## This is a CMake file, part of Unidata's netCDF package. # Copyright 2012-2018, see the COPYRIGHT file for more information. # ################################## # Set Project Properties ################################## cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0) #Project Name project(netCDF LANGUAGES C CXX HOMEPAGE_URL "https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/" DESCRIPTION "NetCDF is a set of software libraries and machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data." VERSION 4.9.3 ) #Add custom CMake Module set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH};${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/;${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" CACHE INTERNAL "Location of our custom CMake modules.") set(PACKAGE "netCDF" CACHE STRING "") include(netcdf_functions_macros) # Backport of built-in `PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL` from CMake 3.21 if (NOT DEFINED NETCDF_IS_TOP_LEVEL) set(NETCDF_IS_TOP_LEVEL OFF) if (CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) set(NETCDF_IS_TOP_LEVEL ON) endif () endif () ################################ # The target ################################ ## # Default building shared libraries. # BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is provided by/used by # CMake directly. ## option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Configure netCDF as a shared library." ON) if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) endif() add_library(netcdf) add_library(netCDF::netcdf ALIAS netcdf) ##### # Version Info: # # Release Version # Library Version # SO Version # # SO Version is computed from library version. See: # http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/libtool.html#Libtool-versioning ##### set(NC_VERSION_NOTE "-development") set(netCDF_VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION}${NC_VERSION_NOTE}) set(VERSION ${netCDF_VERSION}) set(NC_VERSION ${netCDF_VERSION}) set(PACKAGE_VERSION ${VERSION}) # These values should match those in configure.ac set(netCDF_LIB_VERSION 19) set(netCDF_SO_VERSION 19) # Version of the dispatch table. This must match the value in # configure.ac. set(NC_DISPATCH_VERSION 5) # Get system configuration, Use it to determine osname, os release, cpu. These # will be used when committing to CDash. find_program(UNAME NAMES uname) if(UNAME) getuname(osname -s) getuname(osrel -r) getuname(cpu -m) set(TMP_BUILDNAME "${osname}-${osrel}-${cpu}") endif() # Define some Platforms if(osname MATCHES "CYGWIN.*") set(ISCYGWIN yes) endif() if(osname MATCHES "Darwin.*") set(ISOSX yes) endif() if(MSVC) set(ISMSVC yes) endif() if(osname MATCHES "MINGW.*" OR osname MATCHES "MSYS.*") set(ISMINGW yes) set(MINGW yes) endif() ### # Allow for some customization of the buildname. # This will make it easier to identify different builds, # based on values passed from command line/shell scripts. # # For ctest scripts, we can use CTEST_BUILD_NAME. ### set(BUILDNAME_PREFIX "" CACHE STRING "") set(BUILDNAME_SUFFIX "" CACHE STRING "") if(BUILDNAME_PREFIX) set(TMP_BUILDNAME "${BUILDNAME_PREFIX}-${TMP_BUILDNAME}") endif() if(BUILDNAME_SUFFIX) set(TMP_BUILDNAME "${TMP_BUILDNAME}-${BUILDNAME_SUFFIX}") endif() if(NOT BUILDNAME) set(BUILDNAME "${TMP_BUILDNAME}" CACHE STRING "Build name variable for CDash") endif() ### # End BUILDNAME customization. ### # For CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR include(GNUInstallDirs) if(MSVC) set(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) target_compile_options(netcdf "/utf-8") endif() # auto-configure style checks, other CMake modules. include(CheckLibraryExists) include(CheckIncludeFile) include(CheckIncludeFiles) include(CheckTypeSize) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) include(CheckCSourceCompiles) include(TestBigEndian) include(CheckSymbolExists) include(GetPrerequisites) include(CheckCCompilerFlag) # A check to see if the system is big endian TEST_BIG_ENDIAN(BIGENDIAN) if(${BIGENDIAN}) set(WORDS_BIGENDIAN "1") endif(${BIGENDIAN}) # Define a function to convert various true or false values # to either TRUE|FALSE (uppercase). # If value is not a recognized boolean, then return NOTFOUND #1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, #0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, NOTFOUND -NOTFOUND "" set(TRUELIST "on;yes;y;true") set(FALSELIST "off;no;n;false;0;ignore;notfound") # Set the build type. if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE DEBUG CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None, Debug, Release." FORCE) endif() # Set build type uppercase string(TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) # Determine the configure date. if(DEFINED ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}) execute_process( COMMAND "date" "-u" "-d" "@$ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE CONFIG_DATE ) else() execute_process( COMMAND date OUTPUT_VARIABLE CONFIG_DATE ) endif() if(CONFIG_DATE) string(STRIP ${CONFIG_DATE} CONFIG_DATE) endif() ## # Allow for extra dependencies. ## set(EXTRA_DEPS "") ################################ # End Project Properties ################################ ################################ # Set CTest Properties ################################ enable_testing() include(CTest) # Set Memory test program for non-MSVC based builds. # Assume valgrind for now. if((NOT MSVC) AND (NOT MINGW) AND (NOT ISCYGWIN)) set(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND valgrind CACHE STRING "") endif() # Set variable to define the build type. include(GenerateExportHeader) ################################ # End CTest Properties ################################ ################################ # Compiler and Linker Configuration ################################ option(NC_FIND_SHARED_LIBS "Find dynamically-built versions of dependent libraries" ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) ## # We've had a request to allow for non-versioned shared libraries. # This seems reasonable enough to accommodate. See # https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/228 for more info. ## option(ENABLE_SHARED_LIBRARY_VERSION "Encode the library SO version in the file name of the generated library file." ON) # Set some default linux gcc & apple compiler options for # debug builds. if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR APPLE) option(ENABLE_COVERAGE_TESTS "Enable compiler flags needed to perform coverage tests." OFF) option(ENABLE_CONVERSION_WARNINGS "Enable warnings for implicit conversion from 64 to 32-bit datatypes." ON) option(ENABLE_LARGE_FILE_TESTS "Enable large file tests." OFF) # Debugging flags set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -Wall") # Check to see if -Wl,--no-undefined is supported. CHECK_C_LINKER_FLAG("-Wl,--no-undefined" LIBTOOL_HAS_NO_UNDEFINED) if(LIBTOOL_HAS_NO_UNDEFINED) set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG} -Wl,--no-undefined") endif() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${TMP_CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}") # Coverage tests need to have optimization turned off. if(ENABLE_COVERAGE_TESTS) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -g -O0 -coverage -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -g -O0 -coverage -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") message(STATUS "Coverage Tests: On.") endif() # Warnings for 64-to-32 bit conversions. if(ENABLE_CONVERSION_WARNINGS) CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG(-Wconversion CC_HAS_WCONVERSION) CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG(-Wshorten-64-to-32 CC_HAS_SHORTEN_64_32) if(CC_HAS_SHORTEN_64_32) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -Wshorten-64-to-32") endif() if(CC_HAS_WCONVERSION) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -Wconversion") endif() endif(ENABLE_CONVERSION_WARNINGS) endif(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR APPLE) # End default linux gcc & apple compiler options. # Use relative pathnames in __FILE__ macros on MINGW: if(MINGW) CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG("-fmacro-prefix-map='${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}'=." CC_HAS_MACRO_PREFIX_MAP) if(CC_HAS_MACRO_PREFIX_MAP) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fmacro-prefix-map='${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}'=.") endif() endif() # Suppress CRT Warnings. # Only necessary for Windows if(MSVC) target_compile_definitions(netcdf PRIVATE _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) endif() # Support ANSI format specifiers for *printf on MINGW: if(MINGW) target_compile_definitions(netcdf PRIVATE __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1) endif() ##### # System inspection checks ##### include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/oc2) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libsrc) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libsrc) ################################ # End Compiler Configuration ################################ ## # Configuration for post-install RPath # Adapted from http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_RPATH_handling ## if(NOT WIN32 AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # use, i.e. don't skip the full RPATH for the build tree set(CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH FALSE) # when building, don't use the install RPATH already # (but later on when installing) set(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH FALSE) if(APPLE) set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH ON) endif(APPLE) # add the automatically determined parts of the RPATH # which point to directories outside the build tree to the install RPATH set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) # the RPATH to be used when installing, # but only if it's not a system directory list(FIND CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" isSystemDir) if("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") endif("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") endif() ## # End configuration for post-install RPath ## ################################ # Option checks ################################ # Default Cache variables. set(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE 16777216 CACHE STRING "Default Chunk Cache Size.") set(DEFAULT_CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE 16777216U CACHE STRING "Default Chunk Cache Size.") set(DEFAULT_CHUNKS_IN_CACHE 1000 CACHE STRING "Default number of chunks in cache.") set(DEFAULT_CHUNK_CACHE_PREEMPTION 0.75 CACHE STRING "Default file chunk cache preemption policy (a number between 0 and 1, inclusive.") # HDF5 default cache size values set(CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE ${DEFAULT_CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE} CACHE STRING "Default HDF5 Chunk Cache Size.") set(CHUNK_CACHE_NELEMS ${DEFAULT_CHUNKS_IN_CACHE} CACHE STRING "Default maximum number of elements in cache.") set(CHUNK_CACHE_PREEMPTION ${DEFAULT_CHUNK_CACHE_PREEMPTION} CACHE STRING "Default file chunk cache preemption policy for HDf5 files(a number between 0 and 1, inclusive.") set(NETCDF_LIB_NAME "" CACHE STRING "Default name of the netcdf library.") set(TEMP_LARGE "." CACHE STRING "Where to put large temp files if large file tests are run.") set(NCPROPERTIES_EXTRA "" CACHE STRING "Specify extra pairs for _NCProperties.") if(NOT NETCDF_LIB_NAME STREQUAL "") set(MOD_NETCDF_NAME ON) endif() # Set the appropriate compiler/architecture for universal OSX binaries. if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} EQUAL "Darwin") set(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES i386;x86_64) endif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} EQUAL "Darwin") # Option to use Static Runtimes in MSVC if(MSVC) option(NC_USE_STATIC_CRT "Use static CRT Libraries ('\\MT')." OFF) if(NC_USE_STATIC_CRT) set(USE_STATIC_CRT ON) specify_static_crt_flag() endif() endif() # Option to build netCDF Version 2 OPTION (ENABLE_V2_API "Build netCDF Version 2." ON) set(BUILD_V2 ${ENABLE_V2_API}) if(NOT ENABLE_V2_API) set(NO_NETCDF_2 ON) else(NOT ENABLE_V2_API) set(USE_NETCDF_2 TRUE) endif(NOT ENABLE_V2_API) # Option to build utilities option(BUILD_UTILITIES "Build ncgen, ncgen3, ncdump." ON) # Option to use MMAP option(ENABLE_MMAP "Use MMAP." ON) # Option to use examples. option(ENABLE_EXAMPLES "Build Examples" ON) ### # Allow the user to specify libraries # to link against, similar to automakes 'LIBS' variable. ### set(NC_EXTRA_DEPS "" CACHE STRING "Additional libraries to link against.") if(NC_EXTRA_DEPS) string(REPLACE " " ";" DEPS_LIST ${NC_EXTRA_DEPS}) foreach(_DEP ${DEPS_LIST}) string(REGEX REPLACE "^-l" "" _LIB ${_DEP}) FIND_LIBRARY("${_LIB}_DEP" NAMES "${_LIB}" "lib${_LIB}") message(${${_LIB}_DEP}) if("${${_LIB}_DEP}" STREQUAL "${_LIB}_DEP-NOTFOUND") message(FATAL_ERROR "Error finding ${_LIB}.") else() message(STATUS "Found ${_LIB}: ${${_LIB}_DEP}") endif() set(EXTRA_DEPS ${EXTRA_DEPS} "${${_LIB}_DEP}") endforeach() message("Extra deps: ${EXTRA_DEPS}") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES EXTRA_DEPS) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ${EXTRA_DEPS}) endif() ### # End user-specified dependent libraries. ### ################################ # Format Option checks ################################ # We need to now treat enable-netcdf4 and enable-hdf5 as separate, # but for back compatability, we need to treat enable-netcdf4 # as equivalent to enable-hdf5. # We detect this using these rules: # 1. if ENABLE_HDF5 is off then disable hdf5 # 2. if ENABLE_NETCDF4 is off then disable hdf5 # 3. else enable hdf5 option(ENABLE_NETCDF_4 "Use HDF5." ON) option(ENABLE_NETCDF4 "Use HDF5." ON) option(ENABLE_HDF5 "Use HDF5." ON) if(NOT ENABLE_HDF5 OR NOT ENABLE_NETCDF4 OR NOT ENABLE_NETCDF_4) set(ENABLE_HDF5 OFF CACHE BOOL "Use HDF5" FORCE) endif() option(ENABLE_HDF4 "Build netCDF-4 with HDF4 read capability(HDF4, HDF5 and Zlib required)." OFF) option(ENABLE_DAP "Enable DAP2 and DAP4 Client." ON) option(ENABLE_NCZARR "Enable NCZarr Client." ON) option(ENABLE_PNETCDF "Build with parallel I/O for CDF-1, 2, and 5 files using PnetCDF." OFF) set(ENABLE_CDF5 AUTO CACHE STRING "AUTO") option(ENABLE_CDF5 "Enable CDF5 support" ON) # Netcdf-4 support (i.e. libsrc4) is required by more than just HDF5 (e.g. NCZarr) # So depending on what above formats are enabled, enable netcdf-4 if(ENABLE_HDF5 OR ENABLE_HDF4 OR ENABLE_NCZARR) set(ENABLE_NETCDF_4 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable netCDF-4 API" FORCE) set(ENABLE_NETCDF4 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable netCDF4 Alias" FORCE) endif() # enable|disable all forms of network access option(ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY "Enable|disable all forms remote data access (DAP, S3, etc)" ON) message(">>> ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY=${ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY}") if(NOT ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY) message(WARNING "ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY=NO => ENABLE_DAP[4]=NO") set(ENABLE_DAP OFF CACHE BOOL "ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY=NO => ENABLE_DAP=NO" FORCE) set(ENABLE_DAP4 OFF CACHE BOOL "ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY=NO => ENABLE_DAP4=NO" FORCE) endif() # Option to Build DLL if(WIN32) option(ENABLE_DLL "Build a Windows DLL." ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) if(ENABLE_DLL) set(BUILD_DLL ON CACHE BOOL "") target_compile_definitions(netcdf PRIVATE DLL_NETCDF DLL_EXPORT) endif() endif() # Did the user specify a default minimum blocksize for posixio? set(NCIO_MINBLOCKSIZE 256 CACHE STRING "Minimum I/O Blocksize for netCDF classic and 64-bit offset format files.") if(ENABLE_NETCDF_4) set(USE_NETCDF4 ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_NETCDF_4 ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_NETCDF4 ON CACHE BOOL "") else() set(USE_HDF4_FILE_TESTS OFF) set(USE_HDF4 OFF) set(ENABLE_HDF4_FILE_TESTS OFF) set(ENABLE_HDF4 OFF) endif() # Option Logging, only valid for netcdf4. option(ENABLE_LOGGING "Enable Logging." OFF) if(NOT ENABLE_NETCDF_4) set(ENABLE_LOGGING OFF) endif() if(ENABLE_LOGGING) target_compile_definitions(netcdf PRIVATE LOGGING ENABLE_SET_LOG_LEVEL) set(LOGGING ON) set(ENABLE_SET_LOG_LEVEL ON) endif() option(ENABLE_SET_LOG_LEVEL_FUNC "Enable definition of nc_set_log_level()." ON) if(ENABLE_NETCDF_4 AND NOT ENABLE_LOGGING AND ENABLE_SET_LOG_LEVEL_FUNC) target_compile_definitions(netcdf PRIVATE -DENABLE_SET_LOG_LEVEL) set(ENABLE_SET_LOG_LEVEL ON) endif() # Option to allow for strict null file padding. # See https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/657 for more information option(ENABLE_STRICT_NULL_BYTE_HEADER_PADDING "Enable strict null byte header padding." OFF) if(ENABLE_STRICT_NULL_BYTE_HEADER_PADDING) set(USE_STRICT_NULL_BYTE_HEADER_PADDING ON CACHE BOOL "") endif(ENABLE_STRICT_NULL_BYTE_HEADER_PADDING) # Note that szip management is tricky. # This is because we have three things to consider: # 1. is libsz available? # 2. is szip enabled in HDF5? # 3. is nczarr enabled? # We need separate flags for cases 1 and 2 set(USE_HDF5 ${ENABLE_HDF5}) if(ENABLE_DAP) set(USE_DAP ON CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_DAP2 ON CACHE BOOL "") if(ENABLE_HDF5) message(STATUS "Enabling DAP4") set(ENABLE_DAP4 ON CACHE BOOL "") else() message(STATUS "Disabling DAP4") set(ENABLE_DAP4 OFF CACHE BOOL "") endif(ENABLE_HDF5) else() set(ENABLE_DAP2 OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(ENABLE_DAP4 OFF CACHE BOOL "") endif() # Option to support byte-range reading of remote datasets option(ENABLE_BYTERANGE "Enable byte-range access to remote datasets.." ON) if(NOT ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY) message(WARNING "ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY=NO => ENABLE_BYTERANGE=NO") set(ENABLE_BYTERANGE OFF CACHE BOOL "ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY=NO => ENABLE_BYTERANGE=NO" FORCE) endif() # Option to Enable DAP long tests, remote tests. option(ENABLE_DAP_REMOTE_TESTS "Enable DAP remote tests." ON) option(ENABLE_EXTERNAL_SERVER_TESTS "Enable external Server remote tests." OFF) option(ENABLE_DAP_LONG_TESTS "Enable DAP long tests." OFF) if(NOT ENABLE_DAP) set(ENABLE_DAP_REMOTE_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(ENABLE_EXTERNAL_SERVER_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(ENABLE_DAP_LONG_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) endif() set(REMOTETESTSERVERS "remotetest.unidata.ucar.edu" CACHE STRING "test servers to use for remote test") set(REMOTETESTSERVERS "remotetest.unidata.ucar.edu" CACHE STRING "test servers to use for remote test") # Locate some compressors option(ENABLE_FILTER_SZIP "Enable use of Szip compression library if it is available. Required if ENABLE_NCZARR is true." ON) option(ENABLE_FILTER_BZ2 "Enable use of Bz2 compression library if it is available." ON) option(ENABLE_FILTER_BLOSC "Enable use of blosc compression library if it is available." ON) option(ENABLE_FILTER_ZSTD "Enable use of Zstd compression library if it is available." ON) # If user wants, then install selected plugins (default on) set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR "NO" CACHE STRING "Whether and where we should install plugins; defaults to yes") # This is ugly, but seems necessary because of CMake's boolean structure set(boolval FALSE) if(DEFINED PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR) booleanize(${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR} boolval) if(boolval) set(ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL YES) # No actual value was specified unset(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR CACHE) else() if(boolval STREQUAL "NOTFOUND") # Must be an actual value set(ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL YES) else() set(ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL NO) endif() endif() else() set(ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL NO) endif() # Ensure no defined plugin dir if not enabled if(NOT ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL) unset(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR CACHE) endif() if(ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL) if(NOT DEFINED PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR) # Default to HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH or its default directories if(DEFINED ENV{HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH}) set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR "$ENV{HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH}") else() if(ISMSVC OR ISMINGW) set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR "$ENV{ALLUSERSPROFILE}\\hdf5\\lib\\plugin") else() set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR "/usr/local/hdf5/lib/plugin") endif() endif() message("Defaulting to -DPLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR=${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() endif() if(ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL) # Use the lowest priority dir in the path if(NOT ISMSVC AND NOT ISMINGW) string(REPLACE ":" ";" PATH_LIST ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}) else() set(PATH_LIST ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}) endif() # Get last element list(GET PATH_LIST -1 PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR) set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR_SETTING "${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}") message("Final value of-DPLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR=${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}") else() # No option specified unset(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR) unset(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR CACHE) set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR_SETTING "N.A.") endif() # Try to enable NCZarr zip support option(ENABLE_NCZARR_ZIP "Enable NCZarr ZIP support." OFF) include(CMakeDependentOption) # libdl is always available; built-in in Windows and OSX cmake_dependent_option(ENABLE_PLUGINS "Enable dynamically loaded plugins (default on)." ON "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" OFF) if(MINGW) set(ENABLE_PLUGINS OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable plugins" FORCE) else() if(NOT WIN32) if(HAVE_DLFCN_H) include_directories("dlfcn.h") endif() endif() endif() if(ENABLE_PLUGINS) set(USEPLUGINS yes) endif() # Enable some developer-only tests option(ENABLE_EXTRA_TESTS "Enable Extra tests. Some may not work because of known issues. Developers only." OFF) if(ENABLE_EXTRA_TESTS) set(EXTRA_TESTS ON) endif() # Option to use bundled XGetopt in place of getopt(). This is mostly useful # for MSVC builds. If not building utilities or some tests, # getopt() isn't required at all. if(MSVC) option(ENABLE_XGETOPT "Enable bundled XGetOpt instead of external getopt()." ON) if(ENABLE_XGETOPT) set(USE_X_GETOPT ON CACHE BOOL "") endif() endif() set(MATH "") if(NOT WIN32) # STDIO instead of posixio. option(ENABLE_STDIO "If true, use stdio instead of posixio (ex. on the Cray)" OFF) if(ENABLE_STDIO) set(USE_STDIO ON CACHE BOOL "") endif() # FFIO insteaad of PosixIO option(ENABLE_FFIO "If true, use ffio instead of posixio" OFF) if(ENABLE_FFIO) set(USE_FFIO ON CACHE BOOL "") endif() endif() # Options for S3 Support option(ENABLE_S3 "Enable S3 support." OFF) option(ENABLE_S3_INTERNAL "Enable S3 Internal support." OFF) option(ENABLE_NCZARR_S3 "Enable NCZarr S3 support; Deprecated in favor of ENABLE_S3" OFF) if(NOT ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY) set(ENABLE_S3 OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(ENABLE_S3_INTERNAL OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(ENABLE_NCZARR_S3 OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) endif() # Control S3 Testing: Multi-valued option set(WITH_S3_TESTING OFF CACHE STRING "Control S3 Testing: ON (i.e. all) OFF (i.e. none) PUBLIC") SET_PROPERTY(CACHE WITH_S3_TESTING PROPERTY STRINGS ON OFF PUBLIC) # if(WITH_S3_TESTING STREQUAL "") set(WITH_S3_TESTING OFF CACHE STRING "") # Default endif() if(WITH_S3_TESTING) message(WARNING "**** DO NOT USE WITH_S3_TESTING=ON UNLESS YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE UNIDATA S3 BUCKET! ***") endif() # ENABLE_NCZARR_S3 is now an alias for ENABLE_S3 (but...) if (NOT ENABLE_S3 AND ENABLE_NCZARR_S3) set(ENABLE_S3 ON CACHE BOOL "NCARR S3" FORCE) # For back compatibility endif() unset(ENABLE_NCZARR_S3) if(NOT ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY) message(WARNING "ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY=NO => disable all s3 functionality") set(ENABLE_S3 OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(ENABLE_S3_INTERNAL OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(ENABLE_NCZARR_S3 OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(ENABLE_HDF5_ROS3 OFF CACHE BOOL "Use ROS3" FORCE) set(WITH_S3_TESTING OFF CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() if(ENABLE_S3) if(NOT ENABLE_S3_AWS AND NOT ENABLE_S3_INTERNAL) message(FATAL_ERROR "S3 support library not found; please specify option -DENABLE_S3=NO") set(ENABLE_S3 OFF CACHE BOOL "S3 support" FORCE) endif() if(ENABLE_S3_AWS AND ENABLE_S3_INTERNAL) message(WARNING "Both aws-sdk-cpp and s3-internal enabled => use s3-internal") set(ENABLE_S3_AWS OFF CACHE BOOL "S3 AWS" FORCE) endif() endif() if(NOT ENABLE_S3) if(WITH_S3_TESTING STREQUAL "PUBLIC" OR WITH_S3_TESTING) message(WARNING "S3 support is disabled => WITH_S3_TESTING=OFF") set(WITH_S3_TESTING OFF CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() endif() option(ENABLE_LIBXML2 "Link against libxml2 if it is available, use the packaged tinyxml2 parser otherwise." ON) set(XMLPARSER "tinyxml2 (bundled)") if(NOT ENABLE_BYTERANGE AND ENABLE_HDF5_ROS3) message(WARNING "ROS3 support requires ENABLE_BYTERANGE=TRUE; disabling ROS3 support") set(ENABLE_HDF5_ROS3 OFF CACHE BOOL "ROS3 support" FORCE) endif() ## # Enable Tests ## option(ENABLE_TESTS "Enable basic tests, run with 'make test'." ON) if(ENABLE_TESTS) set(BUILD_TESTSETS ON CACHE BOOL "") # Options for CTest-based tests, dashboards. set(NC_CTEST_PROJECT_NAME "netcdf-c" CACHE STRING "Project Name for CTest-based testing purposes.") set(NC_CTEST_DROP_SITE "cdash.unidata.ucar.edu:443" CACHE STRING "Dashboard location for CTest-based testing purposes.") set(NC_CTEST_DROP_LOC_PREFIX "" CACHE STRING "Prefix for Dashboard location on remote server when using CTest-based testing.") set(SUBMIT_URL "https://cdash.unidata.ucar.edu:443") find_program(HOSTNAME_CMD