Add the ability to set some additional curlopt values via .daprc (aka .dodsrc).
This effects both DAP2 and DAP4 protocols.
Related issues:
[1] re: esupport: KOZ-821332
[2] re: github issue
[3] re: github issue
1. CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE: Relevant to [1]. Allow user to set the read/write
buffersizes used by curl.
This is done by adding the following to .daprc (aka .dodsrc):
where n is the buffersize in bytes. There is a built-in (to curl)
limit of 512k for this value.
Relevant (maybe) to [2] and [3]. Allow the user to turn on KEEPALIVE
This is done by adding the following to .daprc (aka .dodsrc):
If the value is "on", then simply enable default KEEPALIVE. If the value
is n/m, then enable KEEPALIVE and set KEEPIDLE to n and KEEPINTVL to m.
in the docs directory.
1. Add a new internal document -- testserver.dox -- to describe
how to set up and maintain the dap test server.
2. It moves the internal documentation (internal.dox, indexing.dox,
and testserver.dox) to later in the documentation table of contents.
3. Cleanup the formatting of the internal documents.
4. Cleanup some minor doxygen issues in other files.
So it now becomes the first default test server to try.
This also means that the dap4 remote testing is enabled.
The only issue to watch is to see if the jetstream-based
server can stay up for significant periods of time.
A uptimerobot ( has been set ups
to monitor this hourly, so we shall see.
1. remove the --disable-diskless option since it is no
longer needed. Similarly for CMakeLists.txt.
2. Fixed nc4files.c where BAIL and return were mixed
leading to situation where cleanup code was not
being invoked. This probably occurs elsewhere,
but I did not find any specifically.
The file docs/indexing.dox tries to provide design
information for the refactoring.
The primary change is to replace all walking of linked
lists with the use of the NCindex data structure.
Ncindex is a combination of a hash table (for name-based
lookup) and a vector (for walking the elements in the index).
Additionally, global vectors are added to NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T
to support direct mapping of an e.g. dimid to the NC_DIM_INFO_T
object. These global vectors exist for dimensions, types, and groups
because they have globally unique id numbers.
1. since libsrc4 and libsrchdf4 share code, there are also
changes in libsrchdf4.
2. Any outstanding pull requests that change libsrc4 or libhdf4
are likely to cause conflicts with this code.
3. The original reason for doing this was for performance improvements,
but as noted elsewhere, this may not be significant because
the meta-data read performance apparently is being dominated
by the hdf5 library because we do bulk meta-data reading rather
than lazy reading.