re: Issue
The authorization setup when using a proxy is apparently not
being used, or used incorrectly.
This PR ensures that the relevant curl options, specifically
As part of this, the ability to turn off these options was fixed.
Note that no testing of this PR is currently possible because we
do not have access to a proxy.
This PR started as an attempt to add unlimited dimensions to NCZarr.
It did that, but this exposed significant problems with test interference.
So this PR is mostly about fixing -- well mitigating anyway -- test
The problem of test interference is now documented in the document docs/
The solutions implemented here are also describe in that document.
The solution is somewhat fragile but multiple cleanup mechanisms
are provided. Note that this feature requires that the
AWS command line utility must be installed.
## Unlimited Dimensions.
The existing NCZarr extensions to Zarr are modified to support unlimited dimensions.
NCzarr extends the Zarr meta-data for the ".zgroup" object to include netcdf-4 model extensions. This information is stored in ".zgroup" as dictionary named "_nczarr_group".
Inside "_nczarr_group", there is a key named "dims" that stores information about netcdf-4 named dimensions. The value of "dims" is a dictionary whose keys are the named dimensions. The value associated with each dimension name has one of two forms
Form 1 is a special case of form 2, and is kept for backward compatibility. Whenever a new file is written, it uses format 1 if possible, otherwise format 2.
* Form 1: An integer representing the size of the dimension, which is used for simple named dimensions.
* Form 2: A dictionary with the following keys and values"
- "size" with an integer value representing the (current) size of the dimension.
- "unlimited" with a value of either "1" or "0" to indicate if this dimension is an unlimited dimension.
For Unlimited dimensions, the size is initially zero, and as variables extend the length of that dimension, the size value for the dimension increases.
That dimension size is shared by all arrays referencing that dimension, so if one array extends an unlimited dimension, it is implicitly extended for all other arrays that reference that dimension.
This is the standard semantics for unlimited dimensions.
Adding unlimited dimensions required a number of other changes to the NCZarr code-base. These included the following.
* Did a partial refactor of the slice handling code in zwalk.c to clean it up.
* Added a number of tests for unlimited dimensions derived from the same test in nc_test4.
* Added several NCZarr specific unlimited tests; more are needed.
* Add test of endianness.
## Misc. Other Changes
* Modify libdispatch/ncs3sdk_aws.cpp to optionally support use of the
AWS Transfer Utility mechanism. This is controlled by the
```#define TRANSFER```` command in that file. It defaults to being disabled.
* Parameterize both the standard Unidata S3 bucket (S3TESTBUCKET) and the netcdf-c test data prefix (S3TESTSUBTREE).
* Fixed an obscure memory leak in ncdump.
* Removed some obsolete unit testing code and test cases.
* Uncovered a bug in the netcdf-c handling of big-endian floats and doubles. Have not fixed yet. See tst_h5_endians.c.
* Renamed some nczarr_tests testcases to avoid name conflicts with nc_test4.
* Modify the semantics of zmap\#ncsmap_write to only allow total rewrite of objects.
* Modify the semantics of zodom to properly handle stride > 1.
* Add a truncate operation to the libnczarr zmap code.
re: PR
This PR modifies the transient types PR so that all created
transient types are given a created unique name (within a
group). The form of the name is "_Anonymous<Class>NN". The class
is the user-defined type class: Enum, Compound, Opaque, or
Vlen. NN is an integer identifier to ensure uniqueness.
Additionally, this was applied to DAP/4 anonymous dimensions.
This also required some test baseline data changes.
The transient test case is modified to verify that the name exists.
re: Issue
re: PR
As noted in PR,
the old code did not allow for reclaiming instances of types,
nor for properly copying them. That PR provided new functions
capable of reclaiming/copying instances of arbitrary types.
However, as noted by Issue, using these
most general functions resulted in a significant performance
degradation, even for common cases.
This PR attempts to mitigate the cost of using the general
reclaim/copy functions in two ways.
First, the previous functions operating at the top level by
using ncid and typeid arguments. These functions were augmented
with equivalent versions that used the netcdf-c library internal
data structures to allow direct access to needed information.
These new functions are used internally to the library.
The second mitigation involves optimizing the internal functions
by providing early tests for common cases. This avoids
unnecessary recursive function calls.
