/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. * $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/nctest/cdftests.c,v 1.23 2009/02/14 14:11:28 ed Exp $ *********************************************************************/ #include <config.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* for free() */ #include "netcdf.h" #include "emalloc.h" #include "testcdf.h" /* defines in-memory test netcdf structure */ #include "add.h" /* functions to update in-memory netcdf */ #include "error.h" #include "tests.h" #include "ncpathmgr.h" #define LEN_OF(array) ((sizeof array) / (sizeof array[0])) /* * Test nccreate * create a netcdf with no data, close it, test that it can be opened * try again with NC_CLOBBER mode, check that no errors occurred * try again with NC_NOCLOBBER mode, check error return * On exit, netcdf files are closed. * Uses: nccreate, ncendef, ncclose, ncopen. */ int test_nccreate(path) const char *path; /* name of netCDF file to create */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_nccreate"; int ncid; (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t", &pname[5]); if ((ncid = nccreate(path, NC_CLOBBER)) == -1) { error("%s: nccreate failed to NC_CLOBBER", pname); return 1; } /* in define mode already, so ncredef should fail */ if (ncredef(ncid) != -1) { error("%s: ncredef should fail after nccreate", pname); nerrs++; } /* created OK */ if (ncendef (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); nerrs++; } if (ncclose (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); nerrs++; } if ((ncid = ncopen(path, NC_NOWRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen of newly created netcdf failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened OK */ if (ncclose (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: second ncclose failed", pname); nerrs++; } /* this call should fail, since we're using NC_NOCLOBBER mode */ if (nccreate(path, NC_NOCLOBBER) != -1) { error("%s: nccreate failed to honor NC_NOCLOBBER mode", pname); nerrs++; } /* Initialize in-memory netcdf to empty */ add_reset(&test); if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncopen * try to open a non-existent netCDF, check error return * open a file that is not a netCDF file, check error return * open a netCDF with NC_WRITE mode, write something, close it * open a netCDF with NC_NOWRITE mode, write something and check error * try to open a netcdf twice, check whether returned netcdf ids different * On exit, netcdf files are closed. * Uses: ncopen, ncredef, ncattput, ncendef, ncclose. */ #define DATA_LEN 32 #define TEMP_FILE_NAME "temp.tmp" int test_ncopen(path) const char *path; /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncopen"; int ncid0, ncid1; static char title_val[] = "test netcdf"; static char xpath[] = "tooth-fairy.nc"; /* must not exist */ static struct cdfatt title = /* attribute */ {NC_GLOBAL, "title", NC_CHAR, LEN_OF (title_val), (void *) title_val}; FILE *temp; char dummy_data[DATA_LEN]; int i; /* Initialize to keep valgrind happy. */ for (i = 0; i < DATA_LEN; i++) dummy_data[i] = 0; (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t\t", &pname[5]); /* Open a nonexistent file */ if(ncopen(xpath, NC_NOWRITE) != -1) { error("%s: ncopen should fail opening nonexistent file", pname); return ++nerrs; } if (ncerr != NC_SYSERR) { error("%s: ncopen of nonexistent file should set ncerr to %d", pname, NC_SYSERR); } /* * Open a non-netCDF file. Don't use "Makefile.in" because that * name is munged to something else by PC/NFS and, consequently, * won't exist in a cross-mounted directory. Also don't use a * source file, because that will break building in another * directory, and consequently, make dist. An object file is not * safe, because sometimes it's a .o and sometimes a .obj. So just * create a file! */ if (!