/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) #include #include #endif #include "ncd4dispatch.h" #include "nc4internal.h" #include "d4includes.h" #include "d4curlfunctions.h" #ifdef HAVE_GETRLIMIT # ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H # include # endif # ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H # include # endif #endif #if 0 /* Define the set of protocols known to be constrainable */ static char* constrainableprotocols[] = {"http", "https",NULL}; #endif static int ncd4initialized = 0; static const NC_Dispatch NCD4_dispatch_base; const NC_Dispatch* NCD4_dispatch_table = NULL; /* moved here from ddispatch.c */ /**************************************************/ /* Define a structure defining reserved attributes */ /** @internal List of reserved attributes. */ static const NC_reservedatt NCD4_reserved[] = { {D4CHECKSUMATTR, READONLYFLAG|NAMEONLYFLAG}, /*_DAP4_Checksum_CRC32*/ {D4LEATTR, READONLYFLAG|NAMEONLYFLAG}, /*_DAP4_Little_Endian*/ /* Also need to include the provenance attributes */ {NCPROPS, READONLYFLAG|NAMEONLYFLAG|MATERIALIZEDFLAG}, /*_NCProperties*/ {NULL, 0} }; /* Forward */ static int globalinit(void); static int ncd4_get_att_reserved(NC* ncp, int ncid, int varid, const char* name, void* value, nc_type t, const NC_reservedatt* rsvp); static int ncd4_inq_att_reserved(NC* ncp, int ncid, int varid, const char* name, nc_type* xtypep, size_t* lenp, const NC_reservedatt* rsvp); /**************************************************/ int NCD4_initialize(void) { NCD4_dispatch_table = &NCD4_dispatch_base; ncd4initialized = 1; ncloginit(); #ifdef D4DEBUG /* force logging to go to stderr */ nclogclose(); if(nclogopen(NULL)) ncsetlogging(1); /* turn it on */ #endif /* Init global state */ globalinit(); /* Load rc file */ NC_rcload(); return THROW(NC_NOERR); } int NCD4_finalize(void) { return THROW(NC_NOERR); } static int NCD4_redef(int ncid) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4__enddef(int ncid, size_t h_minfree, size_t v_align, size_t v_minfree, size_t r_align) { return (NC_NOERR); /* let it go */ } static int NCD4_sync(int ncid) { return (NC_NOERR); /* let it go */ } static int NCD4_create(const char *path, int cmode, size_t initialsz, int basepe, size_t *chunksizehintp, void* mpidata, const NC_Dispatch *dispatch, int ncid) { return THROW(NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_put_vara(int ncid, int varid, const size_t *start, const size_t *edges, const void *value, nc_type memtype) { return THROW(NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_put_vars(int ncid, int varid, const size_t *start, const size_t *edges, const ptrdiff_t* stride, const void *value0, nc_type memtype) { return THROW(NC_EPERM); } /* Force dap4 access to be read-only */ static int NCD4_set_fill(int ncid, int fillmode, int* old_modep) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_dim(int ncid, const char* name, size_t len, int* idp) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_put_att(int ncid, int varid, const char* name, nc_type datatype, size_t len, const void* value, nc_type t) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_var(int ncid, const char *name, nc_type xtype, int ndims, const int *dimidsp, int *varidp) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_grp(int ncid, const char* p2, int* p3) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_rename_grp(int ncid, const char* p) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_compound(int ncid, size_t p2, const char* p3, nc_type* t) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_insert_compound(int ncid, nc_type t1, const char* p3, size_t p4, nc_type t2) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_insert_array_compound(int ncid, nc_type t1, const char* p3, size_t p4, nc_type t2, int p6, const