/* Copyright 2008, UCAR/Unidata See COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. This program tests the fix for a large file bug in versions previous to netCDF-4.1.2 for 32-bit platforms, writing to a variable with more than 1 dimension and more than 2**32 values, where the write starts after the first 2**32 elements. Russ Rew */ #include #include "err_macros.h" #include #include #include #include #define FILE_NAME "tst_big_var6.nc" /* Test with both classic and 64-bit offset files. If netcdf-4 is * included, test with both netCDF-4 format variants also. */ #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 #define NUM_FORMATS (4) #else #define NUM_FORMATS (2) #endif #define NUMDIMS 4 /* rank of variable in tests */ #define DIM0 1 #define DIM1 2 #define DIM2 5000 #define DIM3 1000000 /* DIM2*DIM3 > 2**32 */ #define FIRST_VAL 65 #define SECOND_VAL 90 /* * This program tests the fix for a large file bug in versions * previous to netCDF-4.1.2 for 32-bit platforms, writing to a * variable with more than 1 dimension and more than 2**32 values, * where the write starts after the first 2**32 elements. The bug * applies to record variables with more than 2**32 values per record * as well, but that's not tested here. */ static int test_big_var(const char *testfile) { int ncid, varid, dimids[NUMDIMS]; size_t start[NUMDIMS] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; size_t count[NUMDIMS] = {1, 1, 1, DIM3}; short data[DIM3]; int j; int nerrs = 0; /* Create a file with one big 4D variable. */ if (nc_create(testfile, NC_CLOBBER, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_set_fill(ncid, NC_NOFILL, NULL)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim0", DIM0, &dimids[0])) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim1", DIM1, &dimids[1])) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim2", DIM2, &dimids[2])) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim3", DIM3, &dimids[3])) ERR; if (nc_def_var(ncid, "var", NC_SHORT, NUMDIMS, dimids, &varid)) ERR; if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; /* write var(0,0,4294,*) as all FIRST_VAL */ start[0] = 0; start[1] = 0; start[2] = 4294; for (j = 0; j < DIM3; j++) data[j] = FIRST_VAL; if (nc_put_vara_short(ncid, varid, start, count, &data[0])) ERR; /* write var(0,1,0,*) as all 8588 */ start[0] = 0; start[1] = 1; start[2] = 0; for (j = 0; j < DIM3; j++) data[j] = SECOND_VAL; if (nc_put_vara_short(ncid, varid, start, count, &data[0])) ERR; /* Read and check var(0,0,4294,*) */ start[0] = 0; start[1] = 0; start[2] = 4294; if (nc_get_vara_short(ncid, varid, start, count, &data[0])) ERR; for (j = 0; j < DIM3; j++) { if (data[j] != FIRST_VAL ) { printf("error on start[0..2]: %ld,%ld,%ld j: %d, expected %d got %d\n", start[0], start[1], start[2], j, FIRST_VAL, data[j]); ERR; if(nerrs++ > 1) return nerrs; } } if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; return NC_NOERR; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char testfile[NC_MAX_NAME + 1]; printf("\n*** Testing multidimensional variable with more than 2**32 values\n"); sprintf(testfile, "%s/%s", TEMP_LARGE, FILE_NAME); for (i = NC_FORMAT_CLASSIC; i <= NUM_FORMATS; i++) { printf("*** testing format %d file with short variable with > 2**32 values...", i); nc_set_default_format(i, NULL); if (test_big_var(testfile)) ERR_RET; (void) remove(testfile); SUMMARIZE_ERR; } FINAL_RESULTS; }