/* * Copyright 2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. */ #include "ut_includes.h" #undef DEBUG #define META1 "/meta1" #define META2 "/meta2" #define DATA1 "/data1" #define DATA1LEN 25 #define PASS 1 #define FAIL 0 #define XFAIL -1 static const char* metadata1 = "{\n\"foo\": 42,\n\"bar\": \"apples\",\n\"baz\": [1, 2, 3, 4]}"; static const char* metaarray1 = "{\n\"shape\": [1,2,3],\n\"dtype\": \"<1\"}"; static char* url = NULL; static NCZM_IMPL impl = NCZM_UNDEF; static char* keyprefix = NULL; /* Hold, e.g. S3 bucket name */ /* Forward */ static void title(const char*); static int report(int pf, const char* op, NCZMAP*); static int reportx(int pf, const char* tag, const char* op, NCZMAP*); static char* makekey(const char* key); static int simplecreate(void); static int simpledelete(void); static int simplemeta(void); static int simpledata(void); static int search(void); struct Test tests[] = { {"create",simplecreate}, {"delete",simpledelete}, {"simplemeta", simplemeta}, {"simpledata", simpledata}, {"search", search}, {NULL,NULL} }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { int stat = NC_NOERR; char* tmp = NULL; if((stat = ut_init(argc, argv, &utoptions))) goto done; if(utoptions.file == NULL && utoptions.output != NULL) utoptions.file = strdup(utoptions.output); if(utoptions.output == NULL && utoptions.file != NULL)utoptions.output = strdup(utoptions.file); /* Canonicalize */ if((stat = NCpathcanonical(utoptions.file,&tmp))) goto done; free(utoptions.file); utoptions.file = tmp; if((stat = NCpathcanonical(utoptions.output,&tmp))) goto done; free(utoptions.output); utoptions.output = tmp; impl = kind2impl(utoptions.kind); url = makeurl(utoptions.file,impl,&utoptions); if((stat = runtests((const char**)utoptions.cmds,tests))) goto done; done: nullfree(tmp); nullfree(url); url = NULL; nullfree(keyprefix); ut_final(); if(stat) usage(THROW(stat)); return 0; } /* Do a simple create */ static int simplecreate(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZMAP* map = NULL; char* truekey = NULL; title(__func__); switch(stat = nczmap_create(impl,url,0,0,NULL,&map)) { case NC_EOBJECT: break; /* already exists */ case NC_NOERR: break; /*created*/ default: goto done; } printf("Pass: create: create: %s\n",url); truekey = makekey(NCZMETAROOT); if((stat = nczmap_write(map, truekey, 0, NULL))) goto done; printf("Pass: create: defineobj: %s\n",truekey); /* Do not delete */ if((stat = nczmap_close(map,0))) goto done; map = NULL; printf("Pass: create: close\n"); /* Reopen and see if exists */ if((stat = nczmap_open(impl,url,0,0,NULL,&map))) goto done; printf("Pass: create: open: %s\n",url); if((stat = nczmap_exists(map,truekey))) goto done; printf("Pass: create: exists: %s\n",truekey); /* close again */ if((stat = nczmap_close(map,0))) goto done; map = NULL; printf("Pass: create: close\n"); done: nullfree(truekey); return THROW(stat); } /* Do a simple delete of previously created file */ static int simpledelete(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZMAP* map = NULL; title(__func__); switch ((stat = nczmap_open(impl,url,0,0,NULL,&map))) { case NC_NOERR: report(PASS,"open",map); break; default: {report(FAIL,"open",map); goto done;} } /* Delete dataset while closing */ if((stat = nczmap_close(map,1))) goto done; map = NULL; report(PASS,"close: delete",map); switch ((stat = nczmap_open(impl,url,0,0,NULL,&map))) { case NC_NOERR: report(FAIL,"open",map); break; case NC_ENOOBJECT: report(XFAIL,"open",map); stat = NC_NOERR; break; case NC_EEMPTY: default: abort(); } done: return THROW(stat); } static int simplemeta(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZMAP* map = NULL; char* key = NULL; char* truekey = NULL; size64_t size = 0; char* content = NULL; title(__func__); if((stat = nczmap_open(impl,url,NC_WRITE,0,NULL,&map))) goto done; report(PASS,"open",map); /* Make sure .nczarr exists (from simplecreate) */ truekey = makekey(NCZMETAROOT); if((stat = nczmap_exists(map,truekey))) goto done; report(PASS,".nczarr: exists",map); free(truekey); truekey = NULL; if((stat=nczm_concat(META1,ZARRAY,&key))) goto done; truekey = makekey(key); nullfree(key); key = NULL; if((stat = nczmap_write(map, truekey, 0, NULL))) goto done; report(PASS,".zarray: def",map); free(truekey); truekey = NULL; truekey = makekey(NCZMETAROOT); if((stat = nczmap_write(map, truekey, strlen(metadata1), metadata1))) goto done; report(PASS,".nczarr: writemetadata",map); free(truekey); truekey = NULL; if((stat=nczm_concat(META1,ZARRAY,&key))) goto done; truekey = makekey(key); free(key); key = NULL; if((stat = nczmap_write(map, truekey, strlen(metaarray1), metaarray1))) goto done; report(PASS,".zarray: writemetaarray1",map); free(truekey); truekey = NULL; if((stat = nczmap_close(map,0))) goto done; map = NULL; report(PASS,"close",map); if((stat = nczmap_open(impl,url,0,0,NULL,&map))) goto done; report(PASS,"re-open",map); /* Read previously written */ truekey = makekey(NCZMETAROOT); if((stat = nczmap_exists(map, truekey))) goto done; report(PASS,".nczarr: exists",map); if((stat = nczmap_len(map, truekey, &size))) goto done; report(PASS,".nczarr: len",map); if(size != strlen(metadata1)) report(FAIL,".nczarr: len verify",map); if((content = calloc(1,strlen(metadata1)+1))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if((stat = nczmap_read(map, truekey, 0, strlen(metadata1), content))) goto done; report(PASS,".nczarr: readmetadata",map); free(truekey); truekey = NULL; if(memcmp(content,metadata1,size)!=0) report(FAIL,".nczarr: content verify",map); else report(PASS,".nczarr: content verify",map); nullfree(content); content = NULL; if((stat=nczm_concat(META1,ZARRAY,&key))) goto done; truekey = makekey(key); nullfree(key); key = NULL; if((stat = nczmap_exists(map, truekey))) goto done; report(PASS,".zarray: exists",map); if((stat = nczmap_len(map, truekey, &size))) goto done; report(PASS,".zarray: len",map); if(size != strlen(metaarray1)) report(FAIL,".zarray: len verify",map); content = calloc(1,strlen(metaarray1)+1); if((stat = nczmap_read(map, truekey, 0, strlen(metaarray1), content))) goto done; report(PASS,".zarray: readmeta",map); free(truekey); truekey = NULL; if(memcmp(content,metaarray1,size)!=0) report(FAIL,".zarray: content verify",map); else report(PASS,".zarray:content verify",map); nullfree(content); content = NULL; if((stat = nczmap_close(map,0))) goto done; map = NULL; report(PASS,"close",map); done: if(map) nczmap_close(map,0); nullfree(content); nullfree(truekey); nullfree(key); return THROW(stat); } static int simpledata(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCZMAP* map = NULL; char* truekey = NULL; int data1[DATA1LEN]; int readdata[DATA1LEN]; int i; size64_t totallen, size; char* data1p = (char*)&data1[0]; /* byte level version of data1 */ title(__func__); /* Create the data */ for(i=0;i */ switch (stat = nczmap_search(map, prefix, matches)) { case NC_NOERR: break; case NC_ENOTFOUND: stat = NC_NOERR; break;/* prefix is not a dir */ default: goto done; } reportx(PASS,prefix,"search",map); /* recurse */ for(i=0;iprotocol,"file")==0) return; segments = nclistnew(); nczm_split_delim(uri->path,'/',segments); /* Extract the first two segments */ if(nclistlength(segments) < 1) return; /* not enough to qualify */ /* Remove the bucket */ { char* s = nclistremove(segments,0); nullfree(s); /* do not nest because arg is eval'd twice */ } nczm_join(segments,&keyprefix); nclistfreeall(segments); ncurifree(uri); } #endif static char* makekey(const char* key) { char* truekey = NULL; nczm_concat(keyprefix,key,&truekey); return truekey; } static void title(const char* func) { printf("testing: %s:\n",func); fflush(stdout); } static int reportx(int pf, const char* tag, const char* op, NCZMAP* map) { char s[4096]; snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"%s: %s",tag,op); return report(pf,s,map); } static int report(int pf, const char* op, NCZMAP* map) { const char* result; switch (pf) { case PASS: result = "Pass"; break; case XFAIL: result = "XFail"; break; case FAIL: default: result = "Fail"; break; } fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",result,op); fflush(stderr); if(pf == FAIL) { if(map) (void)nczmap_close(map,0); exit(1); } return NC_NOERR; }