(temp = NCfopen(TEMP_FILE_NAME, "w+"))) { error("could not create temp file"); return ++nerrs; } if (fwrite(dummy_data, 1, DATA_LEN, temp) != DATA_LEN) { error("could not write to temp file"); return ++nerrs; } if (fclose(temp)) { error("could not close temp file"); return ++nerrs; } if(ncopen(TEMP_FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE) != -1) { error("%s: ncopen should fail opening non-netCDF file", pname); return ++nerrs; } if(ncerr != NC_ENOTNC) { error("%s: ncopen of non-netCDF file should set ncerr to %d", pname, NC_ENOTNC); return ++nerrs; } if ((ncid0 = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed with NC_WRITE mode", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened */ if (ncredef(ncid0) == -1) { error("%s: cdredef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid0); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode */ if (ncattput(ncid0, NC_GLOBAL, "title", NC_CHAR, title.len, title.val) == -1) { error("%s: ncattput failed", pname); ncclose(ncid0); return ++nerrs; } add_att(&test, NC_GLOBAL, &title); /* keep in-memory netcdf updated */ if (ncendef (ncid0) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed after ncattput", pname); ncclose(ncid0); return ++nerrs; } if (ncclose (ncid0) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed in NC_WRITE mode", pname); return ++nerrs; } if ((ncid0 = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed with NC_NOWRITE mode", pname); return ++nerrs; } if ((ncid1 = ncopen(path, NC_NOWRITE)) == -1) { #if !defined vms && !defined _WIN32 error("%s: second ncopen failed", pname); nerrs++; #else fprintf(stderr,"Doesn't support shared access on vms\n") ; #endif } else { /* this should fail, since in NC_NOWRITE mode */ if (ncredef(ncid1) != -1) { error("%s: cdredef should fail after NC_NOWRITE open", pname); ncclose(ncid1); return ++nerrs; } /* second open OK */ if (ncid0 == ncid1) { error("%s: ncopen should return new ncid on second open", pname); nerrs++; } if (ncclose (ncid1) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed to close after second open", pname); nerrs++; } } if (ncclose (ncid0) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed in NC_NOWRITE mode", pname); nerrs++; } if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncredef * open a netCDF, enter define mode, add dimension, variable, attribute * try ncredef from within define mode, check error * leave define mode and close, releasing netcdf handle * try ncredef with old handle, check error * On exit netcdf files are closed. * Uses: ncopen, ncredef, ncdimdef, ncvardef, ncattput, ncclose */ int test_ncredef(path) const char *path; /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncredef"; int ncid; /* netcdf id */ int ii_dim; /* dimension id */ static struct cdfdim ii = /* dimension */ {"ii", 4}; int aa_id; /* variable id */ static struct cdfvar aa = /* variable */ {"aa", NC_LONG, 1, ___, 0}; static char units_val[] = "furlongs"; static struct cdfatt aa_units = /* attribute */ {___, "units", NC_CHAR, LEN_OF(units_val), (void *)units_val}; (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t\t", &pname[5]); if ((ncid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened OK, enter define mode */ if (ncredef(ncid) == -1) { error("%s: cdredef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode OK, add a dimension */ if ((ii_dim = ncdimdef(ncid, ii.name, ii.size)) == -1) { error("%s: ncdimdef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_dim(&test, &ii); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ /* dimension added OK, add a variable */ aa.dims = (int *)emalloc(sizeof(int) * aa.ndims); aa.dims[0] = ii_dim; if ((aa_id = ncvardef(ncid, aa.name, aa.type, aa.ndims, aa.dims)) == -1) { error("%s: ncvardef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_var(&test, &aa); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ /* variable added OK, add a variable attribute */ aa_units.var = aa_id; if (ncattput(ncid, aa_units.var, aa_units.name, aa_units.type, aa_units.len, (void *) aa_units.val) == -1) { error("%s: ncattput failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_att(&test, aa_id, &aa_units); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ if (ncredef(ncid) != -1) { error("%s: cdredef in define mode should have failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncendef (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncclose (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } if (ncredef(ncid) != -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed to report bad netcdf handle", pname); nerrs++; } free (aa.dims); if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncendef * check return from proper cdfendif after define mode * try ncendef when in data mode, check error * try ncendef with bad handle, check error * On exit netcdf files are closed. * Uses: ncopen, ncredef, ncdimdef, ncvardef, ncattput, ncendef, ncclose */ int test_ncendef(path) const char *path; /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncendef"; int ncid; /* netcdf id */ int jj_dim, kk_dim; /* dimension ids */ int bb_id; /* variable id */ static struct cdfdim kk = /* dimension */ {"kk", 3}; static struct cdfdim jj = /* dimension */ {"jj", 3}; static struct cdfvar bb = /* variable */ {"bb", NC_LONG, 2, ___, 0}; static float bb_rangev[2] = {0., 100.