The constant NC_MAX_DIMS is used to dimension the `dimids` arrays which are use to retrieve the dimension ids corresponding to the variables dimensions. By definition, the maximum number of dimension ids is `NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS` as is documented in the `nc_inq_var` documentation:
dimids Returned vector of *ndimsp dimension IDs corresponding to the variable dimensions. The caller must allocate enough space for a vector of at least *ndimsp integers to be returned. The maximum possible number of dimensions for a variable is given by the predefined constant NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS.
Although the default or standard values of NC_MAX_DIMS and NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS are the same, the correct value to be used here is NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS and not NC_MAX_DIMS. Even though this currently works, it could fail if either NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS or NC_MAX_DIMS is changed and it can also provide an incorrect function usage example that may mislead developers trying to determine the correct usage of the function.
- Fix NCF-157 to modify DAP code to support
partial variable retrieval.
- Fix of NCF-154 to solve problem of ncgen
improperly processing data lists for variables
of size greater than 2**18 bytes.
- Fix ncgen processing of char variables that have
multiple unlimited dimensions.
- Partly fix Jira issue: NCF-145 (vlen issues).
- Benchmark program nc_test4/tst_ar4_*) requires arguments
and should only be invoked inside a shell
script; fixed so that they terminate cleanly
if invoked with no arguments.
- Fix the Doxygen processing so it will work
with make distcheck.
- Begin switchover to using an alternative to ncio.
- Begin support for in-memory (diskless) files.