NAMES hostname) if(NOT WIN32) set(HOSTNAME_ARG "-s") endif() if(HOSTNAME_CMD) execute_process(COMMAND ${HOSTNAME_CMD} "${HOSTNAME_ARG}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE HOSTNAME OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) set(NC_CTEST_SITE "${HOSTNAME}" CACHE STRING "Hostname of test machine.") endif() if(NC_CTEST_SITE) set(SITE "${NC_CTEST_SITE}" CACHE STRING "") endif() ### # This option dictates whether or not to turn on # tests which are known to fail. This is not the # same thing as an 'expected failure'. Rather, these # are tests that will need to be fixed eventually. # # By placing them here, we can occasionally turn this # flag on and see if any known failures have been # fixed in the course of code improvement/other bug # fixes. # # To use this, simply add as a fencepost around tests # which are known to fail. ### option(ENABLE_FAILING_TESTS "Run tests which are known to fail, check to see if any have been fixed." OFF) ### # Option to turn on unit testing. See # https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/1472 for more information. ### option(ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS "Run Unit Tests." ON) ### # Option to turn on performance testing. # See https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/2627 for more information. ### option(ENABLE_BENCHMARKS "Run benchmark Tests." OFF) ### # End known-failures. ### MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ENABLE_FAILING_TESTS) endif() ### # Option to enable extreme numbers during testing. ### option(ENABLE_EXTREME_NUMBERS "Enable extreme numbers during testing, such as MAX_INT-1" ON) if(ENABLE_EXTREME_NUMBERS) set(USE_EXTREME_NUMBERS ON) endif() # Enable Large file tests if(ENABLE_LARGE_FILE_TESTS) set(LARGE_FILE_TESTS ON) endif() option(ENABLE_METADATA_PERF_TESTS "Enable test of metadata performance." OFF) if(ENABLE_METADATA_PERF_TESTS) set(ENABLE_METADATA_PERF ON) endif() # Location for large file tests. set(TEMP_LARGE "." CACHE STRING "Location to store large file tests.") option(ENABLE_FSYNC "Enable experimental fsync code." OFF) if(ENABLE_FSYNC) set(USE_FSYNC ON) endif() # Temporary OPTION (ENABLE_JNA "Enable jna bug fix code." OFF) if(ENABLE_JNA) set(JNA ON) endif() # Linux specific large file support flags. # Modelled after check in CMakeLists.txt for hdf5. option(ENABLE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT "Enable large file support." ON) if(ENABLE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT) if(MSVC) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /LARGEADDRESSAWARE") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} /LARGEADDRESSAWARE") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} /LARGEADDRESSAWARE") else() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64") endif() endif() option(ENABLE_EXAMPLE_TESTS "Run extra example tests. Requires GNU Sed. Ignored if HDF5 is not Enabled" OFF) if(NOT ENABLE_HDF5 AND ENABLE_EXAMPLE_TESTS) set(ENABLE_EXAMPLE_TESTS OFF) endif() ################################## # Dependencies ################################## include(cmake/dependencies.cmake) ################################ # End Dependencies ################################ # Enable Parallel IO with netCDF-4/HDF5 files using HDF5 parallel I/O. set(STATUS_PARALLEL "OFF") set(IMPORT_MPI "") option(ENABLE_PARALLEL4 "Build netCDF-4 with parallel IO" "${HDF5_PARALLEL}") if(ENABLE_PARALLEL4 AND ENABLE_HDF5) if(NOT HDF5_PARALLEL) set(USE_PARALLEL OFF CACHE BOOL "") message(STATUS "Cannot find HDF5 library built with parallel support. Disabling parallel build.") else() set(HDF5_PARALLEL ON CACHE BOOL "") set(USE_PARALLEL ON CACHE BOOL "") set(USE_PARALLEL4 ON CACHE BOOL "") set(STATUS_PARALLEL "ON") configure_file("${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/run_par_test.sh.in" "${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/tmp/run_par_test.sh" @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) file(COPY "${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/tmp/run_par_test.sh" DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nc_test4 FILE_PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE) configure_file("${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/h5_test/run_par_tests.sh.in" "${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/tmp/run_par_tests.sh" @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) file(COPY "${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/tmp/run_par_tests.sh" DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/h5_test FILE_PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE) set(IMPORT_MPI "include(CMakeFindDependencyMacro)\nfind_dependency(MPI COMPONENTS C)") endif() endif() # Options to enable parallel IO for classic formats with PnetCDF library. set(STATUS_PNETCDF "OFF") if(ENABLE_PNETCDF) # Check for ncmpi_create in libpnetcdf, define USE_PNETCDF # Does the user want to turn on PnetCDF read ability? set(USE_PNETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "") if(NOT PNETCDF) message(STATUS "Cannot find PnetCDF library. Disabling PnetCDF support.") set(USE_PNETCDF OFF CACHE BOOL "") else(NOT PNETCDF) set(USE_PARALLEL ON CACHE BOOL "") # Check PnetCDF version. Must be >= 1.6.0 set(pnetcdf_h "${PNETCDF_INCLUDE_DIR}/pnetcdf.h" ) message(STATUS "PnetCDF include file ${pnetcdf_h} will be searched for version") file(STRINGS "${pnetcdf_h}" pnetcdf_major_string REGEX "^#define PNETCDF_VERSION_MAJOR") string(REGEX REPLACE "[^0-9]" "" pnetcdf_major "${pnetcdf_major_string}") file(STRINGS "${pnetcdf_h}" pnetcdf_minor_string REGEX "^#define PNETCDF_VERSION_MINOR") string(REGEX REPLACE "[^0-9]" "" pnetcdf_minor "${pnetcdf_minor_string}") file(STRINGS "${pnetcdf_h}" pnetcdf_sub_string REGEX "^#define PNETCDF_VERSION_SUB") string(REGEX REPLACE "[^0-9]" "" pnetcdf_sub "${pnetcdf_sub_string}") set(pnetcdf_version "${pnetcdf_major}.${pnetcdf_minor}.${pnetcdf_sub}") message(STATUS "Found PnetCDF version ${pnetcdf_version}") if(${pnetcdf_version} VERSION_GREATER "1.6.0") set(STATUS_PNETCDF "ON") include_directories(${PNETCDF_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(HAVE_LIBPNETCDF ON) # PnetCDF => parallel set(STATUS_PARALLEL ON) set(USE_PARALLEL ON) message(STATUS "Using PnetCDF Library: ${PNETCDF}") else() message(WARNING "ENABLE_PNETCDF requires version 1.6.1 or later; found version ${pnetcdf_version}. PnetCDF is disabled") endif() ### # Generate pnetcdf test. ### configure_file("${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test/run_pnetcdf_tests.sh.in" "${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nc_test/run_pnetcdf_tests.sh") endif(NOT PNETCDF) endif() # Options to enable use of fill values for elements causing NC_ERANGE set(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL AUTO CACHE STRING "AUTO") option(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL "Enable use of fill value when out-of-range type conversion causes NC_ERANGE error." OFF) if(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL) # enable or auto string(TOUPPER ${ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL} ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL) if(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL AND NOT ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL STREQUAL "AUTO") # explicitly enabled set(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL ON) else() if(NOT ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL STREQUAL "AUTO") set(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL OFF) endif() endif() endif(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL) # Now ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL is either AUTO, ON, or OFF # More relaxed coordinate check is now mandatory for all builds. set(ENABLE_ZERO_LENGTH_COORD_BOUND ON) # check and conform with PnetCDF settings on ERANGE_FILL and RELAX_COORD_BOUND if(STATUS_PNETCDF) file(STRINGS "${pnetcdf_h}" enable_erange_fill_pnetcdf REGEX "^#define PNETCDF_ERANGE_FILL") string(REGEX REPLACE "[^0-9]" "" erange_fill_pnetcdf "${enable_erange_fill_pnetcdf}") if("x${erange_fill_pnetcdf}" STREQUAL "x1") set(erange_fill_pnetcdf "ON") else() set(erange_fill_pnetcdf "OFF") endif() if(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL STREQUAL "AUTO") # not set on command line set(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL "${erange_fill_pnetcdf}") else() # user explicitly set this option on command line if(NOT ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL STREQUAL "${erange_fill_pnetcdf}") if(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL) message(FATAL_ERROR "Enabling erange-fill conflicts with PnetCDF setting") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Disabling erange-fill conflicts with PnetCDF setting") endif() endif() endif() file(STRINGS "${pnetcdf_h}" relax_coord_bound_pnetcdf REGEX "^#define PNETCDF_RELAX_COORD_BOUND") string(REGEX REPLACE "[^0-9]" "" relax_coord_bound "${relax_coord_bound_pnetcdf}") if("x${relax_coord_bound}" STREQUAL "x1") set(relax_coord_bound_pnetcdf "ON") else() set(relax_coord_bound_pnetcdf "OFF") endif() # pnetcdf must have relaxed coord bounds to build with netCDF-4 if(NOT ENABLE_ZERO_LENGTH_COORD_BOUND STREQUAL "${relax_coord_bound_pnetcdf}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Pnetcdf must be built with relax-coord-bound enabled") endif() endif() if(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL) message(STATUS "Enabling use of fill value when NC_ERANGE") set(M4FLAGS "-DERANGE_FILL" CACHE STRING "") endif() if(ENABLE_ZERO_LENGTH_COORD_BOUND) message(STATUS "Enabling a more relaxed check for NC_EINVALCOORDS") target_compile_definitions(netcdf PRIVATE RELAX_COORD_BOUND) endif() # Enable Parallel Tests. option(ENABLE_PARALLEL_TESTS "Enable Parallel IO Tests. Requires HDF5/NetCDF4 with parallel I/O Support." "${HDF5_PARALLEL}") if(ENABLE_PARALLEL_TESTS AND USE_PARALLEL) set(TEST_PARALLEL ON CACHE BOOL "") if(USE_NETCDF4) set(TEST_PARALLEL4 ON CACHE BOOL "") endif() endif() IF (ENABLE_PARALLEL_TESTS AND NOT USE_PARALLEL) message(FATAL_ERROR "Parallel tests requested, but no parallel HDF5 installation detected.") endif() # Enable special filter test; experimental when using cmake. option(ENABLE_FILTER_TESTING "Enable filter testing. Ignored if shared libraries or netCDF4 are not enabled" ON) if(ENABLE_FILTER_TESTING) if(NOT ENABLE_HDF5 AND NOT ENABLE_NCZARR) message(WARNING "ENABLE_FILTER_TESTING requires HDF5 and/or NCZarr. Disabling.") set(ENABLE_FILTER_TESTING OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Filter Testing" FORCE) endif() endif() if(NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) message(WARNING "ENABLE_FILTER_TESTING requires shared libraries. Disabling.") set(ENABLE_FILTER_TESTING OFF) endif() option(ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS "Enable NCZarr filters" ON) option(ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS_TESTING "Enable NCZarr filter testing." ON) # Constraints IF (NOT ENABLE_PLUGINS) message(WARNING "ENABLE_FILTER_TESTING requires shared libraries. Disabling.") set(ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable NCZarr Filters." FORCE) endif() IF (NOT ENABLE_NCZARR) message(WARNING "ENABLE_NCZARR==NO => ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS==NO AND ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTER_TESTING==NO") set(ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable NCZARR_FILTERS" FORCE) endif() IF (NOT ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS) set(ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTER_TESTING OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable NCZarr Filter Testing" FORCE) endif() set(ENABLE_CLIENTSIDE_FILTERS OFF) # Determine whether or not to generate documentation. option(ENABLE_DOXYGEN "Enable generation of doxygen-based documentation." OFF) if(ENABLE_DOXYGEN) # Offer the option to build internal documentation. option(ENABLE_INTERNAL_DOCS "Build internal documentation. This is of interest to developers only." OFF) if(ENABLE_INTERNAL_DOCS) set(BUILD_INTERNAL_DOCS yes CACHE STRING "") else() set(BUILD_INTERNAL_DOCS no CACHE STRING "") endif() ### # # If we are building release documentation, we need to set some # variables that will be used in the Doxygen.in template. ### option(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_BUILD_RELEASE_DOCS "Build release documentation. This is of interest only to the netCDF developers." OFF) if(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_BUILD_RELEASE_DOCS) set(DOXYGEN_CSS_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/docs/release.css" CACHE STRING "") set(DOXYGEN_HEADER_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/docs/release_header.html" CACHE STRING "") set(DOXYGEN_SEARCHENGINE "NO" CACHE STRING "") set(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_SERVER_BASED_SEARCH NO CACHE STRING "") else() set(DOXYGEN_CSS_FILE "" CACHE STRING "") set(DOXYGEN_HEADER_FILE "" CACHE STRING "") set(DOXYGEN_SEARCHENGINE "YES" CACHE STRING "") # If not using release document configuration, # provide an option for server-based search. option(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_SERVER_SIDE_SEARCH "Configure Doxygen with server-based search." OFF) if(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_SERVER_SIDE_SEARCH) set(DOXYGEN_SERVER_BASED_SEARCH "YES" CACHE STRING "") else() set(DOXYGEN_SERVER_BASED_SEARCH "NO" CACHE STRING "") endif(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_SERVER_SIDE_SEARCH) endif(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_BUILD_RELEASE_DOCS) # Option to turn on the TODO list in the doxygen-generated documentation. option(DOXYGEN_ENABLE_TASKS "Turn on test, todo, bug lists in documentation. This is of interest to developers only." OFF) if(DOXYGEN_ENABLE_TASKS) set(SHOW_DOXYGEN_TAG_LIST YES CACHE STRING "") else(DOXYGEN_ENABLE_TASKS) set(SHOW_DOXYGEN_TODO_LIST NO CACHE STRING "") endif(DOXYGEN_ENABLE_TASKS) option(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_PDF_OUTPUT "[EXPERIMENTAL] Turn on PDF output for Doxygen-generated documentation." OFF) if(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_PDF_OUTPUT) set(NC_ENABLE_DOXYGEN_PDF_OUTPUT "YES" CACHE STRING "") else() set(NC_ENABLE_DOXYGEN_PDF_OUTPUT "NO" CACHE STRING "") endif() find_program(NC_DOT NAMES dot) # Specify whether or not 'dot' was found on the system path. if(NC_DOT) set(HAVE_DOT YES CACHE STRING "") else(NC_DOT) set(HAVE_DOT NO CACHE STRING "") endif(NC_DOT) endif() # Always enable DISKLESS option(ENABLE_DISKLESS "Enable in-memory files" ON) # Always enable quantization. option(ENABLE_QUANTIZE "Enable variable quantization" ON) # By default, MSVC has a stack size of 1000000. # Allow a user to override this. if(MSVC) set(NC_MSVC_STACK_SIZE 40000000 CACHE STRING "Default stack size for MSVC-based projects.") # By default, CMake sets the stack to 1000000. # Remove this limitation. # See here for more details: # http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2009-April/028710.html set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /STACK:${NC_MSVC_STACK_SIZE}") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} /STACK:${NC_MSVC_STACK_SIZE}") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} /STACK:${NC_MSVC_STACK_SIZE}") endif() # Set some of the options as advanced. MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ENABLE_INTERNAL_DOCS VALGRIND_TESTS ENABLE_COVERAGE_TESTS ) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ENABLE_DAP_REMOTE_TESTS ENABLE_DAP_LONG_TESTS USE_REMOTE_CDASH ENABLE_EXTERNAL_SERVER_TESTS) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ENABLE_DOXYGEN_BUILD_RELEASE_DOCS DOXYGEN_ENABLE_TASKS ENABLE_DOXYGEN_SERVER_SIDE_SEARCH) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ENABLE_SHARED_LIBRARY_VERSION) ################################ # Option checks ################################ # Library include checks CHECK_INCLUDE_file("math.h" HAVE_MATH_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("unistd.h" HAVE_UNISTD_H) # Solve a compatibility issue in ncgen/, which checks # for NO_UNISTD_H if(NOT HAVE_UNISTD_H) set(YY_NO_UNISTD_H TRUE) endif() CHECK_INCLUDE_file("alloca.h" HAVE_ALLOCA_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("malloc.h" HAVE_MALLOC_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("fcntl.h" HAVE_FCNTL_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("getopt.h" HAVE_GETOPT_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("locale.h" HAVE_LOCALE_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("stdint.h" HAVE_STDINT_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("stdio.h" HAVE_STDIO_H) if(MSVC) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("io.h" HAVE_IO_H) endif(MSVC) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("stdlib.h" HAVE_STDLIB_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("ctype.h" HAVE_CTYPE_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("stdarg.h" HAVE_STDARG_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("strings.h" HAVE_STRINGS_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("signal.h" HAVE_SIGNAL_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("sys/param.h" HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("sys/stat.h" HAVE_SYS_STAT_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("sys/time.h" HAVE_SYS_TIME_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("sys/types.h" HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("sys/mman.h" HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("sys/resource.h" HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("fcntl.h" HAVE_FCNTL_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("inttypes.h" HAVE_INTTYPES_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("pstdint.h" HAVE_PSTDINT_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("endian.h" HAVE_ENDIAN_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("BaseTsd.h" HAVE_BASETSD_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("stddef.h" HAVE_STDDEF_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("string.h" HAVE_STRING_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("winsock2.h" HAVE_WINSOCK2_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("ftw.h" HAVE_FTW_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("libgen.h" HAVE_LIBGEN_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("execinfo.h" HAVE_EXECINFO_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("dirent.h" HAVE_DIRENT_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("time.h" HAVE_TIME_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_file("dlfcn.h" HAVE_DLFCN_H) # Symbol