I see that there is no way to set CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,
but there is support for CURLOPT_TIMEOUT.
So, accept the line 'HTTP.CONNECTTIMEOUT'
in .rc file to allow user to set CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT.
Add the ability to set some additional curlopt values via .daprc (aka .dodsrc).
This effects both DAP2 and DAP4 protocols.
Related issues:
[1] re: esupport: KOZ-821332
[2] re: github issue https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/issues/836
[3] re: github issue https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/1074
1. CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE: Relevant to [1]. Allow user to set the read/write
buffersizes used by curl.
This is done by adding the following to .daprc (aka .dodsrc):
where n is the buffersize in bytes. There is a built-in (to curl)
limit of 512k for this value.
Relevant (maybe) to [2] and [3]. Allow the user to turn on KEEPALIVE
This is done by adding the following to .daprc (aka .dodsrc):
If the value is "on", then simply enable default KEEPALIVE. If the value
is n/m, then enable KEEPALIVE and set KEEPIDLE to n and KEEPINTVL to m.
The use of the following version-specific curl flags
is not always properly wrapped or aliased using
config.h HAVE_CURL... ifdefs.
# CURLOPT_USERNAME is not defined until curl version 7.19.1
# CURLOPT_PASSWORD is not defined until curl version 7.19.1
# CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD is not defined until curl version 7.16.4
-- aliased as needed to CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD
# CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE is not defined until curl version 7.10.7
-- aliased as needed to CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE
# CURLOPT_CHUNK_BGN_FUNCTION is not defined until curl version 7.21.0
-- not used in our code
This supports better authorization
handling for DAP requests, especially redirection
based authorization. I also added a new test case
Specifically, suppose I have a netrc file /tmp/netrc
containing this.
machine uat.urs.earthdata.nasa.gov login xxxxxx password yyyyyy
Also suppose I have a .ocrc file containing these lines
Assume that .ocrc is in the local directory or HOME.
Then this command should work (assuming a valid login and password).
ncdump -h ""