The identifier typename is apparently a reserved word in C++.
It is used as a fieldname in the ALignment struct in
Change the field name to type_name in ncoffsets.h
and also in libdispatch/doffsets.c, which uses that field.
stored in the _NCProperties attribute to allow two things:
1. capture of additional library dependencies (over and above
2. Recognition of non-netcdf libraries that create netcdf-4 format
To this end, the _NCProperties format has been extended to be
and arbitrary set of key=value pairs separated by commas.
This new format has version = 2, and uses commas as the pair separator.
Thus the general form is:
_NCProperties = "version=2,key1=value,key2=value2..." ;
This new version is accompanied by a new ./configure option of the form
that specifies pairs to add to the _NCProperties attribute for all
files created with that netcdf library.
At this point, what is missing is some programmatic way to
specify either all the pairs or additional pairs
to the _NCProperties attribute. Not sure of the best way
to do this.
Builders using non-netcdf libraries can specify
whatever they want in the key value pairs (as long
as the version=2 is specified first).
By convention, the primary library is expected to be the
the first pair after the leading version=2 pair, but this
is convention only and is neither required nor enforced.
Related changes:
1. Fixed the tests that check _NCProperties to properly operate with version=2.
2. When reading a version 1 _NCProperties attribute, convert it to look
like a version 2 attribute.
2. Added some version 2 tests to ncdump/tst_fileinfo.c and
Misc Changes:
1. Fix minor problem in ncdap_test/ where a parameter to
buildurl needed to be quoted.
2. Minor fix to ncgen to swap switches -H and -h to be consistent
with other utilities.
3. Document the -M flag in nccopy usage() and the nccopy man page.
4. Modify a test case to use the nccopy -M flag.
The fix includes the following changes.
1. Checking and using the default file format at file create time is now
done only when the create mode (argument cmode) does not include any
format related flags, i.e. NC_64BIT_OFFSET, NC_64BIT_DATA,
2. Adjustment of cmode based on the default format is now done in
NC_create() only. The idea is to adjust cmode before entering the
dispatcher's file create subroutine.
3. Any adjustment of cmode is removed from all I/O dispatchers, i.e.
NC4_create(), NC3_create(), and NCP_create().
4. Checking for illegal cmode has been done in check_create_mode() called
in NC_create(). This commit removes the redundant checking from
5. Remove PnetCDF tests in nc_test/tst_names.c, so it can focus on testing
all classic formats and netCDF4 formats.
Two new test programs are added. They can be used to test netCDF with and
without this commit.
1. nc_test/tst_default_format.c
2. nc_test/tst_default_format_pnetcdf.c (use when PnetCDF is enabled).