}; /* attribute vector */ static struct cdfatt bb_range = /* attribute */ {___, "valid_range", NC_FLOAT, LEN_OF(bb_rangev), (void *)bb_rangev}; (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t\t", &pname[5]); if ((ncid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened */ if (ncredef(ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode, add dimensions */ if ((jj_dim = ncdimdef(ncid, jj.name, jj.size)) == -1 || (kk_dim = ncdimdef(ncid, kk.name, kk.size)) == -1) { error("%s: ncdimdef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_dim(&test, &jj); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ add_dim(&test, &kk); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ /* dimensions added OK, add a variable */ bb.dims = (int *) emalloc(sizeof(int) * bb.ndims); bb.dims[0] = kk_dim; bb.dims[1] = jj_dim; if ((bb_id = ncvardef(ncid, bb.name, bb.type, bb.ndims, bb.dims)) == -1) { error("%s: ncvardef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_var(&test, &bb); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ /* variable added OK, add a variable attribute */ if (ncattput(ncid, bb_id, bb_range.name, bb_range.type, bb_range.len, (void *) bb_range.val) == -1) { error("%s: ncattput failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_att(&test, bb_id, &bb_range); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */ if (ncendef (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* in data mode */ if (ncendef (ncid) != -1) { /* should fail in data mode */ error("%s: ncendef in data mode should have failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncclose (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* should fail on a bad handle */ if (ncendef (ncid) != -1) { error("ncendef failed to report bad netcdf handle"); nerrs++; } if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); free(bb.dims); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncclose * try on open netCDF * try in define mode and data mode * try with bad handle, check error * On exit netcdf files are closed. */ int test_ncclose(path) const char *path; /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncclose"; int ncid; /* netcdf id */ (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t\t", &pname[5]); if ((ncid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened */ if (ncredef(ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode */ if (ncclose (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose in define mode failed", pname); nerrs++; } if ((ncid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* in data mode */ if (ncclose (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); nerrs++; } if (ncclose (ncid) != -1) { /* should fail, since ncid is a bad handle */ error("%s: ncclose failed to report bad netcdf handle", pname); nerrs++; } if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncinquire * try in data mode, check returned values * try in define mode, after adding an unlimited dimension, variable * try with bad handle, check error * On exit netcdf files are closed. */ int test_ncinquire(path) const char *path; /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncinquire"; int ncid; /* netcdf id */ int ndims; /* number of dimensions */ int nvars; /* number of variables */ int ngatts; /* number of global attributes */ int xdimid; /* id of unlimited dimension */ int rec_dim; /* dimension id */ static struct cdfdim rec = /* dimension */ {"rec", NC_UNLIMITED}; static struct cdfdim dims[] = { /* dimensions */ {"i1", 5},{"i2", 3},{"i3", 7} }; int id, nd = LEN_OF(dims); /* number of dimensions */ int dimids[LEN_OF(dims)]; int cc_id; /* variable id */ static struct cdfvar cc[] = { /* record variables of various sizes */ {"cc", NC_LONG, 1, ___, 0}, {"cd", NC_SHORT, 2, ___, 0}, {"ce", NC_FLOAT, 3, ___, 0} }; int iv; int nv = LEN_OF(cc); /* number of record variables */ static char units_val[] = "moles"; static struct cdfatt cc_units = /* attribute */ {___, "units", NC_CHAR, LEN_OF(units_val), (void *)units_val}; (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t", &pname[5]); if ((ncid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened, in data mode */ if (ncinquire(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &xdimid) == -1) { error("%s: ncinquire in data mode failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* compare