04/04 19:39:44 dmh Exp $ *********************************************************************/ #include "includes.h" #include "ConvertUTF.h" #define HEXCHARS "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" #define OCTCHARS "01234567" /* Forward*/ static void initcodify(void); static char* ccodify(const char*); static char* f77codify(const char*); static char* jcodify(const char*); #if 0 /* * Replace escaped chars in CDL representation of name such as * 'abc\:def\ gh\\i' with unescaped version, such as 'abc:def gh\i'. */ /* ?? This seems redundant over expand_escapes*/ void deescapify(char* name) { const char *cp = name; char *sp; size_t len = strlen(name); char *newname; if(strchr(name, '\\') == NULL) return; newname = (char *) emalloc(len + 1); cp = name; sp = newname; while(*cp != '\0') { /* delete '\' chars, except change '\\' to '\' */ switch (*cp) { case '\\': if(*(cp+1) == '\\') { *sp++ = '\\'; cp++; } break; default: *sp++ = *cp; break; } cp++; } *sp = '\0'; /* ASSERT(strlen(newname) <= strlen(name)); */ strncpy(name, newname, len+1); /* watch out for trailing null*/ efree(newname); return; } #endif /*0*/ /* Given a character c, fill s with the character suitably escaped. E.g. c = '\t' => s="\t" Caller must ensure enough space. Watch out for embedded NULs. Currently passes unicode thru unchanged. Returns s as its result. */ char* escapifychar(unsigned int c, char* s0, int quote) { char* s = s0; if(c == '\\') { *s++ = '\\'; *s++='\\'; } else if(c == quote) { *s++ = '\\'; *s++=(char)quote; } else if(c >= ' ' && c != '\177') { *s++ = (char)c; } else if((c & 0x80) != 0) {/* Unicode */ *s++ = (char)c; } else { switch (c) { case '\b': strcpy(s,"\\b"); s+=2; break; case '\f': strcpy(s,"\\f"); s+=2; break; case '\n': strcpy(s,"\\n"); s+=2; break; case '\r': strcpy(s,"\\r"); s+=2; break; case '\t': strcpy(s,"\\t"); s+=2; break; case '\v': strcpy(s,"\\v"); s+=2; break; default: { unsigned int oct1 = (c & 007); unsigned int oct2 = ((c >> 3) & 007); unsigned int oct3 = ((c >> 6) & 003); *s++ = '\\'; *s++ = oct3 + '0'; *s++ = oct2 + '0'; *s++ = oct1 + '0'; } break; } } *s = '\0'; return s0; } /* Return a pool string that is s0 with all characters*/ /* ecaped that require it. The resulting string is not*/ /* surrounded by quotes.*/ /* Since the string might actually contain nulls, specify the length.*/ char* escapify(char* s0, int quote, size_t len) { int i; char* result; result = poolalloc(1+4*len); /* overkill to support maximal expansion*/ result[0] = '\0'; for(i=0;i', "_GREATERTHAN_"}, {'?', "_QUESTION_"}, {'@', "_ATSIGN_"}, {'[', "_LEFTBRACKET_"}, {'\\', "_BACKSLASH_"}, {']', "_RIGHTBRACKET_"}, {'^', "_CIRCUMFLEX_"}, {'`', "_BACKQUOTE_"}, {'{', "_LEFTCURLY_"}, {'|', "_VERTICALBAR_"}, {'}', "_RIGHTCURLY_"}, {'~', "_TILDE_"}, {'/', "_SLASH_"}, }; static int idtlen; static int hexlen; static Bytebuffer* newname; static void initcodify(void) { int nctable = (sizeof(ctable))/(sizeof(ctable[0])); int i; char *rp; newname = bbNew(); idtlen = strlen("DIGIT_n_"); /* initial digit template */ hexlen = strlen("_XHH"); /* template for hex of non-ASCII bytes */ for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) { rp = emalloc(2); rp[0] = i; rp[1] = '\0'; repls[i] = rp; } for(i=0; i < nctable; i++) { size_t j = ctable[i].c; efree(repls[j]); repls[j] = ctable[i].s; } for(i = 128; i < 256; i++) { rp = emalloc(hexlen+1); snprintf(rp, hexlen+1, "_X%2.2X", i); /* need to include null*/ rp[hexlen] = '\0'; repls[i] = rp; } for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { lens[i] = strlen(repls[i]); } init = 1; /* only do this initialization once */ } /* Convert a name to a form suitable for use in a language file. Conversion depends on l_flag. */ char* codify(const char *name0) { /* If the name is rooted, then elide the leading '/'. */ if(name0[0] == '/') name0++; switch (l_flag) { case L_BINARY: return pooldup(name0); case L_C: return ccodify(name0); case L_F77: return f77codify(name0); case L_JAVA: return jcodify(name0); default: assert(0); /*no such language*/ } return NULL; } static char* ccodify(const char *name0) { const unsigned char *cp; unsigned int c; char* name; if(init == 0) initcodify(); bbClear(newname); cp = (const unsigned char*) name0; if('0' <= *cp && *cp <= '9') { /* handle initial digit, if any */ char tmp[16]; snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"DIGIT_%c_", *cp); bbCat(newname,tmp); cp++; } while((c=*cp++)) { /* copy name to newname, replacing special chars */ ASSERT(c <= 256); bbCat(newname,repls[c]); } /* Remove leading _, if any */ name = bbContents(newname); if(bbGet(newname,0) == '_') name++; return pooldup(name); } char* cescapifychar(unsigned int c, int quote) { char* s = poolalloc(4+1); escapifychar(c,s,quote); return s; } /**************************************************/ /* CML String Escapes */ /**************************************************/ /* Given a character c, fill s with the character suitably escaped for use with xml. Caller must ensure enough space Currently does not handle unicode Returns s as it result. */ static char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; static char printescapable[] = "\"&<>"; static char* printescape[] = {"quot", "amp", "lt", "gt"}; static void xescapifychar(unsigned int c, int quote, Bytebuffer* s) { if(c >= ' ' && c < '\177') { char* p; char** q; for(p=printescapable,q=printescape;*p;p++,q++) {if(c==*p) break;} if(*p) { bbAppend(s,'&'); bbCat(s,*q); bbAppend(s,';'); } else bbAppend(s,(char)c); } else { /* Do hex escape */ unsigned int hex1 = (c & 0x0f); unsigned int hex2 = ((c >> 4) & 0x0f); bbCat(s,"&#"); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex2]); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex1]); bbAppend(s,';'); } } /* Return a pool string that is s0 with all characters ecaped that require it. The resulting string is not surrounded by quotes. Since the string might actually contain nulls, specify the length. */ char* xescapify(char* s0, int quote, size_t len) { int i; char* result; Bytebuffer* escaped = bbNew(); for(i=0;i= ' ' && c < '\177') { if (c == quote) { bbAppend(s,'\\'); } bbAppend(s,(char)c); } else switch (c) { case '\t': bbCat(s,"\\t"); break; case '\b': bbCat(s,"\\b"); break; case '\n': bbCat(s,"\\n"); break; case '\r': bbCat(s,"\\r"); break; case '\f': bbCat(s,"\\f"); break; default: { /* Do hex escape */ int hex1 = (c & 0x0f); int hex2 = ((c >> 4) & 0x0f); int hex3 = ((c >> 8) & 0x0f); int hex4 = ((c >> 12) & 0x0f); bbAppend(s,'\\'); bbAppend(s,'u'); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex4]); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex3]); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex2]); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex1]); } break; } } else { /* Do \uxxxx escapes */ /* Do hex escape */ int hex1 = (c & 0x0f); int hex2 = ((c >> 4) & 0x0f); int hex3 = ((c >> 8) & 0x0f); int hex4 = ((c >> 12) & 0x0f); bbAppend(s,'\\'); bbAppend(s,'u'); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex4]); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex3]); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex2]); bbAppend(s,hexdigits[hex1]); } } /* Return a pool string that is s0 with all characters ecaped that require it. The resulting string is not surrounded by quotes. Since the string might actually contain nulls, specify the length. */ char* jescapify(char* s0, int quote, size_t len) { int i; char* result; UTF8* s8; UTF16* s16; /* for storing the utf16 string */ UTF16* tmp16; /* for storing the utf16 string */ ConversionResult status; Bytebuffer* escaped = bbNew(); size_t len16; s16 = emalloc((1+len)*sizeof(UTF16)); s8 = (UTF8*)s0; tmp16 = s16; status = ConvertUTF8toUTF16((const UTF8**)&s8,s8+len,&tmp16,tmp16+len,lenientConversion); if(status != conversionOK) { derror("Cannot convert UTF8 string to UTF16: %s",s0); return NULL; } /* Get the length of the utf16 string */ len16 = (tmp16 - s16); for(i=0;i= ' ' && c < '\177') { *s++ = (char)c; } else { char tmp[32]; nprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"//char(%u)",c); strcat(s,tmp); s += strlen(tmp); } *s = '\0'; return s0; } void f77quotestring(Bytebuffer* databuf) { int i; int lastcharescaped; unsigned int slen = bbLength(databuf); unsigned char* s; /* Handle the empty string case */ if(slen == 0) { bbCat(databuf,"char(0)"); return; } s = (unsigned char*)emalloc(slen+1); memcpy((void*)s,bbContents(databuf),slen); s[slen] = '\0'; bbClear(databuf); lastcharescaped = 0; for(i=0;i= '\177'); if(i > 0) { if(!lastcharescaped && thischarescaped) bbAppend(databuf,'\''); else if(lastcharescaped && !thischarescaped) bbCat(databuf,"//'"); } else if(!thischarescaped) bbAppend(databuf,'\''); f77escapifychar(c,tmp); if(i == 0 && thischarescaped) bbCat(databuf,tmp+2); else bbCat(databuf,tmp); lastcharescaped = thischarescaped; } if(!lastcharescaped) bbAppend(databuf,'\''); } static char* f77codify(const char* s0) { Bytebuffer* buf = bbNew(); char* name; bbCat(buf,s0); f77quotestring(buf); name = bbDup(buf); bbFree(buf); return name; } /**************************************************/ /* Escape Fqn segment names by replacing '/' and '.' by alternate representation. */ char* fqnescape(const char* s) { const char* p; char* q; int c; int l = strlen(s); /* 1234567 _SLASH_ _DOT__ */ char* newname = poolalloc(l*7+1); *newname = '\0'; for(q=newname,p=s;(c=*p++);) { #if 0 if(c == '/' || c == '.') { /* Do hex escape */ int hex1 = (c & 0x0f); int hex2 = ((c >> 4) & 0x0f); *q++ = 'X'; *q++ = hexdigits[hex1]; *q++ = hexdigits[hex2]; } else *q++ = c; #else if(c == '/') { strcat(q,"_SLASH_"); q += 7; } else if(c == '.') { strcat(q,"_DOT_"); q += 5; } else { *q++ = c; *q = '\0'; } #endif } return newname; } /**************************************************/ /* * Given a pointer to a string of the form * 'xdd', return the corresponding hex byte */ int unescapehex(const char* s) { int b; int c1 = s[0]; int c2 = s[1]; if(strchr(HEXCHARS,c1) == NULL || strchr(HEXCHARS,c2) == NULL) return -1; b = 0; if(c1 < 'a') c1 = (c1 - 'A') + 'a';/* lowercase */ if(c1 <= '9') b = (c1 - '0') << 4; else b = ((c1 - 'a')+10) << 4; if(c2 < 'a') c2 |= (c2 - 'A') + 'a';/* lowercase */ if(c2 <= '9') b = (c2 - '0'); else b |= ((c2 - 'a')+10); return b; } /* * Given a pointer to a string of the form * 'ddd', return the corresponding * unsigned octal byte */ int unescapeoct(const char* s) { int b; int c1 = s[0]; int c2 = s[1]; int c3 = s[2]; if(strchr(OCTCHARS,c1) == NULL || strchr(OCTCHARS,c2) == NULL || strchr(OCTCHARS,c3) == NULL) return -1; b = (c1 - '0') << 6; b |= (c2 - '0') << 3; b |= (c3 - '0'); return b; } /* * "Un-escapes" valid escape sequences in yystring (read by lex) into the * appropriate unescaped characters. For example, the two character * sequence "\t" in yystring would be converted into a single tab character. * On return, termstring is nul terminated. * Watch out for embedded nuls and utf-8 characters. * Return # of characters written. * Note that the escape handling for identifiers is different * than for string constants */ int unescape( char *s, /* fill with contents of yytext, with escapes removed. s and yytext may be same*/ const char *yytext, int yyleng, int isident) { const char *t, *tend; char* p; int b; /* expand "\" escapes, e.g. "\t" to tab character */ t = yytext; tend = t + yyleng; p = s; while(*t && t < tend) { if (*t == '\\') { t++; switch (*t) { case 'a': *p++ = ('\007'); t++; /* will use '\a' when STDC */ break; case 'b': *p++ = ('\b'); t++; break; case 'f': *p++ = ('\f'); t++; break; case 'n': *p++ = ('\n'); t++; break; case 'r': *p++ = ('\r'); t++; break; case 't': *p++ = ('\t'); t++; break; case 'v': *p++ = ('\v'); t++; break; case '\\': *p++ = ('\\'); t++; break; case '?': *p++ = ('\177'); t++; break; case '\'': *p++ = ('\''); t++; break; case '\"': *p++ = ('\"'); t++; break; /* Hex or oct constants not allowed in identifiers */ case 'x': if(!isident) { /* t now points to hex */ b = unescapehex(t); t += 2; } else b = *t++; *p++ = ((char)b); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': if(!isident) { /* t now points to octal */ b = unescapeoct(t); if(b < 0) { derror("Bad octal constant: %s",yytext); b = 0; } t += 3; } else b = *t++; *p++ = ((char)b); break; default: *p++ = (*t); t++; break; } } else { *p++ = (*t); t++; } } *p = '\0'; return (p - s); }