Exists CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(isfinite "math.h" HAVE_DECL_ISFINITE) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(isnan "math.h" HAVE_DECL_ISNAN) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(isinf "math.h" HAVE_DECL_ISINF) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(st_blksize "sys/stat.h" HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_BLKSIZE) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(alloca "alloca.h" HAVE_ALLOCA) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(snprintf "stdio.h" HAVE_SNPRINTF) # Type checks # Aliases for automake consistency set(SIZEOF_VOIDSTAR ${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}) set(SIZEOF_VOIDP ${SIZEOF_VOIDSTAR}) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("char" SIZEOF_CHAR) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("double" SIZEOF_DOUBLE) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("float" SIZEOF_FLOAT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("int" SIZEOF_INT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("uint" SIZEOF_UINT) if(SIZEOF_UINT) set(HAVE_UINT TRUE) endif(SIZEOF_UINT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("schar" SIZEOF_SCHAR) if(SIZEOF_SCHAR) set(HAVE_SCHAR TRUE) endif(SIZEOF_SCHAR) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("long" SIZEOF_LONG) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("long long" SIZEOF_LONG_LONG) if(SIZEOF_LONG_LONG) set(HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT TRUE) endif(SIZEOF_LONG_LONG) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("unsigned long long" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("off_t" SIZEOF_OFF_T) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("off64_t" SIZEOF_OFF64_T) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("short" SIZEOF_SHORT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("ushort" SIZEOF_USHORT) if(SIZEOF_USHORT) set(HAVE_USHORT TRUE) endif(SIZEOF_USHORT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("_Bool" SIZEOF__BOOL) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("size_t" SIZEOF_SIZE_T) # Check whether to turn on or off CDF5 support. if(SIZEOF_SIZE_T EQUAL 4) if(ENABLE_CDF5) # enable or auto string(TOUPPER ${ENABLE_CDF5} ENABLE_CDF5) if(ENABLE_CDF5 AND NOT ENABLE_CDF5 STREQUAL "AUTO") # explicitly enabled message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to support CDF5 feature because size_t is less than 8 bytes") endif(ENABLE_CDF5 AND NOT ENABLE_CDF5 STREQUAL "AUTO") set(ENABLE_CDF5 OFF) # cannot support CDF5 set(USE_CDF5 OFF CACHE BOOL "") # cannot support CDF5 endif(ENABLE_CDF5) else(SIZEOF_SIZE_T EQUAL 4) if(ENABLE_CDF5) # explicitly set by user or not set set(USE_CDF5 ON CACHE BOOL "") else(ENABLE_CDF5) # explicitly disabled by user set(USE_CDF5 OFF CACHE BOOL "") endif(ENABLE_CDF5) endif(SIZEOF_SIZE_T EQUAL 4) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("ssize_t" SIZEOF_SSIZE_T) if(SIZEOF_SSIZE_T) set(HAVE_SSIZE_T TRUE) endif(SIZEOF_SSIZE_T) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("ptrdiff_t" SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T) if(SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T) set(HAVE_PTRDIFF_T TRUE) endif(SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("uintptr_t" SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T) if(SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T) set(HAVE_UINTPTR_T TRUE) endif(SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("mode_t" SIZEOF_MODE_T) if(SIZEOF_MODE_T) set(HAVE_MODE_T TRUE) endif(SIZEOF_MODE_T) # __int64 is used on Windows for large file support. CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("__int64" SIZEOF___INT_64) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("int64_t" SIZEOF_INT64_T) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("uint64" SIZEOF_UINT64) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("unsigned char" SIZEOF_UCHAR) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("unsigned short int" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_SHORT_INT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("unsigned int" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_INT) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("long long" SIZEOF_LONGLONG) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("unsigned long long" SIZEOF_ULONGLONG) CHECK_TYPE_SIZE("uint64_t" SIZEOF_UINT64_T) if(SIZEOF_UINT64_T) set(HAVE_UINT64_T TRUE) endif(SIZEOF_UINT64_T) # On windows systems, we redefine off_t as __int64 # to enable LFS. This is true on 32 and 64 bit system.s # We must redefine SIZEOF_OFF_T to match. if(MSVC AND SIZEOF___INT_64) set(SIZEOF_OFF_T ${SIZEOF___INT_64}) endif() # Check for various functions. CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(fsync HAVE_FSYNC) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strlcat HAVE_STRLCAT) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strlcpy HAVE_STRLCPY) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strdup HAVE_STRDUP) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strndup HAVE_STRNDUP) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strtoll HAVE_STRTOLL) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strcasecmp HAVE_STRCASECMP) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(strtoull HAVE_STRTOULL) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(mkstemp HAVE_MKSTEMP) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(mktemp HAVE_MKTEMP) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(random HAVE_RANDOM) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(gettimeofday HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(MPI_Comm_f2c HAVE_MPI_COMM_F2C) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(MPI_Info_f2c HAVE_MPI_INFO_F2C) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(memmove HAVE_MEMMOVE) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(getpagesize HAVE_GETPAGESIZE) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(sysconf HAVE_SYSCONF) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(getrlimit HAVE_GETRLIMIT) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(_filelengthi64 HAVE_FILE_LENGTH_I64) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(mmap HAVE_MMAP) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(mremap HAVE_MREMAP) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(fileno HAVE_FILENO) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(clock_gettime HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS("struct timespec" "time.h" HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(atexit HAVE_ATEXIT) # Control invoking nc_finalize at exit option(ENABLE_ATEXIT_FINALIZE "Invoke nc_finalize at exit." ON) if(NOT HAVE_ATEXIT) if(ENABLE_ATEXIT_FINALIZE AND NOT HAVE_ATEXIT) set(ENABLE_ATEXIT_FINALIZE OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable ATEXIT" FORCE) message(WARNING "ENABLE_ATEXIT_FINALIZE set but atexit() function not defined") endif() endif() # Check to see if MAP_ANONYMOUS is defined. if(MSVC) message(WARNING "mmap not supported under visual studio: disabling MMAP support.") set(ENABLE_MMAP OFF) else() CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main() {int x = MAP_ANONYMOUS;}" HAVE_MAPANON) if(NOT HAVE_MMAP OR NOT HAVE_MAPANON) message(WARNING "mmap or MAP_ANONYMOUS not found: disabling MMAP support.") set(ENABLE_MMAP OFF) endif() endif() if(ENABLE_MMAP) # Aliases set(BUILD_MMAP ON) set(USE_MMAP ON) endif(ENABLE_MMAP) #CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(alloca HAVE_ALLOCA) # Used in the `configure_file` calls below set(ISCMAKE "yes") if(MSVC) set(ISMSVC ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(REGEDIT ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) # Get windows major version and build number execute_process(COMMAND "systeminfo" OUTPUT_VARIABLE WININFO) if(WININFO STREQUAL "") set(WVM 0) set(WVB 0) else() string(REGEX MATCH "\nOS Version:[ \t]+[0-9.]+" WINVERLINE "${WININFO}") string(REGEX REPLACE "[^0-9]*([0-9]+)[.]