re: issue
Assume that you have the URL to a remote dataset
which is a normal netcdf-3 or netcdf-4 file.
This PR allows the netcdf-c to read that dataset's
contents as a netcdf file using HTTP byte ranges
if the remote server supports byte-range access.
Originally, this PR was set up to access Amazon S3 objects,
but it can also access other remote datasets such as those
provided by a Thredds server via the HTTPServer access protocol.
It may also work for other kinds of servers.
Note that this is not intended as a true production
capability because, as is known, this kind of access to
can be quite slow. In addition, the byte-range IO drivers
do not currently do any sort of optimization or caching.
An additional goal here is to gain some experience with
the Amazon S3 REST protocol.
This architecture and its use documented in
the file docs/byterange.dox.
There are currently two test cases:
1. nc_test/tst_s3raw.c - this does a simple open, check format, close cycle
for a remote netcdf-3 file and a remote netcdf-4 file.
2. nc_test/ - this uses ncdump to investigate some remote
This PR also incorporates significantly changed model inference code
(see the superceded PR
1. It centralizes the code that infers the dispatcher.
2. It adds support for byte-range URLs
Other changes:
1. NC_HDF5_finalize was not being properly called by nc_finalize().
2. Fix minor bug in ncgen3.l
3. fix memory leak in nc4info.c
4. add code to walk the .daprc triples and to replace protocol=
fragment tag with a more general mode= tag.
Final Note:
Th inference code is still way too complicated. We need to move
to the validfile() model used by netcdf Java, where each
dispatcher is asked if it can process the file. This decentralizes
the inference code. This will be done after all the major new
dispatchers (PIO, Zarr, etc) have been implemented.
This is a follow up to PR
Sorry that it is so big, but leak suppression can be complex.
This PR fixes all remaining memory leaks -- as determined by
-fsanitize=address, and with the exceptions noted below.
Unfortunately. there remains a significant leak that I cannot
solve. It involves vlens, and it is unclear if the leak is
occurring in the netcdf-c library or the HDF5 library.
I have added a check_PROGRAM to the ncdump directory to show the
problem. The program is called tst_vlen_demo.c To exercise it,
build the netcdf library with -fsanitize=address enabled. Then
go into ncdump and do a "make clean check". This should build
tst_vlen_demo without actually executing it. Then do the
command "./tst_vlen_demo" to see the output of the memory
checker. Note the the lost malloc is deep in the HDF5 library
(in H5Tvlen.c).
I am temporarily working around this error in the following way.
1. I modified several test scripts to not execute known vlen tests
that fail as described above.
2. Added an environment variable called NC_VLEN_NOTEST.
If set, then those specific tests are suppressed.
This should mean that the --disable-utilities option to
./configure should not need to be set to get a memory leak clean
build. This should allow for detection of any new leaks.
Note: I used an environment variable rather than a ./configure
option to control the vlen tests. This is because it is
temporary (I hope) and because it is a bit tricky for shell
scripts to access ./configure options.
Finally, as before, this only been tested with netcdf-4 and hdf5 support.
1. fix typo in nccopy.1 man page
2. fix chunkspec parsing for -c so that "-c var:"
(with no chunkspec arguments) disables chunking
on the specified variable
3. Add test case to ncdump/
This PR partially fixes memory leaks in the netcdf-c library,
in the ncdump utility, and in some test cases.
The netcdf-c library now runs memory clean with the assumption
that the --disable-utilities option is used. The primary remaining
problem is ncgen. Once that is fixed, I believe the netcdf-c library
will run memory clean with no limitations.
1. Memory checking was performed using gcc -fsanitize=address.
Valgrind-based testing has yet to be performed.
2. The pnetcdf, hdf4, and examples code has not been tested.
Misc. Non-leak changes
1. Make tst_diskless2 only run when netcdf4 is enabled (issue 1162)
2. Fix CmakeLists.txt to turn off logging if ENABLE_NETCDF_4 is OFF
3. Isolated all my debug scripts into a single top-level directory
called debug
4. Fix some USE_NETCDF4 dependencies in nc_test and nc_test4
Inadvertently, the behavior of NC_DISKLESS with nc_create() was
changed in release 4.6.1. Previously, the NC_WRITE flag needed
to be explicitly used with NC_DISKLESS in order to cause the
created file to be persisted to disk.
Additional analyis indicated that the current NC_DISKLESS
implementation was seriously flawed.
This PR attempts to clean up and regularize the situation with
respect to NC_DISKLESS control. One important aspect of diskless
operation is that there are two different notions of write.
1. The file is read-write vs read-only when using the netcdf API.
2. The file is persisted or not to disk at nc_close().
Previously, these two were conflated. The rules now are
as follows.
1. NC_DISKLESS + NC_WRITE means that the file is read/write using the netcdf API
2. NC_DISKLESS + NC_PERSIST means that the file is persisted to a disk file at nc_close.
3. NC_DISKLESS + NC_PERSIST + NC_WRITE means both 1 and 2.
The NC_PERSIST flag is new and takes over the obsolete NC_MPIPOSIX flag.