The overall result is a significant improvement in speed by a
factor of roughly twenty -- your mileage may vary. These
optimized functions are still not as fast as the original (more
limited) functions, but they are getting close. Additional optimizations are
possible. But the cost is a significant "uglification" of the
code that I deemed a step too far, at least for now.
## Misc. Changes
1. Added a test case to check the proper reclamation/copy of complex types.
2. Found and fixed some places where nc_reclaim/copy should have been used.
3. Replaced, in the netcdf-c library, (almost all) occurrences of nc_reclaim_copy with calls to NC_reclaim/copy. This plus the optimizations is the primary speed-up mechanism.
4. In DAP4, the metadata is held in a substrate in-memory file; this required some changes so that the reclaim/copy code accessed that substrate dispatcher rather than the DAP4 dispatcher.
5. Re-factored and isolated the code that computes if a type is (transitively) variable-sized or not.
6. Clean up the reclamation code in ncgen; adding the use of nc_reclaim exposed some memory problems.
re: PR
H/T Nathan Potter for finding this.
Apparently the existing library DAP code for supporting
compressed http responses was disabled.
1. enable CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING by default
2. Add a new HTTP.ENCODE for .dodsrc to allow it to be disabled.
This change-set modifies PR
to add the changes listed below. Most of these changes are required
by changes to the Java server.
## DAP4 Related Changes
* Add tests *dap4_test/* and *dap4_test/*.
* Provide explicit list of remotetest files to test.
* Cleanup local checksum computing and verification.
* Define a temporary Hyrax hack flag to deal with the way Hyrax handles checksums and add "#hyrax" fragment flag for it.
* Add a hack to get past an LGTM problem with using "http:".
* Improve debug support.
## Other Changes
* Cleanup the recipe in *docs/* for building *aws-sdk-cpp* library.
Warning: This PR is a follow on to PR and should not be merged until that prior PR has been merged. The changeset for this PR is a delta on the PR
This PR re-enables the use of the server **
to test several features:
1. Show that access over the Internet to servers using the DAP4 protocol works.
2. Test that DAP4 support in the [Thredds Data Server]( is operating correctly.
4. Test that the DAP4 support in the [netcdf-java library]( library and the DAP4 support in the netcdf-c library are consistent and are interoperable.
The test inputs (primarily *\*.nc* files) provided in the netcdf-c library
are also used by the DAP4 Test Server (aka d4ts) to present web access to a
collection of data files accessible via the DAP4 protocol and which can be
used for testing Internet access to a working server.
To be precise, this version of d4ts is currently in unmerged branches
of the *netcdf-java* and *tds* Github repositories and so are not actually
in the main repositories *yet*. However, the *d4ts.war* file was created
from that branch and used to populate the **
The two other remote servers that were used in the past are *Hyrax* (
and *thredds-test*. These will continue to remain disabled until
those servers can be fixed.
## Primary Changes
* Rebuild the *baselineremote* directory. This directory contains the validation data needed to test the remote servers.
* Re-enable using as part of the DAP4 testing process.
* Fix the *dap4_test/* test script to match the current available test data.
* Make some changes to libdap4 to improve the ability to catch malformed data streams [affects a lot of files in libdap4].
## Misc. Unrelated Changes
* Remove a raft of warnings, especially in nc_test4/tst_quantize.c.
* Add some additional explanatory information to the NCZarr documentation.
* Cleanup some Doxygen errors in the docs file and reorder some files.
NOTE: This PR should not be included in 4.9.1 since additional
DAP4 related PRs will be forthcoming.
This PR makes major changes to libdap4 and dap4_test driven by changes to TDS.
* Enable DAP4
* Clean up the test input files and the test baseline comparison files. This entails:
* Remove a multitude of unused test input and baseline data files; among them are dap4_test/: daptestfiles, dmrtestfiles, nctestfiles, and misctestfiles.
* Define a canonical set of test input files and record in dap4_test/cdltestfiles.
* Use the cdltestfiles to generate the .nc test inputs. This set of .nc files is then moved to the d4ts (DAP4 test server) war file in the tds repository. This set then becomes the canonical set of DAP4 test sources.
