/********************************************************************* Copyright 2010, UCAR/Unidata See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. $Id: nc3dispatch.c,v 2.8 2010/05/26 11:11:26 ed Exp $ *********************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "netcdf.h" #include "nc.h" #include "nc3dispatch.h" #ifndef NC_CONTIGUOUS #define NC_CONTIGUOUS 1 #endif #ifndef NC_ENOTNC4 #define NC_ENOTNC4 (-111) #endif #ifndef NC_ENOGRP #define NC_ENOGRP (-125) #endif #ifndef NC_STRING #define NC_STRING (12) #endif static int NC3_inq_var_all(int ncid, int varid, char *name, nc_type *xtypep, int *ndimsp, int *dimidsp, int *nattsp, int *shufflep, int *deflatep, int *deflate_levelp, int *fletcher32p, int *contiguousp, size_t *chunksizesp, int *no_fill, void *fill_valuep, int *endiannessp, int *options_maskp, int *pixels_per_blockp); #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 static int NC3_show_metadata(int); static int NC3_inq_unlimdims(int,int*,int*); static int NC3_var_par_access(int,int,int); static int NC3_inq_ncid(int,const char*,int*); static int NC3_inq_grps(int,int*,int*); static int NC3_inq_grpname(int,char*); static int NC3_inq_grpname_full(int,size_t*,char*); static int NC3_inq_grp_parent(int,int*); static int NC3_inq_grp_full_ncid(int,const char*,int*); static int NC3_inq_varids(int,int* nvars,int*); static int NC3_inq_dimids(int,int* ndims,int*,int); static int NC3_inq_typeids(int,int* ntypes,int*); static int NC3_inq_type_equal(int,nc_type,int,nc_type,int*); static int NC3_def_grp(int,const char*,int*); static int NC3_inq_user_type(int,nc_type,char*,size_t*,nc_type*,size_t*,int*); static int NC3_inq_typeid(int,const char*,nc_type*); static int NC3_def_compound(int,size_t,const char*,nc_type*); static int NC3_insert_compound(int,nc_type,const char*,size_t,nc_type); static int NC3_insert_array_compound(int,nc_type,const char*,size_t,nc_type,int,const int*); static int NC3_inq_compound_field(int,nc_type,int,char*,size_t*,nc_type*,int*,int*); static int NC3_inq_compound_fieldindex(int,nc_type,const char*,int*); static int NC3_def_vlen(int,const char*,nc_type base_typeid,nc_type*); static int NC3_put_vlen_element(int,int,void*,size_t,const void*); static int NC3_get_vlen_element(int,int,const void*,size_t*,void*); static int NC3_def_enum(int,nc_type,const char*,nc_type*); static int NC3_insert_enum(int,nc_type,const char*,const void*); static int NC3_inq_enum_member(int,nc_type,int,char*,void*); static int NC3_inq_enum_ident(int,nc_type,long long,char*); static int NC3_def_opaque(int,size_t,const char*,nc_type*); static int NC3_def_var_deflate(int,int,int,int,int); static int NC3_def_var_fletcher32(int,int,int); static int NC3_def_var_chunking(int,int,int,const size_t*); static int NC3_def_var_fill(int,int,int,const void*); static int NC3_def_var_endian(int,int,int); static int NC3_set_var_chunk_cache(int,int,size_t,size_t,float); static int NC3_get_var_chunk_cache(int,int,size_t*,size_t*,float*); #endif /*USE_NETCDF4*/ NC_Dispatch NC3_dispatcher = { NC_DISPATCH_NC3, NC3_create, NC3_open, NC3_redef, NC3__enddef, NC3_sync, NC3_abort, NC3_close, NC3_set_fill, NC3_inq_base_pe, NC3_set_base_pe, NC3_inq_format, NC3_inq, NC3_inq_type, NC3_def_dim, NC3_inq_dimid, NC3_inq_dim, NC3_inq_unlimdim, NC3_rename_dim, NC3_inq_att, NC3_inq_attid, NC3_inq_attname, NC3_rename_att, NC3_del_att, NC3_get_att, NC3_put_att, NC3_def_var, NC3_inq_varid, NC3_rename_var, NC3_get_vara, NC3_put_vara, NC3_inq_var_all, #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 