NC_MPIPOSIX is still defined, but is now an alias for the NC_MPIIO flag.
It is also now the case that for netcdf-4, NC_DISKLESS is independent
of NC_INMEMORY and in fact it is an error to specify both flags
Finally, the MMAP code was fixed to use NC_PERSIST as well.
Also marked MMAP as deprecated.
Also added a test case to test various combinations of NC_DISKLESS,
This PR affects a number of files and especially test cases
that used NC_DISKLESS.
Misc. Unrelated fixes
1. fixed some warnings in ncdump/dumplib.c
re: issue
Modify DAP2 and DAP4 code to handle case when _FillValue type is not
same as the parent variable type.
1. Define a parameter [fillmismatch] to allow this mismatch;
default is to disallow.
2. If allowed, forcibly change the type of the _FillValue to match
the parent variable.
3. If allowed Convert the values to match new type
4. Generate a log message
5. if not allowed, then fail
Implementing this required some changes to ncdap_test/dapcvt.c
Also added test cases.
Minor Unrelated Changes:
1. There were a number of warnings about e.g.
assigning a const char* to a char*. Fix these
2. In nccopy.1, replace .NP with .IP "n"
(re PR
3. fix minor error in ncdump/ocprint
Add the ability to set some additional curlopt values via .daprc (aka .dodsrc).
This effects both DAP2 and DAP4 protocols.
Related issues:
[1] re: esupport: KOZ-821332
[2] re: github issue
[3] re: github issue
1. CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE: Relevant to [1]. Allow user to set the read/write
buffersizes used by curl.
This is done by adding the following to .daprc (aka .dodsrc):
where n is the buffersize in bytes. There is a built-in (to curl)
limit of 512k for this value.
Relevant (maybe) to [2] and [3]. Allow the user to turn on KEEPALIVE
This is done by adding the following to .daprc (aka .dodsrc):
If the value is "on", then simply enable default KEEPALIVE. If the value
is n/m, then enable KEEPALIVE and set KEEPIDLE to n and KEEPINTVL to m.
stored in the _NCProperties attribute to allow two things:
1. capture of additional library dependencies (over and above
2. Recognition of non-netcdf libraries that create netcdf-4 format
To this end, the _NCProperties format has been extended to be
and arbitrary set of key=value pairs separated by commas.
This new format has version = 2, and uses commas as the pair separator.
Thus the general form is:
_NCProperties = "version=2,key1=value,key2=value2..." ;
This new version is accompanied by a new ./configure option of the form
that specifies pairs to add to the _NCProperties attribute for all
files created with that netcdf library.
At this point, what is missing is some programmatic way to
specify either all the pairs or additional pairs
to the _NCProperties attribute. Not sure of the best way
to do this.
Builders using non-netcdf libraries can specify
whatever they want in the key value pairs (as long
as the version=2 is specified first).
By convention, the primary library is expected to be the
the first pair after the leading version=2 pair, but this
is convention only and is neither required nor enforced.
Related changes:
1. Fixed the tests that check _NCProperties to properly operate with version=2.
2. When reading a version 1 _NCProperties attribute, convert it to look
like a version 2 attribute.
2. Added some version 2 tests to ncdump/tst_fileinfo.c and
Misc Changes:
1. Fix minor problem in ncdap_test/ where a parameter to
buildurl needed to be quoted.
2. Minor fix to ncgen to swap switches -H and -h to be consistent
with other utilities.
3. Document the -M flag in nccopy usage() and the nccopy man page.
4. Modify a test case to use the nccopy -M flag.
The `error` macro used to output the usage information already outputs `progname`, so the `progname` argument is not needed and results in double printing of the `progname` as shown below:
ceerws2703a:build(master)> ../bin/nccopy
../bin/nccopy: ../bin/nccopy [-k kind] [-[3|4|6|7]] [-d n] [-s] [-c chunkspec] [-u] [-w] [-[v|V] varlist] [-[g|G] grplist] [-m n] [-h n] [-e n] [-r] infile outfile
[-k kind] specify kind of netCDF format for output file, default same as input
kind strings: 'classic', '64-bit offset', 'cdf5',
'netCDF-4', 'netCDF-4 classic model'
After a long discussion, I implemented the rules at the end of that issue.
They are documented in nccopy.1.
Additionally, I added a new, per-variable, -c flag that allows
for the direct setting of the chunking parameters for a variable.
The form is
-c var:c1,c2,
where var is the name of the variable (possibly a fully qualified name)
and the ci are the chunksizes for that variable. It must be the case
that the rank of the variable is k. If the new form is used as well
as the old form, then the new form overrides the old form for the
specified variable. Note that multiple occurrences of the new form
-c flag may be specified.
Misc. Other fixes
1. Added -M <size> option to nccopy to specify the minimum
allowable chunksize.
2. Removed the unused variables from bigmeta.c
3. Fixed failure of nc_test4/ by using the new -M
flag (#1) to allow filter test on a small chunk size.