* Scrape d4ts to obtain copies of the raw streams of DAP4 encoded data. The .dmr and .dap streams are then stored in dap4_test/rawtestfiles.
* Disable some remote server tests until those servers are fixed.
* Add an option to ncdump (-XF) that forces the type of the _FillValue attribute; this is primarily to simplify testing of fill mismatch.
* Minor bug fixes to ncgen.
* Changes to libdap4:
* Replace old checksum hack with the dap4.checksum flag.
* Support the dap4.XXX controls.
* Cleanup _FillValue handling, especially var-attribute type mismatches.
* Fix enum handling based on changes to netcdf-java.
* Changes to dap4_test:
* Add getopt support to various test support programs.
* Remove unneeded shell scripts.
* Add new scripts:
* re:
* re:
* re:
This PR subsumes PR
Actually is a bit an omnibus covering several issues.
## PR
Add support for the Zarr string type.
Zarr strings are restricted currently to be of fixed size.
The primary issue to be addressed is to provide a way for user to
specify the size of the fixed length strings. This is handled by providing
the following new attributes special:
1. **_nczarr_default_maxstrlen** —
This is an attribute of the root group. It specifies the default
maximum string length for string types. If not specified, then
it has the value of 64 characters.
2. **_nczarr_maxstrlen** —
This is a per-variable attribute. It specifies the maximum
string length for the string type associated with the variable.
If not specified, then it is assigned the value of
This PR also requires some hacking to handle the existing netcdf-c NC_CHAR
type, which does not exist in zarr. The goal was to choose numpy types for
both the netcdf-c NC_STRING type and the netcdf-c NC_CHAR type such that
if a pure zarr implementation read them, it would still work and an
NC_CHAR type would be handled by zarr as a string of length 1.
For writing variables and NCZarr attributes, the type mapping is as follows:
* "|S1" for NC_CHAR.
* ">S1" for NC_STRING && MAXSTRLEN==1
* ">Sn" for NC_STRING && MAXSTRLEN==n
Note that it is a bit of a hack to use endianness, but it should be ok since for
string/char, the endianness has no meaning.
For reading attributes with pure zarr (i.e. with no nczarr
atribute types defined), they will always be interpreted as of
type NC_CHAR.
## Issue:
This PR partly fixes this issue because it provided more
comprehensive support for Zarr attributes that are JSON valued expressions.
This PR still does not address the problem in that issue where the
_ARRAY_DIMENSION attribute is incorrectly set. Than can only be
fixed by the creator of the datasets.
## Issue:
This PR also fixes the scalar failure shown in this issue.
It generally cleans up scalar handling.
It also adds a note to the documentation describing that
NCZarr supports scalars while Zarr does not and also how
scalar interoperability is achieved.
## Misc. Other Changes
1. Convert the nczarr special attributes and keys to be all lower case. So "_NCZARR_ATTR" now used "_nczarr_attr. Support back compatibility for the upper case names.
2. Cleanup my too-clever-by-half handling of scalars in libnczarr.
re: Discussion
The primary change is to support so-called "standard filters".
A standard filter is one that is defined by the following
netcdf-c API:
int nc_def_var_XXX(int ncid, int varid, size_t nparams, unsigned* params);
int nc_inq_var_XXXX(int ncid, int varid, int* usefilterp, unsigned* params);
So for example, zstandard would be a standard filter by defining
the functions *nc_def_var_zstandard* and *nc_inq_var_zstandard*.
In order to define these functions, we need a new dispatch function:
int nc_inq_filter_avail(int ncid, unsigned filterid);
This function, combined with the existing filter API can be used
to implement arbitrary standard filters using a simple code pattern.
Note that I would have preferred that this function return a list
of all available filters, but HDF5 does not support that functionality.
So this PR implements the dispatch function and implements
the following standard functions:
+ bzip2
+ zstandard
+ blosc
Specific test cases are also provided for HDF5 and NCZarr.
Over time, other specific standard filters will be defined.
## Primary Changes
* Add nc_inq_filter_avail() to netcdf-c API.
* Add standard filter implementations to test use of *nc_inq_filter_avail*.
* Bump the dispatch table version number and add to all the relevant
dispatch tables (libsrc, libsrcp, etc).
