# Description
Remove various obsolete build options. Also do some code movement.
## Specific Changes
* The remotetest server is sometimes unstable, so provide a mechanism
to force disabling calls to remotetest.unidata.ucar.edu.
This is enabled by adding a repository variable named
REMOTETESTDOWN with the value "yes".
* Fix CMakeLists.txt to use the uname command as an alternate
to using the hostname command (which does not work under cygwin).
* Remove the JNA stuff as obsolete
* Remove the ENABLE_CLIENTSIDE_FILTERS options since it has been
disabled for a while.
* Fix bad option flag in some github action .yml files: change --disable-xml2 to --disable-libxml2
* Collect globalstate definitions into nc4internal.h
* Remove ENABLE_NCZARR_FILTERS_TESTING option as obsolete and replace
* Move some dispatcher independent functions from libsrc4/nc4internal.c to libdispatch/ddispatch.c
* As a long term goal, and because it is now the case that --enable-nczarr
=> USE_NETCDF4, make the external options --enable-netcdf-4 and
--enable-netcdf4 obsolete in favor of --enable-hdf5
We will do the following for one more release cycle.
1. Make --enable-netcdf-4 be an alias for --enable-netcdf4.
2. Make --enable-netcdf4 an alias for --enable-hdf5.
3. Internally, convert most uses of USE_NETCDF_4 ad USE_NETCDF4 to USE_HDF5
After the next release, --enable-netcdf-4 and --enable-netcdf4 will
be removed.
re: PR https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/2655
This PR modifies the transient types PR so that all created
transient types are given a created unique name (within a
group). The form of the name is "_Anonymous<Class>NN". The class
is the user-defined type class: Enum, Compound, Opaque, or
Vlen. NN is an integer identifier to ensure uniqueness.
Additionally, this was applied to DAP/4 anonymous dimensions.
This also required some test baseline data changes.
The transient test case is modified to verify that the name exists.
NOTE: This PR should not be included in 4.9.1 since additional
DAP4 related PRs will be forthcoming.
This PR makes major changes to libdap4 and dap4_test driven by changes to TDS.
* Enable DAP4
* Clean up the test input files and the test baseline comparison files. This entails:
* Remove a multitude of unused test input and baseline data files; among them are dap4_test/: daptestfiles, dmrtestfiles, nctestfiles, and misctestfiles.
* Define a canonical set of test input files and record in dap4_test/cdltestfiles.
* Use the cdltestfiles to generate the .nc test inputs. This set of .nc files is then moved to the d4ts (DAP4 test server) war file in the tds repository. This set then becomes the canonical set of DAP4 test sources.
* Scrape d4ts to obtain copies of the raw streams of DAP4 encoded data. The .dmr and .dap streams are then stored in dap4_test/rawtestfiles.
* Disable some remote server tests until those servers are fixed.
* Add an option to ncdump (-XF) that forces the type of the _FillValue attribute; this is primarily to simplify testing of fill mismatch.
* Minor bug fixes to ncgen.
* Changes to libdap4:
* Replace old checksum hack with the dap4.checksum flag.
* Support the dap4.XXX controls.
* Cleanup _FillValue handling, especially var-attribute type mismatches.
* Fix enum handling based on changes to netcdf-java.
* Changes to dap4_test:
* Add getopt support to various test support programs.
* Remove unneeded shell scripts.
* Add new scripts: test_curlopt.sh
re: Partly addresses issue https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/1712.
1. Turn on Hyrax Hack to accept Hyrax style attribute containers.
2. Support Url type as alias for String.
3. Accept the special attribute, "__DAP4_Checksum_CRC32",
to control per-variable checksums.
4. Make _DAP4_xxx attributes be reserved and only accessible
by name (ala _SuperBlock attribute).
5. Fix handling of checksums. There is a hack in the code
that uses an extra flag in the chunk header to indicate
that all variables have checksums. This violates the spec
and will be removed once it is possible to regenerate the
test cases.
Note that checksumming with the Hyrax test server has not
been tested. This, along with some other probable inconsistencies,
needs fixing when OPeNDAP and Unidata can agree on the proper
specification. Testing will be included.
This PR partially fixes memory leaks in the netcdf-c library,
in the ncdump utility, and in some test cases.
The netcdf-c library now runs memory clean with the assumption
that the --disable-utilities option is used. The primary remaining
problem is ncgen. Once that is fixed, I believe the netcdf-c library
will run memory clean with no limitations.
1. Memory checking was performed using gcc -fsanitize=address.
Valgrind-based testing has yet to be performed.
2. The pnetcdf, hdf4, and examples code has not been tested.
Misc. Non-leak changes
1. Make tst_diskless2 only run when netcdf4 is enabled (issue 1162)
2. Fix CmakeLists.txt to turn off logging if ENABLE_NETCDF_4 is OFF
3. Isolated all my debug scripts into a single top-level directory
called debug
4. Fix some USE_NETCDF4 dependencies in nc_test and nc_test4 Makefile.am
re: issue https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/1151
Modify DAP2 and DAP4 code to handle case when _FillValue type is not
same as the parent variable type.
1. Define a parameter [fillmismatch] to allow this mismatch;
default is to disallow.
2. If allowed, forcibly change the type of the _FillValue to match
the parent variable.
3. If allowed Convert the values to match new type
4. Generate a log message
5. if not allowed, then fail
Implementing this required some changes to ncdap_test/dapcvt.c
Also added test cases.
Minor Unrelated Changes:
1. There were a number of warnings about e.g.
assigning a const char* to a char*. Fix these
2. In nccopy.1, replace .NP with .IP "n"
(re PR https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/1144)
3. fix minor error in ncdump/ocprint
or seq fields is not a well-defined concept. So
for now, I am disallowing them. Required
updating a number of test files in
dap4_test. This is tagged by the line
in ./libdap4/ncd4types.h. This should
affect only dap4 and nothing else.
Specific changes:
1. Add dap4 code: libdap4 and dap4_test.
Note that until the d4ts server problem is solved, dap4 is turned off.
2. Modify various files to support dap4 flags:
configure.ac, Makefile.am, CMakeLists.txt, etc.
3. Add nc_test/test_common.sh. This centralizes
the handling of the locations of various
things in the build tree: e.g. where is
ncgen.exe located. See nc_test/test_common.sh
for details.
4. Modify .sh files to use test_common.sh
5. Obsolete separate oc2 by moving it to be part of
netcdf-c. This means replacing code with netcdf-c
5. Add --with-testserver to configure.ac to allow
override of the servers to be used for --enable-dap-remote-tests.
6. There were multiple versions of nctypealignment code. Try to
centralize in libdispatch/doffset.c and include/ncoffsets.h
7. Add a unit test for the ncuri code because of its complexity.
8. Move the findserver code out of libdispatch and into
a separate, self contained program in ncdap_test and dap4_test.
9. Move the dispatch header files (nc{3,4}dispatch.h) to
.../include because they are now shared by modules.
10. Revamp the handling of TOPSRCDIR and TOPBUILDDIR for shell scripts.
11. Make use of MREMAP if available
12. Misc. minor changes e.g.
- #include <config.h> -> #include "config.h"
- Add some no-install headers to /include
- extern -> EXTERNL and vice versa as needed
- misc header cleanup
- clean up checking for misc. unix vs microsoft functions
13. Change copyright decls in some files to point to LICENSE file.
14. Add notes to RELEASENOTES.md