/********************************************************************* * Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. * Derived from poco library from Boost Software: see nccpoco/SourceLicense file. *********************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "netcdf.h" #include "ncpoco.h" /**************************************************/ #ifdef _WIN32 extern struct NCPAPI ncp_win32_api; #else extern struct NCPAPI ncp_unix_api; #endif /**************************************************/ /* Creates a SharedLib object. */ EXTERNL int ncpsharedlibnew(NCPSharedLib** libp) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCPSharedLib* lib; lib = (NCPSharedLib*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCPSharedLib)); if(lib == 0) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} /* fill in the api */ #ifdef _WIN32 lib->api = ncp_win32_api; #else lib->api = ncp_unix_api; #endif ret = lib->api.init(lib); if(ret == NC_NOERR && libp) *libp = lib; done: return ret; } /* free this shared library */ EXTERNL int ncpsharedlibfree(NCPSharedLib* lib) { int ret = NC_NOERR; if(lib == NULL) return NC_NOERR; ret = lib->api.unload(lib); ret = lib->api.reclaim(lib); /* reclaim common stuff */ nullfree(lib->path); free(lib); return ret; } /* Loads a shared library from the given path using specified flags. Returns error if a library has already been loaded or cannot be loaded. */ EXTERNL int ncpload(NCPSharedLib* lib, const char* path, int flags) { if(lib == NULL || path == NULL) return NC_EINVAL; ncpclearerrmsg(lib); return lib->api.load(lib,path,flags); } EXTERNL int ncpunload(NCPSharedLib* lib) /* Unloads a shared library. */ { if(lib == NULL) return NC_EINVAL; ncpclearerrmsg(lib); return lib->api.unload(lib); } EXTERNL int ncpisloaded(NCPSharedLib* lib) /* Returns 1 iff a library has been loaded. */ { if(lib == NULL) return 0; return lib->api.isloaded(lib); } /* Returns the address of the symbol with the given name. For functions, this is the entry point of the function. Return error if the symbol does not exist */ EXTERNL void* ncpgetsymbol(NCPSharedLib* lib,const char* name) { if(lib == NULL) return NULL; ncpclearerrmsg(lib); return lib->api.getsymbol(lib,name); } /* Returns the path of the library, as specified in a call to load() */ EXTERNL const char* ncpgetpath(NCPSharedLib* lib) { if(lib == NULL) return NULL; return lib->api.getpath(lib); } /* Returns the last err msg. */ EXTERNL const char* ncpgeterrmsg(NCPSharedLib* lib) { if(lib == NULL) return NULL; return (lib->err.msg[0] == '\0' ? NULL : lib->err.msg); } /* Clear the last err msg. */ EXTERNL void ncpclearerrmsg(NCPSharedLib* lib) { if(lib == NULL) return; memset(lib->err.msg,0,sizeof(lib->err.msg)); }