/* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata See LICENSE.txt for license information. */ /** \file \internal Internal netcdf-4 functions. This file contains functions for manipulating ncindex objects. Warning: This code depends critically on the assumption that |void*| == |uintptr_t| */ /* Define this for debug so that table sizes are small */ #include <stddef.h> #undef SMALLTABLE #undef NCNOHASH #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include <stdint.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #include "nc4internal.h" #include "ncindex.h" #ifdef SMALLTABLE /* Keep the table sizes small initially */ #define DFALTTABLESIZE 7 #else #define DFALTTABLESIZE 37 #endif /* Hack to access internal state of a hashmap. Use with care */ /* Convert an entry from ACTIVE to DELETED; Return 0 if not found. */ extern int NC_hashmapdeactivate(NC_hashmap*, uintptr_t data); #ifndef NCNOHASH extern void printhashmap(NC_hashmap*); #endif /* Locate object by name in an NCindex */ NC_OBJ* ncindexlookup(NCindex* ncindex, const char* name) { NC_OBJ* obj = NULL; if(ncindex == NULL || name == NULL) return NULL; { #ifndef NCNOHASH uintptr_t index; assert(ncindex->map != NULL); if(!NC_hashmapget(ncindex->map,(void*)name,strlen(name),&index)) return NULL; /* not present */ obj = (NC_OBJ*)nclistget(ncindex->list,(size_t)index); #else int i; for(i=0;i<nclistlength(ncindex->list);i++) { NC_OBJ* o = (NC_OBJ*)ncindex->list->content[i]; if(strcmp(o->name,name)==0) return o; } #endif } return obj; } /* Get ith object in the vector */ NC_OBJ* ncindexith(NCindex* index, size_t i) { if(index == NULL) return NULL; assert(index->list != NULL); return nclistget(index->list,i); } /* See if x is contained in the index */ /* Return vector position if in index, otherwise return -1. */ int ncindexfind(NCindex* index, NC_OBJ* nco) { int i; NClist* list; if(index == NULL || nco == NULL) return -1; list = index->list; for(i=0;i<nclistlength(list);i++) { NC_OBJ* o = (NC_OBJ*)list->content[i]; if(nco == o) return i; } return -1; } /* Add object to the end of the vector, also insert into the hashmaps */ /* Return 1 if ok, 0 otherwise.*/ int ncindexadd(NCindex* ncindex, NC_OBJ* obj) { if(ncindex == NULL) return 0; #ifndef NCNOHASH { uintptr_t index; /*Note not the global id */ index = (uintptr_t)nclistlength(ncindex->list); NC_hashmapadd(ncindex->map,index,(void*)obj->name,strlen(obj->name)); } #endif if(!nclistpush(ncindex->list,obj)) return 0; return 1; } /* Insert object at ith position of the vector, also insert into the hashmaps; */ /* Return 1 if ok, 0 otherwise.*/ int ncindexset(NCindex* ncindex, size_t i, NC_OBJ* obj) { if(ncindex == NULL) return 0; if(!nclistset(ncindex->list,i,obj)) return 0; #ifndef NCNOHASH { uintptr_t index = (uintptr_t)i; NC_hashmapadd(ncindex->map,index,(void*)obj->name,strlen(obj->name)); } #endif return 1; } /** * Remove ith object from the index; * Return 1 if ok, 0 otherwise.*/ int ncindexidel(NCindex* index, size_t i) { if(index == NULL) return 0; nclistremove(index->list,i); #ifndef NCNOHASH /* Remove from the hash map by deactivating its entry */ if(!NC_hashmapdeactivate(index->map,(uintptr_t)i)) return 0; /* not present */ #endif return 1; } /*Return a duplicate of the index's vector */ /* Return list if ok, NULL otherwise.*/ NC_OBJ** ncindexdup(NCindex* index) { if(index == NULL || nclistlength(index->list) == 0) return NULL; return (NC_OBJ**)nclistclone(index->list,0/*!deep*/); } /* Count the non-null entries in an NCindex */ int ncindexcount(NCindex* index) { int count = 0; for(size_t i=0;i<ncindexsize(index);i++) { if(ncindexith(index,i) != NULL) count++; } return count; } /* Rebuild the list map by rehashing all entries using their current, possibly changed id and name; also recompute their hashkey. */ /* Return 1 if ok, 0 otherwise.*/ int ncindexrebuild(NCindex* index) { #ifndef NCNOHASH size_t i; size_t size = nclistlength(index->list); NC_OBJ** contents = (NC_OBJ**)nclistextract(index->list); /* Reset the index map and list*/ nclistfree(index->list); index->list = nclistnew(); nclistsetalloc(index->list,size); NC_hashmapfree(index->map); index->map = NC_hashmapnew(size); /* Now, reinsert all the attributes except NULLs */ for(i=0;i<size;i++) { NC_OBJ* tmp = contents[i]; if(tmp == NULL) continue; /* ignore */ if(!ncindexadd(index,tmp)) return 0; } #endif if(contents != NULL) free(contents); return 1; } /* Free a list map */ int ncindexfree(NCindex* index) { if(index == NULL) return 1; nclistfree(index->list); NC_hashmapfree(index->map); free(index); return 1; } /* Create a new