([0-9])+[.]([0-9]+)" "\\1" WVM "${WINVERLINE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "[^0-9]*([0-9]+)[.]([0-9])+[.]([0-9]+)" "\\3" WVB "${WINVERLINE}") endif() set(WINVERMAJOR ${WVM} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) set(WINVERBUILD ${WVB} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() ##### # End system inspection checks. ##### # A basic script used to convert m4 files find_program(NC_M4 NAMES m4 m4.exe) if(NC_M4) message(STATUS "Found m4: ${NC_M4}") set(HAVE_M4 TRUE) else() message(STATUS "m4 not found.") set(HAVE_M4 FALSE) endif() ##specific # Shell script Macro ## # Determine if 'bash' is on the system. ## option(ENABLE_BASH_SCRIPT_TESTING "Detection is typically automatic, but this option can be used to force enable/disable bash-script based tests." ON) if(ENABLE_BASH_SCRIPT_TESTING) find_program(HAVE_BASH bash) if(HAVE_BASH) string(COMPARE EQUAL "${HAVE_BASH}" "C:/Windows/System32/bash.exe" IS_BASH_EXE) if(NOT IS_BASH_EXE) message(STATUS "Found bash: ${HAVE_BASH}") else() message(STATUS "Ignoring ${HAVE_BASH}") set(HAVE_BASH "") endif() else() message(STATUS "Bash shell not found; disabling shell script tests.") endif() else(ENABLE_BASH_SCRIPT_TESTING) set(HAVE_BASH "") endif(ENABLE_BASH_SCRIPT_TESTING) # Create config.h file. configure_file("${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake.in" "${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/config.h") add_compile_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H) include_directories(${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}) # End autotools-style checks for config.h ##### # Set the true names of all the libraries, if customized by external project ##### # Recurse into other subdirectories. add_subdirectory("include") add_subdirectory(libdispatch) add_subdirectory(libsrc) if(USE_PNETCDF) add_subdirectory(libsrcp) endif(USE_PNETCDF) if(USE_NETCDF4) add_subdirectory(libsrc4) endif() if(USE_HDF5) add_subdirectory(libhdf5) endif(USE_HDF5) if(USE_HDF4) add_subdirectory(libhdf4) add_subdirectory(hdf4_test) endif(USE_HDF4) if(ENABLE_DAP2) add_subdirectory(oc2) add_subdirectory(libdap2) endif() if(ENABLE_DAP4) add_subdirectory(libdap4) add_subdirectory(libncxml) else() if(ENABLE_S3_INTERNAL) add_subdirectory(libncxml) endif() endif() if(ENABLE_PLUGINS) add_subdirectory(libncpoco) endif() if(ENABLE_NCZARR) add_subdirectory(libnczarr) file(COPY ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/unit_test/timer_utils.h DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nczarr_test/) file(COPY ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/unit_test/timer_utils.c DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nczarr_test/) file(COPY ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/test_filter.c DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nczarr_test/) file(COPY ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/test_filter_misc.c DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nczarr_test/) file(COPY ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/test_filter_repeat.c DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nczarr_test/) file(COPY ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/test_filter_order.c DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nczarr_test/) file(COPY ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/tst_multifilter.c DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nczarr_test/) endif() add_subdirectory(liblib) if(ENABLE_PLUGINS) add_subdirectory(plugins) endif() # Enable Utilities. if(BUILD_UTILITIES) include_directories(ncdump) add_subdirectory(ncgen) add_subdirectory(ncgen3) add_subdirectory(ncdump) endif() # Enable tests if(ENABLE_TESTS) if(ENABLE_V2_API) add_subdirectory(nctest) endif() add_subdirectory(nc_test) if(USE_HDF5) include_directories(h5_test) add_subdirectory(nc_test4) add_subdirectory(h5_test) endif() if(ENABLE_DAP2) add_subdirectory(ncdap_test) endif() if(ENABLE_DAP4) add_subdirectory(dap4_test) endif() if(ENABLE_EXAMPLES) add_subdirectory(examples) endif() if(ENABLE_BENCHMARKS) add_subdirectory(nc_perf) endif(ENABLE_BENCHMARKS) if(ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS) add_subdirectory(unit_test) endif(ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS) if(ENABLE_NCZARR) add_subdirectory(nczarr_test) endif() endif() # Code to generate an export header #GENERATE_EXPORT_HEADER(netcdf # BASE_NAME netcdf # EXPORT_MACRO_NAME netcdf_EXPORT # EXPORT_FILE_NAME netcdf_Export.h # STATIC_DEFINE netcdf_BUILT_AS_STATIC #) ##### # Build doxygen documentation, if need be. ##### add_subdirectory(docs) ## # Brute force, grab all of the dlls from the dependency directory, # install them in the binary dir. Grab all of the .libs, put them # in the libdir. ## if(MSVC) file(GLOB COPY_FILES ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}/lib/*.lib) install(FILES ${COPY_FILES} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} COMPONENT dependencies) file(GLOB COPY_FILES ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}/bin/*.dll) string(REGEX REPLACE "msv[.*].dll" "" COPY_FILES "${COPY_FILES}") install(FILES ${COPY_FILES} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} COMPONENT dependencies) endif() # Subdirectory CMakeLists.txt files should specify their own # 'install' files. # Including 'CPack' kicks everything off. include(InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/FixBundle.cmake.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FixBundle.cmake @ONLY ) ### # Create pkgconfig files. ### if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR lib) endif(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR) # Set set(prefix ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) set(exec_prefix ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) set(libdir ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}) set(includedir ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) set(CC ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}) # Process all dependency libraries and create a string # used when parsing netcdf.pc.in set(NC_LIBS "") foreach(_LIB ${ALL_TLL_LIBS}) get_filename_component(_LIB_NAME ${_LIB} NAME_WE) string(REGEX REPLACE "^lib" "" _NAME ${_LIB_NAME}) list(APPEND NC_LIBS "-l${_NAME}") get_filename_component(_LIB_DIR ${_LIB} PATH) list(APPEND LINKFLAGS "-L${_LIB_DIR}") endforeach() #set(NC_LIBS "-lnetcdf ${NC_LIBS}") if(NC_LIBS) string(REPLACE ";" " " NC_LIBS "${NC_LIBS}") string(REPLACE "-lhdf5::hdf5-shared" "-lhdf5" NC_LIBS ${NC_LIBS}) string(REPLACE "-lhdf5::hdf5_hl-shared" "-lhdf5_hl" NC_LIBS ${NC_LIBS}) string(REPLACE "-lhdf5::hdf5-static" "-lhdf5" NC_LIBS ${NC_LIBS}) string(REPLACE "-lhdf5::hdf5_hl-static" "-lhdf5_hl" NC_LIBS ${NC_LIBS}) endif() string(REPLACE ";" " " LINKFLAGS "${LINKFLAGS}") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES NC_LIBS) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES LINKFLAGS) set(LIBS ${NC_LIBS}) set(NC_LIBS "-lnetcdf") configure_file( ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/netcdf.pc.in ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/netcdf.pc @ONLY) if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/tmp) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/tmp) endif() configure_file("${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/nc-config.cmake.in" "${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/tmp/nc-config" @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) file(COPY "${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/tmp/nc-config" DESTINATION ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/ FILE_PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE) install(FILES ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/netcdf.pc DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/pkgconfig COMPONENT utilities) install(PROGRAMS ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/nc-config DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} COMPONENT utilities) ### # End pkgconfig, nc-config file creation. ### ## # Print the configuration summary ## print_conf_summary() # Enable Makedist files. ADD_MAKEDIST() ENABLE_MAKEDIST(README.md COPYRIGHT RELEASE_NOTES.md INSTALL INSTALL.cmake test_prog.c lib_flags.am cmake CMakeLists.txt COMPILE.cmake.txt config.h.cmake.in cmake_uninstall.cmake.in netcdf-config-version.cmake.in netcdf-config.cmake.in FixBundle.cmake.in nc-config.cmake.in configure configure.ac install-sh config.h.in config.sub CTestConfig.cmake.in) ##### # Configure and print the libnetcdf.settings file. ##### # Set variables to mirror those used by autoconf. # This way we don't need to maintain two separate template # files. set(host_cpu "${cpu}") set(host_vendor "${osname}") set(host_os "${osrel}") set(abs_top_builddir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") set(abs_top_srcdir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") string(RANDOM