/* This is part of the netCDF package. Copyright 2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata See COPYRIGHT file for conditions of use. Test dim rename that is causing problems with v2 API. */ #include #include "err_macros.h" #define FILE_NAME "tst_rename.nc" void check_err(const int stat, const int line, const char *file) { if (stat != NC_NOERR) { (void)fprintf(stderr,"line %d of %s: %s\n", line, file, nc_strerror(stat)); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } } int create_file(void) { int stat; /* return status */ int ncid; /* netCDF id */ /* dimension ids */ int ii_dim; int jj_dim; int kk_dim; int i1_dim; int i2_dim; int i3_dim; int rec_dim; int ll_dim; int mm_dim; int nn_dim; /* dimension lengths */ size_t ii_len = 4; size_t jj_len = 3; size_t kk_len = 3; size_t i1_len = 5; size_t i2_len = 3; size_t i3_len = 7; size_t rec_len = NC_UNLIMITED; size_t ll_len = 3; size_t mm_len = 1; size_t nn_len = 1; /* variable ids */ int aa_id; int bb_id; int cc_id; int cd_id; int ce_id; int dd_id; /* rank (number of dimensions) for each variable */ # define RANK_aa 1 # define RANK_bb 2 # define RANK_cc 1 # define RANK_cd 2 # define RANK_ce 3 # define RANK_dd 1 /* variable shapes */ int aa_dims[RANK_aa]; int bb_dims[RANK_bb]; int cc_dims[RANK_cc]; int cd_dims[RANK_cd]; int ce_dims[RANK_ce]; int dd_dims[RANK_dd]; /* enter define mode */ stat = nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_CLOBBER, &ncid); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); /* define dimensions */ stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "ii", ii_len, &ii_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "jj", jj_len, &jj_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "kk", kk_len, &kk_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "i1", i1_len, &i1_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "i2", i2_len, &i2_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "i3", i3_len, &i3_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "rec", rec_len, &rec_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "ll", ll_len, &ll_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "mm", mm_len, &mm_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "nn", nn_len, &nn_dim); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); /* define variables */ aa_dims[0] = ii_dim; stat = nc_def_var(ncid, "aa", NC_INT, RANK_aa, aa_dims, &aa_id); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); bb_dims[0] = kk_dim; bb_dims[1] = jj_dim; stat = nc_def_var(ncid, "bb", NC_INT, RANK_bb, bb_dims, &bb_id); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); cc_dims[0] = rec_dim; stat = nc_def_var(ncid, "cc", NC_INT, RANK_cc, cc_dims, &cc_id); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); cd_dims[0] = rec_dim; cd_dims[1] = i2_dim; stat = nc_def_var(ncid, "cd", NC_SHORT, RANK_cd, cd_dims, &cd_id); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); ce_dims[0] = rec_dim; ce_dims[1] = i2_dim; ce_dims[2] = i3_dim; stat = nc_def_var(ncid, "ce", NC_FLOAT, RANK_ce, ce_dims, &ce_id); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); dd_dims[0] = ll_dim; stat = nc_def_var(ncid, "dd", NC_SHORT, RANK_dd, dd_dims, &dd_id); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); /* assign global attributes */ { /* title */ stat = nc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "title", 11, "test netcdf"); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } /* assign per-variable attributes */ { /* units */ stat = nc_put_att_text(ncid, aa_id, "units", 8, "furlongs"); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } { /* valid_range */ static const float bb_valid_range_att[2] = {0, 100} ; stat = nc_put_att_float(ncid, bb_id, "valid_range", NC_FLOAT, 2, bb_valid_range_att); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } { /* units */ stat = nc_put_att_text(ncid, cc_id, "units", 5, "moles"); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } { /* units */ stat = nc_put_att_text(ncid, cd_id, "units", 5, "moles"); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } { /* units */ stat = nc_put_att_text(ncid, ce_id, "units", 5, "moles"); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } { /* fill_value */ static const short dd_fill_value_att[1] = {-999} ; stat = nc_put_att_short(ncid, dd_id, "fill_value", NC_SHORT, 1, dd_fill_value_att); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } /* leave define mode */ stat = nc_enddef (ncid); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); /* assign variable data */ { int aa_data[4] = {-2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647} ; size_t aa_startset[1] = {0} ; size_t aa_countset[1] = {4} ; stat = nc_put_vara(ncid, aa_id, aa_startset, aa_countset, aa_data); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } { int bb_data[9] = {-2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647, -2147483647} ; size_t bb_startset[2] = {0, 0} ; size_t bb_countset[2] = {3, 3} ; stat = nc_put_vara(ncid, bb_id, bb_startset, bb_countset, bb_data); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } { short dd_data[3] = {1, 2, -32767} ; size_t dd_startset[1] = {0} ; size_t dd_countset[1] = {3} ; stat = nc_put_vara(ncid, dd_id, dd_startset, dd_countset, dd_data); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); } stat = nc_close(ncid); check_err(stat,__LINE__,__FILE__); return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("\n*** Testing v3/v4 API versions of some v2 tests.\n"); printf("*** testing simple dim rename..."); { #define PP1 "pp" #define PP1_SIZE 7 #define P1_NAME "p" int ncid, pp_dimid, dimid_in; /* Create a file with one dimension. */ if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_CLOBBER, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, PP1, PP1_SIZE, &pp_dimid)) ERR; /* Renaming to shorter name is possible in data mode... */ if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; if (nc_rename_dim(ncid, pp_dimid, P1_NAME)) ERR; if (nc_inq_dimid(ncid, P1_NAME, &dimid_in)) ERR; if (dimid_in != pp_dimid) ERR; if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } SUMMARIZE_ERR; printf("*** testing dim rename from nctest..."); { #define PP "pp" #define PP_SIZE 7 #define QQ "qq" #define QQ_SIZE 10 #define NEW_NAME "new_name" #define ANOTHER_NAME "another_name" #define P_NAME "p" int ncid, pp_dimid, qq_dimid, dimid_in; char name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1]; /* Create the same file as nctest.c does. */ if (create_file()) ERR; /* Open it and test renames of dimensions. */ if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR; if (nc_redef(ncid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, PP, PP_SIZE, &pp_dimid)) ERR; if (nc_def_dim(ncid, QQ, QQ_SIZE, &qq_dimid)) ERR; if (nc_rename_dim(ncid, pp_dimid, NEW_NAME)) ERR; if (nc_inq_dimname(ncid, pp_dimid, name_in)) ERR; if (strcmp(NEW_NAME, name_in) != 0) ERR; if (nc_rename_dim(ncid, pp_dimid, QQ) != NC_ENAMEINUSE) ERR; if (nc_rename_dim(ncid, -1, ANOTHER_NAME) != NC_EBADDIM) ERR; if (nc_rename_dim(ncid, 12, ANOTHER_NAME) != NC_EBADDIM) ERR; if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR; if (nc_rename_dim(ncid, pp_dimid, P_NAME)) ERR; if (nc_inq_dimid(ncid, P_NAME, &dimid_in)) ERR; if (dimid_in != pp_dimid) ERR; if (nc_inq_dimid(ncid, P_NAME, NULL)) ERR; if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR; } SUMMARIZE_ERR; FINAL_RESULTS; }