int* p7) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_vlen(int ncid, const char* p2, nc_type base_typeid, nc_type* t) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_put_vlen_element(int ncid, int p2, void* p3, size_t p4, const void* p5) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_enum(int ncid, nc_type t1, const char* p3, nc_type* t) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_insert_enum(int ncid, nc_type t1, const char* p3, const void* p4) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_opaque(int ncid, size_t p2, const char* p3, nc_type* t) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_var_deflate(int ncid, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_var_fletcher32(int ncid, int p2, int p3) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_var_chunking(int ncid, int p2, int p3, const size_t* p4) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_var_fill(int ncid, int p2, int p3, const void* p4) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_var_endian(int ncid, int p2, int p3) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_def_var_filter(int ncid, int varid, unsigned int id, size_t n, const unsigned int* parms) { return (NC_EPERM); } static int NCD4_set_var_chunk_cache(int ncid, int p2, size_t p3, size_t p4, float p5) { return (NC_EPERM); } /**************************************************/ /* Following functions basically return the netcdf-4 value WRT to the nc4id. However, it is necessary to modify the grpid(ncid) to point to the substrate. */ static int NCD4_inq_format(int ncid, int* formatp) { NC* ncp; int ret = NC_NOERR; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_inq_format(substrateid, formatp); return (ret); } static int NCD4_inq(int ncid, int* ndimsp, int* nvarsp, int* nattsp, int* unlimdimidp) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_inq(substrateid, ndimsp, nvarsp, nattsp, unlimdimidp); return (ret); } static int NCD4_inq_type(int ncid, nc_type p2, char* p3, size_t* p4) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_inq_type(substrateid, p2, p3, p4); return (ret); } static int NCD4_inq_dimid(int ncid, const char* name, int* idp) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_inq_dimid(substrateid, name, idp); return (ret); } static int NCD4_inq_unlimdim(int ncid, int* unlimdimidp) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_inq_unlimdim(substrateid, unlimdimidp); return (ret); } static int NCD4_rename_dim(int ncid, int dimid, const char* name) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_rename_dim(substrateid, dimid, name); return (ret); } static int NCD4_inq_att(int ncid, int varid, const char* name, nc_type* xtypep, size_t* lenp) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; const NC_reservedatt* rsvp = NULL; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); /* Is this a reserved attribute name? */ if(name && (rsvp = NCD4_lookupreserved(name))) return ncd4_inq_att_reserved(ncp,ncid,varid,name,xtypep,lenp, rsvp); ret = nc_inq_att(substrateid, varid, name, xtypep, lenp); return (ret); } const struct NC_reservedatt* NCD4_lookupreserved(const char* name) { const NC_reservedatt* p = NCD4_reserved; for(;p->name;p++) { if(strcmp(name,p->name)==0) return p; } return NULL; } static int NCD4_inq_attid(int ncid, int varid, const char *name, int *idp) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; const NC_reservedatt* rsvp = NULL; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); /* Is this a reserved attribute name? */ if(name && (rsvp = NCD4_lookupreserved(name))) return NC_EATTMETA; substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_inq_attid(substrateid, varid, name, idp); return (ret); } static int NCD4_inq_attname(int ncid, int varid, int attnum, char* name) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; const