## Overwriting
I think I solved the file overwrite problem by doing light name
mangling of the shared library names. With this change the probabilty
is very small that installing our filter wrappers in a directory will
overwrite code produced by others.
## Default Install Location
I have setup the --with-plugin-dir option default to install in
the following locations in order of preference
1. If HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH is defined (at build time remember), then the last directory in that path will be where the filter wrapper shared libraries will be installed.
2. Otherwise the default is "/usr/local/hdf5/lib/plugin" (on *nix*) or "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\hdf5\\lib\\plugin" for Windows or Mingw.
Currently, --with-plugin-dir is disabled by default.
I should note that even if I enable it by default, installing
netcdf-c will still not run "out of the box" because the hypothetical
naive user will not know which compressor libraries need to be
pre-installed before netcdf is installed. Nor will that user have any
way to find out what needs to be installed.
re: https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/2294
Ed Hartnett suggested that the netcdf library installation process
be extended to install the standard filters into a user specified
location. The user can then set HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH to that location.
This PR provides that capability using:
configure option: --with-plugin-dir=<absolute directory path>
cmake option: -DPLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR=<absolute directory path>
Currently, the following plugins are always installed, if
available: bzip2, zstd, blosc.
If NCZarr is enabled, then additional plugins are installed:
fletcher32, shuffle, deflate, szip.
Additionally, the necessary codec support is installed
for each of the above filters that is installed.
## Changes:
1. Cleanup handling of built-in bzip2.
2. Add documentation to docs/filters.md
3. Re-factor the NCZarr codec libraries
4. Add a test, although it can only be exercised after
the library is installed, so it cannot be used during
normal testing.
5. Cleanup use of HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH in the filter test cases.
re: https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/6374
As a result of a discussion about Xarray (see above issue),
I decided to turn on the xarray convention for NCZarr datasets
where possible so that xarray can read a larger set of nczarr
generated datasets.
This causes the following changes:
* If the user wants to generate a pure zarr file, then the mode "zarr" must be explicitly used; it is no longer the case that "mode=xarray" or mode="noxarray"
implies "mode=zarr".
* It is still the case that "mode=noxarray" will turn off the XArray convention.
The following conditions will cause ''_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS'' to not be written.
* The variable is not in the root group,
* Any dimension referenced by the variable is not in the root group.
Update the following documentation files:
## docs/FAQ.md
* Discuss the use of UTF-8 names under Windows 10+.
## docs/filters.md
* Add documentation about NCzarr filters.
* Specifically Codec support and HDF5 <-> Codec translation
* Add documentation about standard filters
## docs/dispatch.md
* Convert from .dox format to .md (markdown) format.
* Add discussion about the user defined dispatch tables.
* Update the example.
* Abbreviate the NC_infermodel documentation and move the more detailed discusion to the companion *dinternal.md* documenation.
## docs/internal.md
This is a (mostly) new file that attempts to provide detailed
descriptions about how various features are implemented inside
the netcdf-c library. The topics currently covered the
### Including C++ Code in the netcdf-c Library {#intern_c++}
The state of C compiler technology has reached the point where
it is possible to include C++ code into the netcdf-c library
code base. The document describes how to do this.
### Managing instances of complex data types
The document describes how to properly handle instances of
complex types (those with variable length). This involves
having functions that can recursively walk instances of such
types to perform various actions on them. These new functions
are intended to replace the *nc_free_vlen*, *nc_free_vlens* and
*nc_free_string* functions in *netcdf.h*.
### Inferring File Types
As described in the companion document -- docs/dispatch.md --
when *nc\_create()* or *nc\_open()* is called, the library must
figure out what kind of file is being created or opened. Once it
has figured out the file kind, the appropriate "dispatch table"
can be used to process that file.
As a result of the introduction of remote data access to the netcdf-c
library, the path arguments to *nc\_open()* and *nc\_create()* have
been extended to support URLs as paths. Processing URLs requires
some significant changes to the file inference algorithm. The
details of that processing are recorded in the document.
re: https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/2177
re: https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/2178
Provide get/set functions to store global data alignment
information and apply it when a file is created.
The api is as follows:
int nc_set_alignment(int threshold, int alignment);
int nc_get_alignment(int* thresholdp, int* alignmentp);
If defined, then for every file created opened after the call to
nc_set_alignment, for every new variable added to the file, the
most recently set threshold and alignment values will be applied
to that variable.
The nc_get_alignment function return the last values set by
nc_set_alignment. If nc_set_alignment has not been called, then
it returns the value 0 for both threshold and alignment.
The alignment parameters are stored in the NCglobalstate object
(see below) for use as needed. Repeated calls to nc_set_alignment
will overwrite any existing values in NCglobalstate.
The alignment parameters are applied in libhdf5/hdf5create.c
and libhdf5/hdf5open.c
The set/get alignment functions are defined in libsrc4/nc4internal.c.
A test program was added as nc_test4/tst_alignment.c.
## Misc. Changes Unrelated to Alignment
* The NCRCglobalstate type was renamed to NCglobalstate to
indicate that it represented more general global state than
just .rc data. It was also moved to nc4internal.h. This led
to a large number of small changes: mostly renaming. The
global state management functions were moved to nc4internal.c.
* The global chunk cache variables have been moved into
NCglobalstate. As warranted, other global state will be moved
as well.
* Some misc. problems with the nczarr performance tests were corrected.