returned with expected values */ if (ndims != test.ndims) { error("%s: ndims returned as %d, expected %d", pname, ndims, test.ndims); nerrs++; } if (nvars != test.nvars) { error("%s: nvars returned as %d, expected %d", pname, nvars, test.nvars); nerrs++; } if (ngatts != test.ngatts) { error("%s: ngatts returned as %d, expected %d", pname, ngatts, test.ngatts); nerrs++; } if (xdimid != test.xdimid) { error("%s: xdimid returned as %d, expected %d", pname, xdimid, test.xdimid); nerrs++; } if (ncredef(ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* add dimensions */ for (id = 0; id < nd; id++) { if ((dimids[id] = ncdimdef(ncid, dims[id].name, dims[id].size)) == -1) { error("%s: ncdimdef failed on normal dimension", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_dim(&test, &dims[id]); } /* add an unlimited dimension */ if ((rec_dim = ncdimdef(ncid, rec.name, rec.size)) == -1) { error("%s: ncdimdef failed on NC_UNLIMITED dimension", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_dim(&test, &rec); /* add some record variables */ for (iv = 0; iv < nv; iv++) { cc[iv].dims = (int *) emalloc(sizeof(int) * cc[iv].ndims); cc[iv].dims[0] = rec_dim; /* first dimension unlimited */ for (id = 1; id < cc[iv].ndims; id++) cc[iv].dims[id] = dimids[id]; if ((cc_id = ncvardef(ncid, cc[iv].name, cc[iv].type, cc[iv].ndims, cc[iv].dims)) == -1) { error("%s: ncvardef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_var(&test, &cc[iv]); /* add a variable attribute */ if (ncattput(ncid, cc_id, cc_units.name, cc_units.type, cc_units.len, (void *) cc_units.val) == -1) { error("%s: ncattput failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } add_att(&test, cc_id, &cc_units); free(cc[iv].dims); } /* try calling from define mode, compare returned values to expected */ if (ncinquire(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &xdimid) == -1) { error("%s: ncinquire in define mode failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* compare returned with expected values */ if (ndims != test.ndims) { error("%s: ndims returned as %d, expected %d", pname, ndims, test.ndims); nerrs++; } if (nvars != test.nvars) { error("%s: nvars returned as %d, expected %d", pname, nvars, test.nvars); nerrs++; } if (ngatts != test.ngatts) { error("%s: ngatts returned as %d, expected %d", pname, ngatts, test.ngatts); nerrs++; } if (xdimid != test.xdimid) { error("%s: xdimid returned as %d, expected %d", pname, xdimid, test.xdimid); nerrs++; } if (ncendef (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } if (ncclose (ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* should fail, since bad handle */ if (ncinquire (ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &xdimid) != -1) { error("%s: ncinquire failed to report bad netcdf handle", pname); nerrs++; } if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncsync * try in define mode, check error * try writing with one handle, reading with another on same netCDF * try with bad handle, check error * On exit netcdf files are closed. */ int test_ncsync(path) const char *path; /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncsync"; int ncid0, ncid1; /* netcdf ids */ int ll_dim; /* dimension id */ static struct cdfdim ll = /* dimension */ {"ll", 3}; int dd_id; /* variable id */ static struct cdfvar dd = /* variable */ {"dd", NC_SHORT, 1, ___, 0}; static short dd_fill_valv[] = {-999}; static struct cdfatt dd_fill_val = /* attribute */ {___, "fill_value", NC_SHORT, LEN_OF(dd_fill_valv), (void *) dd_fill_valv}; (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t\t", &pname[5]); if ((ncid0 = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen in NC_WRITE mode failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened */ if (ncredef(ncid0) == -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid0); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode, add a dimension, variable, and attribute */ if ((ll_dim = ncdimdef(ncid0, ll.name, ll.size)) == -1) { error("%s: ncdimdef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid0); return ++nerrs; } add_dim(&test, &ll); dd.dims = (int *) emalloc(sizeof(int) * dd.ndims); dd.dims[0] = ll_dim; if ((dd_id=ncvardef(ncid0, dd.name, dd.type, dd.ndims, dd.dims)) == -1) { error("%s: ncvardef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid0); return ++nerrs; } add_var(&test, &dd); if (ncattput(ncid0, dd_id, dd_fill_val.name, dd_fill_val.type, dd_fill_val.len, (void *) dd_fill_val.val) == -1) { error("%s: ncattput failed", pname); ncclose(ncid0); return ++nerrs; } add_att(&test, dd_id, &dd_fill_val); if (ncsync (ncid0) != -1) { error("%s: ncsync in define mode should fail", pname); nerrs++; } if (ncendef (ncid0) == -1) { error("%s: ncendef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid0); return ++nerrs; } /* in data mode */ if (ncsync (ncid0) == -1) { error("%s: ncsync in data mode failed", pname); nerrs++; } /* put some data into a variable */ { static long dd_start[] = {0}; static long dd_edges[] = {2}; static short dd_vals[] = {1, 2}; short got_vals[2]; if (ncvarput(ncid0,dd_id,dd_start,dd_edges,(void *)dd_vals) == -1) { error("%s: ncvarput failed", pname); ncclose(ncid0); return ++nerrs; } add_data(&test,dd_id,dd_start,dd_edges); /* keep test in sync */ if (ncsync (ncid0) == -1) { error("%s: ncsync after putting data failed", pname); nerrs++; } if ((ncid1 = ncopen(path, NC_NOWRITE)) == -1) { #if !defined vms && !defined _WIN32 error("%s: second ncopen failed", pname); nerrs++; #else fprintf(stderr,"Doesn't support shared access on vms\n") ; #endif } else { if (ncid0 == ncid1) { error("%s: second ncopen should return distinct handle", pname); nerrs++; } /* read data just put after a sync, should succeed */ if (ncvarget(ncid1,dd_id,dd_start,dd_edges,(void *)got_vals) == -1) { error("%s: ncvarget failed", pname); nerrs++; } if (dd_vals[0] != got_vals[0] || dd_vals[1] != got_vals[1]) { error("%s: ncvarget succeeded but data values wrong", pname); } if (ncclose (ncid1) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); nerrs++; } } } if (ncclose (ncid0) == -1) { error("%s: ncclose failed", pname); nerrs++; } if (ncsync (ncid0) != -1) { /* should fail, since ncid0 is bad handle */ error("%s: ncsync failed to report bad netcdf handle", pname); nerrs++; } if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); /* Free resources. */ free(dd.dims); return nerrs; } /* * Test ncabort * try in define mode, check that file was deleted * try after writing variable * try with bad handle, check error * On exit netcdf files are closed. */ int test_ncabort(path) const char *path; /* name of writable netcdf file to open */ { int nerrs = 0; static char pname[] = "test_ncabort"; static char fpath[] = "ufo.nc"; static short attv[] = {3}; static struct cdfatt att = /* attribute */ {___, "temp", NC_SHORT, LEN_OF(attv), (void *) attv}; int ncid; /* netcdf id */ (void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t\t", &pname[5]); if ((ncid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* opened */ if (ncredef(ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncredef failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode, add a new global attribute */ if (ncattput(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, att.name, att.type, att.len, att.val) == -1) { error("%s: ncattput failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* abort in define mode, should restore to state before define mode */ if (ncabort(ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncabort in define mode failed", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } if ((ncid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) { error("%s: ncopen after ncabort failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* check that new global attribute was not added */ if (ncattinq(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, att.name, &att.type, &att.len) != -1) { error("%s: ncabort should have restored state before ncredef", pname); ncclose(ncid); return ++nerrs; } /* in data mode not being created, should just close */ if (ncabort(ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncabort in define mode failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } if ((ncid = nccreate(fpath, NC_CLOBBER)) == -1) { error("%s: nccreate failed to NC_CLOBBER", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* in define mode being created, should delete */ if (ncabort(ncid) == -1) { error("%s: ncabort after nccreate failed", pname); return ++nerrs; } /* check with ncopen that file doesn't exist */ if (ncopen(fpath, NC_NOWRITE) != -1) { error("%s: ncabort deleted file, but ncopen found it", pname); return ++nerrs; } if (ncabort(ncid) != -1) { /* should fail, ncid is bad handle */ error("%s: ncclose failed to report bad netcdf handle", pname); nerrs++; } if (nerrs > 0) (void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n"); else (void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n"); return nerrs; }