Initial split of Guide from rest of documentation. Using 'tagfiles' to cross-reference from one documentation set to the other works, but then it drags all of the 'external' related pages into the index of the other.
Modified visability of the external groups and pages.
Adding proper section names to 'Example' sections, to avoid Doxygen warnings.
Initial split of Guide from rest of documentation. Using 'tagfiles' to cross-reference from one documentation set to the other works, but then it drags all of the 'external' related pages into the index of the other.
Modified visability of the external groups and pages.
Adding proper section names to 'Example' sections, to avoid Doxygen warnings.
Reorganizing documentation into two separate doxygen projects.
Moved .texi documents into an old directory.
Pulled the tutorial document into a separate document, similar to the guide document.
Turned on treeview
was incomplete; complete the fix.
2. There is an inconsistency in the netcdfh interface
about whether rank (# dimensions) is an int or
size_t. I inadvertently assumed the latter and that
breaks some API calls; so revert back.
should be under ENABLE_DAP_REMOTE_TESTS.
Fixed to make sure that this is so.
Also attempted to fix ncdap_test/CMakeLists.txt,
but probably got it wrong.
HT to Nico Schlomer.
2. Attempted to reduce the number of conversion errors
when -Wconversion is set. Fixed oc2, but
rest of netcdf remains to be done.
HT to Nico Schlomer.
3. When doing #2, I discovered an error in ncgen.y
that has remained hidden. This required some other
test case fixes.
times, but returning the same ncid.
2. Separate out the dap auth tests
and make them disabled by default.
3. turn of ncdap_test/test_varm3 until
we can find a copy of
So far, CMakeLists.txt made the assumption that ${HDF5_LIB} is always defined
in order to determine if it has parallel support. This is not the case, compare
with bug #25.
Make use of FIND_PACKAGE(HDF5) now; it sets HDF5_IS_PARALLEL anyways.