re: issue
Assume that you have the URL to a remote dataset
which is a normal netcdf-3 or netcdf-4 file.
This PR allows the netcdf-c to read that dataset's
contents as a netcdf file using HTTP byte ranges
if the remote server supports byte-range access.
Originally, this PR was set up to access Amazon S3 objects,
but it can also access other remote datasets such as those
provided by a Thredds server via the HTTPServer access protocol.
It may also work for other kinds of servers.
Note that this is not intended as a true production
capability because, as is known, this kind of access to
can be quite slow. In addition, the byte-range IO drivers
do not currently do any sort of optimization or caching.
An additional goal here is to gain some experience with
the Amazon S3 REST protocol.
This architecture and its use documented in
the file docs/byterange.dox.
There are currently two test cases:
1. nc_test/tst_s3raw.c - this does a simple open, check format, close cycle
for a remote netcdf-3 file and a remote netcdf-4 file.
2. nc_test/ - this uses ncdump to investigate some remote
This PR also incorporates significantly changed model inference code
(see the superceded PR
1. It centralizes the code that infers the dispatcher.
2. It adds support for byte-range URLs
Other changes:
1. NC_HDF5_finalize was not being properly called by nc_finalize().
2. Fix minor bug in ncgen3.l
3. fix memory leak in nc4info.c
4. add code to walk the .daprc triples and to replace protocol=
fragment tag with a more general mode= tag.
Final Note:
Th inference code is still way too complicated. We need to move
to the validfile() model used by netcdf Java, where each
dispatcher is asked if it can process the file. This decentralizes
the inference code. This will be done after all the major new
dispatchers (PIO, Zarr, etc) have been implemented.
stored in the _NCProperties attribute to allow two things:
1. capture of additional library dependencies (over and above
2. Recognition of non-netcdf libraries that create netcdf-4 format
To this end, the _NCProperties format has been extended to be
and arbitrary set of key=value pairs separated by commas.
This new format has version = 2, and uses commas as the pair separator.
Thus the general form is:
_NCProperties = "version=2,key1=value,key2=value2..." ;
This new version is accompanied by a new ./configure option of the form
that specifies pairs to add to the _NCProperties attribute for all
files created with that netcdf library.
At this point, what is missing is some programmatic way to
specify either all the pairs or additional pairs
to the _NCProperties attribute. Not sure of the best way
to do this.
Builders using non-netcdf libraries can specify
whatever they want in the key value pairs (as long
as the version=2 is specified first).
By convention, the primary library is expected to be the
the first pair after the leading version=2 pair, but this
is convention only and is neither required nor enforced.
Related changes:
1. Fixed the tests that check _NCProperties to properly operate with version=2.
2. When reading a version 1 _NCProperties attribute, convert it to look
like a version 2 attribute.
2. Added some version 2 tests to ncdump/tst_fileinfo.c and
Misc Changes:
1. Fix minor problem in ncdap_test/ where a parameter to
buildurl needed to be quoted.
2. Minor fix to ncgen to swap switches -H and -h to be consistent
with other utilities.
3. Document the -M flag in nccopy usage() and the nccopy man page.
4. Modify a test case to use the nccopy -M flag.
2. modified ncdap_tests to remove <cr>
from generated output before comparison
to expected. This is a hack because
my other attempts to force windows to use
binary mode have not worked.
1. When running under windows (as opposed to cygwin)
we need to make sure to not user /cygdrive/ file paths.
This was ocurring in libdap4/d4read.c, but may occur
2. Shell scripts in the git repo are not being checked-out
with the executable mode set. Had core.filemode set to false.
Was a major hassle to fix.
Specific changes:
1. Add dap4 code: libdap4 and dap4_test.
Note that until the d4ts server problem is solved, dap4 is turned off.
2. Modify various files to support dap4 flags:,, CMakeLists.txt, etc.
3. Add nc_test/ This centralizes
the handling of the locations of various
things in the build tree: e.g. where is
ncgen.exe located. See nc_test/
for details.
4. Modify .sh files to use
5. Obsolete separate oc2 by moving it to be part of
netcdf-c. This means replacing code with netcdf-c
5. Add --with-testserver to to allow
override of the servers to be used for --enable-dap-remote-tests.
6. There were multiple versions of nctypealignment code. Try to
centralize in libdispatch/doffset.c and include/ncoffsets.h
7. Add a unit test for the ncuri code because of its complexity.
8. Move the findserver code out of libdispatch and into
a separate, self contained program in ncdap_test and dap4_test.
9. Move the dispatch header files (nc{3,4}dispatch.h) to
.../include because they are now shared by modules.
10. Revamp the handling of TOPSRCDIR and TOPBUILDDIR for shell scripts.
11. Make use of MREMAP if available
12. Misc. minor changes e.g.
- #include <config.h> -> #include "config.h"
- Add some no-install headers to /include
- extern -> EXTERNL and vice versa as needed
- misc header cleanup
- clean up checking for misc. unix vs microsoft functions
13. Change copyright decls in some files to point to LICENSE file.
14. Add notes to
Modified provenance code to allocate the minimal space
needed for _NCProperties attribute in file. Basically
required using malloc in the provenance code and in ncdump.
Otherwise should cause no externally visible effects.
Also removed the ENABLE_FILEINFO from since
the provenance code is no longer optional.
This consists of a persistent attribute named
_NCProperties plus two computed attributes
_IsNetcdf4 and _SuperblockVersion.
See the 'Provenance Attributes' section
of docs/ for details.