* Create a program to invoke nc_inq_filter_avail so that it is accessible
to shell scripts.
* Cleanup szip support to properly support szip
when HDF5 is disabled. This involves detecting
libsz separately from testing if HDF5 supports szip.
* Integrate shuffle and fletcher32 into the existing
filter API. This means that, for example, nc_def_var_fletcher32
is now a wrapper around nc_def_var_filter.
* Extend the Codec defaulting to allow multiple default shared libraries.
## Misc. Changes
* Modify to look for the relevant
libraries implementing standard filters.
* Modify libnetcdf.settings to list available standard filters
(including deflate and szip).
* Add CMake test modules to locate libbz2 and libzstd.
* Cleanup the HDF5 memory manager function use in the plugins.
* remove unused file include//ncfilter.h
* remove tests for the HDF5 memory operations e.g. H5allocate_memory.
* Add flag to ncdump to force use of _Filter instead of _Deflate
or _Shuffle or _Fletcher32. Used for testing.
re: Issue
The primary purpose of this PR is to improve the utf8 support
for windows. This is persuant to a change in Windows that
supports utf8 natively (almost). The almost means that it is
still utf16 internally and the set of characters representable
by utf8 is larger than those representable by utf16.
This leaves open the question in the Issue about handling
the Windows 1252 character set.
This required the following changes:
1. Test the Windows build and major version in order to see if
native utf8 is supported.
2. If native utf8 is supported, Modify dpathmgr.c to call the 8-bit
version of the windows fopen() and open() functions.
3. In support of this, programs that use XGetOpt (Windows versions)
need to get the command line as utf8 and then parse to
arc+argv as utf8. This requires using a homegrown command line parser
named XCommandLineToArgvA.
4. Add a utility program called "acpget" that prints out the
current Windows code page and locale.
Additionally, some technical debt was cleaned up as follows:
1. Unify all the places which attempt to read all or a part
of a file into the dutil.c#NC_readfile code.
2. Similary unify all the code that creates temp files into
dutil.c#NC_mktmp code.
3. Convert almost all remaining calls to fopen() and open()
to NCfopen() and NCopen3(). This is to ensure that path management
is used consistently. This touches a number of files.
4. extern->EXTERNL as needed to get it to work under Windows.
Provide get/set functions to store global data alignment
information and apply it when a file is created.
The api is as follows:
int nc_set_alignment(int threshold, int alignment);
int nc_get_alignment(int* thresholdp, int* alignmentp);
If defined, then for every file created opened after the call to
nc_set_alignment, for every new variable added to the file, the
most recently set threshold and alignment values will be applied
to that variable.
The nc_get_alignment function return the last values set by
nc_set_alignment. If nc_set_alignment has not been called, then
it returns the value 0 for both threshold and alignment.
The alignment parameters are stored in the NCglobalstate object
(see below) for use as needed. Repeated calls to nc_set_alignment
will overwrite any existing values in NCglobalstate.
The alignment parameters are applied in libhdf5/hdf5create.c
and libhdf5/hdf5open.c
The set/get alignment functions are defined in libsrc4/nc4internal.c.
A test program was added as nc_test4/tst_alignment.c.
## Misc. Changes Unrelated to Alignment
* The NCRCglobalstate type was renamed to NCglobalstate to
indicate that it represented more general global state than
just .rc data. It was also moved to nc4internal.h. This led
to a large number of small changes: mostly renaming. The
global state management functions were moved to nc4internal.c.
* The global chunk cache variables have been moved into
NCglobalstate. As warranted, other global state will be moved
as well.
* Some misc. problems with the nczarr performance tests were corrected.
re: PR
re: PR
* Add NCZarr-specific quantize functions to the dispatch table.
* Copy (modified) quantize code from libhdf5 to NCZarr
* Add quantize invocation to zvar.c
* Add support for _QuantizeBitgroomNumberOfSignificantDigits
and _QuantizeGranularBitgroomNumberOfSignificantDigits to ncgen.
* Modify nc_test4/tst_quantize.c to allow it to be used both for hdf5
and for nczarr.
* Make dap4 properly handle quantize functions in dispatch table.
* Add quantize attribute support to ncgen.
