effectively o(n cubed); modified to be
o(n squared).
2. If the list of prefetched variables is too long,
(something on the order of 400 variables), then
the server may reject it. Modified code so that
in the case that the set of prefetch'd vars is
the in fact all variables, it does not create a long
request. This does not actually solve the problem
if the prefetch list is long, but not all inclusive.
effectively o(n cubed); modified to be
o(n squared).
2. If the list of prefetched variables is too long,
(something on the order of 400 variables), then
the server may reject it. Modified code so that
in the case that the set of prefetch'd vars is
the in fact all variables, it does not create a long
request. This does not actually solve the problem
if the prefetch list is long, but not all inclusive.
to do prefetch on either a lazy
or eager basis. Lazy means that
the prefetch does not occur
until and unless the client actually
makes a get_var request.
Also repaired a problem where
doing prefetch wrt a url that
has a constraint will prefetch
a whole variable if its constrained
size is small enough, even if the
underlying variable is too large
to warrant prefetch.
- Fix NCF-157 to modify DAP code to support
partial variable retrieval.
- Fix of NCF-154 to solve problem of ncgen
improperly processing data lists for variables
of size greater than 2**18 bytes.
- Fix ncgen processing of char variables that have
multiple unlimited dimensions.
- Partly fix Jira issue: NCF-145 (vlen issues).
- Benchmark program nc_test4/tst_ar4_*) requires arguments
and should only be invoked inside a shell
script; fixed so that they terminate cleanly
if invoked with no arguments.
- Fix the Doxygen processing so it will work
with make distcheck.
- Begin switchover to using an alternative to ncio.
- Begin support for in-memory (diskless) files.