NC_reservedatt* rsvp = NULL; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); /* Is this a reserved attribute name? */ if(name && (rsvp = NCD4_lookupreserved(name))) return NC_EATTMETA; substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_inq_attname(substrateid, varid, attnum, name); return (ret); } static int NCD4_rename_att(int ncid, int varid, const char* name, const char* newname) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; const NC_reservedatt* rsvp = NULL; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); /* Is this a reserved attribute name? */ if(name && (rsvp = NCD4_lookupreserved(name))) return NC_EATTMETA; substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_rename_att(substrateid, varid, name, newname); return (ret); } static int NCD4_del_att(int ncid, int varid, const char* name) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; const NC_reservedatt* rsvp = NULL; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); /* Is this a reserved attribute name? */ if(name && (rsvp = NCD4_lookupreserved(name))) return NC_EATTMETA; substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_del_att(substrateid, varid, name); return (ret); } static int NCD4_get_att(int ncid, int varid, const char* name, void* value, nc_type t) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; const NC_reservedatt* rsvp = NULL; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); /* Is this a reserved attribute name? */ if(name && (rsvp = NCD4_lookupreserved(name))) return ncd4_get_att_reserved(ncp,ncid,varid,name,value,t,rsvp); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = NCDISPATCH_get_att(substrateid, varid, name, value, t); return (ret); } static int NCD4_inq_var_all(int ncid, int varid, char *name, nc_type* xtypep, int* ndimsp, int* dimidsp, int* nattsp, int* shufflep, int* deflatep, int* deflate_levelp, int* fletcher32p, int* contiguousp, size_t* chunksizesp, int* no_fill, void* fill_valuep, int* endiannessp, unsigned int* idp, size_t* nparamsp, unsigned int* params ) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = NCDISPATCH_inq_var_all(substrateid, varid, name, xtypep, ndimsp, dimidsp, nattsp, shufflep, deflatep, deflate_levelp, fletcher32p, contiguousp, chunksizesp, no_fill, fill_valuep, endiannessp, idp, nparamsp, params); return (ret); } static int NCD4_inq_varid(int ncid, const char *name, int *varidp) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_inq_varid(substrateid,name,varidp); return (ret); } static int NCD4_rename_var(int ncid, int varid, const char* name) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_rename_var(substrateid, varid, name); return (ret); } static int NCD4_var_par_access(int ncid, int p2, int p3) { return (NC_ENOPAR); } static int NCD4_inq_ncid(int ncid, const char* name, int* grp_ncid) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_inq_ncid(substrateid, name, grp_ncid); return (ret); } static int NCD4_show_metadata(int ncid) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); ret = nc_show_metadata(substrateid); return (ret); } static int NCD4_inq_grps(int ncid, int* ngrpsp, int* grpids) { NC* ncp; int ret; int substrateid; int ngrps; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) return (ret); substrateid = makenc4id(ncp,ncid); /* We always need to know |grpids| */ ret = nc_inq_grps(substrateid, &ngrps, grpids); if(ret == NC_NOERR) { if(ngrpsp != NULL) *ngrpsp = ngrps; /* return if caller want it */ if(grpids != NULL) { int i; /* We need to convert the substrate group ids to dap4 group ids */ for(i=0;imode; if(formatp) *formatp = NC_FORMATX_DAP4; return THROW(NC_NOERR); } /* Override nc_inq_dim to handle the fact that unlimited dimensions will not have a proper size because the substrate has never (not yet) been written. */ int NCD4_inq_dim(int ncid, int