LENGTH 3 ALPHABET "0123456789" PLATFORMUID) math(EXPR PLATFORMUID "${PLATFORMUID} + 1" OUTPUT_FORMAT DECIMAL) set(CC_VERSION "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}") # Build *FLAGS for libnetcdf.settings. set(CFLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}}") set(CPPFLAGS "${CMAKE_CPP_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CPP_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}}") set(LDFLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}}") is_disabled(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS enable_static) is_enabled(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS enable_shared) is_enabled(ENABLE_V2_API HAS_NC2) is_enabled(ENABLE_NETCDF_4 HAS_NC4) is_enabled(ENABLE_HDF4 HAS_HDF4) is_enabled(USE_HDF5 HAS_HDF5) is_enabled(OFF HAS_BENCHMARKS) is_enabled(STATUS_PNETCDF HAS_PNETCDF) is_enabled(STATUS_PARALLEL HAS_PARALLEL) is_enabled(ENABLE_PARALLEL4 HAS_PARALLEL4) is_enabled(ENABLE_DAP HAS_DAP) is_enabled(ENABLE_DAP2 HAS_DAP2) is_enabled(ENABLE_DAP4 HAS_DAP4) is_enabled(ENABLE_BYTERANGE HAS_BYTERANGE) is_enabled(ENABLE_DISKLESS HAS_DISKLESS) is_enabled(USE_MMAP HAS_MMAP) is_enabled(JNA HAS_JNA) is_enabled(ENABLE_ZERO_LENGTH_COORD_BOUND RELAX_COORD_BOUND) is_enabled(USE_CDF5 HAS_CDF5) is_enabled(ENABLE_ERANGE_FILL HAS_ERANGE_FILL) is_enabled(HDF5_HAS_PAR_FILTERS HAS_PAR_FILTERS) is_enabled(ENABLE_S3 HAS_S3) is_enabled(ENABLE_S3_AWS HAS_S3_AWS) is_enabled(ENABLE_S3_INTERNAL HAS_S3_INTERNAL) is_enabled(HAS_HDF5_ROS3 HAS_HDF5_ROS3) is_enabled(ENABLE_NCZARR HAS_NCZARR) is_enabled(ENABLE_NCZARR_ZIP HAS_NCZARR_ZIP) is_enabled(ENABLE_NCZARR_ZIP DO_NCZARR_ZIP_TESTS) is_enabled(ENABLE_QUANTIZE HAS_QUANTIZE) is_enabled(ENABLE_LOGGING HAS_LOGGING) is_enabled(ENABLE_FILTER_TESTING DO_FILTER_TESTS) is_enabled(HAVE_SZ HAS_SZIP) is_enabled(HAVE_SZ HAS_SZLIB_WRITE) is_enabled(HAVE_ZSTD HAS_ZSTD) is_enabled(HAVE_BLOSC HAS_BLOSC) is_enabled(HAVE_BZ2 HAS_BZ2) is_enabled(ENABLE_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY DO_REMOTE_FUNCTIONALITY) if(ENABLE_S3_INTERNAL) set(WHICH_S3_SDK "internal") set(NC_WHICH_S3_SDK "internal") elseif(ENABLE_S3_AWS) set(WHICH_S3_SDK "aws-sdk-cpp") set(NC_WHICH_S3_SDK "aws-sdk-cpp") else() set(WHICH_S3_SDK "none") set(NC_WHICH_S3_SDK "none") endif() if(WITH_S3_TESTING STREQUAL PUBLIC) set(ENABLE_S3_TESTING "public") elseif(WITH_S3_TESTING) set(ENABLE_S3_TESTING "yes") set(ENABLE_S3_TESTALL "yes") elseif(NOT WITH_S3_TESTING) set(ENABLE_S3_TESTING "no") else() set(ENABLE_S3_TESTING "no") endif() # The Unidata testing S3 bucket # WARNING: this must match the value in configure.ac set(S3TESTBUCKET "unidata-zarr-test-data" CACHE STRING "S3 test bucket") # The working S3 path tree within the Unidata bucket. # WARNING: this must match the value in configure.ac set(S3TESTSUBTREE "netcdf-c" CACHE STRING "Working S3 path.") # Build a unique id based on the date string(TIMESTAMP TESTUID "%s") if(ENABLE_S3_TESTING) file(APPEND "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/s3cleanup_${PLATFORMUID}.uids" "${TESTUID}\n") endif() # Copy the CTest customization file into binary directory, as required. configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake") # Generate file from template. configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libnetcdf.settings.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libnetcdf.settings" @ONLY) # Read in settings file, print out. # Avoid using system-specific calls so that this # might also work on Windows. file(READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libnetcdf.settings" LIBNETCDF_SETTINGS) message(STATUS ${LIBNETCDF_SETTINGS}) # Install libnetcdf.settings file into same location # as the libraries. install(FILES "${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/libnetcdf.settings" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" COMPONENT libraries) ##### # End libnetcdf.settings section. ##### ##### # Create 'netcdf_meta.h' include file. ##### configure_file( ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/include/netcdf_meta.h.in ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/include/netcdf_meta.h @ONLY) ##### # Create 'netcdf_dispatch.h' include file. ##### configure_file( ${netCDF_SOURCE_DIR}/include/netcdf_dispatch.h.in ${netCDF_BINARY_DIR}/include/netcdf_dispatch.h @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) #### # Build test_common.sh ##### set(EXTRA_DIST ${EXTRA_DIST} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test_common.in) set(TOPSRCDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") set(TOPBUILDDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test_common.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_common.sh @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) #### # Build s3cleanup.sh and s3gc.sh ##### set(EXTRA_DIST ${EXTRA_DIST} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/s3cleanup.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/s3gc.in) set(TOPSRCDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") set(TOPBUILDDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/s3cleanup.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/s3cleanup.sh @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/s3gc.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/s3gc.sh @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) ##### # Build and copy nc_test4/findplugin.sh to various places ##### configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/findplugin.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/nc_test4/findplugin.sh @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/findplugin.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/nczarr_test/findplugin.sh @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/findplugin.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/plugins/findplugin.sh @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_test4/findplugin.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/examples/C/findplugin.sh @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) if(ENABLE_BENCHMARKS) if(ENABLE_PARALLEL4) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_perf/run_par_bm_test.sh.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/nc_perf/run_par_bm_test.sh @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/nc_perf/run_gfs_test.sh.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/nc_perf/run_gfs_test.sh @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) endif(ENABLE_PARALLEL4) endif(ENABLE_BENCHMARKS) if(ENABLE_TESTS) ##### # Build ncdap_test|dap4_test/findtestserver[4].c ##### configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ncdap_test/findtestserver.c.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ncdap_test/findtestserver.c @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ncdap_test/findtestserver.c.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dap4_test/findtestserver4.c @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) ##### # Build dap4_test/pingurl4.c ##### configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ncdap_test/pingurl.c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dap4_test/pingurl4.c @ONLY NEWLINE_STYLE LF) ##### # Build CTestCustom.cmake to cleanup S3 after tests are done. ##### configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake NEWLINE_STYLE LF) endif() if(DEFINED ENV{LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE}) add_subdirectory(fuzz) endif(DEFINED ENV{LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE}) #### # Export files #### # Create CMake package configuration files. With these, other packages using # cmake should be able to find netcdf using find_package and find_library. # The EXPORT call is paired with one in liblib. set(ConfigPackageLocation ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/netCDF) install(EXPORT netCDFTargets DESTINATION ${ConfigPackageLocation} COMPONENT headers NAMESPACE netCDF:: ) export(EXPORT netCDFTargets FILE netCDFTargets.cmake NAMESPACE netCDF::) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) configure_package_config_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/netCDFConfig.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/netCDFConfig.cmake" INSTALL_DESTINATION "${ConfigPackageLocation}" ) target_include_directories(netcdf PUBLIC $ $ ) # Create export configuration write_basic_package_version_file( netCDFConfigVersion.cmake VERSION ${netCDF_VERSION} COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion ) install( FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/netCDFConfig.cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/netCDFConfigVersion.cmake" DESTINATION ${ConfigPackageLocation} COMPONENT headers ) #### # End export files #### # CPack inclusion must come last. option(NETCDF_PACKAGE "Create netCDF-C package " ${NETCDF_IS_TOP_LEVEL}) if (NETCDF_PACKAGE) include(CMakeInstallation.cmake) endif()