Other changes:
* Caught and fixed some S3 problems
* Fixed some nczarr fillvalue problems.
* Fixed some nczarr cache problems.
* Cleanup some flaws in libdispatch/dinfermodel.c
* Allow byterange requests to S3 be readable by dinfermodel.c/check_file_type
* Remove the libnczarr ztracedispatch code (big change).
For a long time, there have been known problems with the
management of complex types containing VLENs. This also
involves the string type because it is stored as a VLEN of
This PR (mostly) fixes this problem. But note that it adds new
functions to netcdf.h (see below) and this may require bumping
the .so number. These new functions can be removed, if desired,
in favor of functions in netcdf_aux.h, but netcdf.h seems the
better place for them because they are intended as alternatives
to the nc_free_vlen and nc_free_string functions already in
The term complex type refers to any type that directly or
transitively references a VLEN type. So an array of VLENS, a
compound with a VLEN field, and so on.
In order to properly handle instances of these complex types, it
is necessary to have function that can recursively walk
instances of such types to perform various actions on them. The
term "deep" is also used to mean recursive.
At the moment, the two operations needed by the netcdf library are:
* free'ing an instance of the complex type
* copying an instance of the complex type.
The current library does only shallow free and shallow copy of
complex types. This means that only the top level is properly
free'd or copied, but deep internal blocks in the instance are
not touched.
Note that the term "vector" will be used to mean a contiguous (in
memory) sequence of instances of some type. Given an array with,
say, dimensions 2 X 3 X 4, this will be stored in memory as a
vector of length 2*3*4=24 instances.
The use cases are primarily these.
## nc_get_vars
Suppose one is reading a vector of instances using nc_get_vars
(or nc_get_vara or nc_get_var, etc.). These functions will
return the vector in the top-level memory provided. All
interior blocks (form nested VLEN or strings) will have been
dynamically allocated.
After using this vector of instances, it is necessary to free
(aka reclaim) the dynamically allocated memory, otherwise a
memory leak occurs. So, the recursive reclaim function is used
to walk the returned instance vector and do a deep reclaim of
the data.
Currently functions are defined in netcdf.h that are supposed to
handle this: nc_free_vlen(), nc_free_vlens(), and
nc_free_string(). Unfortunately, these functions only do a
shallow free, so deeply nested instances are not properly
handled by them.
Note that internally, the provided data is immediately written so
there is no need to copy it. But the caller may need to reclaim the
data it passed into the function.
## nc_put_att
Suppose one is writing a vector of instances as the data of an attribute
using, say, nc_put_att.
Internally, the incoming attribute data must be copied and stored
so that changes/reclamation of the input data will not affect
the attribute.
Again, the code inside the netcdf library does only shallow copying
rather than deep copy. As a result, one sees effects such as described
in Github Issue
Also, after defining the attribute, it may be necessary for the user
to free the data that was provided as input to nc_put_att().
## nc_get_att
Suppose one is reading a vector of instances as the data of an attribute
using, say, nc_get_att.
Internally, the existing attribute data must be copied and returned
to the caller, and the caller is responsible for reclaiming
the returned data.
Again, the code inside the netcdf library does only shallow copying
rather than deep copy. So this can lead to memory leaks and errors
because the deep data is shared between the library and the user.
# Solution
The solution is to build properly recursive reclaim and copy
functions and use those as needed.
These recursive functions are defined in libdispatch/dinstance.c
and their signatures are defined in include/netcdf.h.
For back compatibility, corresponding "ncaux_XXX" functions
are defined in include/netcdf_aux.h.
int nc_reclaim_data(int ncid, nc_type xtypeid, void* memory, size_t count);
int nc_reclaim_data_all(int ncid, nc_type xtypeid, void* memory, size_t count);
int nc_copy_data(int ncid, nc_type xtypeid, const void* memory, size_t count, void* copy);
int nc_copy_data_all(int ncid, nc_type xtypeid, const void* memory, size_t count, void** copyp);
There are two variants. The first two, nc_reclaim_data() and
nc_copy_data(), assume the top-level vector is managed by the
caller. For reclaim, this is so the user can use, for example, a
statically allocated vector. For copy, it assumes the user
provides the space into which the copy is stored.