dimid, char* name, size_t* lenp) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NC* ncp; NCD4INFO* info; NCD4meta* meta; int i; NCD4node* dim = NULL; if((ret = NC_check_id(ncid, (NC**)&ncp)) != NC_NOERR) goto done; info = (NCD4INFO*)ncp->dispatchdata; meta = info->substrate.metadata; /* Locate the dimension specified by dimid */ for(i=0;iallnodes);i++) { NCD4node* n = (NCD4node*)nclistget(meta->allnodes,i); if(n->sort == NCD4_DIM && n->meta.id == dimid) { dim = n; break; } } if(dim == NULL) {ret = NC_EBADDIM; goto done;} if(name) strncpy(name,dim->name,NC_MAX_NAME); if(lenp) *lenp = (size_t)dim->dim.size; done: return (ret); } static int ncd4_get_att_reserved(NC* ncp, int ncid, int varid, const char* name, void* value, nc_type t, const NC_reservedatt* rsvp) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4INFO* info = (NCD4INFO*)(ncp->dispatchdata); NCD4meta* meta = info->substrate.metadata; NCD4node* var = NULL; if(strcmp(rsvp->name,D4CHECKSUMATTR)==0) { unsigned int* ip = (unsigned int*)value; if(varid == NC_GLOBAL) {ret = NC_EBADID; goto done;} if(t != NC_UINT) {ret = NC_EBADTYPE; goto done;} if((ret=NCD4_findvar(ncp,ncid,varid,&var,NULL))) goto done; if(var->data.remotechecksummed == 0) {ret = NC_ENOTATT; goto done;} *ip = (var->data.remotechecksum); } else if(strcmp(rsvp->name,D4LEATTR)==0) { int* ip = (int*)value; if(varid != NC_GLOBAL) {ret = NC_EBADID; goto done;} if(t != NC_INT) {ret = NC_EBADTYPE; goto done;} *ip = (meta->serial.remotelittleendian?1:0); } done: return THROW(ret); } static int ncd4_inq_att_reserved(NC* ncp, int ncid, int varid, const char* name, nc_type* xtypep, size_t* lenp, const NC_reservedatt* rsvp) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4node* var = NULL; if(strcmp(rsvp->name,D4CHECKSUMATTR)==0) { if(varid == NC_GLOBAL) {ret = NC_EBADID; goto done;} if((ret=NCD4_findvar(ncp,ncid,varid,&var,NULL))) goto done; if(var->data.remotechecksummed == 0) {ret = NC_ENOTATT; goto done;} if(xtypep) *xtypep = NC_UINT; if(lenp) *lenp = 1; } else if(strcmp(rsvp->name,D4LEATTR)==0) { if(varid != NC_GLOBAL) {ret = NC_EBADID; goto done;} if(xtypep) *xtypep = NC_INT; if(lenp) *lenp = 1; } done: return THROW(ret); } /**************************************************/ static int globalinit(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; return stat; } /**************************************************/ static const NC_Dispatch NCD4_dispatch_base = { NC_FORMATX_DAP4, NC_DISPATCH_VERSION, NCD4_create, NCD4_open, NCD4_redef, NCD4__enddef, NCD4_sync, NCD4_abort, NCD4_close, NCD4_set_fill, NCD4_inq_format, NCD4_inq_format_extended, /*inq_format_extended*/ NCD4_inq, NCD4_inq_type, NCD4_def_dim, NCD4_inq_dimid, NCD4_inq_dim, NCD4_inq_unlimdim, NCD4_rename_dim, NCD4_inq_att, NCD4_inq_attid, NCD4_inq_attname, NCD4_rename_att, NCD4_del_att, NCD4_get_att, NCD4_put_att, NCD4_def_var, NCD4_inq_varid, NCD4_rename_var, NCD4_get_vara, NCD4_put_vara, NCD4_get_vars, NCD4_put_vars, NCDEFAULT_get_varm, NCDEFAULT_put_varm, NCD4_inq_var_all, NCD4_var_par_access, NCD4_def_var_fill, NCD4_show_metadata, NCD4_inq_unlimdims, NCD4_inq_ncid, NCD4_inq_grps, NCD4_inq_grpname, NCD4_inq_grpname_full, NCD4_inq_grp_parent, NCD4_inq_grp_full_ncid, NCD4_inq_varids, NCD4_inq_dimids, NCD4_inq_typeids, NCD4_inq_type_equal, NCD4_def_grp, NCD4_rename_grp, NCD4_inq_user_type, NCD4_inq_typeid, NCD4_def_compound, NCD4_insert_compound, NCD4_insert_array_compound, NCD4_inq_compound_field, NCD4_inq_compound_fieldindex, NCD4_def_vlen, NCD4_put_vlen_element, NCD4_get_vlen_element, NCD4_def_enum, NCD4_insert_enum, NCD4_inq_enum_member, NCD4_inq_enum_ident, NCD4_def_opaque, NCD4_def_var_deflate, NCD4_def_var_fletcher32, NCD4_def_var_chunking, NCD4_def_var_endian, NCD4_def_var_filter, NCD4_set_var_chunk_cache, NCD4_get_var_chunk_cache, NC_NOTNC4_inq_var_filter_ids, NC_NOTNC4_inq_var_filter_info, };