Provide get/set functions to store global data alignment
information and apply it when a file is created.
The api is as follows:
int nc_set_alignment(int threshold, int alignment);
int nc_get_alignment(int* thresholdp, int* alignmentp);
If defined, then for every file created opened after the call to
nc_set_alignment, for every new variable added to the file, the
most recently set threshold and alignment values will be applied
to that variable.
The nc_get_alignment function return the last values set by
nc_set_alignment. If nc_set_alignment has not been called, then
it returns the value 0 for both threshold and alignment.
The alignment parameters are stored in the NCglobalstate object
(see below) for use as needed. Repeated calls to nc_set_alignment
will overwrite any existing values in NCglobalstate.
The alignment parameters are applied in libhdf5/hdf5create.c
and libhdf5/hdf5open.c
The set/get alignment functions are defined in libsrc4/nc4internal.c.
A test program was added as nc_test4/tst_alignment.c.
## Misc. Changes Unrelated to Alignment
* The NCRCglobalstate type was renamed to NCglobalstate to
indicate that it represented more general global state than
just .rc data. It was also moved to nc4internal.h. This led
to a large number of small changes: mostly renaming. The
global state management functions were moved to nc4internal.c.
* The global chunk cache variables have been moved into
NCglobalstate. As warranted, other global state will be moved
as well.
* Some misc. problems with the nczarr performance tests were corrected.