The second two, nc_reclaim_data_all() and
nc_copy_data_all(), allows the functions to manage the
top-level. So for nc_reclaim_data_all, the top level is
assumed to be dynamically allocated and will be free'd by
nc_reclaim_data_all(). The nc_copy_data_all() function
will allocate the top level and return a pointer to it to the
user. The user can later pass that pointer to
nc_reclaim_data_all() to reclaim the instance(s).
# Internal Changes
The netcdf-c library internals are changed to use the proper
reclaim and copy functions. It turns out that the places where
these functions are needed is quite pervasive in the netcdf-c
library code. Using these functions also allows some
simplification of the code since the stdata and vldata fields of
NC_ATT_INFO are no longer needed. Currently this is commented
out using the SEPDATA \#define macro. When any bugs are largely
fixed, all this code will be removed.
# Known Bugs
1. There is still one known failure that has not been solved.
All the failures revolve around some variant of this .cdl file.
The proximate cause of failure is the use of a VLEN FillValue.
netcdf x {
float(*) row_of_floats ;
m = 5 ;
row_of_floats ragged_array(m) ;
row_of_floats ragged_array:_FillValue = {-999} ;
ragged_array = {10, 11, 12, 13, 14}, {20, 21, 22, 23}, {30, 31, 32},
{40, 41}, _ ;
When a solution is found, I will either add it to this PR or post a new PR.
# Related Changes
* Mark nc_free_vlen(s) as deprecated in favor of ncaux_reclaim_data.
* Remove the --enable-unfixed-memory-leaks option.
* Remove the NC_VLENS_NOTEST code that suppresses some vlen tests.
* Document this change in docs/
* Disable the tst_vlen_data test in ncdump/
* Mark types as fixed size or not (transitively) to optimize the reclaim
and copy functions.
# Misc. Changes
* Make Doxygen process libdispatch/daux.c
* Make sure the NC_ATT_INFO_T.container field is set.
The current netcdf-c release has some problems with the mingw platform
on windows. Mostly they are path issues.
Changes to support mingw+msys2:
* Enable option of looking into the windows registry to find
the mingw root path. In aid of proper path handling.
* Add mingw+msys as a specific platform in and move testing
of the platform to the front so it is available early.
* Handle mingw X libncpoco (dynamic loader) properly even though
mingw does not yet support it.
* Handle mingw X plugins properly even though mingw does not yet support it.
* Alias pwd='pwd -W' to better handle paths in shell scripts.
* Plus a number of other minor compile irritations.
* Disallow the use of multiple nc_open's on the same file for windows
(and mingw) because windows does not seem to handle these properly.
Not sure why we did not catch this earlier.
* Add mountpoint info to dpathmgr.c to help support mingw.
* Cleanup dpathmgr conversions.
Known problems:
* I have not been able to get shared libraries to work, so
plugins/filters must be disabled.
* There is some kind of problem with libcurl that I have not solved,
so all uses of libcurl (currently DAP+Byterange) must be disabled.
Misc. other fixes:
* Cleanup the relationship between ENABLE_PLUGINS and various other flags
in CMakeLists.txt and
* Re-arrange the TESTDIRS order in
* Add pseudo-breakpoint to nclog.[ch] for debugging.
* Improve the documentation of the path manager code in ncpathmgr.h
* Add better support for relative paths in dpathmgr.c
* Default the mode args to NCfopen to include "b" (binary) for windows.
* Add optional debugging output in various places.
* Make sure that everything builds with plugins disabled.
* Fix numerous (s)printf inconsistencies betweenb the format spec
and the arguments.
H/T to [Egbert Eich]( and [Bas Couwenberg]( for this PR.
It is undesirable to make netcdf be dependent on the availability
of libxml2, but it is desirable to allow its use if available.
In order to do this, a wrapper API (include/ncxml.h) was constructed
that supports either ezxml or libxml2 as the implementation.
Additionally, the xml support code was moved to a new directory
Primary changes:
* Create a new sub-directory named netcdf-c/libncxml to hold all the xml implementation code.
* Move ezxml.c and ezxml.h to libncxml
* Create a wrapper API -- include/ncxml.h
* Create an implementation, ncxml_ezxml.c to support use of ezxml.