NC3_show_metadata, NC3_inq_unlimdims, NC3_var_par_access, NC3_inq_ncid, NC3_inq_grps, NC3_inq_grpname, NC3_inq_grpname_full, NC3_inq_grp_parent, NC3_inq_grp_full_ncid, NC3_inq_varids, NC3_inq_dimids, NC3_inq_typeids, NC3_inq_type_equal, NC3_def_grp, NC3_inq_user_type, NC3_inq_typeid, NC3_def_compound, NC3_insert_compound, NC3_insert_array_compound, NC3_inq_compound_field, NC3_inq_compound_fieldindex, NC3_def_vlen, NC3_put_vlen_element, NC3_get_vlen_element, NC3_def_enum, NC3_insert_enum, NC3_inq_enum_member, NC3_inq_enum_ident, NC3_def_opaque, NC3_def_var_deflate, NC3_def_var_fletcher32, NC3_def_var_chunking, NC3_def_var_fill, NC3_def_var_endian, NC3_set_var_chunk_cache, NC3_get_var_chunk_cache, #endif /*_NC4DISPATCH_H*/ }; int NC3_initialize(void) { NC3_dispatch_table = &NC3_dispatcher; return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_inq_var_all(int ncid, int varid, char *name, nc_type *xtypep, int *ndimsp, int *dimidsp, int *nattsp, int *shufflep, int *deflatep, int *deflate_levelp, int *fletcher32p, int *contiguousp, size_t *chunksizesp, int *no_fill, void *fill_valuep, int *endiannessp, int *options_maskp, int *pixels_per_blockp) { int stat = NC3_inq_var(ncid,varid,name,xtypep,ndimsp,dimidsp,nattsp); if(stat) return stat; if(shufflep) *shufflep = 0; if(deflatep) *deflatep = 0; if(fletcher32p) *fletcher32p = 0; if(contiguousp) *contiguousp = NC_CONTIGUOUS; if(no_fill) *no_fill = 1; if(endiannessp) return NC_ENOTNC4; if(options_maskp) return NC_ENOTNC4; return NC_NOERR; } #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 static int NC3_inq_unlimdims(int ncid, int *ndimsp, int *unlimdimidsp) { int retval; int unlimid; if ((retval = nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid, &unlimid))) return retval; if (unlimid != -1) { if(ndimsp) *ndimsp = 1; if (unlimdimidsp) unlimdimidsp[0] = unlimid; } else if(ndimsp) *ndimsp = 0; return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_def_grp(int parent_ncid, const char *name, int *new_ncid) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_inq_ncid(int ncid, const char *name, int *grp_ncid) { if(grp_ncid) *grp_ncid = ncid; return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_inq_grps(int ncid, int *numgrps, int *ncids) { if (numgrps) *numgrps = 0; return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_inq_grpname(int ncid, char *name) { if (name) strcpy(name, "/"); return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_inq_grpname_full(int ncid, size_t *lenp, char *full_name) { if (full_name) strcpy(full_name, "/"); if(lenp) *lenp = 1; return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_inq_grp_parent(int ncid, int *parent_ncid) { return NC_ENOGRP; } static int NC3_inq_grp_full_ncid(int ncid, const char *full_name, int *grp_ncid) { return NC_ENOGRP; } static int NC3_inq_varids(int ncid, int *nvarsp, int *varids) { int retval,v,nvars; /* If this is a netcdf-3 file, there is only one group, the root group, and its vars have ids 0 thru nvars - 1. */ if ((retval = nc_inq(ncid, NULL, &nvars, NULL, NULL))) return retval; if(nvarsp) *nvarsp = nvars; if (varids) for (v = 0; v < nvars; v++) varids[v] = v; return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_inq_dimids(int ncid, int *ndimsp, int *dimids, int include_parents) { int retval,d,ndims; /* If this is a netcdf-3 file, then the dimids are going to be 0 thru ndims-1, so just provide them. */ if ((retval = nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, NULL, NULL, NULL))) return retval; if(ndimsp) *ndimsp = ndims; if (dimids) for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++) dimids[d] = d; return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_show_metadata(int ncid) { return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_inq_type_equal(int ncid1, nc_type typeid1, int ncid2, nc_type typeid2, int* equalp) { /* Check input. */ if(equalp == NULL) return NC_NOERR; if (typeid1 <= NC_NAT || typeid2 <= NC_NAT) return NC_EINVAL; *equalp = 0; /* assume */ /* If one is atomic, and the other user-defined, the types are not equal */ if ((typeid1 <= NC_STRING && typeid2 > NC_STRING) || (typeid2 <= NC_STRING && typeid1 > NC_STRING)) { if (equalp) *equalp = 0; return NC_NOERR; } /* If both are atomic types, the answer is easy. */ if (typeid1 <= ATOMICTYPEMAX) { if (equalp) { if (typeid1 == typeid2) *equalp = 1; else *equalp = 0; } return NC_NOERR; } return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_inq_typeid(int ncid, const char *name, nc_type *typeidp) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= ATOMICTYPEMAX; i++) if (!strcmp(name, NC_atomictypename(i))) { if (typeidp) *typeidp = i; return NC_NOERR; } return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_inq_typeids(int ncid, int *ntypes, int *typeids) { if(ntypes) *ntypes = 0; return NC_NOERR; } static int NC3_inq_user_type(int ncid, nc_type typeid, char *name, size_t *size, nc_type *base_nc_typep, size_t *nfieldsp, int *classp) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_def_compound(int ncid, size_t size, const char *name, nc_type *typeidp) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_insert_compound(int ncid, nc_type typeid, const char *name, size_t offset, nc_type field_typeid) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_insert_array_compound(int ncid, nc_type typeid, const char *name, size_t offset, nc_type field_typeid, int ndims, const int *dim_sizes) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_inq_compound_field(int ncid, nc_type typeid, int fieldid, char *name, size_t *offsetp, nc_type *field_typeidp, int *ndimsp, int *dim_sizesp) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_inq_compound_fieldindex(int ncid, nc_type typeid, const char *name, int *fieldidp) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_def_opaque(int ncid, size_t datum_size, const char *name, nc_type* xtypep) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_def_vlen(int ncid, const char *name, nc_type base_typeid, nc_type* xtypep) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_def_enum(int ncid, nc_type base_typeid, const char *name, nc_type *typeidp) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_inq_enum_ident(int ncid, nc_type xtype, long long value, char *identifier) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_inq_enum_member(int ncid, nc_type typeid, int idx, char *identifier, void *value) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_insert_enum(int ncid, nc_type typeid, const char *identifier, const void *value) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_put_vlen_element(int ncid, int typeid, void *vlen_element, size_t len, const void *data) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_get_vlen_element(int ncid, int typeid, const void *vlen_element, size_t *len, void *data) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_set_var_chunk_cache(int ncid, int varid, size_t size, size_t nelems, float preemption) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_get_var_chunk_cache(int ncid, int varid, size_t *sizep, size_t *nelemsp, float *preemptionp) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_def_var_deflate(int ncid, int varid, int shuffle, int deflate, int deflate_level) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_def_var_fletcher32(int ncid, int varid, int fletcher32) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_def_var_chunking(int ncid, int varid, int contiguous, const size_t *chunksizesp) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_def_var_fill(int ncid, int varid, int no_fill, const void *fill_value) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_def_var_endian(int ncid, int varid, int endianness) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } static int NC3_var_par_access(int ncid, int varid, int par_access) { return NC_ENOTNC4; } #endif /*USE_NETCDF4*/