/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ #include "includes.h" #include "nc_iter.h" #ifdef ENABLE_JAVA #include static int j_uid = 0; static int j_charconstant(Generator* generator, Bytebuffer* codebuf, ...) { /* Escapes and quoting will be handled in genc_write */ /* Just transfer charbuf to codebuf */ Bytebuffer* charbuf; va_list ap; vastart(ap,codebuf); charbuf = va_arg(ap, Bytebuffer*); va_end(ap); bbNull(charbuf); bbCatbuf(codebuf,charbuf); return 1; } static int j_constant(Generator* generator, NCConstant* con, Bytebuffer* buf,...) { Bytebuffer* codetmp = bbNew(); char* special = NULL; switch (con->nctype) { case NC_CHAR: if(con->value.charv == '\'') bbprintf(codetmp,"'\\''"); else bbprintf(codetmp,"'%c'",con->value.charv); break; case NC_BYTE: bbprintf(codetmp,"%hhd",con->value.int8v); break; case NC_SHORT: bbprintf(codetmp,"%hd",con->value.int16v); break; case NC_INT: bbprintf(codetmp,"%d",con->value.int32v); break; case NC_FLOAT: /* Special case for nan */ if(isnan(con->value.floatv)) bbprintf(codetmp,"Float.NaN"); else bbprintf(codetmp,"%f",con->value.floatv); break; case NC_DOUBLE: /* Special case for nan */ if(isnan(con->value.doublev)) bbprintf(codetmp,"Double.NaN"); else bbprintf(codetmp,"%lf",con->value.doublev); break; case NC_UBYTE: bbprintf(codetmp,"%hhu",con->value.uint8v); break; case NC_USHORT: bbprintf(codetmp,"%hu",con->value.uint16v); break; case NC_UINT: bbprintf(codetmp,"%uU",con->value.uint32v); break; case NC_INT64: bbprintf(codetmp,"%lldLL",con->value.int64v); break; case NC_UINT64: bbprintf(codetmp,"%lluLLU",con->value.uint64v); break; case NC_STRING: { /* handle separately */ char* escaped = escapify(con->value.stringv.stringv, '"',con->value.stringv.len); special = poolalloc(1+2+strlen(escaped)); strcpy(special,"\""); strcat(special,escaped); strcat(special,"\""); } break; default: PANIC1("ncstype: bad type code: %d",con->nctype); } if(special == NULL) bbCatbuf(buf,codetmp); else bbCat(buf,special); bbFree(codetmp); return 1; } static int j_listbegin(Generator* generator, ListClass lc, size_t size, Bytebuffer* codebuf, int* uidp, ...) { if(uidp) *uidp = ++j_uid; switch (lc) { case LISTATTR: case LISTDATA: break; case LISTFIELDARRAY: case LISTVLEN: case LISTCOMPOUND: break; } return 1; } static int j_list(Generator* generator, ListClass lc, int uid, size_t count, Bytebuffer* codebuf, ...) { switch (lc) { case LISTATTR: if(count > 0) bbCat(codebuf,", "); break; case LISTDATA: bbCat(codebuf," "); break; case LISTVLEN: case LISTCOMPOUND: case LISTFIELDARRAY: break; } return 1; } static int j_listend(Generator* generator, ListClass lc, int uid, size_t count, Bytebuffer* buf, ...) { return 1; } static int j_vlendecl(Generator* generator, Bytebuffer* codebuf, Symbol* tsym, int uid, size_t count, ...) { return 1; } static int j_vlenstring(Generator* generator, Bytebuffer* vlenmem, int* uidp, size_t* countp,...) { if(uidp) *uidp = ++j_uid; if(countp) *countp = 0; return 1; } /* Define the single static bin data generator */ static Generator j_generator_singleton = { NULL, j_charconstant, j_constant, j_listbegin, j_list, j_listend, j_vlendecl, j_vlenstring }; Generator* j_generator = &j_generator_singleton; #endif /*ENABLE_JAVA*/