* Create an implementation, ncxml_xml2.c to support use of libxml2.
* Add a check for libxml2 in and CMakeLists.txt
* Modify libdap to use the wrapper API instead of ezxml directly.
Misc. Other Changes:
* Change include/netcdf_json.h from built source to be part of the distribution.
## S3 Related Fixes
* Add comprehensive support for specifying AWS profiles to provide access credentials.
* Parse the files "~/.aws/config" and "~/.aws/credentials to provide credentials for the HDF5 ROS3 driver and to locate default region.
* Add a function to obtain the currently active S3 credentials. The search rules are defined in docs/
* Provide documentation for the new features.
* Modify the struct NCauth (in include/ncauth.h) to replace specific S3 credentials with a profile name.
* Add a unit test to test the operation of profile and credentials management.
* Add support for URLS of the form "s3://<bucket>/<key>"; this requires obtaining a default region.
* Allows the specification of profile and/or region in a URL of the form "#mode=nczarr,...&aws.region=...&aws.profile=..."
## Misc. Fixes
* Move the ezxml code to libdispatch so that it can be used both by DAP4 and nczarr.
* Modify nclist to provide a deep clone operation.
* Modify ncuri to provide a deep clone operation.
* Modify the .rc file format to allow the specification of a path to be tested when looking for an entry in the .rc file.
* Ensure that the NC_rcload function is called.
* Modify nchttp to support setting request headers.
The thredds-test server now has some password protected datasets
that can be used to test DAP2 authorization support.
The general location is
and specifically:
This PR replaces old testcases with ncdap_test/
This testcase allows us to test use of the .dodsrc file and .netrc file
and embedded user+pwd.
As part of this, I had to create a program (ncdap_test/pathcvt.c)
that is essentially the equivalent to cygpath. Given a path in
windows, unix, msys or cygwin format, it converts it to the
equivalent format in one of those four cases. So it can be used
to convert a cygwin path to a windows path, for example. This is
needed in testpathcvt and testauth to make sure that the paths
in .daprc (e.g. the reference to .netrc) are of the proper
Misc. Other Changes:
1. Fix some memory leaks in libdap2
2. Setting the env variable CURLOPT_VERBOSE allows tracking of curl
3. Make tst_charvlenbug be conditional on NC_VLEN_NOTEST.
re: e-support EOT-483791
* Add a new set of remote tests based on using the thredds-test server.
* Improve error reporting when server requests fail.
* Fix handing of _NCProperties attribute
The issue is partly resolved by this PR. The proximate problem appears to be that the semantics of mkstemp in **nix is different than the semantics of _mktemp_s in Windows. I had thought they were the same but that is incorrect. The _mktemp_s function will only produce 26 different files and so the netcdf temp file code will fail after about that many iterations.
So, to solve this, I created my own version of mkstemp for windows that uses a random number generator. This appears to solve the reported issue. I also added the testcase ncdap_test/test_manyurls but made it conditional on --enable-dap-long-tests because it is very slow.
I did note that the provided test program now fails after some 800 iterations with a libcurl error claiming it cannot resolve the host name. My belief is that the library is just running out of resources at this point: too many open curl handles or some such. I doubt if this failure is fixable.
So bottom line is that it is really important to do nc_close when you are finished with a file.
Misc. Other Changes:
1. I took the opportunity to clean up some bad string hacks in the code. Specifically
* change all uses of strncat to strlcat
* remove old string hacks: occoncat and occopycat
2. Add heck to see if is running and if not, then skip test
3. Make CYGWIN use TEMP environment variable
re: Issue
The netcdf dispatch table version was defined in several places.
Modify to only require defining it in CMakeLists.txt and
Fix entailed the following changes:
* Up the NC_DISPATCH_VERSION from 2 to 3 in and CMakeLists.txt
* Create include/ and use it to configure include/netcdf_dispatch.h
* For CMAKE, make it search CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR so code can locate the configured netcdf_dispatch.h
* Add entry to for NC_DISPATCH_VERSION
* Move NCerror from include/ncdispatch.h to libdap2/nccomon.h
* Fix an API problem re nchttp.h
* Fix a conversion warning in libdispatch/dinfermodel.c
re: esupport 31942
* Add a new set of remote tests based on using the opendap hyrax server
* Re-enable --enable-dap-remote-tests as default on
* Make it possible to query the DMR separate from the DAP
so that it is possible to delay reading data until it is actually
requested. This make things like ncdump -h much more efficient.
