to get TOPSRCDIR that avoids use of
TEST_ENVIRONMENT and makes automake and cmake
more consistent.
Basic assumption is that abs_top_srcdir (and
cmake equivalent) is known at 'make check' time,
so we can use -D flag to compile a program that
has the value of abs_top_srcdir embedded into it
as a constant.
We define two new files in ncdap_test:
1. t_srcdir.h -- provide a gettopsrcdir() function
to return the topsrcdir value to the test program.
2. topsrcdir.c -- a program that calls gettopsrcdir()
and prints its output (minus any newline) on stdout.
This is used in .sh files to get topsrcdir.
It appears the problem is that synth9 was erroneously
included in testing. It involves a nested sequence which
is not translatable. Not sure why it was still there,
but fix is to suppress the test.