index */ NCindex* ncindexnew(size_t size0) { NCindex* index = NULL; size_t size = (size0 == 0 ? DFALTTABLESIZE : size0); index = calloc(1,sizeof(NCindex)); if(index == NULL) return NULL; index->list = nclistnew(); if(index->list == NULL) {ncindexfree(index); return NULL;} nclistsetalloc(index->list,size); #ifndef NCNOHASH index->map = NC_hashmapnew(size); if(index->map == NULL) {ncindexfree(index); return NULL;} #endif return index; } #ifndef NCNOHASH /* Debug: handle the data key part */ static const char* keystr(NC_hentry* e) { if(e->keysize < sizeof(uintptr_t)) return (const char*)(&e->key); else return (const char*)(e->key); } #endif int ncindexverify(NCindex* lm, int dump) { size_t i; NClist* l = lm->list; int nerrs = 0; #ifndef NCNOHASH size_t m; #endif if(lm == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"index: <empty>\n"); return 1; } if(dump) { fprintf(stderr,"-------------------------\n"); #ifndef NCNOHASH if(lm->map->active == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"hash: <empty>\n"); goto next1; } for(i=0;i < lm->map->alloc; i++) { NC_hentry* e = &lm->map->table[i]; if(e->flags != 1) continue; fprintf(stderr,"hash: %ld: data=%lu key=%s\n",(unsigned long)i,(unsigned long)e->data,keystr(e)); fflush(stderr); } next1: #endif if(nclistlength(l) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"list: <empty>\n"); goto next2; } for(i=0;i < nclistlength(l); i++) { const char** a = (const char**)nclistget(l,i); fprintf(stderr,"list: %ld: name=%s\n",(unsigned long)i,*a); fflush(stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"-------------------------\n"); fflush(stderr); } next2: #ifndef NCNOHASH /* Need to verify that every entry in map is also in vector and vice-versa */ /* Verify that map entry points to same-named entry in vector */ for(m=0;m < lm->map->alloc; m++) { NC_hentry* e = &lm->map->table[m]; char** object = NULL; char* oname = NULL; uintptr_t udata = (uintptr_t)e->data; if((e->flags & 1) == 0) continue; object = nclistget(l,(size_t)udata); if(object == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"bad data: %d: %lu\n",(int)m,(unsigned long)udata); nerrs++; } else { oname = *object; if(strcmp(oname,keystr(e)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"name mismatch: %d: %lu: hash=%s list=%s\n", (int)m,(unsigned long)udata,keystr(e),oname); nerrs++; } } } /* Walk vector and mark corresponding hash entry*/ if(nclistlength(l) == 0 || lm->map->active == 0) goto done; /* cannot verify */ for(i=0;i < nclistlength(l); i++) { int match; const char** xp = (const char**)nclistget(l,i); /* Walk map looking for *xp */ for(match=0,m=0;m < lm->map->active; m++) { NC_hentry* e = &lm->map->table[m]; if((e->flags & 1) == 0) continue; if(strcmp(keystr(e),*xp)==0) { if((e->flags & 128) == 128) { fprintf(stderr,"%ld: %s already in map at %ld\n",(unsigned long)i,keystr(e),(unsigned long)m); nerrs++; } match = 1; e->flags += 128; } } if(!match) { fprintf(stderr,"mismatch: %d: %s in vector, not in map\n",(int)i,*xp); nerrs++; } } /* Verify that every element in map in in vector */ for(m=0;m < lm->map->active; m++) { NC_hentry* e = &lm->map->table[m]; if((e->flags & 1) == 0) continue; if((e->flags & 128) == 128) continue; /* We have a hash entry not in the vector */ fprintf(stderr,"mismatch: %d: %s->%lu in hash, not in vector\n",(int)m,keystr(e),(unsigned long)e->data); nerrs++; } /* clear the 'touched' flag */ for(m=0;m < lm->map->active; m++) { NC_hentry* e = &lm->map->table[m]; e->flags &= ~128; } done: #endif /*NCNOHASH*/ fflush(stderr); return (nerrs > 0 ? 0: 1); } static const char* sortname(NC_SORT sort) { switch(sort) { case NCNAT: return "NCNAT"; case NCVAR: return "NCVAR"; case NCDIM: return "NCDIM"; case NCATT: return "NCATT"; case NCTYP: return "NCTYP"; case NCGRP: return "NCGRP"; default: break; } return "unknown"; } void printindexlist(NClist* lm) { size_t i; if(lm == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"<empty>\n"); return; } for(i=0;i<nclistlength(lm);i++) { NC_OBJ* o = (NC_OBJ*)nclistget(lm,i); if(o == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"[%zu] <null>\n",i); else fprintf(stderr,"[%zu] sort=%s name=|%s| id=%lu\n", i,sortname(o->sort),o->name,(unsigned long)o->id); } } #ifndef NCNOHASH void printindexmap(NCindex* lm) { if(lm == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"<empty>\n"); return; } printhashmap(lm->map); } #endif void printindex(NCindex* lm) { if(lm == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"<empty>\n"); return; } printindexlist(lm->list); #ifndef NCNOHASH printindexmap(lm); #endif }