* Fix handling of <Map>s in DMRs.
* Fix some memory leaks
* Replace wholevar with more useful wholechunk optimization
* Add optimization to read multiple values at one time
* Replace NCDEFAULT_get/put_vars with native nczarr versions.
* Clarify chunk projection computations
* zdebdispatch.h
* Add more chunking test cases and re-enable run_chunkcases
* If !szip, then suppress deflate interference test
* Make H5Znoop(1) filter produce more information
* cleanup bzlib.c API
Primary changes:
* Add an improved cache system to speed up performance.
* Fix NCZarr to properly handle scalar variables.
Misc. Related Changes:
* Added unit tests for extendible hash and for the generic cache.
* Add config parameter to set size of the NCZarr cache.
* Add initial performance tests but leave them unused.
* Add CRC64 support.
* Move location of ncdumpchunks utility from /ncgen to /ncdump.
* Refactor auth support.
Misc. Unrelated Changes:
* More cleanup of the S3 support
* Add support for S3 authentication in .rc files: HTTP.S3.ACCESSID and HTTP.S3.SECRETKEY.
* Remove the hashkey from the struct OBJHDR since it is never used.
Apparently some older Arm processors will fail if asked to
read a 64 bit value from memory if not on an 8 byte boundary.
The primary problem is in reading counter values in the dap4 stream.
So if the Arm processor is detected, then memcpy the value
to an aligned 64 bit value before using it.
Revert the internal filter code to simplify it. From the user's
point of view, the only visible changes should be:
1. The functions that convert text to filter specs have had their signature reverted and have been moved to netcdf_aux.h
2. Some filter API functions now return NC_ENOFILTER when inquiry is made about some filter.
Internally,the dispatch table has been modified to get rid of the filter_actions
entry and associated complex structures. It has been replaced with
inq_var_filter_ids and inq_var_filter_info entries and the dispatch table
version has been bumped to 3. Corresponding NOOP and NOTNC4 functions
were added to libdispatch/dnotnc4.c. Also, the filter_action entries
in dispatch tables were replaced for all dispatch code bases (HDF5, DAP2,
etc). This should only impact UDF users.
In the process, it became clear that the form of the filters
field in NC_VAR_INFO_T was format dependent, so I converted it to
be of type void* and pushed its management into the various dispatch
code bases. Specifically libhdf5 and libnczarr now manage the filters
field in their own way.
The auxilliary functions for parsing textual filter specifications
were moved to netcdf_aux.h and were renamed to the following:
* ncaux_h5filterspec_parse
* ncaux_h5filterspec_parselist
* ncaux_h5filterspec_free
* ncaux_h5filter_fix8
Misc. Other Changes:
1. Document NUG/ updated to reflect the changes above.
2. All the old data types (structs and enums)
used by filter_actions actions were deleted.
The exception is the NC_H5_Filterspec because it is needed
by ncaux_h5filterspec_parselist.
3. Clientside filters were removed -- another enhancement
for which no-one ever asked.
4. The ability to remove filters was itself removed.
5. Some functionality needed by nczarr was moved from libhdf5
to libsrc4 e.g. nc4_find_default_chunksizes
6. All the filterx code was removed
7. ncfilter.h and nc4filter.c no longer used
Misc. Unrelated Changes:
1. The nczarr_test makefile clean was leaving some directories; so
add clean-local to take care of them.
As it was, nccopy -c dim/x was sometimes being ignored. So
modify nccopy to properly take into account. This also required
a change to the nczarr code because it was not applying default
chunking in the same way as libhdf5.
Modify ncdump/ to test this feature properly.
Also add a similar test to nczarr_test.
Additionally, fix some other things that were causing Visual
Studio builds with testing to not work.
* fix curl testing under CMake to properly handle case
where DAP is disabled, but byterange support is enabled.
* properly test and/or define uintptr_t
* Convert _O_XXX to O_XXX flags used by open();