Attributes { bears { String act "text string\\012\\011123"; Int16 acs -40; Int32 acl 17000; Float32 acf -2.000000000, 1.000000000, 0.000000000; Float64 acd -1.0000000000000000, 0.75000000000000000; Int32 string_length 3; } order { } shot { } aloan { } cross { } i { String attr1 "1"; String attr2 "1", "2", "3", "4"; i_1 { String attr3_1 "17"; Float64 attr3_2 19, 23, 27; } } j { } l { } NC_GLOBAL { String history "This is an example of a multi-line global\\012attribute. It could be used for representing the\\012processing history of the data, for example."; } DODS_EXTRA { String Unlimited_Dimension "k"; } }