Fix bug where leading backslash digit
in name was not being properly handled.
The reason was that I accidentally attemped to allow \x... and \0...
escapes in identifiers. This make identifiers
with leading escaped digits not work any more.
Also added test case.
Columbia server does not serve up proper
opendap DDS replies. The Dataset {...} name
changes depending on if the request has certain
kinds of constraints.
Code for a hack was not being used, so restore it.
The fix is to effectively ignore differences in
Dataset node names if the code is coming from
2. [NCF-278]
The ncgen code is improperly typing int64 integer constants
as uint64.
3. [NCF-279]
Empty string constants were not being properly
filled when their target array is length 1 or more.
Fix bug introduced by [NCF-267].
The bug was that octal constants that had
the highest bit set (e.g. '\200')
were not recognized as proper octal
constants. Fix was to keep as integer
until it was needed as an 8-bit byte.
Add support for embedded NUL characters
in character arrays and added some test cases.
Note that embedded NULs in netcdf-4
string constants are still illegal. This is
because strings are not counted in the netcdf
API, so they are implicitly NUL terminated.
1. Updated the ncgen manual (ncgen.1)
to discuss handling of ambiguous
enumeration constant references.
2. Fixed the test case. It is currently
XFAIL'd until such time as ncdump
is modified to output properly
disambiguated enumeration constant
Added code to verify that enum constants
(and other constants) are consistent
with the type of the variable or
attribute to which they are assigned.
This addresses the ncdump failure.
Ncgen is unable to resolve
ambiguous references to an enum
constant when two different enums
have same econstant name.
Solved by allowing more specific
forms for econstant references.
1. /.../enumname.enumconstname
2. enumname.enumconstname
3. enumconstname
Case 1 is resolved by using the econstant
in the specific enum definition. If none is
found, an error is reported.
Case 2 is resolved by
1. finding an enclosing group with an
enum definition with the specified name
and containing the specified econstant.
If there are more than one, then an error is reported
2. finding all enum definitions in the dataset that have
the specified enum name and contain the specified
econstant. If more than one is found, then an error is reported.
If the above two methods fail, then report an error.
Case 3 is similar to case 2, but all enums, irrespective
of name are used if they contains the specified enum constant.
The ref_tst_econst.cdl test in ncdump is causing ncdump
to fail. So there may be yet some problem.
group renaming. The primary API
is 'nc_rename_grp(int grpid, const char* name)'.
No test cases provided yet.
This also required adding a rename_grp entry
to the dispatch tables.
CMake related changes in CMakeLists.txt files, Other changes relate to
Windows-specific issues, and changes made
when regenerating generated source files.
o Changed variable names 'typeid' to 'typeid1' to avoid a namespace conflict
in visual studio.
o Cleaned up a handful of warnings in Visual Studio.
o Addressed a few Coverity-discovered issuesl
o Made changes to CMake-based builds.
Primarily focused on memory errors falling into a couple different types:
1) Static overrun errors.
2) Dereference uninitialized memory errors.
make distcheck works after applying these fixes, and coverity no longer sees an issue, so hopefully they are properly resolved.
The in-memory files can be made persistent if nc_create is called with
NC_DISKLESS|NC_WRITE flags set. Initial test case also included.
- Modified ncio mechanism to support
multiple ncio packages; this is so we
can have posixio and memio operating
at the same time.
- cleanup up a bunch of lint issues (unused variables, etc).
- Fix NCF-157 to modify DAP code to support
partial variable retrieval.
- Fix of NCF-154 to solve problem of ncgen
improperly processing data lists for variables
of size greater than 2**18 bytes.
- Fix ncgen processing of char variables that have
multiple unlimited dimensions.
- Partly fix Jira issue: NCF-145 (vlen issues).
- Benchmark program nc_test4/tst_ar4_*) requires arguments
and should only be invoked inside a shell
script; fixed so that they terminate cleanly
if invoked with no arguments.
- Fix the Doxygen processing so it will work
with make distcheck.
- Begin switchover to using an alternative to ncio.
- Begin support for in-memory (diskless) files.
NCF-42: _Format attribute sometimes being ignored
NCF-43: Fixed unsigned long long parsing.
NCF-47: Make opendap code properly handle illegal names like "x.y" by
supressing them
NCF-49: check for uint type
NCF-50: properly handle username:pwd embedded in urls.
ncgen: nan bug
made semicolons optional after type decls
libncdap{3,4}: revamped the NC surrogate to better match
with libsrc
libdispatch: Added a new_nc function to the dispatch table; its purpose
is to allow hierarchical use of NC compatible data structures.
libsrc: cleaned up the NC structure by removing drno field
general: removed --with-oc options