/* * Copyright 2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. */ #include "zincludes.h" #include "fbits.h" #include "ncwinpath.h" /* Do a simple mapping of our simplified map model to a netcdf-4 file. For the object API, the mapping is as follows: 1. Every object (e.g. group or array) is mapped to a netcdf-4 group. 2. Object content is kept as a ubyte typed variable with one unlimited dimension */ #undef DEBUG #define NCZM_NC4_V1 1 /* What to replace ZDOT with */ #define ZDOTNC4 '_' /* define the attr/var name containing an objects content */ #define ZCONTENT "data" /* Define the dimension for the ZCONTENT variable */ /* Avoid creating a coordinate variable */ #define ZCONTENTDIM "data_dim" /* Define the "subclass" of NCZMAP */ typedef struct Z4MAP { NCZMAP map; char* path; int ncid; } Z4MAP; /* Forward */ static NCZMAP_API zapi; static int znc4close(NCZMAP* map, int delete); static int zlookupgroup(Z4MAP*, NClist* segments, int nskip, int* grpidp); static int zlookupobj(Z4MAP*, NClist* segments, int* objidp); static int zcreategroup(Z4MAP* z4map, NClist* segments, int nskip, int* grpidp); static int zcreateobj(Z4MAP*, NClist* segments, int* objidp); static int zcreatedim(Z4MAP*, int, int* dimidp); static int parseurl(const char* path0, NCURI** urip); static void nc4ify(const char* zname, char* nc4name); static void zify(const char* nc4name, char* zname); static int z4getcwd(char** cwdp); static int testcontentbearing(int grpid); /* Define the Dataset level API */ static int znc4create(const char *path, int mode, size64_t flags, void* parameters, NCZMAP** mapp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; char* truepath = NULL; Z4MAP* z4map = NULL; int ncid; NCURI* url = NULL; char* z4cwd = NULL; if((stat=parseurl(path,&url))) goto done; /* Fix up mode */ mode = (NC_NETCDF4 | NC_WRITE | mode); if(flags & FLAG_BYTERANGE) mode &= ~(NC_CLOBBER | NC_WRITE); if(!(mode & NC_WRITE)) {stat = NC_EPERM; goto done;} /* Get cwd so we can use absolute paths */ if((stat = z4getcwd(&z4cwd))) goto done; if(flags & FLAG_BYTERANGE) truepath = ncuribuild(url,NULL,NULL,NCURIALL); else { /* Make the root path be absolute */ if(!nczm_isabsolutepath(url->path)) { if((stat = nczm_concat(z4cwd,url->path,&truepath))) goto done; } else truepath = strdup(url->path); } /* Build the z4 state */ if((z4map = calloc(1,sizeof(Z4MAP))) == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} z4map->map.format = NCZM_NC4; z4map->map.url = ncuribuild(url,NULL,NULL,NCURIALL); z4map->map.mode = mode; z4map->map.flags = flags; z4map->map.api = &zapi; z4map->path = truepath; truepath = NULL; if((stat=nc_create(z4map->path,mode,&ncid))) {stat = NC_EEMPTY; goto done;} /* could not open */ z4map->ncid = ncid; if(mapp) *mapp = (NCZMAP*)z4map; done: ncurifree(url); nullfree(truepath); nullfree(z4cwd); if(stat) znc4close((NCZMAP*)z4map,1); return (stat); } static int znc4open(const char *path, int mode, size64_t flags, void* parameters, NCZMAP** mapp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; char* truepath = NULL; Z4MAP* z4map = NULL; int ncid; NCURI* url = NULL; char* z4cwd = NULL; /* Fixup mode */ mode = NC_NETCDF4 | mode; if(flags & FLAG_BYTERANGE) mode &= ~(NC_CLOBBER | NC_WRITE); if((stat=parseurl(path,&url))) goto done; /* Get cwd so we can use absolute paths */ if((stat = z4getcwd(&z4cwd))) goto done; if(flags & FLAG_BYTERANGE) truepath = ncuribuild(url,NULL,NULL,NCURIALL); else { /* Make the root path be absolute */ if(!nczm_isabsolutepath(url->path)) { if((stat = nczm_concat(z4cwd,url->path,&truepath))) goto done; } else truepath = strdup(url->path); } /* Build the z4 state */ if((z4map = calloc(1,sizeof(Z4MAP))) == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} z4map->map.format = NCZM_NC4; z4map->map.url = ncuribuild(url,NULL,NULL,NCURIALL); z4map->map.mode = mode; z4map->map.flags = flags; z4map->map.api = (NCZMAP_API*)&zapi; z4map->path = truepath; truepath = NULL; if((stat=nc_open(z4map->path,mode,&ncid))) {stat = NC_EEMPTY; goto done;} /* could not open */ z4map->ncid = ncid; if(mapp) *mapp = (NCZMAP*)z4map; done: nullfree(truepath); nullfree(z4cwd); ncurifree(url); if(stat) znc4close((NCZMAP*)z4map,0); return (stat); } /**************************************************/ /* Object API */ static int znc4close(NCZMAP* map, int delete) { int stat = NC_NOERR; Z4MAP* z4map = (Z4MAP*)map; char* path = NULL; if(map == NULL) return NC_NOERR; path = z4map->path; if((stat = nc_close(z4map->ncid))) goto done; if(delete) { if((stat = nc_delete(path))) goto done; } done: nullfree(z4map->path); nczm_clear(map); free(z4map); return (stat); } static int znc4exists(NCZMAP* map, const char* key) { int stat = NC_NOERR; Z4MAP* z4map = (Z4MAP*)map; NClist* segments = nclistnew(); int grpid; if((stat=nczm_split(key,segments))) goto done; switch(stat=zlookupobj(z4map,segments,&grpid)) { case NC_NOERR: break; case NC_ENOTFOUND: stat = NC_EEMPTY; /* Does not exist */ case NC_EEMPTY: /* Not an object */ default: break; /* other error */ } done: nclistfreeall(segments); return (stat); } static int znc4len(NCZMAP* map, const char* key, size64_t* lenp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; Z4MAP* z4map = (Z4MAP*)map; NClist* segments = nclistnew(); int grpid, vid; size_t dimlen; int dimids[1]; if((stat=nczm_split(key,segments))) goto done; switch(stat=zlookupobj(z4map,segments,&grpid)) { case NC_NOERR: /* Look for the data variable */ if((stat = nc_inq_varid(grpid,ZCONTENT,&vid))) goto done; /* Get size for this variable */ if((stat = nc_inq_vardimid(grpid,vid,dimids))) goto done; /* Get size of the one and only dim */ if((stat = nc_inq_dimlen(z4map->ncid,dimids[0],&dimlen))) goto done; if(lenp) *lenp = (size64_t)dimlen; break; case NC_ENOTFOUND: stat = NC_EEMPTY; /* does not exist */ case NC_EEMPTY: /* Not an object */ if(lenp) *lenp = 0; break; default: break; } done: nclistfreeall(segments); return (stat); } static int znc4defineobj(NCZMAP* map, const char* key) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int grpid; Z4MAP* z4map = (Z4MAP*)map; /* cast to true type */ NClist* segments = nclistnew(); if((stat=nczm_split(key,segments))) goto done; switch (stat = zlookupobj(z4map,segments,&grpid)) { case NC_NOERR: break; /* already exists */ case NC_ENOTFOUND: stat = NC_EEMPTY; case NC_EEMPTY: if((stat = zcreateobj(z4map,segments,&grpid))) goto done; break; default: break; /* other error */ } done: nclistfreeall(segments); return (stat); } static int znc4read(NCZMAP* map, const char* key, size64_t start, size64_t count, void* content) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int grpid,vid; Z4MAP* z4map = (Z4MAP*)map; /* cast to true type */ size_t vstart[1]; size_t vcount[1]; NClist* segments = nclistnew(); if((stat=nczm_split(key,segments))) goto done; switch (stat = zlookupobj(z4map,segments,&grpid)) { case NC_NOERR: /* exists */ /* Look for the data variable */ if((stat = nc_inq_varid(grpid,ZCONTENT,&vid))) goto done; vstart[0] = (size_t)start; vcount[0] = (size_t)count; if((stat = nc_get_vara(grpid,vid,vstart,vcount,content))) goto done; break; case NC_ENOTFOUND: stat = NC_EEMPTY; case NC_EEMPTY: break; /* no data */ default: break; /* other error */ } done: nclistfreeall(segments); return (stat); } static int znc4write(NCZMAP* map, const char* key, size64_t start, size64_t count, const void* content) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int grpid,vid; Z4MAP* z4map = (Z4MAP*)map; /* cast to true type */ size_t vstart[1]; size_t vcount[1]; NClist* segments = nclistnew(); if((stat=nczm_split(key,segments))) goto done; switch (stat = zlookupobj(z4map,segments,&grpid)) { case NC_NOERR: /* exists */ /* Look for the data variable */ if((stat = nc_inq_varid(grpid,ZCONTENT,&vid))) goto done; vstart[0] = (size_t)start; vcount[0] = (size_t)count; if((stat = nc_put_vara(grpid,vid,vstart,vcount,content))) goto done; break; case NC_ENOTFOUND: stat = NC_EEMPTY; case NC_EEMPTY: break; /* no data */ default: break; /* other error */ } done: nclistfreeall(segments); return (stat); } /* Return a list of keys immediately "below" a specified prefix. In theory, the returned list should be sorted in lexical order, but it is not. */ int znc4search(NCZMAP* map, const char* prefix, NClist* matches) { int stat = NC_NOERR; Z4MAP* z4map = (Z4MAP*)map; NClist* segments = nclistnew(); int grpid, ngrps; int* subgrps = NULL; int* vars = NULL; int i; NCbytes* key = ncbytesnew(); int trailing = 0; if((stat=nczm_split(prefix,segments))) goto done; if(nclistlength(segments) > 0) { /* Fix the last name */ size_t pos = nclistlength(segments)-1; char* name = nclistget(segments,pos); char zname[NC_MAX_NAME]; zify(name,zname); nclistset(segments,pos,strdup(zname)); nullfree(name); } #ifdef DEBUG { int i; fprintf(stderr,"segments: %d: ",nclistlength(segments)); for(i=0;incid; for(i=0;i 0) */ gname = nclistget(segments,len-1); grpid = z4map->ncid; /* Do all but last group */ for(i=0;i<(len-1);i++) { const char* seg = nclistget(segments,i); nc4ify(seg,nc4name); /* Does this group exist? */ if((stat=nc_inq_grp_ncid(grpid,nc4name,&grpid2)) == NC_ENOGRP) { {stat = NC_ENOTFOUND; goto done;} /* missing intermediate */ } grpid = grpid2; } /* Check status of last group */ nc4ify(gname,nc4name); if((stat = nc_inq_grp_ncid(grpid,nc4name,&grpid2))) { if(stat != NC_ENOGRP) goto done; if((stat = nc_def_grp(grpid,nc4name,&grpid2))) goto done; grpid = grpid2; } if(grpidp) *grpidp = grpid; done: return (stat); } static int zcreatedim(Z4MAP* z4map, int grpid, int* dimidp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int dimid; NC_UNUSED(z4map); if((stat=nc_inq_dimid(grpid,ZCONTENTDIM,&dimid))) { /* create it */ if((stat=nc_def_dim(grpid,ZCONTENTDIM,NC_UNLIMITED,&dimid))) goto done; } if(dimidp) *dimidp = dimid; done: return (stat); } /* Create an object group corresponding to a key; create any necessary intermediates. */ static int zcreateobj(Z4MAP* z4map, NClist* segments, int* grpidp) { int skip,stat = NC_NOERR; int grpid, varid; int dimid[1]; /* Create the whole path */ skip = nclistlength(segments); for(skip--;skip >= 0; skip--) { if((stat = zcreategroup(z4map,segments,skip,&grpid))) goto done; } /* Last grpid should be one we want */ if(grpidp) *grpidp = grpid; /* Create the content-bearer */ /* Create the corresponding dimension */ if((stat = zcreatedim(z4map,grpid,&dimid[0]))) goto done; /* Create the variable */ if((stat=nc_def_var(grpid, ZCONTENT, NC_UBYTE, 1, dimid, &varid))) goto done; done: return (stat); } static int parseurl(const char* path0, NCURI** urip) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCURI* uri = NULL; ncuriparse(path0,&uri); if(uri == NULL) {stat = NC_EURL; goto done;} if(urip) {*urip = uri; uri = NULL;} done: ncurifree(uri); return stat; } /* Convert _z... name to .z... name */ static void zify(const char* nc4name, char* zname) { zname[0] = '\0'; strlcat(zname,nc4name,NC_MAX_NAME); if(zname[0] == ZDOTNC4) zname[0] = NCZM_DOT; } /* Convert .z... name to _z... name */ static void nc4ify(const char* zname, char* nc4name) { nc4name[0] = '\0'; strlcat(nc4name,zname,NC_MAX_NAME); if(nc4name[0] == NCZM_DOT) nc4name[0] = ZDOTNC4; } static int z4getcwd(char** cwdp) { char buf[4096]; char* cwd = NULL; cwd = NCcwd(buf,sizeof(buf)); if(cwd == NULL) return errno; if(cwdp) *cwdp = strdup(buf); return NC_NOERR; } /**************************************************/ /* External API objects */ NCZMAP_DS_API zmap_nz4 = { NCZM_NC4_V1, znc4create, znc4open, }; static NCZMAP_API zapi = { NCZM_NC4_V1, znc4close, znc4exists, znc4len, znc4defineobj, znc4read, znc4write, znc4search, };